
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 2 Poor guy

Chapter 2 poor guy

When I heard the system announcement, it had already started counting down on the screen.

"ok looks like I was locked in the room, I didn't even notice in 5min haa me and my mania to rave."

As I was lost in my thoughts, a red light started to disperse from the door giving way to a smell of iron coming in and a red liquid staining the expensive carpet.

"This is bad, isn't it? I mean Nothing personal but it looks like a typical horror scene in a 2nd rate movie haha".

As I kept watching the red membrane come out of the door from the bottom to the top, it was time to notice my status in more detail, I quickly passed the status screen showing name,HP, MP.etc.

And I focused on the so called skills.


Mark of ouroboros(racial)

A mark that belongs to you as a hunter and gives great powers.

[-100% physical pain]

[when you die you will be reborn in the next 5 minutes in a safe area assigned by the system].

Hunter's instinct (racial)

Something that every hunter has.

[fear and nervousness will no longer affect you in normal situations]

[when facing a beast your slashes and shots will be more effective].

Weapon control F(racial)

A skill that every hunter has just for being a hunter.

[a skill that gives more control over weapons].


"This is what you call a good start to the game eh? Well here we go."

As I skimmed through the skills on my status screen, I quickly equipped myself with the starter set and slowly walked to the door of the room.

With a simple click of the lock opening it shows that it is all well maintained.

I held the handle of the dark wooden door and opened to the inside of the room, A stench of iron and decay like when something died a long time ago entered my nose.

"cuagg que asco!"

retching due to the smell and trying to grab my nose but unable to due to the weapons, I staggered backwards.

"uff uff!"

Gulping for air quickly due to gagging, I quickly adapt to the smell too quickly for a normal person.

Already calm and lucid from all the stench, I notice the mess outside,. A long hallway of light colored wood that extends to a door that separates what looks like one carriage from another, On the sides of the hallway are other rooms that look like the same type as the one I'm in, all adorned with a tapestry of gold and black colors showing again the quality of this place.

If that was all it would be a very good place to spend the day indeed. There were suitcases lying all over the place and even clothes all in disarray as if they were coming out of their rooms in terror, And the biggest prize goes to my room which has a corpse lying in front of it already pale and dreary.

"Ho! The blood is coming from here so it looks like.... If this was a horror movie the corpse would be up now wouldn't it?"

Approaching the room marker he struck the corpse with the sword. You know I wasn't going to go near that thing see if it gets up or something.

Then he stabs it. Ahem give it a few touches of affection, I realize it's dead well I mean with all that white on the body and the fountain of blood it was obvious.

ufff I sigh and approach the poor guy, He is a man of about 30 to 35 years old with short groomed hair with a mighty mustache and thick eyebrows that make him look like quite an older gentleman thanks to his well dressed clothes showing his capital. I reached out my hand and touched him saying loudly.
