
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 29 Withdrawal

Chapter 29 Withdrawal

Juan pov—-----------------------------------------

With a diagonal cut, the murloc's arm disconnects from the body spraying a dark green substance.

I follow this up with a 360° turn and my sword creates a linear cut over its two eyes, only to end it with a shot from my dragon over its face before I can react.


Another one that falls under my dragon, well this can be considered benevolent you know. On the other hand, the ones that meet Carlos don't come out so well.

Directing my gaze in a sweep across the deck, managed to see multiple bodies of what were once murlocs. Some have abnormally pale skin, others have black blood coming out of all their visible orifices, and many more. They only have in common a small Sai on their bodies.

Without thinking too much I return to my duty, I started trotting around the deck looking for my next victim,which is difficult since there is nothing in the vicinity.

"In formation!"

With an unfamiliar shout behind me, I hear the hurried but orderly passing of multiple people who by elimination must be the ship's soldiers.

Now all in relative calm in the vicinity, we manage to hear the multiple rifle discharges from the various nearby ships.

"Juan, take cover!"

With a shout from Michael, I mindlessly activate the skill that has come to me by default. That's the so-called just cause, said guy has been awesome so far and suddenly tells me to take cover. Something bad is coming.

I quickly thrust my sword into the deck of the ship, well more than thrust barely if the sword was embedded about 15cm but that gave me more support for what will come.

With the sword already embedded I created a center of balance with my feet on the sides of the blade, then activated the much talked about just cause ability.

Small golden lights came out of my body and impacted against all living things in the area, my muscles felt relaxed and strength filled my body.

Michael pov—--------------------------------------

With a backwards warning to Juan and with a few quick shouts to Steven, now my gaze is directed towards the source of the danger.

They were no longer simple arrows that shape they lost when they reached the halfway point, now they were like purple-blue shooting stars that covered the entire sky and brought with them a Faith foreign to those of the central continent.

Placing one foot in front of the other in a javelin throwing pose, I begin to expel the Faith from inside my body.

The heat around the area began to increase and the storm to subside, all this only because of the release of Faith for this miracle. A javelin of pure light is quickly created in my hand that is in a throwing position, its edges a pale white and its center a deep golden color.

Taking a deep breath, I let it go, with a horrendous air tearing noise the javelin shot straight out towards the shooting stars.

In a demonstration of pure speed the javelin intercepted them midway, with my hand towards it I destabilized the Faith within.


With an explosion of energy that made an artificial sun appear over the sea, he managed to see how some arrows escaped their destiny among all the steam of the sea.

I can only hope that Steven managed to redirect them, otherwise we're screwed. With that said, a powerful shockwave reaches our position and large waves hit the ships.


With Steven's shouts charged in Faith, large tornadoes of water are created between the remaining arrows and our ships, managing to redirect them into the ocean.

Bomm! Bomm!!!

"We are saved eh!"

With an almost unfamiliar fatigue in his voice, he managed to see John with his sword stuck in the deck and his body glowing golden.

??? Pov—-------------------------------------------

ma'am the targets are still standing."

Seriously don't tell me genius, I can't tell her that. what do I do shot another arrow? No that would already be out of place the bootlicker won't allow it.

"send my orders to the outpost, we withdraw we already accomplished the objective here. I also want you to destabilize the murloc spawning area."

"Understood ma'am I will pass on your order."

With a bow, the queen's siren retreats to complete my second order, the first I will have to take care of.

Bringing my lower left hand to my mouth I begin to speak.

"we withdraw from this archipelago now, we will meet on the opposite shores from where the imperial fleet is coming from."

"ma'am, are you sure? Just a little more push and the citadel will fall into our hands."

"we have only come for the relic not for conquest, there is too much land to fight for this piece of land."

"i understand already started the retreat to the back line."

Juan pov—-----------------------------------------

"ha, ha, ha."

I couldn't breathe, my muscles don't respond if I could feel pain I would be screaming like a bitch. Come on who wouldn't, we just got boarded and then they throw super chetcha arrows at us I'm done.

"system deactivate ability."

With that said the golden particles left my body, and the mental fatigue goes down, but the physical fatigue increases even more.

"hey are you ok? From the looks of it no."

Seriously he asks me that, I'm not moving a fucking hair and sweat is raining down my face.

"Superior healing."

With a refreshing feeling, the numbness in my muscles dissipates, giving way to a total euphoria due to the newfound strength.

"Now what do we do, it looks like the boarding is over."

I asked the bishop who at some point arrived at my side.

"We? The truth nothing instead you, my good friend it is time for you to leave the nest, although Carlos will most likely accompany you as an escort."

Wait what is this guy talking about, it's not like I'm an important resource and all that.

"Don't scare him Steven, what he means is that it's time to disembark on the island. But because of the damage to the fleet we won't be going anywhere near land."

With Michael's arrival, he then began to explain the whole thing.

"So how we get there, for you guys it shouldn't be a problem. But for the normals here the truth is I don't see much chance on a landing ship in this weather."

You had to ask, you know the weather instead of getting better with the clash of different temperatures. It has gotten worse the hot and cold air, it was a bad combination.

"HAHAHA well let's just say this is where the main function of the aircraft carrier comes in, it was intended for troop deployment in enemy areas" with the laugh that is always on his face, the bishop speaks first.

"better to show than talk, follow me they must already be preparing for the assault."

With Michael's words we move towards the rearmost part of the runway, as we get there I notice that there are crowds of soldiers lined up receiving two objects and then being touched by men in robes.

"It seems to me, but there are more people than there were before?"

"That's right, they have come through the Fleet Network. Now take this, they're an upgrade from the items they're giving out there."

With a few words and no explanation, he passes me 2 items. The first is a ring with a cat sculpture and the second was a feather. At that moment it is triggered is system, seriously I need to look in depth at this system when I have time.

Cat ring (jewelry)


Description:a wooden ring carved with a small cat sculpture.

Effect:reduces/prevents fall damage depending on the speed of the fall.

Goose feather (consumable)


Description:a feather collected from wild geese,due to its method of living at high altitudes this one has special effects.

Effect:slows the fall speed of the wearer.

Reading the descriptions my eyes start to twitch,this looks really ugly.