
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 13 it's end

Chapter 13 it's end

Finishing my search I head towards the entrance of the next wagon, as this is the agreed meeting point.

Meeting up with Tim and Lucas we start counting our looted loot, old and current, hugg already affected me so much that I can't deny that we are looting this.

This is the result of our big looting tour.

Bottle of vodka+5

Bags of black powder+6

Miscellaneous coins

Miscellaneous clothes that are in good condition


Normal jewelry (no effects)

I can only think of one thing when I see all this, the system is controlling us loot did you say it's a train of great importance no?

Then why is there only this not a shotgun, wait would it be a blunderbuss? Whatever it is I just know there's something weird here.

"This would be a big batch of looting wouldn't it? Lucas and his little minions.

"ransomware, remember Lucas it's unused property ransomware haha."

"Whatever, I just know this should be enough to kill that bastard."

Making it to the waiting room we start to see the door to the boss.

"I vote for a break and it's not because I'm intoxicated, no the great Lucas will never go down for one measly wine."

"I second the motion, with all violence!"

Slapping my face for understanding the reference, I move towards one of the armchairs and fall dry on it, no longer moving sleep grips me in its clutches.

I don't know how much time passed, I just know it passed as I feel refreshed let's just say that dying a couple of times is bad for the mind, plus a wine upstairs wasn't the best me.

Lifting my head I managed to see Tim and Lucas also in the world of Morpheus, whatever I leaned my head on the couch and fall back into the hunter's dream. Ok no

"up gentlemen up, juan macho up."

"ugh just a little more."

Tim grabs Lucas and shakes him starts screaming again.

"upstairs there are parents to cook and it's going to be overcooked."

With my eyes finally open, I start confirming all my gear ready I head towards the boss door.

I wait for everyone to gather and with everyone ready, I start to open the door leading to the hallway again.

Walking down the dark and claustrophobic hallway, we start going over the plan of action which I prepared so I'm in charge.

"Lucas you take the head, with the bullets soaked in the poison."

"Tim and I will take care of him body, while you make it and while we're at it we'll stick this in each limb to blow him into his final form."

Toothed lance(equipment) (one hand)

Quality (green)

Description:A spear created from imitation on the weapon of one of the former envoys, due to the situation it has something special added to the handle.

Yes that special something is a bottle of vodka with a sachet of black gunpowder, all wrapped in a piece of cloth of clothes.

With all that said and done, we are presented in front of our noses with a pile of fog or smoke where the boss is hiding.

Crossing the fog, we are presented with the same situation as the rest of the times, while waiting for the father's dialogue to end we take up ambush positions as the 1st time.

With a signal to Tim, he launches himself towards his back and cuts his neck, followed by that I appear and stick one of the spears in his chest, now he is anchored to the stone floor.

Without wasting a second and with Tim understanding the new plan, we begin to drive the spears into his missing limbs.

Everything went off without a hitch as the father was praying in a kneeling position, he was asking that we skewer him in that position.

Lucas pov.

In my vision there was only the head and nothing but it, never mind the body or anything else.

With an impulse originating from my foot, I lunged towards the head in the air pulling out my gun and pointing it towards her I pulled the trigger.


With an explosion of smoke that originates from the barrel of the gun, the bullet shoots straight towards her forehead or that was the plan, it only manages to hit the vines that start coming out of her neck.


With a thud his head crashes into the stone floor leaving his neck upwards, vines sprout from it forming his iconic spider legs in preparation for the confrontation.

Drawing the sword from my inventory I head towards it, I run to the vicinity of its legs dodging its intentions to thrust its sharp points into my body.

Placing my body underneath the creature I prepare to land a shot at its head, only to have to roll to the side as multiple pointed vines shoot out of its mouth.

Slamming against one of its legs I spin around with the sword cutting its vines only for it to regenerate, with no other options I spin around like a worm trying to get behind the head.


With a shout coming from across the room, I realize it's time to end this fight.

Pulling the last little bag of black powder from my inventory I position myself in front of her mouth and throw it without further ado, as planned the creepers launch themselves at her.


With an explosion resulting from my shot into the bag, I shoot backwards hitting a pillar.

Without thinking or wasting a second I manage to pull Tim's pistol from my inventory, yes the one he presented me with for this mission.


With another shot towards the place where the creature should be, I manage to hear a terrifying shriek and believing my instincts I give the signal to finish the bastard.


Juan pov.

Just listen to Luke's scream, giving the signal to Tim and feeling the vines start to come out of the corpse's severed neck we retreated at full speed.

In full run back I pointed my pistol at the IED, pulling the trigger.


Shit, with the explosive force of the detonation we shot off with nothing to stop us until we hit the brick wall only to get heat all over our backs.