
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 22 Start of the trip

Chapter 22

I can only say this is a death.....

He said who came up with the great idea to have the crew go up a ladder? Can't they put in a teleportation matrix or something? Fucking fake magic world.

As I climbed the ladder, those were my only thoughts.

Already managing to climb aboard the ship, I stumble upon its long runway on its front and rear sides there are 4

(8.8 cm Flak 16) only glued to the hull, at the end of the runway on its left side is the classic aircraft carrier control tower and in front of it there are 5 aircraft parked.

Already on top of the hull of the ship I managed to see the bishop and Michael talking to a soldier.

As Michael signals for me to go towards them, he helped Carlos to come up even though he doesn't need to.

We start to head towards Michael's group, and all gathered together he manages to hear what they are talking about.

"Father Michael, Bishop Steven now that your escorts have arrived shall we get going?"

With a nod from the two men we started moving through the hull towards the control tower, now that he managed to get a good look at where the other aircraft are? Whatever magic I guess.

Already making it to the vicinity of the control tower, we started up its staircase embedded in its facade and climbed up to a metal door.

The man opened the door for us letting us see the inside of the control center, in the center of the room there is a large ball of water in his body highlights 7 green dots, in the surroundings of this ball there are about 20 people in different types of machines where the surroundings of the aircraft carrier are observed.

In the center of these two things out of time, there is an oak table where sits a beautiful woman of about 25 to 30 years showing us her maturity, her light brown hair on which rests a white ship captain's cap, highlighting her light blue eyes water, all this adorned with a white shirt on top, down black pants and black leather shoes.

That looks very familiar to me, it is the

(SS guard officer) of the Germans.

"Here with you the captain of the AIS Rio Branco, Mrs. Velka."

"What a fucking pig lady, you better get the hell out of here and do your job before I make you wash the runway with your tongue."

As he lunges across the table he throws a couple of shots at the man who brought us in and the man shoots out the door.

"I hope this unfortunate accident doesn't ruin your first impression."

Noo... Of course not... Shit the bitch is crazy, wait for all this shitty world this is the norm so she's the normality here?

"HAHAHA calm down we had already been warned through the letters that we would be part of the expedition Captain Velka."

Steven answered with his characteristic laugh since we arrived until the port city.

"Ok, then take a seat and if you want a drink, let me know".

Once everyone was seated the introductions formally began.

After some time of reviewing the strategies and the route of the trip, one of the workers arrives to talk to the captain.

"Captain, the ships are already in position and ready for the expedition".

"I sent the departure signal over the Net."

"Understood, Captain."

With that she returned to her post and began tapping a sphere that was in place.

"I will have to start correcting the course of the fleet and its formation,as you may know all quarters are below deck so I would appreciate your silence after bedtime."

"Understood Captain Velka, my companions and I will not cause you any problems during this sailing."

"Though I do not assure my companion Bishop Steven, you know how tide followers get on the seas."

He replied while pointing to the smiling Steven, speaking of that is rare he said in the city he was smiling too but not as much as now.


"This is due to Faith, in the vicinity of their respective domains the gods have a greater control giving rise to this phenomenon of drunk by faith.

"so it will happen to me too? "

" if to the followers of the sun and light, it happens at the hottest time of the summer at noon."


With a shout pretending to be offended the bishop got up from the table.

"this is better for us, this is proof that the god of the tide is strong at the moment"

"anyway you can either go to your rooms or stay here".

That's all Velka managed to answer before heading towards the sphere of water in the center of the room and getting to work.

"Charles take Father John to his quarters and begin his intensive studies."

"Yes Father Michael."