
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 5 ¿The Exorcist?

Chapter 5 The Exorcist?

Top hat(equipment)


Stats:locked until end of tutorial

Description:a cap that belongs to a set of equipment. Its dark color with silver edges shows discretion but reveals the wealth of the wearer.

Knight's monocle(equipment)


Stats:locked until end of tutorial

Description:monocle worn by a knight its gold and transparent crystal rim shows how rich the wearer was.

Gloves of a knight(equipment) (broken)


Stats:locked until end of tutorial

Description:gloves that saw better days

Short iron dagger(weapon)


Description:a self-defense weapon its ornamental hilt shows that it was not intended for actual combat.

While reading all the information on the items found, it was time for him to leave this wagon and continue moving forward.

Already all set up, grab the weapon I left it lying around during the fight, reload the weapon and last but not least apply the liquid on the sword.


A foul smell was coming from the weapon now, I mean it was obvious rotten liquid and all,how did I not get the idea.

Holding my nose and rolling my eyes due to my stupidity, I move towards the next sliding door.

Through its window I see a simple carriage, pairs of seats on either side, a straight aisle down the center with a plain red carpet showing its simplicity in contrast to the previous ones.

Sliding the door to one side I have a full view in the vicinity of the door. There are some suitcases, clothes and miscellaneous things such as mirrors, sets of keys, etc but no dead bodies or blood something strange at this point.

With concern for this strange scene I continue my way slowly down the corridor, while I look to the sides in case I have missed something, everything was fine too well for all the weirdness that has been going on.

Arriving at the sliding door of this wagon, I proceed to look inside, inside were some naked male corpses, their skin pale as if they were drained of blood, with erratic movements they were moving around this wagon, Which had a structure just like the previous one.

"There is no longer a single enemy by the looks of it there are two."

As I thought and scanned the wagon more thoroughly from my position I readied my weapons.

I then slammed the door to the side and went into action, placing my sword in front of my body and my pistol in the opposite hand fearing the speed of the walkers.

Sensing my presence, they moved towards me, their movement slow, staggering and monotonous.

Seeing such a demonstration of weakness, I have realized that these are different from the previous one, besides their skin and shape their stats must be much less than the previous one.

Steadily advancing down the corridor, I put myself in a defensive position sealing off the corridor so I wouldn't be surrounded from the sides, it's okay to be confident but not to be an idiot and throw myself into the lion's den.

The degraded walker advanced to my proximity.

Guahh with a roar full of power not resembling his weak and naked body, the walker began to charge like a bull full of fury, his open mouth full of teeth and his red eyes showing his hunger for flesh.

Stepping sideways into the gap between two seats, he let the hungry beast pass at length, then stepping forward to get out of the gap, he fired my weapon into the junction of the back of his knees.

Bomm! With a thunderous sound coming out of the cannon, the beast falls to its knees, without wasting time I rushed at him with my sword raised and ready to cut off the creature's head.

Giving a supernatural twist as in the damned exorcist was left in an inverted dog shape, he extended his right hand sacrificing it managing to stop my descending sword.

With one arm flying through the air and a grunt of pain, I felt the sensation of something approaching from behind me, trusting my body's instincts, I do a ram roll backwards feeling how amazing this body is once again.

With air passing over me, I stand up giving a view of what confronted me, the second walker has arrived and took a form just like the previous one, the first one has a wounded leg and one arm less, the cut site has dark green veins crawling towards its chest.

"I'm with the weapon unloaded, and in front of two dangerous animals, haa what a problem, now seriously I must make time for the poison to take effect on the 1st one and finish off the 2nd one."

With all said and done I prepare for a fight of attrition.

Guahh with a roar of pure pain and reluctance, the beast number 1 falls without knowing why or caring, I see that the second one moves its head up to see behind it.

At that moment I ran with everything towards it while it was distracted, with the sword up and a speed impossible for a normal human I launched a cut with all my strength on its unprotected neck.

With ease and speed, a clean cut appeared where the connection between the neck and the skull was before, resulting in immediate death.