
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 8 claustrophobic

Chapter 8 claustrophobic

On the other side of the door was a corridor that would test any claustrophobic. closed, dark and bloody that added to the rancid smell did not give a very good omen.

When we realized that there was no danger we entered the corridor in a formation of three in a row (...) Tim in front, Lucas in the middle and me at the end.

We continued down the corridor but there was no sign of anything. Just blood and darkness everywhere.

Tac tac tac the sound of the three of us shoes echoed through the hallway when suddenly a light appeared at the end of the tunnel.

"Light to the front! On combat potion boys."

"and what the fuck does that mean we're not soldiers or something.

Replied Lucas to Tim, As he rolled his eyes and pulled out his sparkle hint.

"But it sounded good right? It gave it a touch of o wow we are powerful."

Letting out a small laugh the dark mood nearby faded.

"I hope there's nothing I can hear because if not we're already screwed."

I chide them softly and let out a sigh, followed by this I gripped my sword tightly.

As we prepared for any unforeseen events that might come up, we continued our approach towards the light.

When we reached the place that gave off the light, we realized that it came from inside a fog.

No. More than fog it looks like smoke with a solid composition, its black interior gave no sign of what was hidden behind its radiant front.

"It looks like the light is coming from inside."

"What a genius you are! We didn't notice."

As he rolled his eyes and struck a theatrical pose as if he was shouting eureka!!!,damn Lucas and his sense of humor.

"Is there any sign of what's inside, I can't see anything from back here."

"nothing really. No sound, no vision and no smell at all, You can tell there is no additional information to be given to us before the confrontation."

Tim answered me , giving a little description of the situation up ahead.

"So are we going in or what? The only good thing about this is that we are not short of lives, by trial and error you learn."

" right you are right there is no need to fear the outcome of such a fight."

If Lucas is right, death is no longer an issue now.

"There is so much smell of trust that it terrifies me, whatever you know Juan behind to watch your back, Lucas gives support with firearms, I go as a human shield."

"No one has ever cared so much about me.... Tim we remember you as a macho among machos."

Lucas replied, as he wipes an imaginary tear from his face and lifts his face to the ceiling.

"motherfucker I'm still alive at least expect me to walk through the damn door, ha.. Whatever."

As Tim extends his hand towards the smoky door, the landscape around him diffuses into a sea of colors.

When we reopened our eyes we were no longer in a place that could be considered mechanical like the previous ones.

High black brick walls as if they were burnt bricks, the floor made of mossy stone gave away the antiquity of this structure and large pillars support the roof that cannot be seen from below.

All this plus the darkness of the surroundings and you will have a boss room to fight while thinking that the room was illuminated thanks to the torches on the pillars,giving a view of the details of the room.

On the floor and walls large vines intertwined freely, following these roots with my vision I came upon its center in which stood a structure that can only be described as pagan.

Made of bones and human flesh it stood at the center of all the roots. its structure was a chest with an open chest where women's heads were intertwined by their hair, its neck where its head should be was embedded a bone dagger with a vile green glow.

Dialogue crutches like this one. Luke:speaks

They will come out in later chapters 15 at the latest

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