
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 7 The talk

Chapter 7 the talk



"You have been denied access to this information due to too low friendship."


"User information has been blocked from the information search."

As my eyes twitched at the second message, I think and I did the same so well we are even.

With everyone coming out of their trance and the scrutinizing looks we were giving each other, the introductions began.

Getting up from the couch the cute boy activated his unique ability, one that only someone popular can use, that is learned by fire of conversation was.... Uggh gross I can't even say his name.

"oh my great destined companions, my name is Lucas a normal man, with normal tastes and a normal life."

OK this guy is weird you know.. I only heard the beginning of his introduction and I'm already on guard against him, or will it be my unsocial person instincts. Whatever it is, getting up from the couch I start my presentation.

"I'm Juan, a norm man.

"stand up there! no one is planning to make a damn normal presentation?"

"ok OK calm down boy.. I'm Juan was a simple student or I am well whatever, the important thing is that I'm not much of a talker so if I don't answer don't worry."

"see that's easy, and your cute boy what's your story".

"haa.. My name is Lucas, I was a history student in college and don't let my looks fool you I've never had a girlfriend."

"ok... Weird."

"I won't ask what was that last slip of the tongue haha.... Uff how awkward, well here goes mine."

"I'm Tim if only Tim.. I was a student in the sports area that's why I walk mamadisimo, haha leaving that aside I'm good at resisting blows literally, I got my ass kicked by the first walker and still held on I guess I didn't just change my race name."

" uff it was very complete."

That's all Lucas managed to say then slumped back on the couch and looking at Tim, he spoke again.

" I'm good at marksmanship although the reloading time fucks me up the whole making me rambo thing."

As I wondered if it was a toc or something that his tongue always slipped, I began to describe my specialties.

"I'm pretty good with both, well as much as the system helps me with weapons knowledge grade F. If I had to say which one I do better with it would be the sword."

Letting out a sigh for talking too much in so long, I fall back on the couch like a log only for Tim to take the floor.

" well seeing as the introductions are over, let's get this briefing started."

As he finished speaking he walked over to one of the armchairs and sat down with his back straight and his flintlock weapon on his thighs.

"Good point but is it necessary? We would only have ramblings of the real thing with the minuscule clues we have been given.

Lucas responded to Tim's plan.

John: good point, let's throw out random things and see what we hit plus it will serve as a confidence builder,so


"As your host started me, you've seen the wagons, haven't you? That's weird think about it the first one was very high quality, the second was a very normal one with rows of benches on the sides and nothing to stand out, the third was empty, the fourth was like the third one these two were actually connected.

"you mean these wagons are from different places.... Umm if you consider how the system had to synchronize space to allow the three of us to join this idea is possible."

Lucas has apparently noticed this too, though Tim didn't respond maybe different trains?

"ok I'll go, you'll have had a look at your status by now won't you? It's all normal RPG stuff except no stats."

Taking a big sigh, and shifting in place, Tim resumed his roll of information.

"very well by the looks of it our stats are locked until the end of the tutorial, that's what the descriptions of the equipment found so far says, which is weird think about it if we had the stats revealed it would be easier."

"mmm why, I mean not that it affects much in reality since it wouldn't matter how much Hp you have you get your head chopped off and that's the end of the story."

You have a good point Lucas here,but I can contribute more to your response.

"from the multiple creature IDs I've done, I can state that the Hp is always 100/100 showing that life can't be marked."

"I understand then stats are not as important as they make them out to be in manga or games."

Tim seems to be a man who accepts all ideas.

"well.. Yeah let's say yes for now."

As I closed my eyes and guided my hand to the bridge of my nose I began to ponder all this, now all that would be missing now would be Lucas's information if he has any.

":mmm I'll go then,have any of you died yet?"

That comes out of nowhere, but there is only one answer from my side.


":no, I fist bumped the first one and came close to fucking up, but no I haven't died yet."

Tim is the toughest fucking guy I've seen so far.

"um Alright, the important thing about all this is that the ouroboros ability is real well that was a foregone conclusion since everything else is too."

As Lucas let out a sigh and fixed his thoughts to continue talking I prepare to listen.

"as you may know ouroboros is the dragon that represents eternity, I guess that's where the name of such ability comes from."

"I understand then did you die or not?"

at least ask tactfully, fucking Tim.

"if in the first one, I can affirm that the skill works correctly."

"very well it seems that we have already put everything on the table, it only remains to cross that door and finish the tutorial."

Tim, you're all set by the looks of it.

"huh? There's no conclusion to this was just to talk or what" .

"not just to talk Lucas it was more to increase the trust between us."

"um! That's right."

Tim nodded as he hopped off his couch and smoothed out his clothes, he drew his sword with one hand and grabbed his gun with the other, making a turn towards the door.

"Are you boys coming or not?"

Standing up from my couch and already fully equipped I start heading towards the door with a half doubtful Lucas as to what is going on.

When I get to where Tim is I see it unlike the previous ones this is a dark metal door giving a feeling of hardness and heaviness.

"At 3 o'clock I open it, Luke you point from a safe distance towards the center of the door and John against the wall with sword in hand."


"3, 2, 1 go."

With a swipe of his leg the door swung open sideways showing us the aberration on the inside.

Dialogue crutches like this one. Luke:speaks

They will come out in later chapters 15 at the latest

Th3_C4tcreators' thoughts