
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 9 Grey zone

Chapter 9 gray zone

As I finish taking a quick look around and start to assimilate all this change of place, the classic system warning starts to appear.


You have found out in a gray zone.

The power difference has been adjusted.

Rules have been added.

Mental attacks have been tried.

Passive skills have been activated.

As system notifications rained down and the room finished clearing up he began to hear footsteps of hard-soled shoes.

"In position! Turn off notifications and prepare to disperse."

As he spoke Tim began to move forward between the pillars supporting the ceiling.

"I understand I'm going to my place with the gun."

He responded quickly and launched himself towards a pillar, leaning his body against it and drew his pistol ready for anything.

"OK, I'm already positioned."

As I gave him a nod I moved to the pillar on the left and drew my sword.

Tac tac the sound of the shoe on the stone proving that the being was coming towards us.

"Tim hey Tim"

"what Lucas don't you see I almost shit myself, don't give these scares.

As it hit me in the face and I wonder if these guys there is something they take.

Seriously, Lucas speaks again.

"I say there is darkness everywhere even if the torches are lit that means we can ambush him no?

"In fact it's a good idea. And besides we'll know if he's the boss or not you know if he gets to play with the dismembered chest he's evil and stuff hahahaha."

As Tim looked at me and rolled his eyes, he lifted my shoulders as if pleading that it had to be said and it was said.

Now yes, as Tim headed towards Lucas' place the footsteps grew heavier and with them came the sound of bone against bone.

From out of the darkness came the presumed boss if he could be called that, he was a man about 5'7" tall white with blond hair tied in a ponytail and an elegant white father's suit with gold straps, there was also a cape hanging off his back.

And it had to come the bad thing wasn't bone on bone noises but his weapon, one was a damn jagged spear if that one from blood is like who was the one who gave that to a father?

"haa.. I smell them that smell of fresh pure blood.."

Raising his head and sniffing the air like an animal he continued his dialogue.

"get out.. Fear will only worsen the taste of your flesh.... Fear not my girls.."

As his tongue protruded from his mouth proving it was longer than a human and moistened his lips his words continued.

As Tim and Lucas sent me a look of shall we jump or not? I give him a negative and make a watch pose with my fingers and pointed at the father.

With a nod from both of us we begin to wait for the father to finish his crazy dialogue, which truth be told there wasn't much consistency between them.




As his cries echoed through the room and his footsteps approached the altar in the middle of the room he began to calm down.

Kneeling down and in prayer pose putting his weapon aside, he began to speak to the altar.

"It was the right thing to do, wasn't it? I did everything for mankind, EVERYTHING! hahaha hahaha was it the right thing right? Answer me my god.."

As his head fell into a crying pose still kneeling, I signal Tim for decapitated and he gives me a thumbs up.

Slowly Tim approaches the father with his sword in hand and Luke takes position in case of conflict.

Slowly even slower as he stands behind the father, with both hands on the sword with a hard and fast slash his sword connects with the father's neck sending his head flying.

Bam, with a dull sound the father's head hit the mossy stone floor and rolled onto his face.

The body losing its center of gravity fell towards the altar or so it almost did, when Tim kicked it to the side dragging his weapon with him.

"ehh... Are we done? OK now everyone go home or what's up."

Yes yes yes YES hahaha hahaha hahaha!"

With his words of madness and fervent devotion the headless body began to react, he stood up in a twist and grabbed his spear.

Of the head the same could be said, from the previously severed neck vines the thickness of arms began to sprout and lift it off the ground giving way to a grotesque sight.

"Two for one puta que oferton jajaja sorry I had to say it" .

"Lucas, malo riko pero malo."

"Seriously I love your references but now is not the time, there's a very pissed off daddy and he's coming for our asses.

" I missed you no homo Juan,I'll start to doubt you otherwise hahaha" ."
