
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 1 The beginning

Chapter 1 the beginning

Pain! That was all I could feel, added to the absolute darkness that clouded my vision, I could not think of a very good ending that would lead to this strange phenomenon, was I dreaming? Maybe dead? Who knows, I was just raving to forget the pain?

Gone was the pain that gripped me and the darkness dispersed from my vision, in the now recovered vision, reflected a dark wood room with golden details that showed the opulence of the room, the floor lined with a plush red carpet, to the right a single bed in disarray as if the occupant jumped out of bed in an emergency.

"well this is weird, I mean I've never slept in a room like this or anything like this to dream of this."

As I was thinking and talking to myself, a red light appeared in my eyes a detailed picture of what looked like my state like those RPG's from before.






Health:healthy(no diseases)




Abilities:mark of ouroboros(racial)

Hunter's instinct(racial)

Weapon Control F(racial)


"Ho.. Well this just got good eh?"

As I rested my chin on my right hand and blurted out those words because.... Well it sounded great didn't it, As I was lost in my thoughts again something startled me.

"System loaded on player n78 waiting for players to complete the room."

10% 40% 100%

"Sufficient amount of players have joined the game."

current amount 195

"Will start tutorial in 5 minutes, players are recommended to grab the starter set and prepare for the tutorial."

While the what was considered system was talking in my head, I had already explored the status window was quite simple and a great deal of functions were locked.





Skill tree


"ufff there is nothing to do by the looks of it, while kicking the floor just because, I went out to find this so called starter set what the system was talking about."

The first thing was the bed the only irregular place in the room I move the blanket, well I threw it aside there is nothing, This is obvious but well.... Reaching under the bed, he managed to touch a soft leather bag.


You have found the initiate pack in the given time.

you have obtained

Title:fortune seeker(grey)

Weapon of spark(grey)

Silver iron sword(white)

Fortune seeker (title)

Quality (gray)

Description:A basic title of every hunter.

Weapon of spark (weapon) (one hand)

Quality (gray)

Description:A weapon normally used in the English empire, its crude model shows its age and has a shot already loaded.

Silver iron sword (weapon)

(one hand)

Quality (white)

Description:sword of considerable quality forged with iron and silver plated giving it a special damage against beasts, an indispensable weapon for a traveler.


"Just thinking about it gave me a description and everything, what a good service one more!!!! Hahaha enough with the jokes."

as I talked to myself and laughed the estimated time flew by and the 5 minutes were gone.


"Time's up."

the barriers on the doors will be deactivated in 10s grab your weapons and get ready for the tutorial.