
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 23 Pillars of Hercules

Chapter 23 Pillars of Hércules.

At a signal from Carlos, we started to head towards the side of the control room.

Now facing a glass door, Carlos placed his hand on it giving rise to a flash and when I came to we were already below deck.

Long wooden corridors greeted us and the walls made of metal with metal doors every now and then, in the corridor there are every now and then some lamps for lighting.

"Come on, I've been told the rooms before."

"Go ahead, I'll follow you."

We moved between corridors, every now and then we passed a soldier who was walking between the corridors.

Now after 5 minutes we finally arrived at the assigned room, it was simple, that's all I can say, a fully equipped bed with a sheet, blanket and pillow, only a small shelf on its side.

only a small shelf on its right side and a small bookcase.

"Here you stay, I would tell you to unpack but you don't have anything so I.."

"very funny, still seriously I'm going to use."

"unlike some I do if I am prepared and that has given me this loot".

With his hand outstretched he managed to see a ring, this one was as simple as possible made of silver iron and a small gem that didn't even reach a pinky nail.

Now from his ring began to come out clothes on the bed,something surprising since the same always happens with a cloak.

"Where do you get all this, he said let's say that you do not give the impression more.... Changing."

"hey I change a lot you know there shouldn't be any trace of smell or anything like that in my work."

"haha whatever, to all this I noticed that you keep calling me father Juan."

"uff yeah let's just say I've been going through a lot about being rigid with charges for people I don't know."

He started stroking his face as he answered me.

"What difference does it make, we started with the studies in a few minutes I'm going to fix my stuff and come back."

Because I study, I just escaped from them and now I'm coming back noo!

Those were my thoughts but in reality I had to answer correctly.

"sure here I wait for you with all this.... Chaos you have left me."


Just ugh, that's all I can say about these 3 days. haven't seen sunlight or left the lower deck.

All because of the damn studies," it's unhelpful that someone in your future position doesn't know this"," it's for your future". ,Fuck them.

I want to cry,well at least it was fun all this studying and thanks to them I was able to camouflage myself after gaining the memories.

Something to say about this world... It's a fucking rainbow there are places where deserts and snowy mountains coexist, whole wheat meadows just because, there are even forests of fruit trees.

Then the central empires are inhabited mainly by humans, but they are not the only civilized races, they just live in other continents.

The distribution of cities is crap, there is one next to the other then one in the middle of nowhere.

I guess it's because of the danger of new cities,of course with beasts and changing climates there's not much desire to get out of the comfort zone.

And what can I say about the story. A disgrace the damn "envoys" is obvious that they are other players, they have done everything from creating empires, destroying them, extinction of species and more...

Now everything fits, you know this references to Blood and DS.

All this happened because of the stupid world law that the stronger you are the more the world is affected by you, now put 195 players and strange things start to happen.

From a blood style continent and if it's still inhabited there's even a church detachment there, to relics that are weapons from games,but everything stays in a range up to 1920 max.

Boom boom!

With a bang on the door, I shoot out of my thoughts.

"hey come on out, we've been here since the beginning of the voyage we must go on deck to see the beginning of the outer sea."

Shing with a creak the door manages to open, giving way to Carlos' face and as always in his classic attire.

"what are we going to see it for?"

" you seem to lack studies as you don't know the greatness of this feat."

With a quick change in my face a quick smile is drawn.

"How do you think, it is an honor to see when this fleet leaves the safety of the Pillars of Hercules."

"So spoken now underway it is already reaching the turnaround zone."

With a nod, he moves to the side to let her out.

Haa... Looks like I'll have to go if or if.

Already with my complete defeat we move to one of those glass doors and he places his hand on it.

And with the classic glow we are in the control tower.