
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 16 father Michael

Chapter 16 Father Michael

Hearing her words I prepared to knock on the door of the room, as I extended my hand towards the door.

"I thought you would never knock."

Just hearing that male voice, I got goosebumps, there was no nerves or anything like that it was like a self-preservation instinct acting up.


Passive abilities activated.

"System what happened!"

I quickly ask for an explanation of what is happening in the system.

"Required information obtained."

"It's your emotions, the stronger a person is their thoughts and ideas can affect the world."

This all went quickly through my brain, entering the room I find light wood walls, with pictures of different designs and a large window at the back of the room, in front of this is a dark desk that is filled to the brim with books.

In the chair behind the desk sits a tall man 1.90 max, his attire which is composed of a black trench coat over which there is a white scarf, leather boots with a dark brown pants and white gloves.

When I saw him I could only think, healing church are you?

"Have a seat Juan, they must have already briefed you on what you are doing here no?"

He motioned me towards the chair that magically appears on the opposite side of his seat.

I move towards the chair and he took a seat while staring at it.

"Umm.. It seems your Faith is no small thing, even trained soldiers will shiver in my presence, coffee wine something? No, I did.

He didn't even let me answer.

" Things will be like this I will give you the information the church has passed on to us about you and all your training in their facilities, I expect you to answer yes or no according to your data."

"John, no last name due to the fact that he is an orphan adopted into the empire system and the empire sent him to the church because of his high compatibility with the Faith."

I nod affirmatively towards his question as I check the information the system is giving me.

"A priest very good at miracles resulting in that in 3 years he managed to learn the miracle (just cause) thing that the church gave him to train the last 2 and a half years."

Yes, I answer finally opening my mouth.

"Trained in combat arts with sword, weapons and fists in the 5 months that weren't being used for the miracle.""

Wait seriously? This body knows all that, I have to ask the system when this is all over.

"I'll take your silence as affirmation, they must have given you the information as to why they moved you from that branch to one of the main branches of the empire right?"

Not that,even the system looks like they sent this poor bastard over here without telling him what he would be doing.

"Understandable considering how important that miracle is to the churches and the requirements to increase their level."

What does he mean by that, as I thought about what he meant by all that he continued talking.

"OK it looks like everything is in order, you are just in time for this very useful experience, whatever it is we will leave tomorrow at 08:00 hrs."

"Hahaha you have a face like you don't know what I'm going to throw you at easy, you are a very important resource so I can lose you."

When he finished saying that he extended me a white envelope with golden edges and a sun in the center.

He looked through it and managed to pull out from inside a letter with the same shade of color as the envelope.

Father Michael illustrious member of the sacred church of light and sun, today we speak to you on behalf of the emperor to request a joint operation in the archipelago of (Saint Port) which is under imperial administration at this time of the year.

High peaks of magical and mystical energy have sent the aborigines into a frenzy due to unknown causes, it is believed that it may be taking place due to the creation of a relic nearby.

You are requested to coordinate with the 7th fleet of the navy that will be waiting for them in the port of Rio.

Att:the high command of the navy

"As you know it is our duty to eliminate anything that could put the population at risk and gaining something extra is never a bad thing."

I'm dizzy I say too much for me today I just want a bed, from fighting a sociopath father to going to a new world.

"I see you are tired Juan, you may retire to your room I want you in the basement at 08:00 to leave."

OK, that's all I could say before the man from before came in and guided me to one of the rooms in the castle.