
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 18 Armory 1/2

Chapter 18 Armory 1/2

Oh my, it was beautiful a pure white room from its ceiling grew wide crystals of changing colors all like an inverted Christmas tree.

On its walls were everything, straight swords, flaming swords, halberds, spears, maces and everything you can dream of white weapons.

In the center of the room dividing it in two is a carpet of golden colors, which leads to a new reinforced door.

On its right and left sides stand two large statues of knights on foot wielding two large swords, all this created with light blue glass a magnificent work I must admit.

Wait for that symbol on the shield... Lothric.

Whatever, while looking at those magnificent sculptures, now that I realize there are more hanging from the ceiling.

Noticing my surprise Carlos watches me intently for a moment before speaking.

"Those are golems, magical structures created by magicians to protect certain places and they can even appear naturally."

When he finished giving his theoretical explanation I stare as, he asks more come on I know.

Raising his hand and pointing his index finger towards the new crystal constructions on the surface of the ceiling, he asked him about the magical appearance of such creatures.

Carlos smiled and began to tell about their appearance.

"As you may know we are in the church armory even if it is only level 1."

"Defense is minimal in this area you know, you just have to be a member of the church and that's it, as far as we are concerned those new crystal structures are more golems only visible if you have detected the two guards."

Umm well it was obvious it's a church they are always mamadisimas in these worlds.

"You father Juan can start choosing your weapons for this expedition, but first follow me over there."

With his finger he pointed to a golden altar, on which rests a red cushion with golden embroidery and in its center is a transparent orb.

We reached the vicinity of the altar and Charles placed his palm on it giving rise to some sparkles on its surface.
















imbue lightning(lvl10)

Divine armor(lvl8)

(1=1 human) (except HP & MP)


Oh my god, is that a hidden boss or something?

My thoughts were lost for a second, it was a surprise that the man who was acting as my guide was a tough guy.

"Now just place your palm like me and the orb will give your stats according to the world system, remember absolutely no stats are important one stab in the heart and you're dead."

Placing my palm on the orb, it displays the classic stat already seen in my system.

"Um.. Now I understand why you're such an important staff to the church."

Staring at my status, he blurts that out and begins to walk to a corner of the room.

"Explore and find what you think will be of use to you, there is everything here from spears, swords to mallets and catalysts."

After that he quickened his pace towards a corner and I move towards the shelves all along the walls.

It would be best to get a one-handed sword and a pistol, always with the classic.

First I approach the one-handed sword rack and I can say that it is a swordsman's dream, without further ado I start to use my system.

Straight Sword (one hand)


Description: a straight and simple sword, the first model of sword used on a large scale, this will allow you to carry with a large amount of mysticism.

Scimitar (one hand)

Quality: (green)

Description: a curved blade sword specialized in quick cuts, it is mainly used in the lands of the Theocracy of the East.

Rapier sword (one hand)


Description:a weapon that is mainly used by one of the members of the federation of Europe, its use is mainly in thrusts.

After seeing all this I do not know what to choose, is that it is difficult not I should not think it the current mission,it seems that we are going to quell a revolt so.

That's it!

Dark Sword (imitation) (one hand)


Description:An imitation Sword that could only manage to draw a small power from the total of the real one, the real blade had a special taste for humanoid beings and this imitation has inherited it.

Now only the gun is missing.