
Stories of empires

In the world of hysteria great empires rise up, such as the federation or the Theocracy but it was not always so because of the inordinate amount of aberrations that walk these lands. Follow our protagonist on the journey through hysteria where the changes and exploits unleashed by the ancient envoys are revealed. Before any spelling mistake, please note that this is made with translation, English is not my mother tongue

Th3_C4t · Others
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31 Chs

Global framework

Global framework


Setting:medieval times~1st war a great mix due to mysticism.

Genres:supernatural,action,fantasy and R18(blood,flesh,etc).




liquid: magic created by humans gains in versatility and is composed of the 4 basic elements water, fire, earth and air.

Except for the combined ones that are the fusion of one of these 4.

Solid: magics known as miracles given by the gods to their believers, the greater the faith the stronger the miracle, wins in quality over the liquid.


Abilities:benefits of the body here would go such as weapon masteries.etc.

Racial skills:such as night vision of elves or super strength of orcs.

Skills gained:pain resistance, weapon control,Etc.


Equipment quality

Grey(junk) white(normal) green(common) blue(rare) purple(epic) orange(legend) red(mythical)

This applies to both weapons and various equipment and everything that can be classified.



Southern Empire

A nation with a small extension in the central continent, but a large amount of territories on the high seas called viceroyalty, which are administered by viceroys who only report to the emperor, its history is marked by a lot of rebellions and separatism until the year 1000 in which the name was changed and began maritime expansion, has a totalitarian government due to its continuous past rebellions.

Fact: its official language is Portuguese, at some point in its history it was Spanish but due to mysticism it abandoned that language.

English Empire

A large empire that has a special fondness for the islands outside the central continent, but looking further inland it is composed of the kingdom of knights and a federal state of liberty, one part is composed of royalists and the other of liberals, at least now. In ancient times it was a declining empire, until the year 1000 when it changed its name and culture flourished. It has a parliamentary monarchy.

Fact: its language is English which has the mysticism of a universal language, everyone can understand spoken English but not written English.

Muscovite Empire

A vast empire that rules over an enormous amount of the central continent's surface, consisting of large swathes of uncivilized and unexplored lands that hold great ruins of fallen kingdoms,

Due to its aggressive tendency and excessive absorption of lesser nations it has been in extreme civil war since its unification in the year 1000.

Fact:It is believed that it does not actually have a civil war and only maintains such a state of chaos to maintain a professional and strong army.

Federation of Europe

A large confederation of nations of barbarian origin that united in the year 1000, giving rise to a nation of great power and culture, made up of a unique type of government that resembles a monarchy but whose leader is chosen by the 8 electors, they are the main colonial rival of the Southern Empire.

Fact: it is believed to be the country with the most relics of an ancient religion called Christianity, no one knows when it was founded or when it died out.

Theocracy of the East

Although it is called as a single nation, its territory is divided among many small ones that call itself as Theocracy of the East as a whole, its vast territory is mostly composed of deserts dotted by large oases where its cities are located, before its unification in the year 1000 it was a wilderness area that survived thanks to its great specialization in weapons, a great rival of the federation of Europe.

Fact: It is believed that their rivalry with the federation of Europe is only a means to create a fictitious enemy since they have never changed the territorial borders.

Eternal dynasty

A flourishing nation due to its isolationism from the rest of the central continent, it has not participated in major wars that took place between these, has the largest population of all nations, have friction with the empire of the rising sun, its edification dates back to the year 1000 in which the beasts settled in the territory due to its large population.

Fact: In ancient times, due to its large territory and low population, it was continuously attacked by beasts, until they focused on the Empire of the Sun when it tried to invade with a large army.

Empire of the rising sun

The empire with the greatest maritime power of the coast without counting the colonizing empires, its nation is an isolationist from the outside in but not the other way around, ambassadors of the empire have been seen learning from other countries since its unification in the year 1000, it has great friction with its neighbor the eternal dynasty due to the inland sea and its important resources.

Fact:it is believed to have the strongest sealing type relics such as the 8 strings of heaven, it has a large number of islands off the mainland under its protection.


Mysticism: mysterious energies that come from the stories and legends that have this type of objects, giving them special powers and making them effective against supernatural forces.

Ex: armies use the old model of flintlock rifles due to the mysticism they bring (conquest of unexplored lands and civilization of the natives) giving a great bonus of damage against the supernatural.

Ex2:all armed and law enforcement forces must carry a sword, due to the mysticism these carry(1st weapon used on a large scale, lots of legends and stories to their names).


Relics:when a legend or story reaches a large number of people or a small but powerful number that manage to greatly influence the world, results in the creation of a relic are crystallized history, making its damage against supernatural beings is absolute.

Ex:Ark of the alliance

Description:a national support type relic, its main focus is to increase the capabilities of the federation although it is said that it can also be used in more destructive ways.

Ex2:eternal fleet

A fleet of the Southern empire, it is under the full direction of the emperor and is credited with a great deal of achievements from the discovery of new lands to the only tie with a deep sea beast.


System: the system is separated into two sides

1)world system:the system that collects all the information of the world from a blade of grass to the divinity of the gods,it is not known where it comes from or who controls it.

2)personal system:the system that obtains all the Transmigrated, reincarnated,etc are a dependent system of the world system, it obtains from the 1st everything from information to the items stored in the inventory dimension.


Grey zone:a personal dimension of each beast by means of strong, it is built from their memories during their creation.

It is believed that the strongest of such creatures can control their zone at its maximum splendor giving rise to absolute strength.


Permissions: it is believed that magic and mysticism is divided between different levels with the gods on top of the pyramid.

Because of this liquid magic cannot face a miracle of the same level as these are created and granted by the gods.

Which is why clerics have higher status than mages on the continent as this is the power center of the gods.


Gods:In the world of hysteria there are 13 gods which belong to each month of the year,which are separated into 3 factions.

Goodness: 6 gods, the main one being the god of light and the sun.

Evil: 6 gods, the main one being the god of chaos and freedom.

Neutrality: being the strongest of the 3 factions, it has only one god who is worshiped by all civilized empires since all empires are of multiple religions, the god of fertility and evolution.


Changes will be added as the story progresses

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