
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 15 the castle

Chapter 15 The castle


A request for information has been sent to the world system.

Records have been obtained on the human race of this world.

"The humanity of this world is very different from the one you know on your home world player n78."

"From their souls that allow them to give faith to the gods to their internal organs such as magic."

"What information would you be interested in knowing?"




Snorting to my inside, well since this is all going on in my mind I answer him basic.

Age of maturity:15

Maximum age of usefulness in combat:100

Age of natural death:150

Average size 1.75~1.90

Size of vir

"I understand, I understand I just want to know if I am human of that race, also what is that absurd amount of years of life."

"No, your race is not human just mark so that no unforeseen things happen and your body is in tune with your soul."

"Now the age of humans never reaches more than 80 years, they always die from something pests, beasts, discovery battles, etc."

"For such a case your race became quick to mature physically and mentally."

"Anything else I can help with?"

With a snort I quickly answer the system.

"Nothing, I just want to rest."

As I thought about resting my thoughts drifted off into the breeze brought by the wind thus falling asleep.

"Father. Father!"

As I felt someone gently touch my shoulder in an attempt to get me up, I begin to open my eyes.

In my blurred vision enters a large expanse of forest of tall pines that with the sunset in the background create terrible shadows, all this forest surrounded by a fence of tall white iron bars.

"Father I need your identification so the guards will let us enter the church property."

Only upon hearing the driver I realize that I am the father, now where is that ID.

Starting to check my attire he manages to pick up that I have a white trench coat with gold trim, a black shirt with pants of the same color and hard soled shoes made of leather.

Where would a man leave his identification? Not in my trench coat, not in my shirt.

As the guards approach us with their muskets in hand and their eyes look at us with distrust, I start looking faster.

Here! As he pulled out a small passport-like book, he showed it to the guard who was surrounding us from the right.

"I'm sorry for our rudeness Sr. Hey Juan, yes Mr. Juan have a good night."

Giving him a nod, we waited for the gates to open and started marching into the depths of the forest.

On the way we only manage to see pine trees as far as the eye can see, after 10min managed to see the big building where the church is gathering.

It was a castle, yes a damn castle its great outer walls made of pure unrefined rock, great towers rising from the four points, in the middle of the whole structure was a tower twice as wide and long, all that adorned with tiles all over the roof and great statues of warriors at the main entrance.

As he stopped the vehicle and waited for the metal gates to open, he caught a glimpse of soldiers or believers? Guarding the walls.

"Open the gates!"

With a masculine shout the large doors that blocked us open from side to side, giving a view of the inside of the castle.

It was bigger from the inside than you would think as long as you look from the outside, not bigger but much bigger, there was a long road leading to the entrance of what looked like the castle you could see from the outside, this structure is surrounded by large fields where there are lots of men practicing with their rifles (Fusil Minié).

While I wonder what the kings are thinking to let the church be so equipped, we finally arrived at the entrance of the fortress.

"Father Juan, we have been waiting for you as you know Father Michael is waiting for you in his office."

As I came out of my thoughts I notice that a man has been talking to me, his clothing was an outfit that hides everything from the neck down only showing his black leather boots and his large rain cape over his body.

As his golden hair reflects the light he came to his senses and I nod towards him, I step down from the vehicle as I stare at him to see what to do next.

"Oh sure you have never been to one of the church defense facilities, let me guide you to the office."

While realizing I don't know where to go, he signals to one of the soldiers in the camps and points his finger at me by way of follow me.

Starting to follow him through the double doors at the entrance, we come across a simple stone-walled living room with many chairs and armchairs scattered throughout the room.

"Ignore the clutter downstairs, let's just say the first thing you want after practicing all day is to throw yourself towards the nearest armchair."

As I looked back and forth for relevant information we kept moving.

"Here comes in this is called an elevator it's a creation of the church of invention, don't be surprised when it starts moving."

It seems that the technology of this world is more advanced than we thought at first.

When we finally reach the floor reserved for this Michael's office, we start walking down a hallway decorated with pure white wallpaper and gold crosses all lit by lamps hanging from the ceiling.

"We arrived at Father Michael's office, you should just knock when you are ready.

Father John."