
Spider-Man: The Web of Atlanta

All characters belong to Marvel Comics. In the bleak metropolis of Atlanta, a dark and ruthless vigilante known only as "Spider-Man" roams the streets amid the violence and chaos that plague the city. This wasn't Peter Parker, this wasn't that Spider-Man.

Kihitakamy · Action
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8 Chs


Part 1

Days after the emergency surgery and Tyrone's successful recovery, his family could finally breathe a sigh of relief. The young man was in a hospital room in Manhattan, surrounded by his mother, Amber, and his siblings, Colin, David, and Evie. The room was adorned with cards and flowers sent by friends and family, celebrating Tyrone's improvement.

"How are you feeling today, my dear?" Amber asked with a worried smile as she gently caressed Tyrone's face.

"I'm feeling better, Mom. Still a little weak, but getting better," Tyrone replied, grateful for the affection.

Colin and David approached the bed.

"That's the spirit, brother! Soon you'll be out there chasing money like nothing ever happened," Colin said optimistically, with a mischievous grin.

"Yeah! So, have you planned what you want to do when we get out of here?" David asked, excitedly.

Tyrone thought for a moment. "Well, I don't want to be stuck in a hospital room for too long. I think it would be nice to get out and explore the city."

Amber smiled at him. "I think that's a great idea. Let's make the most of our time together and explore more of Manhattan."


Days later, Tyrone finally got discharged from the hospital. The medical team was impressed with his quick recovery and deemed him ready to continue his recuperation at home. Amber rented a small temporary apartment in Manhattan to make it easier to access Tyrone's medical care.

Since Tyrone was still in recovery, the family decided to start with a lighter and more relaxing activity: exploring Chinatown. They strolled through the bustling streets of the neighborhood, marveling at the vibrant and cultural atmosphere they found.

"Wow, look at all these restaurants and shops," Evie exclaimed, excitedly.

"It's like being in China," David remarked, looking around.

"This is incredible! I've never seen anything like it," Colin added, full of enthusiasm.

Amber smiled at her children, happy to see them so animated. "Let's take the opportunity to try some of the local cuisine. What do you think?"

Tyrone eagerly agreed, "Sure, I'm starving."

They chose a small restaurant that looked authentic and cozy. The table was near a window, providing them with a view of the people passing by on the busy streets of Chinatown.


While waiting for their food, Tyrone looked out the window and observed the diversity of people and cultures blending in the streets.

"It's amazing how Manhattan is a blend of so many different places," he commented.

Amber nodded. "Yes, that's what makes this city so special. It's a true melting pot of cultures and people."

Colin pointed to a street food cart selling steamed dumplings. "Hey, guys, let's try those dumplings. They look delicious!"

Everyone agreed, and soon they were savoring the flavorful dumplings, each bite bursting with taste. They laughed and shared stories as they tried other local delicacies like spring rolls and rice noodles.

After lunch, they continued exploring Chinatown. They visited shops with unique products, enjoyed traditional dance performances in a bustling square, and even tried Tai Chi with some local residents.


In the late afternoon, after an exciting day in Chinatown, Tyrone and his family decided to continue their adventure by heading to the famous Times Square. They walked through the bustling streets of New York City until they reached the heart of the city, where the bright lights and enormous LED screens of Times Square illuminated the night.

"Wow, look at that!" Evie exclaimed with wide eyes as she saw the giant screens displaying colorful ads and videos.

"It's truly impressive," Colin said, marveling at the liveliness of the place.

David took out his phone and began taking photos to capture the moment. "This is definitely one of the most iconic areas in New York!"

Amber smiled, happy to see her children's joy and excitement. She pointed to the various Broadway theaters around. "Do you know that this is the Broadway theater district, where the most famous plays and musicals in the world take place?"

"It would be incredible to watch a musical here," Tyrone said, imagining the thrill of being in one of those theaters.

"Maybe next time we visit New York," Amber suggested with a conspiratorial smile.

They strolled through Times Square, exploring souvenir shops, themed restaurants, and the various attractions in the area. It was a sensory feast with lively music, street performers, and famous characters walking around.

Suddenly, a sharp and piercing pain surged through Tyrone's body. He clutched his chest, feeling his heart beating uncontrollably. His breath became labored, and a suffocating sensation took over.

"What's happening?" Amber asked, alarmed, seeing the expression of pain on her son's face.

Tyrone tried to speak but could only cough and spit out blood. His siblings were equally terrified, not understanding what was happening.

"Someone call an ambulance!" David yelled, looking around for help.

Amber grabbed her phone and dialed for emergency services, explaining the situation and their location. Anxiety and fear filled the air as they awaited help.

Colin knelt beside Tyrone, holding his hand tightly. "Stay with us, bro. You'll be fine."

Tyrone struggled to breathe, feeling weak and dizzy. His vision began to blur, and he could barely hear his family's concerned voices.

Until, after bravely enduring the pain, his mind could no longer hold on, and he lost consciousness.

Part 2

The hospital waiting room was filled with anxiety and concern. Amber, Tyrone's mother, sat there with trembling hands, waiting for news about her son's condition. The doctor who had performed Tyrone's previous surgery approached her, his face serious, reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"Mrs. Brooks, Tyrone's tests were successful, but we found fragments of one of the bullets near his heart that were not removed. We need to perform another surgery as soon as possible to extract them," explained the doctor, choosing his words carefully.

Amber swallowed hard, feeling her heart tighten even more with the news. "Another surgery? But he's been through so much already!"

"I know it's difficult, but it's necessary to ensure his health," replied the doctor empathetically.

"However, we have a problem. We don't have his blood type available in the hospital's blood bank, and he'll need a transfusion during the surgery."

A wave of panic washed over Amber. "What can we do?"

The doctor paused, looking at her with a hopeful expression. "I know someone who may be a compatible donor for Tyrone. It's someone who's willing to donate blood, and I believe it may save his life."

Tyrone's mother felt a ray of hope break through the darkness that surrounded her. "Who is this person?"

The doctor smiled gently. "It's a colleague of mine, Dr. Curt Connors. He has the same blood type as Tyrone, and he may be willing to donate the blood he needs for the surgery."

Amber felt immense gratitude for Dr. Curt Connors. "Oh, God bless Dr. Curt Connors! He's an angel!"

The doctor nodded. "Indeed, he's a very generous and helpful man. I'll make sure everything is ready for the surgery as soon as possible. You can trust us; we'll do everything in our power to take care of Tyrone."

Amber embraced the doctor, feeling relieved to have someone caring for her son with such dedication. "Thank you very much, doctor. Please do whatever it takes to save my son."

"You can count on me, Mrs. Brooks," the doctor replied, returning the embrace with kindness.