
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 19 Armory 2/2

Chapter 19 Armory 2/2

With my new sword in hand, it was dark as coal with a 65cm blade and a 20cm bronze cross hilt, shorter than the classic ones but wider than them.

I start to move towards the shelf of one-handed pistols.

Well, anything will do here, it's not like I'm going to shoot a beast.

I walk over and look at the options available to me.

Percussion pistol (one-handed)


Description:a pistol mainly used in the French member of the federation des Europe,its firing method is spark.

FN M1900 (one hand)


Description:the first pistol using slide and created on a large scale, its semi-automatic style gives a great advantage over its flintlock counterparts, its mysticism is almost nil.

Evelyn (one hand)


Description:Weapon created in the image of the original Evelyn, due to its serial creation its power has been lost, even so its great utility for mercury bullets gives it great relevance at the level of mysticism.

It was obvious that we are going to face humans so grabbed the FN with me.

Now all that's left to do is wait for Carlos to return,thinking about it I head back towards the altar.

"I'm back!"

With an uncharacteristic cry from him Carlos appears from the side he left and with him he brings a small box, its surface red wood and wrapped in a strip of white colored cloth with golden inscriptions.

Standing in front of me, he held out the box and told me to open it.

"This is a special order from Captain Michael, not rare but difficult to manufacture."

Opening the box, I find a ring whose main color was brass and on its surface was a large flat oval range split in half.

Sacrifice ring (jewelry)


Description:a ring made for the saving of life in a disadvantaged situation, upon death the wearer will be transferred to the wearer of the other half of the ring.

This is surprising, not in all stories this is a well kept treasure and all that? From the looks of it this world is more magical than has been seen so far.

"This ring will save your life if you die, if it works perfectly it has already been tested.

What weapons have you chosen?"

After giving a very abbreviated explanation, he starts asking about my weapon choices.

"A one handed sword, a dark blade and a simple FN pistol."

Extending my choices I wait for his reaction.

Touching his chin, I begin to speak.

"The dark blade is a very good choice as it is useful against everything humanoid, then the FN needs to be changed."

"Why, we are not going to quell a revolt,then it is more useful speed than strength isn't it?"

"Oh! Sure I'm not telling you what kind of revolt we are going to quell right, the archipelago of (Saint Port) was inhabited by murloc were not useful out of the water so they couldn't be used for fake wars, but they were very useful for submerged minerals so we enslaved them."

OK, it sounds like there are other races and that the humans here have a European streak.

"So what do you recommend?" I ask.

"A rifle or a blunderbuss, since pistol bullets don't hurt them because of their scales, instead a rifle pierces and a blunderbuss destroys them from the inside."

"OK, the blunderbuss it will be since it's a hand."

"Wait here I'll bring you something that will be to your liking."

Dragon (weapons) (one hand)


Description:a variant of the blunderbuss, its shorter and flared barrel gives it a greater utility to close range battles, used mainly by cavalry.

Once everything was ready, we went out the door of the armory and began to move towards the basement.

After taking the elevator we reached the lower level, this was made entirely of rock and on its ceilings hung large chandeliers, illuminating everything under here.

This is used for internal training you know rainy or stormy days, already down the elevator we found a large group of people in formation, in front of all of them was Michael.