
Spider-Man : Brave and Bold

A Spider-man fanfiction with some crossovers . I will introduce a few villains from different places. There will be both MCU and comic elements from both Marvel and DC.

Breaking_Bad · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 19 : City Under Attack (IV)

Spider-Man and Hob-Goblin stared at each other.

Hob-Goblin was flying on his glider and looking down on the hero. There were pumpkin bombs in both his hands. Suddenly Hob-Goblin turned his head left and right as if looking for something and then started Laughing madly.

He turned to look down at Spider-man again and said while laughing "Beautiful scenary. Isn't it? Hahahah..."

Spider-Man didn't speak a word in reply and instead sent webs at two fallen bricks and threw them at The Goblin.

Hob-Goblin dodged the attacks and flew high into the air. After reaching a certain height he started to drive down again and launched two missiles aimed at the spider themed superhero.

Spider-Man jumped into the air too, going straight towards the incoming missiles. He sent webs towards a Manhole cover on the ground and lifted it up and swing it towards the first missile and then the othe one, deflecting them both away from their trajectory, towards an empty place.

After that Spider-Man rotated his whole body in mid-air but was just about to throw the cover at The Goblin when suddenly he was caught by a blast right on his face that threw him back down on the ground.

Spider-Man tried to stand up and looked around only to find 3 Gaint size robots had appeared on the scene. They some kind of weapons on their hands, all pointed towards the Hero.

"Meet your new friends little Spider. They call themselves the Spider Slayers. So I thought you spider theme people should definitely meet. Aren't you happy? HAHAHAHA..." Hob-Goblin continued to mock.

The robotic Spider Slayers immediately charged at Spdier-Man sending multiple blasts and a rain of bullets at the Hero. They were designed for only one task and that was to kill the Spider-Man and they wouldn't stop until either they were destroyed or their target was.

Spider-Man jumped and dodged the incoming attacks and started running. The fight became a lot more tough with the appearance of the Spider-Slayers. They were fast, strong, and were packed with weapons. Worst of all their metalic body was covered in some kind of chemical and Spider-Man's webbings could not stick to it.

And The Hob-Goblin was still their throwing pumpkin bombs at him continuously. And attacking the SHIELD agents that were trying to stall him. He had killed 3 agents in just a minute.

'I need to stop this Right now.' Spdier-Man decided. He was able to pick up that despite their humanoid look the Slayers were only Robots and not a man wearing some kind a suit. This made things easier for him. He picked up a metal rod from the side and ran into an alley and jumped to a wall. Raising his hand he drove it into the wall and ripped out a big chunk of the wall and threw it at the Slayer Robot that just entered the alley right behind him.

After than he jumped down in front of the robot and put a web bomb at the tip of the metal rod and then drove the metal rod right inside the body of the Slayer Robot from a weak point. The web bomb got inside and exploded covering all the internal circuits of the robots with webs, Rendering it useless.

Spider-Man didn't have the time to celebrate his win cause the other two robots started firing at him. He dodged and continued to run. Just as he turned Round a corner he saw Hob-Goblin firing two more missiles from his glider at the agents. Spidey jumped in the air and sent his webs towards the missiles and as soon as they connected. He rotated his whole body and pulled the missiles with him.

He diverted the two missiles towards the Spider-Slayer robot that was just behind him.


And another big blast occured and just like that another Slayer was down.

Now only one Slayer and Hob-Goblin himself remained. Hob-Goblin saw that the situation was turning against him. All th villains he had collected even with Oscorp tech were defeated. His Jack O'Lanterns gang was also subdued by SHIELD. He hadn't thought that the response from the army would be so fast. He decided to run away while the Slayer Distracted Spdier-Man.

He started to fly away. Spdier-Man saw it and tried to stop him but Goblin threw pumpkin bombs at him and the Slayers started firing again.

"Maybe next time, Spider-Man. Your friends crashed this party. HAHAHAHA..." Hob-Goblin taunted Spider-Man again. And was about to fly away When a hail of bullets attacked him and destroyed his glider. The villain fell down from the sky on top a rooftop of a building.


"We have clear aim on the target. Your orders Sir?" A SHIELD agent handling Gatling gun asked his Superior. He was currently helicopter that was hovering over the building on which the Hob-Goblin fell down.

"Hold your fire soldier. I want this son of a bitch alive. Let Spdier-Man handle him." Nick Fury gave his orders to the soldiers.


Hob-Goblin stood up and shook his head. He didn't knew what hit him but he knew he had to get out of here. He rubbed the back of his head and looked at his surroundings and stoped immediately. Shocked to even speak a word.

There were three helicopters flying around him. The weapons all pointed at him. He didn't even need a Spider-Sense to know he was fucked.

A second later Spdier-Man landed on the rooftop too. With the head of the last Spider-Slayer robot in his right hand. He threw it on the side and started to walk towards him.


Suddenly a big explosion happened in the distance. Spider-Man and everyone else at the scene was alarmed and turned to look in the direction the explosion had sounded. What they all saw made their eyes widen in absolute shock.

They had a clear view of Oscorp tower whose middle floors were burning and the top half of the tower was falling down on the ground. And it fell down. One of the tallest buildings of New York City was destroyed, just like that, in seconds.

Peter didn't even know what to do. Oscorp Tower was destroyed. Half of the building gone. He just hoped that people had followed the emergency protocol and weren't outside. Especially anywhere near there.

He turned to look at the Hob-Goblin who was still looking at the Oscorp tower. Spider-Man jumped at him and punched the Mad man very hard. A crunch sound was heard. And Hob-Goblin flew a few feets before crashing down and started coughing up blood, snot and broken teeths.

Spider-Man wasn't about to stop though. Goblin deserved much more than just a few broken teeth. He was about to walk towards the villain again when suddenly he turned to look at the Tower again and saw a faint Black Figure flying out of the Explosion.

Spider-Man squinted his lenses and kept watching the black figure before it disappeared from his sight. Peter tried to search for it but couldn't find anything. Then he turned towards Hob-Goblin again and lifted the menace by the collar.

He punched him again and again and then yanked teh Goblin's mask off. It was someone Peter wasn't familiar with. So it wasn't Harry or Norman after all.

"Spider-Man we have identified the man as Rodrick Kingsley. He was a small time criminal until just a few months ago. We will take him in now. There's a lot of questions he has to answer. Here, Director wants to talk to you." A few SHIELD agents walked up to him and Hob-Goblin or rather Kingsley.

Spider-Man took the com device and was about to speak when his Spider-Senses starkted to go haywire, warning him about some great danger. But before Spidey could do anything a gaint Green mass suddenly landed on the rooftop and rushed towards the Hob-Goblin that was close to it.

"PRETENDER...." The green monster jumped on top of Hob-Goblin. Spider-Man tried to stop the monster with his webs but it seemed to have no effect at all. Kingsley fell down on the ground screaming but before he could try to run away The monster stomped it's gaint leg on his head.


A crushing sound was heard. And as the green monster lifted it's leg off, Kingsley's head or atleast what was left of it could be seen. His skull face disfigured beyond recognition. His lower jaw had fell of, His left eyeball ad come out of it's socket. And his Nasal bone was protruding out from between his eyes, completely visible to naked eye.

Spider-Man finally got a clear view of the being that attacked them. It was atleast 10 foot tall, very muscular humanoid being. It had dark green skin, glowing yellow eyes. There were two black horns on it's forehead. It's most striking feature were the Big bony Wings on it's back.

It was a being unlike any other Spider-Man had ever seen. And yet, teh hero could could feel a sense of familiarity when he looked at the monster.

The Monster in question was currently looking at the art he had made out of Kingsley's head. He grunted, his terrifying face turning into a twisted grin. And then he turned to look at his biggest enemy. "Bug...."And then he launched himself towards Spider-Man.

"Ah shit. Here we go again." Spider-Man sighed and then he was tackled by the big Green guy who took him on thrilling Monster ride through the sky before taking the hero and crashing into an apartment building. The monster didn't give Spidey any chance as he grabbed the hero's head with his big hand and rammed him through multiple walls one after another before getting out from the other side of the building.

After that the monster twisted it's body in mid air and threw Spider-man on the ground.


The Green monster was flying on top of Spider-Man as he continued to look at the hero desperately trying to get up. "You will die now Bug."

"Oh buddy, you don't even know how many people have said that line to me only to fail everytime." Spider-Man said as he got up.

"Not this time Spider." The monster dived down and Spider-man dodged his attack but his large hand got hold of Spidey's leg and slammed him on the ground again. And then again. And again.

He tried to do it again and lifted Spider-man up but tried then Spidey smashed a big chunk of metal, that he was able to get his hands on, on the monsters face. It cried out as a part of it's ear was cut off from the metal and let go of Spider-Man.

"I think this time will be same Greenie." Spider-man taunted. But right then he was thrown away as a big metal beam crashed into him.

"I'm not like those failures. Not like my Father who failed to kill you. I'm better than him. I'm better than you Bug. I'll show the world when I rip your innards out." The monster roared and his yellow eyes started to glow even more as if they were on fire.

Spdier-Man though wasn't paying attention to his eyes. He was more shocked by what he said. 'Not like my father who failed to kill you.' This line gave Spider-Man a shocking realisation of who this Green Monster might be. And his blood chilled at the thought.

"Harry.....?" Spider-Man siad uncertainly.

But the Green monster didn't even try to hide his identity. In his Animalistic growling voice he spoke, "Hah. So you finally recognise me. But I'm not Harry Osborn anymore. I'm THE GREEN GOBLIN. THE ULTIMATE GREEN GOBLIN."

Spider-Man still couldn't belive it. He had just checked Harry three days ago. And he was completely fine. But then what could have happened.

Harry didn't give the superhero any time to think. He ran up to him, his speed too fast compared to his body size and slammed both his hands into Spider-Man's chest.

Spider-Man tried to get up. "Harry this isn't you. Please stop. You have a good life. People who care about you. Think about them. Think about your girlfriend. Stop this. Believe me I will help you."

But Harry wasn't listening at all. He continued to attack and Spider-man dodged and threw webs from time to time. "Believe you? Who the hell are you anyway? You killed my father. Destroyed his reputation. And then you attacked Me too. But I'm not going to let you walk over me. It's time you die Spider."

Then Harry started walking towards Spider-Man but suddenly he was attacked by hail of Bullets. The SHIELD helicopters flying in the sky had pinpointed on him and Fury wanted this gaint monster down as soon as possible.

Harry felt immense pain as almost a thousand bullets dug into his body before he flew in the sky to get away. But the bullets followed him and Harry fell down again. He roared and then got up and spread his scary wings wide and started to fly towads one of ten Helicopter.

But before he could get anywhere near it Spider-man came out of nowhere and slammed into him. He punched The Goblin with an Energy blast. And they both plummeted to the ground.

Spider-Man gave up on trying to reason with Harry and started to attack back. The fight continued and Spider-Man slowly but surely, With the Help of SHIELD agents Started to overpower Goblin. The Hero was exhausted beyond belief. But learning that it Harry Osborns who had become this monster and killed Rodrick Kingsley fuelled his anger and gave him strength to fight.

Harry was blasted away by another blast followed by another hail of bullets. He and Spdier-Man were almost evenly matched despite his Gaint size. Harry knew he had to get out of here Or as soon as his regeneration ability gave out he would die under the hail of bullets next time. But his hatred for Spider-Man was too much to simply give up now.

And then he decided, if he can't Destroy Spdier-Man physically then he will destroy his facade of hero that he likes to wear. He will show the world how much of a hero Spider-man really is.

He ran into a apartment building and then into a house. Their he found a mother-daughter par. The Daughter was really young. Harry grabbed the young girl and jumped out from the balcony and flew into the sky.

"NOOOOO...." The mother screamed.

"LET THE GIRL GO HARRY!!!!!" Sure enough, Spider-Man was after him.

The SHIELD agents stopped firing seeing that the Goblin now had a hostage.

The Goblin flew all the way to the Brooklyn bridge and lands on the tower.

The Police, ShIELD Helicopters. The girl's mother and several other people reach there too. Spider-Man landed in front of Harry.

"Let the girl go Harry. I promise you nothing will happen to you as long as you let her go unharmed and surrender now. But if you try to hurt her I promise you it won't end well. Listen to me Don't make the same mistake like your father." Spider-Man said in a Ghostly voice.

"You promise? As if it's worth anything. You are a fake. A pretender just like everyone else. I'm making a mistake? The only mistake here IS. YOU. This... Look at all this around you. All this destruction is because of you. All these Villains are coming here because One day you showed up out of nowhere. And in your games this city is being destroyed. You are the Biggest villain here. Because of you My father became a villain. Because of you I become one too. And now because of you I'll kill this girl. You are not a hero. STOP PRETENDING."

Spider-Man couldn't say anything in return Except. "Let the girl go."

"Aren't you a hero? Come on save her."

"Harry i said LET. HER. GO."

Harry then started smiling menacingly and suddenly turned around and squeezed the girls neck before throwing her off the top.

"NOOOO..." Spider-Man dived after her but he was too far. So he sent a web strand at the girl. It attached to the girls leg. And her momentum stopped abruptly.

The bystanders all gasped. Even the reporter forgot to take photos. The girl's mother ran towards her daughters dangling form.

"Don't worry. I got you.", Spider-Man said in a cheerful yet exhausted voice as he dropped down next to the girl and hugged her. But the girl did not move. No movement at all. Spider-Man's heart went cold. And despair started to set in as he tried to shake the girl. But got no response. He set a finger at her neck to check her pulse but found nothing.

She was silent in his arms. Dead.

The girl's mother rushed in "Alice! ALICE!!" and took her from Spider-man and craddled the little girl in her arms. She was crying. Shaking the little girls lifeless body.

It was silent all around. But then a sound of bullets cut through the silence. And soon a disgusting, laughing sound erupted from the top of the tower too.

Spider-Man gnashed his teeths. And looked once more at the little girl before he jumped up.

As soon as he reache the top he saw Harry....NO, The Goblin being attacked by SHIELD agents. He rushed in too. The bullets stopped as Spider-Man got closer. And than the Hero in a fit of rage jumped at the back of the monster and made a rope out of his webs and wrapped it around Goblin's neck and started to choke him.

The Goblin tried to get spider man off him. But he still continued to laugh. After that Spider-Man lost any sense of restraint he had.

He grabbed onto both of GOblins wings tightly and with all his strength ripped them both out gruesomely. After that he charged his hand with venom blast and started to attack the backside of Goblin's neck as if trying to stab his hands throught his throat.

Goblin roared and finally got a hold of Spider-Man's head and slammed in the ground in front of him. But Spider-Man was too angry to stop just from that. He immediately got up and charged his venom blast with even more power and punched Goblin in the gut. The Punch was so strong it ripped through the hard skin and lodged inside the Goblin.

The Goblin roared again from immense pain. And maybe he finally got a sense of sanity or maybe it was just from the excessive blood loss. But finally the Goblin's dark green skin started to turn Back into human. Harry Osborn's familiar face was revealed to Spider-man. And he momentarily stopped.

Harry opened his mouth. To say something. But only a growl came out. And the next second, Spider-man punched his fist right into the opened maw. His fist charged with Blast which exploded inside the mouth. And completely burned out half of Harry's lower jaw.

He cried again, this time the sound was more human like. But spider-Man had enough of Osborns Madness and he wasn't going to repeat the past again. Or maybe he was. A certain part of the past. 'Ending the Green Goblin' past.

He grabbed Harry's left forearm and kicked him in the chest were the Dark green skin was still visible. Half of Harry's hand was ripped out and the rest of his body flew away like a rag doll. Karma Maybe. He got Just like how treated the little girl. A doll.

Only after looking at all the blood splattered around the ground and the ripped off half hand in his clutch did Spider-Man stopped. He looked at Harry's beaten form. He wasn't moving but Spider-Man could still hear some groaning sounds. For once he thought to just walk up a few steps and end the nightmare. But he knew if he did that. He would open another box of nightmares. One he would never be able to run away from.

He saw as the SHIELD agent jumped down from the helicopters and ran up to secure Harry.

"PLEASE. Someone call the ambulance. Take her to the hospital." Suddenly a woman's voice reached Spider-man's ears. It was the mother of the girl. Spider-Man knew that the girl was dead. But Maybe, Just Maybe a miracle might have happened.

Spider-Man jumped down again next to the little girl and the mother. "Ma'am give her to me. I'll take her to the hospi.... tal..... "

All his hopes were crushed as he watched the girls still form. She was just like before. Lying still in her mother's arms. No miracles had happened. Nothing like a weak boy getting bitten by a radioactive Spider and getting superpowers. Neither the said boy becoming a selfless Superhero. No such miracle happened to the little girl. She was dead. Just Dead.


[A/N :- Finally completed this chapter. Well there's still a small part remaining. But the arc is over. All Villains defeated. Closing part left.

I had to write and re write this chapter three times. I gave up on the fight with Electro and bullseye and some more deaths. Cause they didn't look that important. That would have added another unnecessary 2k words. But wouldn't move the plot at all. So thrown in trash.

So yeah. He did fight a dozen Villains in this fight. But I only showed the important ones.

Well next chapter we completely close 2nd arc.]