
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 20 city of Rio

Chapter 20 City of Rio

We started moving towards the large group of people already gathered, just in time for the end of the explanation.

"As you may know these last few days there has been a massive increase in mysticism and magical energy, resulting in strange and destructive behavior by species with heightened magical sensitivity."

"Because of this the emperor has requested us for a joint operation with the 7th Armada, with which we will rendezvous at the port of Rio and advance to the archipelago

(Saint Port)."

With the explanation already given and given that you have participated in multiple expeditions I speak no more, behind me is a teleportation matrix that leads to the church of Rio, in formation the companies from 1 to 3 will pass.

All said and done the companies began to move towards the matrix, then Michael extended his hand and a golden glow spread through the area, when I realized they were gone.

1,2,3 times with all the troops gone, Michael approaches us.

"We are the only ones missing, have you equipped it correctly Carlos?"

"Yes my colonel, Father Juan is prepared and armed for the experience this expedition will be."

He answered quickly and with a military salute and everything, by the way it seems that they use the current military positions at least in the army.

"Perfect, now let's go they are already waiting for us on the other side."

We all stood in the same matrix and with the classic glow we teleported.

Already now in a new location, the first thing that enters my vision are the high walls of pure quartz and the pillars that support this beast, large multi-colored windows with figures of angels stand on the sides of the structure, followed by this managed to see four rows of dark wooden benches with a golden carpet in the center.

As I thought the prayer altar is behind us, the only odd thing was the sepulchral silence that pervaded the whole place.

3,2,1 Michael pulled out a gold plated pocket watch and began counting backwards.

Zero, with a twitch of the closed lid the large solid wood doors swung open side to side, revealing a burly man six feet tall, dark blue horse disheveled and dressed in a long blue cloak revealing his leather armor underneath.

"This is the bishop of the church of the tides and he will be our companion on our journey."

Michael spoke without even having to ask about what was going on.

"Father Michael, I enjoyed having you with us at this time."

As he reached us he extended his hand towards Michael and began the formal talk.

"The pleasure is mine, I must say I did not expect you to send a bishop on such a seemingly simple expedition."

He grasped her hand and they shook hands in a handshake.

"Ha.. What can I tell you as you know the Murloc after their 'pacification' became believers of the god of the tides, but that has changed recently due to this overload of mysticism."

Dropping their hands they began to speak in a more serious tone.

"You mean maybe there's a false god out there that's gathering the faith of the murloc?"

" That's the worst case scenario, I personally hope it's just some relic associated with the seas and that's caused their change of faith."

"But let's get this heavy air out of here."

He starts waving his palm as if venting something, then turns his eyes to me.

"This must be the new user of

[just cause] eh."

"I see the news is flying these days."

"HAHAHA don't take it the wrong way, something as unique as him would make any church jealous."

With an exaggerated laugh he spoke to Michael again.

"Whatever, I'm ready now and so is the population when you say we start the parade to the harbor."


I blurted out, ok I mean isn't this a special operation or something?

"HAHA, normal you don't know since this is your first time, It's common for beasts or magical beings to attack settlements outside the continent constantly."

"What's rare is that the empire would send such a show of power, 1 aircraft carrier, 4 galleons and 2 various supply ships and about 300 church soldiers, this couldn't happen missing so why try."

Shit, I thought it was bad the situation in the central continent but out of here it's much worse.

" OK, I pick up the troops and we start marching towards the port, we can't keep the masses waiting."

Carlos escorts Juan to the entrance and wait there.