
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 17 Preparation

Chapter 17 Preparation

We arrived at the room assigned to me for the day, you know tomorrow we will head somewhere else I guess.

Entering the room after the guard opened the door for me, I stumbled into a simple room with only a bed already made up and a dresser next to it.

I guess that was to be expected since this is a fortress, whatever just close the door and I fall into the realm of dreams.


With the steady thump of a hand against the door I rise half dizzily.

"I'm coming."

All half sleepwalking I head for the door only to see what is the same man as yesterday.

"What's wrong?"

I ask as I try to get the gunk out of my eyes.

"Father Juan Captain Michael has sent me to guide you around the facility and get you ready to leave, it's already 06:30hrs you have to have breakfast and pick up your field equipment from the armory."

As I finish listening, I realize that I haven't even taken off my clothes from the night before.

"what's the difference, I'm ready to go."

"Understood if you follow me our first stop will be the showers it will be a quick bath and it's the last one to be given on land,then the mess hall where the soldiers are having breakfast and finally the armory."

Without even asking what he is talking about we start walking through the halls and corridors of the castle, until we reach a room completely lined with white ceramic and with multiple showers scattered around the place.

"I'll wait for you outside while you finish your business,and pick up clothes for your activities in the castle."

Finishing listening to the man, there's I should ask his name poor guy, I start undressing in front of a mirror there and can only say uff toy square.

With a height of about 1.80, blond hair tied in a ponytail and deep blue eyes, all this adorned with a body carved by the gods themselves, I guess that entertainment thing is good for something.

Starting to bathe the numbness of awakening is removed from my mind, already finished I head back to the mirror room and in a basket is a set of new clothes.

Black shirt, black dress pants and black shoes.

Oops black in this castle is everywhere haha.

Finishing my random thoughts I walk out of the bathroom and meet him again,he is waiting for his name I must ask him.

This is weird since it's been a while since we've been talking but and your name is?"

" Finally! He said it was so hard to ask, haha joke my name is Carlos nice to formally meet you Juan."

"Likewise the truth."

As we introduced ourselves and talked about random things like what kind of weapon we use best, we made it to the castle dining room.

The place was as you would expect, long stone tables stand vertically, they are surrounded on both sides by wooden benches where large groups of soldiers sit.

Something that catches my attention is their uniform that they now have equipped which shows unity.

A simple black hard leather breastplate and a white shirt with golden edges for the upper part,on the arms also dark leather gloves and their pants are dark brown and from their waist hangs a dark blue cloth(mirrah set).

I can only say that there are too many references for there not to be different batches of players, so far there are from Blood and DS3 this is no coincidence.

"Let's go or we will run out of food, the cooks are coming with us on this expedition."

He just left those words before disappearing in a flash towards the kitchen.

I waste no time and I too head there, as I advance I notice looks of curiosity although some are of fear?

No matter, placing my body behind Carlos we start talking.

Once our turn has come, he manages to see the food there is to choose from, from bread, cakes, pies and more with a selection of the most random drinks.

He grabbed some biscuits and a cup of black coffee and then I started to move to a table with Carlos.

Once the breakfast business was finished we got up and left the glassware in the kitchen, then we started heading towards the last point of this journey.

We passed through hallways and rooms until we came to a reinforced door, it was a large wooden door with various writings on it and plated in silver metal.

As I looked at the door which seemed very solid, Carlos had approached and placed his palm on the silver metal reinforcement.

"I, Carlos follower of light and sun ask permission to enter the armory."

Seeing him ask permission at a door, I stared at him oddly and noticing my stare he replied.

"It is a key, sometimes the guard is rotated between different churches then there are different spaces anchored to the Armenia each to a different church."