
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 11 The boss 2/2

Chapter 11 the boss 2

Shit just that's what's wrong with this guy, he won't stop and keeps coming back for more fucking masochist.

As we watched him slowly advance through the center of the room with a thousand thoughts in our heads, we readied our weapons.


Just that before our formation was arranged he was already on Lucas, with a flick of his whips he wrapped him up before he could react.

With a few quick movements we rushed to his aid, but it didn't work with his head doing a 360 turn.

From its mouth came out a bunch of vines that attacked us instantly and with nothing else to do we watched as it tore Lucas apart.

With a strong pull only strips of flesh and blood remained of what at some point was Lucas.

As we dodged the vines that covered our vision and moved away from the father, we needed a plan and urgently.

Without even time to speak the father's body appears on our back, my last thoughts were can he separate again?


With a flash of light on my face I hear someone speak next to me.

"Welcome to the realm of the living."

I could only let out a sigh and hold in the dizziness and the feeling of something slipping my mind.

"We die eh.. What a gross feeling."

"of course the first time you die right? Better to show than explain."

"think about your last moments, what do you remember?"

"The head was attacking us with its vines... And the body appears behind us... Nothing else."

"yeah well that's a security measure by the system, you know we'd be screwed if you always remember how you died."


"oh well he's back I'm going to go help him and explain all the shit."

Nodding as I'm working on fixing my thoughts and ideas,I watch Lucas leave.

10 minutes later

We are all sitting on their respective couches, if you can call it that it's so weird this room.

" we fucked up but it's not the end, We need a plan to kill the bastard."

Tim is pissed by the looks of it.

"From my observations the head is human."

"Human? It's got limbs coming out of its neck, I wouldn't call it human really."

"from the neck well you said lucas that is from the throat if we are scientists, sure the chances are low but maybe its brain is still functioning that thing had a style and knew where to attack."

"What good point do you have in mind Juan?"

"The walker poison, your description says it is very effective against flesh."

"So as not to risk why, we don't soak the bullets in the drug and use them from a distance."

It was a great idea that Lucas proposed.

"Does anyone have any idea how to defeat the body?"

"What we know is that it is immune to piercing damage, its body is composed of vines and it has a spear ability that shows non-bestial human intelligence, all of which is demonstrated in your confrontation against the Tim."

"my idea is that the head is what provides it with information and intellect, like when it started to turn to avoid my backstab, you have to kill the head first."

"It's a reliable plan what Juan proposes when in doubt we still have infinite shots."

"the truth is we don't have anything besides this do we?"

"um that's right, this or nothing."

At last we agree and prepare a new strategy, with vigor we march towards the boss again.


That's all I can say is a complete and utter disaster.

In the 2nd we completed the thought out plan resulting in our defeat at the hands of the body this time.

Without the head to give it orders and intellect, the body went crazy instead of the vines coming out of the head they came out of the neck of the body.

It became something like the boss of that game where you kill zombies, where you are an agent and go to save the president's daughter haha.

In the 3rd

It was all or nothing the plan was to just let the head do its thing without killing it and then sever the body in preparation for the final fight.

Bad plan happened the same as the 1st only now with creeper feet and arms,

The last 4th

Same as 3rd only one keeps the head occupied without it climbing and the other two dismember the body.

We nailed each limb to each pillar with a jagged spear so they wouldn't move and started hunting the head next.

Bad who would have thought that you don't need the head to be on the body, so the vines would be created.

It was a crushing defeat with 4 new limb worms in the fight.


I can only say shame, in this one the state of mind caught up with us the damn juice with us as children.

All that was left was to get back to thinking before we went crazy.


"that's enough I can't take it anymore damn father."

"it's too much we impaled him, left him severed and beat him nothing works nothing works!

I spoke as I made circles on the ground with my previously missing arm and heard Lucas' wailing in the distance.

" calm down it's not that bad if you learn anything from DS it's to die then die then die and more die."

"I thought that was only played by masochists Tim, I'm more of blood.

"hey! and that's not for masochists eh eh!

"FIRE! We need fire, isn't it a fucking human shaped plant? Just burn it HAHAHA yeah yeah FIRE!"

As Lucas turned into a potential pyromaniac and out came a crazy, unhinged laugh, I thought about his words and they didn't sound so bad but where did he get fire from?

" calm down arsonist no one has fire here".

"no Tim Lucas is right, we need fire, the thing is from where."

As I was thinking ideas were raining down on me the gun powder no, the system auto reloads them and then came the idea the set is called knight, we are on a rich train..... The suitcases that's it there must be some alcohol in there.

" eureka!"

With a jump as if my ass was on fire I bolt for the previous door.

"what happened?"

"there must be alcohol in those suitcases at first, they're rich aren't they? Or gunpowder, there must be something."