
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 10 The boss 1/2

Chapter 10 the boss

With a bestial scream originating from the father's head, as if that was a trigger everyone sprang into action.

Tim relying on his superior physical strength and sword skill lunged towards the father's body.

With only the option of fighting the head, I lunged towards it with sword in hand.

As I approached with superhuman speed, the head completed its fighting form.

Resembling spider legs unfolding from its body, it is now in its combat form.

With the quick arrival I made I positioned myself under its legs and start trying to cut its vines from the inside out.

This proved to be futile as the shorter I cut the faster the Vine regenerates, with my plan messed up and no new ideas, he tried to attract the attention of the head until the body drops.


Throwing me to the side to dodge its intention to crush me into the ground with the weight of its vine body.

Managed to see the creature run towards a pillar and start climbing towards the ceiling of the room, before we managed anything to stop it it was already lost in the darkness.

"up John was a damn spider there are no surprises in him climbing."

Luke comes towards me as he speaks and extends his hand towards me who was surprised on the floor.

Grabbing his hand quickly and standing up. We begin to see tim's struggle.

Tim's point of view.

He quickly grabbed my gun in his other hand and quickly threw me towards the father's body, you know that head looked a lot like a spider I wasn't going to mess with it.

Shingg with a flash of sparks the blades clash, without waiting for the body to move away I guided my gun towards his heart firing without wasting a second.


With a cloud of smoke the bullet shoots straight towards his heart, hitting right on target and causing the body to fall backwards momentarily.

With the loss of force applied in the crash I go into a direct fall and before I know it a blade lunges straight towards my chest.

At that point I knew, I'm screwed or so I thought applying inhuman force to my ankle and forcibly turning my whole body, I shot off to the side avoiding the blade that almost reached my chest.

Ugg with my body spinning across the stone floor managed to see Juan and Lucas running to my side as the body fixed his stance now with a long spear in his hand.

Juan's point of view.

Running over to Tim, I have Luke help him as I make my way towards the body with the spear which is in a Gundyr style stance.

With a sideways sweep that nearly splits me in two, I roll under the spear and make a piercing slash towards his chest.

"no damage it's composed of vines that's why it doesn't bleed from the chest, retreat quickly!"

Hearing Tim's shout I move backwards quickly or so I thought, with some warm liquid touching my face I realize my arm went flying.

Only looking towards him do I realize why, his spear went back to its blade mode and sliced my arm on my retreat.

"are you ok?"

Jim:not really Lucas, That doesn't matter how is Tim?

"I'm fine I already healed from that minor wound, let's just say this body also has a good regeneration or is it because of the race?"

While stepping on his previously injured foot showing that he is already healthy, showing interest in my arm with his gaze.

"no problem, it's the same thing here the regeneration is doing its job."


With a shot fired from the barrel of Lucas' gun, we return to combat as the father stops due to the impact, Tim and I run to intercept.

Shingg with a clash of swords between Tim and the father, I quickly head back to Backstab the fucker.

As my sword headed straight for his back, he heard a shout from the front in the sword clash.

"Get down!"

Without a second thought he threw me down only to notice the blade passing over the top of my head, the father started spinning like a top.

The wind was hitting my body due to the rotation of the blade and before I can realize it stop, I only see a spear coming towards my back.


With the spear being redirected to the side due to the shot, I lunged to cut off the arm not equipped with the spear with the thought that Tim was going for it another.

In a stroke of luck my thoughts were right, the father's arms flew off and without wasting any time Tim kicks him Spartan style sending him flying into the opposite side of Lucas.

"hey is he dead?"

We turn around to answer Lucas.

"NO! It doesn't look like something that dies from simple dismemberment."

With a bestial roar the father appears in our vision now fused with his head, his previously severed arms now formed by whip-like vines he dragged along the ground.