
Spider-Man: The Web of Atlanta

All characters belong to Marvel Comics. In the bleak metropolis of Atlanta, a dark and ruthless vigilante known only as "Spider-Man" roams the streets amid the violence and chaos that plague the city. This wasn't Peter Parker, this wasn't that Spider-Man.

Kihitakamy · Action
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8 Chs


Part 1

Tyrone Brooks lay in the hospital bed, connected to various machines that kept him alive. His body was frail, marked by the scars of the bullets that had struck him. The light in the intensive care room was dim, as if reflecting the somber state of the young man. By his side, his mother, Amber, held his hand with tenderness, fighting back tears that threatened to fall at any moment.

Doctors and nurses circulated around Tyrone, constantly monitoring his vital signs. The atmosphere was tense, and the silence was broken only by the sound of machines and the whispers of the medical staff.

The doctor in charge of Tyrone's emergency surgery, a middle-aged man with a serious and compassionate look, called Amber for a serious conversation in a discreet corner of the waiting room.

"Mrs. Brooks, I understand that this is an extremely difficult time for you, but I need to be honest about your son's condition," the doctor began.

"The injuries that Tyrone has suffered are severe, and he is in critical condition. Unfortunately, our hospital does not have the adequate medical resources to perform the surgery he needs."

Amber's eyes filled with tears, and she struggled to hold back her emotions as she listened to the doctor's words.

"I understand how overwhelming this news is," the doctor continued, his voice soft and compassionate.

"But I have good news as well. We have a branch of our hospital in Manhattan, which is equipped with the most advanced technology and has specialized surgeons. There, we would have a greater chance of performing the surgery successfully and providing the proper care for Tyrone during his recovery."

Amber took a deep breath, trying to process all the information. She knew that transferring to Manhattan was the best chance to save her son's life, but the thought of taking him so far away was daunting.

"But... Manhattan is so far away," she said, her voice faltering.

"I don't know how we will get there, and I... I don't have enough money for it."

The doctor placed a reassuring hand on Amber's shoulder. "I understand your concerns, Mrs. Brooks. But don't worry about the costs. We are working on options to assist you financially, and our team will do everything possible to make this transfer easier for you and for Tyrone."

Amber felt a mix of relief and gratitude hearing the doctor's words. She knew she didn't have many options, and the hope of saving her son was stronger than any obstacle.

"What we need now is your authorization to proceed with the transfer as soon as possible," the doctor said.

"Time is crucial for Tyrone's recovery. We need to act as soon as possible."

Without hesitation, Amber nodded, her worries turning into determination. "Yes, please do whatever is necessary. I will do whatever it takes to save my son."

With Elizabeth's authorization secured, the medical team began to mobilize immediately. Tyrone was prepared for the transfer to Manhattan, and specialized ambulances were called to ensure his safety during the journey.

As they waited for the ambulance to arrive, Amber remained by Tyrone's side, holding his hand tightly. She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer, pleading for strength and protection for her son during this difficult journey.

"We'll take good care of him, Mrs. Brooks," a nurse said kindly.

"We'll do everything in our power to ensure he receives the best treatment in Manhattan."

Amber looked at the nurse, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, for everything."

Part 2

Here I am again, on top of this skyscraper, watching the sunset over Atlanta. As if this city needed one more shadow to overshadow the brightness of the day. Ah, Atlanta, the city of prosperity... or it was meant to be. The economic crisis never ends around here, and the violence, oh, the violence is like an uncontrollable plague spreading through the streets.

Criminals thrive, and the heroes... well, I'm not a hero. I'm not that Spider-Man. I am just myself, the monster of the night, the anti-hero who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty to keep this city alive. And, by the way, I'm doing quite well at that task.

The police? Ah, they are like gods, judging who's guilty and who's innocent with a simple pull of the trigger. They don't think twice before shooting, and I am living proof of that. Mistaken for a criminal, ruthlessly shot...

In this concrete horizon, as the sun sets, I feel the weight of all the injustices of this city. I see the shadows of the victims, their voices echoing in my mind. And I, as the dark avenger that I am, extend my claws to protect them. It's funny, isn't it? How an anti-hero can care so much about others, while fighting against his own demons.

This city is bankrupt in every sense, but still, here I am, fighting for it. Maybe I am bankrupt too, maybe we all are. Maybe this is Atlanta's fate, to sink deeper and deeper into darkness.

But as the sun sets and the night approaches, I grow stronger, fiercer. I embrace the darkness and use it as my ally. For it is in the darkness that I become the nightmare of the criminals, the terror they fear facing. They call me a monster, a demon... and perhaps they are right.

So, Atlanta, you can call me whatever you want. Fake Spider-Man, whatever you want. I am the despair of your criminals, the dark protector of your shadowy streets. I may not be a hero, but I am what you need, even if you don't know it. And as long as there's a breath of life in me, I will keep on fighting. Fighting against the crisis, the violence, and against my own darkness.

And so, here I am, watching the sunset over Atlanta. A city full of shadows, but with an unyielding hope to find the light. Perhaps, just perhaps, I can also find my light amidst all these shadows. Or perhaps, I am condemned to live in the shadows forever.

But it doesn't matter, because I am relentless, and I will never stop fighting. The city may call me a monster, but I know that deep down, that's what it needs.

And as the sun sets, I prepare for another night in the shadows, where my destiny is written in every blow I strike, in every life I save... or in every life I take. Perhaps it's time to fully embrace the darkness, for it is in the darkness that I find my purpose.

Don't worry, for I never expected to be a hero. My life has already been diverted from the right path, and now I find myself on this dark and tortuous path. I am the fear of Atlanta, but I am not an ordinary hero. I am an anti-hero, the dark side of justice, a shadow that fights in the shadows.

This is not a cheerful and heroic story, don't be deceived.