
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 28 arrows

Chapter 28 arrows

Steven pov—---------------------------------------

Ha...did he really send Juan to learn to beat?

While thinking about the things that happened 5 seconds ago, I start to pull out my trusty morning star 10 kilos of pure steel from the lord straight to their faces,in my left hand are the holy scriptures enshrined in the church in Rio.

Now already giving John a few pointers, I begin to use the ancient languages to create a connection with the residual Faith left around the area.

"um.. This is going to be a bit of a problem because the bitches are on those flying snakes."

Managing to find which snakes those mermaids are on thanks to the rain and the rejection of Faith in certain areas. I take a leap into the heights with the help of the air currents and ride on top of one of those snakes.

On its back I use the oldest but most useful miracle on Faithless beasts, Brainwashing and then connect it to the Grid so that there is no friendly fire.

Now with a stable mount he starts a massacre, flying in the middle of the snakes that don't know what happened. I start to strike from right to left with my morning star imbued with Faith.

Sha... With a full blow my head explodes like a watermelon, chunks of brain and flesh raining down on the deck of the ship. In all this I am forced to jump and tame another due to the explosion of flames on my previous mount.


With an explosion of fire that illuminates the rainy afternoon, charred snakes fall on the ship and the sea, without giving time to rest they come back for more,

I am forced to jump over the bodies of the birds to get out of such a situation.



"damn let's see if they like this!"

Lifting my star towards the clouds he applied an easy miracle from the church of tides.

"Chain of lightning!"

It was to be expected the consequences of this Water+Fe=one-sided slaughter, in a demonstration of absolute power under a storm. Lightning spreads from the star and spreads like a ravenous beast.


With noises of electricity and clear blue lights, behind the lightning only mostly charred beasts remain along with a few death wounds.

In the air there is nothing and no one left to oppose my superiority, at this moment father Michael shouts at me and oh god I know why....

??? Pov—-------------------------------------------

On the only mountain of the archipelago from where the view is absolute, more exactly, in an open region of the top of the mountain, where the rain falls in absurd quantities, there she is.

She was a mermaid but not just any mermaid, her constitution is like all members of this race a humanoid upper part and a snake lower part. The light green grass-like scales on her tail reflect the lightning light and her long black hair with two braids framing her face show a beauty that no normal human would have.

"umm.. They have had a quicker reaction than expected, I guess it will have changed the sovereignty over the archipelago."

I spoke into the air trusting that my questions would be answered, which happens from another mermaid in the area.

"That's right ma'am according to our intelligence, the flags on the vessels are from the Southern Empire, they have a close proximity to this area."

Hearing my servant's response, I started to think,after a few seconds that my bow did not stop its fire towards them I extend my hand towards the servant.

"reach me for what we have come all this way."

"madam that relic belongs to the queen according to the law you cannot use it so arbitrarily."

With a refusal to my request, I just give her a look loaded with a minimum of intention which manages to prove useful, because it manages to make her do what I want.

In her hands she carries a white bag that in its opening is entangled with a golden ribbon, from it come out the backs of about 10 golden arrows and between the openings we manage to see a dark blue-purple glow.

"according to the description of the relic that the queen gave us, this is where a god named Gwyndolin keeps his arrows something that was demonstrated since I only placed my arrows in that light and they became much more destructive."

He wasn't just talking to me, this was a reminder to the queen as I know this bootlicker will tell her everything.

I grab an arrow and direct it towards the bow I am using with my two right arms, as I reach up to the string the arrow pleases to fit into it, I begin to pull the line and with every millimeter a deep blue-purple light gathers at the tip.

As I let go of the string I managed to see a young silver-haired girl, atop her head sits an amethyst crown and on it rests a moon. She flew... As the arrow left the bow it multiplied 5,20,60 before I knew it I no longer knew the exact number.