
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 6 unión of realities

Chapter 6 union of realities

Seeing the two creatures lying in the hallway after our fight, I felt renewed from the inside must be because of the last power boost I got.

No, I feel as if it wasn't a momentary power boost, it was like a power that this body always had such as adapting to smell or staggering.

As the euphoria fades, my normal state returns, moving my sight towards the bodies I extend my hand to loot the loot.


You have obtained bullet+2

You have obtained knight footwear+1

You have obtained rain cape+1

As I saw another part of the knight's set, something else caught my eye.

Rain cape(armor)


Stats:locked until end of tutorial

Description:a waterproof cloak that protects from liquids, the question is what kind of liquids are bathing your body?

It was the first green equipment I found in this tutorial, excitedly I move to the next door of the wagon.

As I touch the door, a system notification pops up.


"You have reached the secure area of the tutorial, you are requested to cooperate with the system and remain inside awaiting further instructions."

"You will be given them at the appropriate time, you will be assured that you are fully ready for the end of the tutorial."

Passing through the door I find myself in a room with a flash of light.

Stone walls which ancient castle, with two large windows that gave a view of the sunny outside, a floor lined with colorful carpet and several different sized armchairs scattered around the room.

It was weird. Well if you didn't notice at the time you were teleported, the room screamed weird, It wasn't weird you know, various colored carpets as if a rainbow was crashing on the floor and armchairs lying all over the place in no apparent order.

As he looked around the whole place, he took a seat in a simple one-seater armchair, waiting for something or someone to show up or something.


"The requirements for the tutorial test have been met."

"Teams are being made for the last phase."

"Preparing the pairing."

3,2,1 ready

As the countdown reached the end, a flash of white light flooded my field of vision and dizziness hit my body.

I squeezed the armrest of the couch, enduring the dizziness and the lights in my vision. I hoped this whole situation would end at once.

After 3 to 5 minutes the light cleared, the dizziness receded and my vision became useful again. In the once empty room there were now two human looking beings only all black, just like in the games when it doesn't charge for lag.

In less than a second I pointed my flintlock gun at one of the individuals, only to realize that he was also pointing a matching gun at me.


"Synchronization has been completed at space/time level."

"Synchronization has been initiated at the psychological level."

3,2,1 ready!

"Synchronization complete in current states:space,time,psychological. Due to the wishes of the current players."

While we were in this tea game pointed and pointed at me, the unknown figures became clear showing two men about 18~20 years old.

WiFi be praised! As I raised my hands in a very epic position AND.

No seriously now, it all clicked in my mind already these two men were the new players the system brought in for this so called final test.

The first one appeared leaning against the wall like a gang member, but his appearance didn't make him look like that.

He was tall at least 6'3" stocky the kind of guy you would see in a gym, but as you looked up a little more coming to his face I could only say. oh my! He was the legendary baby face in a man's body, further adorned with his dark straight hair down to the nape of his neck and his light brown eyes made him look very odd.

Looking away from that aberration of fate, she glanced towards the second man in the room.

This one was sitting in one of the armchairs in the room.

Oh wow, just that. He was the legendary pretty boy, his 5'10" body with swimmer-like muscles and golden hair with green eyes. He was everything it took to pick up any girl he wanted.

This gets hotter by the minute. Before I get further lost in this whole train of thought, I can only say in my mind.
