
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 12 Drinking is the solution

Chapter 12 drinking is the solution

With a target at hand and a strong desire for revenge, we prepared to move on to the previous carriages.

With me at the head of the group, we launched ourselves towards the first carriage above.

We were greeted by the same view as before, two columns of benches and a red carpet passing in between.

Directing my gaze towards the door of the carriage before this one I see it. suitcases, clothes and miscellaneous objects lying all over the place.

"there you have to check every last pair of underwear there is."

Perish this has affected me more than expected.

"unpleasant but fair."

We moved over to the pile of items lying around and started stealing ahem! Rescuing stray objects.

Boom Pam pim

HAHAHA joke whatever, we start with the clothes nothing to say just grey grade junk and mostly torn, guess the beasts don't know how to take care of their closet.

With that finished, the search in the suitcases begins.

Here there was more luck, our search rewards us with a small amount of Bullets, silver coins and a bottle of wine.

"Is this any good? Or is it just a pretty bottle?"

Lucas held up the bottle of wine, as if it was the solution that will give us our salvation.

"not too little alcohol in that kind of wine".

"sure Tim, Think what we are in a magical place anything can happen around these parts."

"it's not normal wine just that it has 15% alcohol, I guess we will drink it to kill the bad vibes."

Back in our depression but with a bottle of wine killing our sorrows, we headed back to the previous carriage, This one was a carbon copy of the one we were in.

Same everything including suitcases, junk clothes everything.

Again we got down to business with a very satisfactory result.

No. It wasn't a bottle with more alcohol content if not a small amount of black powder, something obvious considering the type of weapons so far.

"Oh that's it haha I knew we could hahaha!"

With the small leather pouch in his hand Tim, began to spin around on himself the wine affected him more than expected.

"Yeah yeah, let's get on with it we have a few rooms left that I take out ahem! Rescue from your loneliness."

"good point Juan, we are the saviors of lonely things."

We quickly passed the carriage where I confronted the first walker and arrived at the multi-room carriage.

"Tim left, Lucas right and me at the back, we'll meet you here at the end."

With all said and done we headed off to do what we had set out to do,well although under the effects of a certain drink we went a little overboard.



The shots were not long in coming, I guess you can't drink with bodies fresh out of the factory, or the doors are hard, who knows.

As I let out a small laugh I started to do my job,

heading towards the end of the wagon I started to force doors.

Everything was the same: a bed, a red carpet, and a chest of drawers.

You expect a chest of drawers? That's a new one.

Starting to go through everything I find the loot if you can call it that, a few gold coins and oh god it's a bottle of vodka not just any vodka but this one.


Quality (gray)

Description:a vodka with an alcohol volume of 96% extremely dangerous for a novice drinker, it has so much alcohol that it can be used for certain emergency treatments.

Pd:there really is such a drink.