
Spider-Man : Brave and Bold

A Spider-man fanfiction with some crossovers . I will introduce a few villains from different places. There will be both MCU and comic elements from both Marvel and DC.

Breaking_Bad · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 20 : Biggest Villain.

"PLEASE. Someone call the ambulance. Take her to the hospital." A woman's voice reached Spider-man's ears. It was the mother of the little girl. Spider-Man knew that the girl was dead. But Maybe, Just Maybe a miracle might have happened.

Spider-Man jumped down again next to the little girl and the mother. "Ma'am give her to me. I'll take her to the hospi.... tal..... "

All his hopes were crushed as he watched the girls still form. She was just like before. Lying still in her mother's arms. No miracles had happened. Nothing like a weak boy getting bitten by a radioactive Spider and getting superpowers. Neither the said boy becoming a selfless Superhero. No such miracle happened to the little girl. She was dead. Just Dead.

The Woman kept crying for some time. Everyone else just stood around her and Spider-man in silence.

The mother's eyes traveled towards Spider-Man who was crouched next to her. And her helpless eyes were filled with hate.

"GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER." She shrieked. Spider-Man flinched at her scream and took a step back.

"YOU are the reason she had to die." The woman screamed again. And all the people around started to look at her and Spider-man confused.

"What? No. Ma'am I would never..." Spider-Man tried to something but was stopped by the woman.

"I heard what that monster said. And he is right. You are the one who brings all these Villains here. It because of you all of them are coming here."

"She loved you. You were a hero to her. But you didn't save her. You are not a hero. You are this city's biggest villain. Go away from my daughter." She was terrified as she saw her daughter get taken away by that scary monster. She was helpless As she saw her daughters die. That Helplessness turned into anger when she saw Spider-Man. She subconsciously knew Spider-man wouldn't hurt her. Maybe that gave her strength to speak. But she herself didn't know what all she was saying.

But to Spider-Man, who was but a young kid. Not even eighteen yet. Those words were like swords being stabbed to heart. So many people died in last few hours. And he knew some of them personally. Hearing the woman, even he was terrified. To think that all this carnage happened due to him.

And maybe the woman was right too. Maybe if hadn't assaulted Harry few days ago then he wouldn't have become The Goblin. Or maybe if he hadn't become Spider-man then the villains wouldn't have appeared in New York either, just to fight him.

Some of people around them, who had heard the woman started to support her too. Having a superhero in the City may sound cool. But getting trapped in a superhuman battle everyday was not cool. They may thank Spidey for all he did. But it wasn't wrong to think that he was target. One who very super villain will come after.

They all started chanting "Go Away." "Leave New York." Even some police officers who didn't like Spider-Man joined.

Spider-Man stood still as he watched them all. Then he looked down on the ground as if trying to come to a decision then looked up again. He silently watched the dead girl through his white lifeless lenses. And then jumped in the sky and swinh away from there.




Next Day.

Funerals were held for all the people that died. A total of 490 deaths. 107 of them were police.

Peter stood a bit behind the rest of the people who were there to attend the George Stacy's funeral. He continued to look at the crying family members of the now dead Police Officer. MJ was standing there with him.

"Peter, Are you alright?" She spoke in a soft voice. Peter didn't say anything. He continued to look as the Coffin was buried.

"He was a Great Man." Peter said silently.

"He was." MJ nodded and then looked at Peter again. "And you are one too." Peter turned to look at her.

"Everyone knows how much he supported Spider-man. You have told me too. I know you are sad for Gwen. But I also know he must have meant a lot to you too, personally. I know it must be hard. But you have stay strong. And know this, I'll always help you. Whenever you need." Then she hugged Peter and let go before walking upto Gwen and hugging her.

Peter remained silent as he continued to look at George Stacy's grave. Sometime later, someone walked upto him and stood in front of him.

Peter turned his head and saw it was Gwen. Her eyes were red. And she looked very weak and fragile. Just like how May looked when Uncle Ben had died.

"Gwen.....I.... I'm so sorry." He took a step and hugged her. She returned the gesture and soon she started crying in his arms. She was trying to say something but her voice was hoarse.

She said something like how she was the worst daughter. Or how her last talk with her father was a fight where she said mean things. How she wante to apologise to him.

"Shhh.... It will all be fine. Just know this, Your father loved you and hai entire family. He was great man who dedicated his life to his job and his family." Peter tried to console her.

"I'm Sorry I have hurt you too Peter." Gwen said after she calmed down. Peter shook his head. "Don't think about those stuff."

Peter atleast didn't want to talk about those stuff. Caus eit reminded him of Harry. Who was now in a Prison. And was about to be taken away To a special security Prison built by SHIELD.

They stayed silent for some time before Gwen spoke again.

"It's all because of Spider-Man. He killed my Dad." Gwen said, hate clear in her voice.

Peter's eyes grew wide as he ended their hug and looke down at Gwen with disbelief. "Gwen ! You shouldn't think like that. You know very well how your father supported him. Why would he kill Your dad? Don't let your sadness blind you."

"NOO! You don't know it Peter. He took my dad up the building and my dad was still alive at that time. But instead of taking him to hospital he brought him back. And then my father was dead. If he was a hero why didn't he take dad to hospital." Gwen refuted. She had heard this from the Police officers that were present there too.

Peter couldn't think of any way to reply to Gwen's words. There was no way to decline it cause that was the truth. But only half truth. He didn't harm George in any way. But how could he tell this to Gwen without telling her about his double identity. Would she even believe him?

"You are right. I shouldn't think about it. Listen, I have to tell you something. Me and my family is going from New York. We are moving to London. To my grandparents house." Once more Gwen shocked Peter with her words.

" I'm sorry For all the times I have hurt you Peter. But I have to go now." Gwen finaly started to cry again before turning around and running away.

"GWEN WAIT." Peter tried to stop her but to no avail. He stood there as he watched her go away.




Peter decided to walk back home.Alone. So that he could clear his mind. But the next second someone appeared next to him.

"How are you feeling Mr. Parker?" Agent Coulson was walking next to him. Peter still didn't know his first name. He just wished Coulson's first name wasn't actually 'Agent.' That would probably be one of the most unique name someone could give to their child.

"Spider-Man is gone Agent Coulson. Dead. I'm not going to wear that suit again. It only brings harm to the people." Peter said without stopping.

"And what about all those Super villains that will continue to appear. Will you let them go too." Coulson asked in an even tone.

"Most of them are in Prison now. All of them were caught last night. And from what I saw last night SHIELD isn't really as helpless as Fury made it sound. You were doing just fine without me. I mean, all those Super power weapons. And Gatling guns. You have to use it somewhere right?"

"I think if you guys simply continue to do your work properly. Everything will be just fine without me." Peter said before he turned around to look at Agent Coulson, "Listen. I have had enough. Just let me rest Okay."

Coulson Looked at Peter once before he nodded. "I understand. Have a good day Mr. Parker. I'll take my leave now." And then he walke away in the other direction before getting inside a black car.

Peter sighed as he continued to walk back to home.




In a Prison.

Harry Osborn was currently sitting inside his cell. He had lost one of his arm. And there was a big black scar on the lower side of his left chin wher the red tissues and his teeths were visible. All in all, He looked scary.The authorities were about to move him to a special Prison. Made especially for super powered individuals. SHIELD was handling everything. And he ha no way to get out of here. Especially after that last stunt he played.

But Harry, with all his connections and money had only been able to be allowed to talk to one person for one last time before he was moved.

Gwen Stacy.

"Gwen. I'm so Sorry about your father. You see . This is why I hate Spider-Man so much. He is a criminal. Someone who only hurts people."

Harry spoke up as soon as he saw Gwen appear.

"Listen to me Gwen. These guys want to frame me. They are all trying to destroy me. Take away everything I have. All that my Father has built. That's why..... That's why I have transferred all my assets to you."

"Gwen , My love, You know how much I love you, right? You have to help me get out here. And then we can take our revenge together. Against all these hyenas and That Damned Spider-Man." Harry continued to speak.

"You understand what I'm saying, right? Gwen. Now you just listen to me and..." Harry said again but this time Gwen finally stopped him.

"I don't know. Maybe I look like a that dumb to you. But I assure you I'm not. Just because I never spoke up doesn't means I don't understand. I completely know what game you are trying to play and I'm not going to fall for it."

"My father died in an terror attack caused by super villains. Like you. The Green Goblin. You think I'm some kind of a fool. It was live on the news. How That Monster turned into you. All those Super villains had Oscorp techs with them. And your behaviour even before, when we were together." Gwen started shouting by the end.

"No Gwen No. This is all wrong. You have to believe me. They are trying to frame me." Harry was getting desperate trying to make Gwen believe him. He had thought it would be really easy. Especially after manipulating the news and spreading the rumour about Spider-Man killing George Stacy. But this was all going wrong.

Gwen raised her palm. "Stop it Harry Osborn. I always thought we were friends. I tried to help you. But you are a just selfish evil person. Spider-Man may have been a part of this. But you, The Goblin and other villains like you obviously have a bigger part in it." Tears were leaking from her eyes.

"You have given all your property to me. Maybe to use me like a doll to complete your vendetta. But I'm not going to let that happen. I'll use everything you have given me to use it to get revenge for my father. From YOU, and others like you. And Even that Spider-Man. Goodbye Harry Osborn. Pray you never get out of that prison again. Or I'll make sure to use Your money to have you killed at any cost."

And with that final Declaration Gwendolyne Stacy turned around and started to walk away.

"Nooo. Gwen stop. I said STOP AT ONCE. you bitch. You can't do this. LISTEN TO ME..." Harry pathetically continued to shout after her receding figure but She didn't stop or even looked back at all.


[A/N :- ANNND CUT. Well, with this this arc is over completely.

Initially I was going to have Gwen Stacy killed at the bridge. But then one reader(Sorry couldn't find the comment) pointed out that Geroge's death could act as a sort of motivation for becoming a hero too. And i thought — Hey that's a good idea.

So here we are. Well everyone can see where Gwen is going from here. And now I think That i should do this with Mary Jane too. Maybe I'll give her the same powers from the ultimate cartoon.

Anyway. Let's talk about Peter Parker, our protagonist.

Well Good old Parker Luck hit hard this time..

Lost his third father figure, his love of life moved away to a different nation. His former best friend turned into big monster Goblin and killed many people. And now the City that had finally started to love him , hates him again.

Finally. next chapter may take a few days.