
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 27 Multiple pov

Chapter 27 Multiple pov

Followed by the sight of the trident, a dark blue arm clearly composed of scales rests on the helmet to one side of the trident.

With a masterful application of force, the creature now stands erect on the helmet giving a view of its full body. With a mostly blue humanoid upper body and fins scattered all over its light green body, in its lower region is a long snake tail that connects to its belly with stiffer armor-like scales (Naga Myrmidon).

After the arrival of such a creature from the sides began to appear a multitude of completely humanoid enemies, their bodies made almost entirely of scales of different colors and in their hands carried different types of tools such as hoes, tridents and shovels (murlocs).

I don't even want to know how those things have the tools that can only belong to villagers, but the blood stains on the surfaces tell the fate of the poor bastards.

"John you take care of the murlocs, they are weak alone but don't let yourself be surrounded as it will be the end of you."

"Bishop you take care of the naga sirens, you know those bitches like bombardment attacks."

As he gave his accurate orders for the situation, he pulled out from under his cloak a weapon that didn't seem to be there before, its short leather hilt proving to be one-handed is followed by a curved crescent-like blade,with small dark purple lines.

"then I will begin to locate and destroy the sirens,Juan remember we only buy time for the preparation of the units,don't get entangled in a death match just buy time."

Followed by this display of intelligence from Bishop Stevens, he manages to pull out a morning star with a more elongated handle and in his other hand appears a dark blue book with silver inscriptions.

With a small jump Carlos throws himself towards his fight and Steven begins to speak in an unknown language, meanwhile he advances towards where he was previously placed for the spell of the outer sea.

At that moment I realize that the murlocs are not interested in Steven and Carlos either, they are only after me. I hope all this is not a plan if they have no intention in doing all this.

With my mind on confronting these aberrations, I start running towards those who are more separated from the group. Already arriving to one carrying a shovel, the combat begins.

With a downward slash only applying half my strength, I say they are dwarves and are always cannon fodder, that was a stupid idea.

The low force resulted in my sword suffering a slip on his scales, without waiting for me to recover his shovel hit me in the back and didn't hurt me but it hurt like hell.

With that experience, my hand that carries equipped the dragon I turn it with all my skills and placed it right in front of his ugly face, which seems to be only composed of a mouth full of teeth and two bulging eyes.


With a recoil unlike anything I've ever fired before, I watch as the entire structure of the face deforms under the shot, flesh and blood flying off along with the teeth and eyes.

Once I get into my stride, I begin to fight more confidently and methodically.

Carlos pov—---------------------------------------

I've told him everything I could, the rest he'll have to learn the hard way, not that you can't learn that way.

With a leap of calculated strength I appear behind this super-developed fish, my precious Shotel with his crescent already on his neck tells the story of his defeat.

I thought so, but no. My crescent only manages to leave small white marks on his scales protecting his neck, that's a problem with that thought it hit his back and distanced me from him.

Now in the distance managed to see that his trident is located in my former position, high defenses and a brutal attack.... This is a problem my Shotel is not created to pierce armor.

In those thoughts I see the creature move slowly towards me, slow very slow for a boarding troop this does not please me at all. Never mind from my cloak I pull out multiple Sai with different colored blades.

"I wonder how many it holds hehe."