
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 21 AIS Rio Branco

Chapter 21 AIS Rio Branco

"Let's go."

with that said Carlos started moving towards where the bishop entered.

I quickly followed him obviously.

As I walk out the large doors of the church, I am met with two large rectangles of polished stone and in the middle of that is a fountain all surrounded by an iron fence.

They sure know how to use contribution funds, the only odd thing was that there is nothing beyond the fence just an endless meadow and blue sky.

"Hey Carlos what's up with this location isn't it that we are in the middle of town?"

"HAHAHA, it seems to me that this is the first time you ask me something,this thing beyond the fence is called a ceiling it is mainly used by nocturnal races but here it is used to separate the noise from the city."

"What types of races?"

"The... It's for already Father Michael is coming."

He then asked quickly.

"what's wrong what are you so confused with the Ranks I mean first he was a captain, then a colonel and now a father."

Touching his nose with his fingers, he answered me.

"It's just that I thought I would only bring one battalion so it was captain, then it was 3 so it was colonel and now I'm confused so it will just be father."

"I'm joining you, because I don't even know where I'm standing."

First out of the gate Michael came out and behind him came 3 columns of 100 men, already all in formation and with their rifles on their shoulders Michael gave the signal with us in front.


With a shimmer the false sky above us cracked giving way to a fantastic sight bits of golden glitter were falling on us and the whole city in sight.

The large white concrete buildings on the sides with balconies full of people, the wide road allowing at least 6 cars to pass all together made of polished stone cobblestones, tall lamps nearby and in the distance we could see a small stretch of the harbor.

As we advanced towards the port, people on the sides of the streets threw confetti and applauded.

The march continued for about 20 or 30 minutes, at which point we could see the harbor and its boats perfectly.

The ones that stood out the most were obviously the 4 galleons of 50m in length and about 10m in breadth.

Then in addition to those four there were 2 ships that were used to transport supplies, but they seem to be armed as well(light cruisers) of at least a length of 140 and width of 15m.

Wait why am I more attracted to a wooden one instead of that solid iron one?


"Your hesitation is noted player."

"What system can you activate alone?"

"Now that the fusion is successfully completed."

"already the memories of the vessel have been stored and you will be able to absorb them at night."

"Now explaining your doubts, this greater interest in the galleon is due to its greater mysticism, as the first great warship."

"Something the current battleships have not received, plus the world likes simpler things better."


"People die more with sword and spear than with pistol and shotgun, there are more feelings we could say."

"That answers your doubt player?"

Shit what I'm missing a psychopathic world, who likes human suffering....

Already arrived at the port the ranks of troops dispersed, each to their posts to us comes to look for us the bishop of the tides with a small boat.

"Up boys, the flagship is waiting for us offshore."

With that said Michael, Carlos and I got into the dinghy and it began to move on its own towards the far reaches of the harbor.

Now we could see the flagship in all its splendor, having a length of 230m and a width of 27m it was an iron beast, without thinking I scan it with the system.

AIS Rio Branco (object) (building)


Description:an aircraft carrier created due to the account of one of the envoys, it currently carries 40 aircraft, 5(Zeppelin Staaken) and 35(Albatros D.III).

"Look out below!"

Already near the hull of the ship we are shouted from above and with that a rope ladder drops from the deck.

"I hope you have strength because this will last haha."

With that the bishop took a leap and had already reached the deck. Only to be followed by Michael.

"I guess it's just us left, huh?"

He shot a glance at Carlos, which he returns with a slight grimace.

"That you'll be jumping too?"

"Fuu.. No how do you think that?"