
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 24 Outer sea

Chapter 24 Outer sea

Back in the command room we meet Michael and Steven again, both standing at the exit door.

"What a nice boy came to see off his favorite bishop."

Bishop Steven as always was energetic.

"Juan,Carlos are you guys also going to see the exit of the Pillars of Hercules?".

As his eyes look at us, he asks about our presence here.

"Yes father Michael, we are going to see the change, by the way what is happening to Bishop Steven."

"He will begin to fulfill his mission on this ship."

He pointed at him with his thumb without even turning around.

"Don't ignore me anymore, let's get it over with."

With a shout from the bishop we started to walk out the tower door, already reaching the deck he managed to see that all the planes now glowed with a thin layer of gold.

With the bishop at the very front of the ship, Michael presents me with a telescope.

I can only say, What the fuck is that! The lens shows a total change of the sea from a calm, lightly breezy one to a murky one with 10 to 20 foot waves as if nothing, the moons are hidden by a thick layer of black rain clouds and every now and then there is a flash of lightning sticking out.

"Are we going to get into that?".

It's obvious but I had to ask.

"Yes, this is what the bishop is here for from a possibly very hectic trip, he'll make it a smooth one like a horse cart on a bumpy road.

" that really doesn't convince me, so how long will we be there?".

Taking his eye out of the telescope due to the change now being noticeable to the naked eye, he asked Father Michael should he know right.

"the truth.. I don't know."

"Wait what, it's a joke right?"

With that said I looked at Carlos, only for him to tell me he doesn't know either.

"I guess I should be more clear, it's not that we don't know anything, it's just that it's variable, there are times when it takes 1 month, others 2 hours and even 1 day.

The sea outside is always changing, from super strong ocean currents, sinking islands and even unknown continents. Anything can happen that's why we have the bishop here.

Now that I notice, there hasn't been or moved since he stayed at the very front of the ship.


With a small noise from his lips, a powerful bluish light began to emanate from his body. Getting bigger and brighter, only now realizing that there were smaller ones on the vessels following us.

These small spheres of blue light began to connect by lines of the same color, all of them ending up in the large sphere created by the bishop.

Giving rise to a large formation, now the carrier was in the center while two galleons take the lead and the others cover the right and left wings.

"by the way it looks to me like you're going to want a cloak."


Water, lots of water. It was pouring down, that added to the waves we hit I was already like a sponge.

"uff.. I've already finished what needs to be done, now just a little luck and we'll be in the archipelago in about 5 to 6 days.

Wait after 6 days, will there be any citizens alive?

"Your face tells me everything, even if it is 6 days for us outside, it will be one day at the most. It is confirmed that time passes in an extraordinary way in the outer sea the days or years in here only give a maximum of one day outside.

"Isn't that a total trick card? I mean can someone come here to train for years only to go outside and be stoned."

Michael starts looking at me with "that's funny" eyes.

"interesting idea you got there, the only bad thing is you won't want to stay here for more than 2 weeks."

"And why is that?"

"HAHAHA that's because in two weeks is the time limit for the protection of faith over the soul, and it's not like if you have greater faith you can hold out longer just because you are a humanoid from a continent in two weeks in the outer sea the divine protection will expire.

"That gives rise to the creatures of the deep detecting you, and we don't want that.... Nobody wants that."

The bishop got in the middle of the conversation but admittedly gave some very useful information. And Michael ended the subject for him.

"whatever it is we'd better get back inside."