
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 14 End of tutorial

Chapter 14 End of tutorial

He died that's all I can think about, the bastard died.

I tried to stand up only to realize that he must have some broken bones, of course not feeling anything made these cases happen.

Only when I finally fell backwards from the wall did I manage to start breathing properly, with my senses starting to clear I manage to hear someone's hurried footsteps.

I hope it's Lucas, it must be Lucas, I want it to be Lucas, a wave of uncertainty washed over me but could the body survive? We finished him off with a damn explosive he can't live.

"Juan, oh man don't look into your chest don't look!"

I could only begin the attempt to look at my chest only to have Lucas stop me, is it that he forgot that you don't feel the pain?

"you look like you're ok inside bad, I'm going to go see Tim."

Only managed to hear his turn to the side before everything stops, the sound, the movement and even my thoughts for 1 second.


The required goal for the purpose of the tutorial has been achieved.

The data of player n78 is being read and a suitable vessel is being searched for.

Succeeded in finding a suitable vessel, starting the debugging of the currently occupied vessel.

Beginning soul fusion, erasing the personality of the soul inhabiting the newly found vessel.


You have been expelled from the world system.

You have been expelled from the grey zone.

Tutorial rewards are being calculated.


You have obtained a personal system.

You have obtained the rights to keep the current items in your inventory.

You have been given a permission from the world system, this will be revealed in due course.


The distribution of rewards to the tested has been completed.

Space/time coordinates are being calculated.

Completed, enjoy your day.

Just managed to see the pop-up screens and Bom! With a burst of light in my vision I am no longer in that brick room.

With a startle I stand on the surface that seems to be in constant motion.

"Hey are you okay father?"

With a voice speaking to me from the front at last managed to calm me down and visualize the environment I am in.

I am traveling in an antique style vehicle and when I say antique it is one of those 1900's out there, with a dark wood marque, no roof and only glass in the front of the vehicle(Cadillac Model 30).

As I turned my head to the side I managed to see that I was traveling down a long run and when I say long, it is very long so long that despite the sun in its highest state it does not give vision of anything in the distance.

On the sides of this asphalt road are large amounts of wheat as far as the eye can see and it seems to go on beyond.

Now that I notice there is a man at the wheel, but why is he looking at me strange or of course someone had spoken to me.

He was a man in a suit, half obese with short black hair and appeared to be about 40 years old.

"Father are you okay?"

As he asked again if I was okay, I had to answer quickly so as not to arouse suspicion.

"I'm fine, I'll go back to rest in the back seat."

With only a quick response I lean back in the vehicle seats and close my eyes.


Just thinking about it opens a whole new status window.






Health:healthy(confused, altered)











Just cause(lvl2)

Abilities:mark of ouroboros(racial)

Hunter's instinct(racial)

Weapon control F(racial)

1=1 human except Hp.


I squeezed my eyes shut so as not to open them like a lunatic, besides the stats that are now visible, it looks like I now miracles well they called me father.

Thought it was about time my system kicked in and so it happened.


Personal online system.

Starting player reading.

Initiation has been completed.

Welcome user n78 I am your personal system and I am in charge of answering all the questions you have access to.

OK without giving much thought to the matter I begin to ask for information about everything new.

"System what do you have to say about statistics?"

"What you call Statistics are just a crutch created by the world system for the purpose of rationalizing your bodily abilities."

"And about the new acquisitions of my abilities?"

"Miracles are those abilities bestowed by the various gods towards their subjects, that is from laymen and consecrated to popes."

"Then why do I have such abilities? He said I know I am a father now but I do not follow any god, at least I have not been given a choice so far."

"Because your selected recipient is a believer who is on his way to be a deacon, you have been provided such skills out of the 2 or 3 that are random.

" OK, I want the information of the skills and the race I pass I am back human?"

Heal(miracle) (lvl3).

A basic miracle that can be used by all deacon apprentices and is one of the 3 basic skills.

[heals the selected target].

Regeneration(miracle) (lvl1).

A miracle that only increases the regeneration of the human body, it is very useful in large groups of people is mainly used to amplify the troops during the hunt.

[amplifies the natural healing of the human body].

Righteous Cause(miracle) (lvl2).

A miracle of the most useful only those of great faith can learn it, it has a powerful effect on the user but where it shines the most is in large groups.

[if used on the user it increases his attack and defense according to his belief that he is fighting for a just cause].

[on multiple people it applies the same benefits, plus a blind belief in the one using this ability as long as they maintain a righteous cause]

"Now race."

Volume 2 begins in the next chapter

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