
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 4 no loot no life

Chapter 4 no loot no life

"uff uff."

As I tried to regulate my breathing after the short but intense combat I had with that thing notifications began to appear on my retina.

You have killed a walker class beast for the first time, for exceptional bravery it has earned the rewards.

Title: No more cannon fodder (grey)

A medal that every beginner should earn at some point in their career.

"Just this? All the fight, emotion and aggression just for a sh*tty title?"

Angrily I start kicking the monstrous corpse at my feet. with more liquid coming out of the horizontal cut due to the blows, calm begins to come to my mind.

"Wait, it's more of a reward for the achievement of killing a walker for the first time. Instead of the loot from the bug itself, that means more wealth."

Extending my hand towards the corpse I say the magic words.


at that same instant the classic status I'm so used to seeing by now appears.





Race:corrupted human(walker)





Abilities:natural poison(racial)

Minor regeneration(racial)

Description:A human being who has been contaminated beyond what a human body can withstand, resulting in unknown and abominable mutations in the recipient of such contamination.



"Rewards will begin to be given."


Vial of unknown liquid+2

Walker's tongue+1

"ok I thought it would be more than just some bullets and junk."

As all the notifications flashed across my retina and I was getting pissed off at the complete garbage, I realize that this walker is just cannon fodder AND that surprises me quite a bit truth be told.

"haa if they give you lemons make lemonade. Let's see what this is all for, except bullets since that's obvious, I hope..."

Flask of unknown liquid

Quality: (gray)

Description:A vial of an extremely toxic substance, can give immediate death to a normal human. Secondary use can be applied to weapons that have a solid surface to add poison damage.

Walker's Tongue

Quality (gray)

Description:a tongue of a walker, can be used as a hunting test in any church on the continent. Secondary use various kinds of residual energies are kept in the flesh awaiting proper use.

"it's a preparation object,the tongue by the looks of it and the vial must be the liquid that comes out of the body."

As I was putting my thoughts in order, a revelation came to me not from god or something no. It was from my great genius!!!

"since the liquid is from the corpse, doesn't that mean this critter is a gold mine?"

As my gaze drifts to the corpse lying on the light wood floor. I feel that it is the most beautiful thing of today.

"hehehe you never say no to a gift, I need vials or some vessel for the blood if you can call it that."

As my fantasies of free poison grew I realized something. There is nothing resembling a Vial or container here, just trash and broken things, Even if I use one on my weapon it just leaves an empty Vial.

" last option the system has inventory, so you should be able to place inside the whole corpse no? If the tongue has a use and its blood too that means the body is a complete loot."

As my speak out loud to place my ideas in order just for an excuse that allows me to take this gold mine, I extend my shaking hand saying the magic words.

" system."

With a glow of white light the body has disappeared.

"yes. yes. Oh YES."

Excitement has gone to my head, I no longer have to worry about where to put the poison. Finishing all this I can now check the other bodies.

As I approach the first one that has had its feet eaten, I touched it with my left hand and tried to say the words in my mind.

system(internal thought)











Description:a corrupted being that has been cannibalized by another to increase its power this being is the basics of the basics.



"Ace obtained"

Top hat+1

Broken knight gloves+1


"let the party continue!"

As I quickly move between the three bodies, I take inventory of everything found.


Top hat+1

Broken knight gloves+1

Knight's monocle+1

Short iron dagger+1

"If this isn't a set of equipment I don't know what is."

I say everything has knight in its info. As I was thinking about the set I ask for a more detailed description of the items.