
Spider-Man: The Web of Atlanta

All characters belong to Marvel Comics. In the bleak metropolis of Atlanta, a dark and ruthless vigilante known only as "Spider-Man" roams the streets amid the violence and chaos that plague the city. This wasn't Peter Parker, this wasn't that Spider-Man.

Kihitakamy · Action
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8 Chs

Unidentified Creature

Part 1

It was an imposing place, with its walls clad in dark wood and large windows displaying a panoramic view of New York City. Seated in luxurious chairs, Dr. Curt Connors and Norman Osborn were facing a projected screen, showing a disturbing image of a shapeless, gooey life form writhing in agony.

Curt Connors' eyes narrowed as he observed the image. He was both fascinated and apprehensive about the creature depicted on the screen.

"What is this?" asked Curt Connors, his voice filled with curiosity and concern.

Norman Osborn smiled enigmatically, seemingly amused by the scientist's reaction.

"That, my dear doctor, is an extraordinary discovery. A life form we found in a meteorite that fell in one of our facilities," replied Norman, maintaining his calm and controlled tone.

"You must be joking, right? It looks more like a nightmare creature than anything scientifically possible," replied Curt, feeling a chill run down his spine.

"I'm not joking, Dr. Connors. This creature is real, and its potential is limitless. Imagine what we could do if Osborn had control over it," said Norman, his eyes gleaming with greed.

Curt Connors swallowed hard. He knew Norman Osborn was not someone to be trifled with, and his threats were more than real. His personal research depended on Osborn's funding, and he couldn't risk losing everything he had achieved so far. But...

Dr. Connors felt a tightness in his chest at Norman Osborn's demand. He knew he couldn't control this creature, and the mere thought of trying to tame it was terrifying. But he also understood that Norman wouldn't accept a "no" as an answer.

"I... I can't do this," said Curt, his voice wavering but firm.

"This creature appears to be highly unstable and unpredictable. Trying to control it could be extremely dangerous and have devastating consequences."

Norman Osborn leaned forward, his face showing a mix of frustration and veiled threat.

"You don't seem to understand the gravity of the situation, Dr. Connors. If you don't cooperate, I can assure you that your research and work will never see the light of day again. I'll take pleasure in destroying your reputation and everything you've built with your own hands," said Norman, with a menacing smile.

Curt felt cold sweat running down his forehead. He knew Norman had the resources and influence to carry out his threats. The thought of seeing his research destroyed and his reputation ruined was devastating. He had worked hard to get where he was, and he wasn't willing to lose everything in an instant.

"Please, Mr. Osborn, there are other ways to resolve this. I can seek other sources of funding for my research, or... or I can share my knowledge and findings with you in another way," suggested Curt, trying to find a way out of the situation.

Norman Osborn seemed to think for a moment, evaluating Curt's words. Then he gave a cold laugh.

"You don't understand, doctor. I want this creature under control, and frankly, I don't care about your methods or the risk involved. You're either in or out," said Norman, his voice making it clear that he wouldn't entertain any further negotiations.

Curt felt cornered. He knew working with an unknown creature was a dangerous idea that could jeopardize his life and the lives of many others. But he also knew that if he refused, he would lose everything he had built and become a marked man.

With a heavy heart, Curt finally succumbed to Norman Osborn's pressure.

"Fine... I... I will do what you ask," said Curt, his voice laden with defeat.

Norman Osborn smiled, satisfied that he had gotten what he wanted.

"Great. I'm sure you won't regret this decision, Dr. Connors. You'll see that the power this creature can provide is unparalleled," he said as he stood up from his chair and walked towards the door.

Part 2

Tyrone slowly opened his eyes, feeling confused and disoriented. As his vision adjusted, he realized he was in a hospital room. Soft light illuminated the space, and he could hear muffled voices around him. He turned his head to the side and saw his mother, Amber, sitting in a chair beside the bed, holding his hand tenderly.

"Mom?" Tyrone whispered, his voice hoarse.

Amber looked at him with tear-filled eyes, but a comforting smile formed on her face.

"Tyrone, my love! You finally woke up," she said, the emotion evident in her voice.

Tyrone smiled, happy to see his mother so relieved. However, before he could say anything, his siblings Colin, David, and Evie jumped on the bed and hugged him enthusiastically.

"Ouch! Careful, it still hurts!" exclaimed Tyrone, trying to contain the pain as he was smothered in their excited embraces.

"Sorry, bro! We were so worried about you," said Colin, laughing.

"It's true! And you know how eager we are!" added Evie, laughing along with David.

Tyrone couldn't help but smile gently, even though he was feeling a bit of pain. He hugged each of them with affection, grateful for having such a loving and lively family.

"I missed you all too," said Tyrone, still smiling.

"But let's take it easy now, okay?"

Amber also laughed, seeing the affection and joy of her children. She knew that despite their excitement, they were being careful not to hurt Tyrone any further.

"Alright, guys. Let's let Tyrone rest a bit now," she said, laughing along with them.

Reluctantly, Tyrone's siblings stepped back and returned to their places around the bed.

"Bro, we're so glad you woke up! We were worried," said Colin.

"Yeah, we thought you'd never open your eyes again," added Evie.

"I knew you could do it, Tyrone. You're strong," said David, smiling.

Tyrone smiled back at them, feeling grateful for having such caring and loving siblings.

"By the way, where... where are we?" asked Tyrone, his voice still a bit weak.

His mother, Amber, approached the bed and held his hand gently. "We're in Manhattan, son. You were transferred here to receive the best possible care."

Tyrone looked out the window and saw the imposing city with skyscrapers and a bright blue sky.

"Manhattan... it's incredible," he said, amazed.

"Yes, it's a city full of life and opportunities," replied Amber, caressing Tyrone's face lovingly.

"But now you need to rest, dear. It's been a tough journey, and you need to recover," she said, concerned.

Tyrone nodded, feeling exhaustion taking over his body. "You're right, mom. I think I'll rest for a while."

Amber smiled and kissed Tyrone's forehead. "We'll be outside if you need anything, alright?"

"Of course, thank you, mom," replied Tyrone, closing his eyes slowly.

As Tyrone surrendered to sleep, Amber left the room, accompanied by her other children.