
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 3 first fight

Chapter 3 first fight












Description:a human who has had his life force absorbed beyond his limit making his infection impossible for the invading energies to contain.


"I can only say... What an unfortunate man, isn't he? He didn't even get to transform. Well more luck to me yay!"

As I finished reading the system, I extended my hand upwards with a little yay. I put my weapon away in the system again this not having an empty hand didn't sit well with me at all.

Already prepared and mentally prepared, I left the room passing by the corpse, I made it out into the hallway. Already in the middle of the long light wood hallway I noticed that the rooms are smaller than they are inside.

Whatever... I walk down the corridor past several dark wooden doors like mine. All closed as far as I have come to ascertain in my walk towards the door separating this carriage from the other.

Now in front of my line of sight rises, a dark wooden door with a small window. it gives a preview of what can be found on the other side apparently it is a sliding door as it has no handle.

As I approach the window I catch a glimpse of it. Tania relatively tall human form of 5'7" with no skin, her muscles out in the open. pulsing slowly in a heartbeat like pattern her joints instead of being red carry a white yellow liquid that seeps through her fingernails and toenails. His erratic and illogical movements made him look like an easy target.

It was time to take action. He checked my skills one last time and my vision shifted to my right hand where the silver sword was located. A simple spatha type sword only silver with a length of 90 cm to 1m.

Longer than normal.

"It's time!"

As I grabbed the door with my left hand and shifted it to the side,it entered my retina everything in the compartment. In addition to the skinless human figure there were 3 dismembered bodies lying nearby some missing arms others feet and one was unrecognizable due to its high degree of cannibalism. The benches that should have been in rows were lying on their sides and broken for the most part.

Before I could shake off the shock from

The sight I felt him see me.

POV 3rd __________________________

waagg a guttural roar like a beast followed by the cracking of cheek flesh giving way to the sight of another line of teeth. Its tongue longer than a human's released pale white saliva like milk with a foul odor, it quickly lunged towards Juan.

Before Juan could realize it he was already in his personal space. With a swing of his left arm he was sent flying towards the benches on the side of the wagon.

With a swing of his left arm he was sent flying towards the benches on the sides of the carriage. he coughed with saliva being shot out of his mouth due to the impact but thanks to the effect of the 0 pain skill he recovered quickly. only to see the creature on him again, just with enough time to place his arm on the beast's neck so that it would not manage to tear his neck.

With his face in its face the smell in his nose and a white liquid dripping onto his face from his mouth. he felt the beast put more power on his muscles just to get a chunk of his flesh, waving his unoccupied hand to the side he yelled out

"SPARK GUN! With the gun in his hand he directed the barrel towards the creature's mouth.


With a cloud of smoke and blood shooting out of the front of the gun barrel, he is now half deaf from the discharge of the gun. moving half staggering he quickly heads towards the sword that was left lying in the vicinity of the door.

-----------------------------Fin from 3rd person

As I was picking up the weapon I heard it. The sound of the drops hitting the floor and his footsteps as of a drunk man. The being was moving even without its head attached to its body. Yellowish white liquid was coming out of its neck and its steps became too slow compared to its superhuman speed of before.

Now with no bullets and only a sword it was time for melee combat. I firmly gripped the sword with my right hand and with a shout to give me courage I lunged at the beast.

haa!!! With a horizontal slash from the right shoulder to the left side of the ribs the sword pierced gently through the flesh.

With an avalanche of yellow-white liquid spurting out of the wound. the creature immediately stopped moving as if its strings were being cut and fell chest down to the ground. With a thud.