
Spider-Man : Brave and Bold

A Spider-man fanfiction with some crossovers . I will introduce a few villains from different places. There will be both MCU and comic elements from both Marvel and DC.

Breaking_Bad · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 21 : The Call

New York, March 2009. Six months after the terror attack.

After the arrest of almost all the Super villains in the city after that dreadful Night, The Super human activity in the city had gone down drastically. A few new names had poped up But police with the help of UN affiliated organisations like SHIELD had been able to subdue them.

Spider-Man had vanished from the City. Never seen again after that incident. Some were sad. Some were relieved about less Super power activity, While some were so happy as if they had been cured from their year long constipation. Jameson still jabbed at the vanished hero from time to time in his news Paper.

As for Peter Parker. Well the young man had finally graduated from High-school. And with amazing marks too. Unlike the previous two years where he had only got average grades, this time he had aced the exam. Especially with no unknown part-time job that may or may not have been life threatening work. It was a really easy task for a kid like Peter.

He had decided to enroll in Empire State University so that he could stay in the City had still be able to meet His Aunt May. And he has also become an Intern at the Alchemex Labs, and is a part of their Future technology research project. The pay was decent enough that Peter has been able to rent a place to live closer to the ESU.

Aunt was a bit conflicted about Peter's decision to move out but she knew it was important for his growth. Every bird leaves it's one day.

And so, right now, Here is Peter Parker. Moving in his stuff in his new apartment.

"There. All set. Finally i can rest a bit." Peter stretched his hands a bit and then slumped down on the cusion chair. He tilted his head backwards and closed his eyes. The last two days he hadn't been able to get a proper sleep.

"I still have to go to Mary Jane's Show tomorrow night. Better not miss it this time and make her angry again." Peter took out a drama show ticket from his pocket. It was for a show in which Mary Jane was starting as the main character. And she had invited Peter to watch it. For the sixth time.

Now, how did Peter miss it? The thing is that Peter may have given up on the costume. But he still went out from time to time during the nights to keep his powers from getting rusty. It just so happened that every time he wanted to go to her show he was either beating up goons in a dark alley or arrived late and didn't get permission to enter the hall.

Peter sighed. His bad luck was ever present. He put the ticket in a box and decided to go and take a bath when suddenly his phone started ringing. When he picked it up to check who it was. And it was a familiar name indeed.

Eye Patch.

'Ah shit. Why the hell is ShIELD calling me now. Do they really want to arrese now that I'm eighteen?' Peter's brain ran a mile per second to think of various reasons for SHIELD to be contacting him after six months.

In the end he decided to pick up the call anyway.

"Hello who's this?"

"Mr. Parker, Hope you are alright. We have some important matters to discuss. Is this the right time?" A man's even salesman like voice came from the other side and Peter knew who it was. Coulson.

"Uh, yeah ok."

"Good. Then firstly, I'm Agent Coulson from SHIELD. We hope you still remember us."

"No. I don't think so. Coulson? Doesn't ring a bell. I think it's a wrong number."

" Ha-Ha, But frankly that wasn't funny at all Mr. Parker." Coulson's voice didn't even change at all. Maybe this was his way of Sarcasm. "Maybe you Don't remember us but we do. Peter Parker, 18 year old. An Adult according to law. Recently moved out from his Aunt , May Reily Parker's house, which is in Queens. And is currently living in an apartment in Harlem, which is owned by Wilma Brawn. Third floor, second door from right side. Right now , you are in the apartment. If it still doesn't ring a bell maybe We can ring your Doorbell?"

"That's why I don't like government run Spy organizations."Peter punched the bridge of his nose.

"We are a peace-keeping organization Mr. Parker. Can we talk about some important matters now?"Coulson replied.

"Yeah yeah. I'm listening."

"Very well then. First of all please note that this is a highly classified information we are going to be sharing with you. Now then, You must have heard about the Avengers Initiative from Director Fury himself, right? We have something regarding that. SHIELD has begun a very important project, Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S."

"The information about that project is classified and we can't share anything more with you. That is, unless you agree to be a part of this project. Director Fury wants you to be a part of this Classified project. He believes you are capable enough to be able to join."Agent Coulson told his reason of calling.

" Soooo...Basically you want Spider-Man on guard duty." Peter had enough brain to be able to catch on to what SHIELD was trying to do.

HIM, an eighteen year old boy, Was to be recruited as a part of a Super Secret Group Project that has a classy name as Pegasus, And is done by a Super Secret Spy Organization? What A Joke. He could have been the Smartest eighteen year old in the world and Fury wouldn't have let him anywhere near that classified Project.

It was obvious they were trying to hire the muscles of Spider-Man or something like that.

Agent Coulson didn't speak for a whole five second before finally talking again. "Yes. You are right Mr. Parker. We want you to help us in protecting the Project. Although it was supposed to be classified. Some people were still able to get the information about it. And now they may try to jeopardize the project. And it won't be good for anyone. That's why we need your support."

"Haah. Atleast tell me what the project Pegasus is. Then I'll decide." Peter wanted to know how dangerous it could be and then decide wether it was really a critical situation that he should help in or it was just a ploy of SHIELD to rope Spider-Man in their shit-show.

"I'm sorry Mr. Parker. We can't divulge any more information to you." Coulson didn't have the permission from his Superior to do that. So he won't. That's the only rule he knew.

Peter wasn't happy though. He already didn't want to wear that suit anymore. But he might out of necessity. But SHIELD was not cooperative at all.

"Eh. Look Mr. Agent, You guys should already know that I have given up on the costume. And i can't really work with you anymore. Maybe you should look for someone else. I believe Agent Rommanov would be able to kick ass of just about anyone easily. I really don't want to get involved in this again. Soo, I'm really really Sorry." Peter said and then immediately cut the call.

Peter obviously knew Project Pegasus wasn't anything good. Why else would SHIELD have to be so cryptic about it? And he wasn't going to play a part in whatever shady work they might be doing.

"Haaah. I just hope Fury isn't such as big of a cunt as I think he is and doesn't really send agents to arrest me after getting rejected." Peter said to no one and then went back to take that bath which he really needed right now.




Next Day, Night time.

Peter and Mary Jane were walking back home from the Theatre. "So Tiger? Finally got the time to check that Dull drama of this Boring friend of yours?"

"Ohho. Trust my MJ. I'll fight anyone that calls you boring. You are DEFINITELY NOT Boring. In fact you are the most interesting girl I've ever met. And believe me, I've met a lot of them." Peter loved this friendly banter that he and Mary Jane always had. It made him feel so... normal.

"Oh really? Well, then it must be me who has been Hallucinating about You ditching me or not meeting at all. Hmm? One would think that you are avoiding me cause you have lost interest in me." Mary Jane huffed. A bit miffed about Peter's actions. Especially when he wasn't going out as Spider-Man anymore.

"MJ I'm really really Sorry about this. I wanted to watch your show for a long time. But everytime something came up and I missed it. Believe me. I've spent all the last week's money to buy these tickets." Peter tried to justify.

"It's gonna take more than that Mr. Resident genius. Mary Jane isn't so easy to be handled even for someone like you." MJ smirked.

"What does the princess wants?"

"Maybe getting May to bake that Blueberry Chocolate Cake. Honestly, she makes the best cake in New York." Mary Jane suddenly had a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Deal." Peter laughed and pumped up his fist.

They slowly walked towards an intersection. Mary Jane decided to take a taxi to her aunt's place. They were still waiting for the taxi when MJ spoke up. "Hey. Are you alright?"

Peter remained silent for a while before he looked straight into her eyes. "You have been asking me that same question almost everyday for the last six months, you know?"

"Well, maybe because you haven't given a proper answer to me yet."

"I'm....Sigh*..... I'm....Getting better." Peter tried to think for a correct answer to her question. "All thanks to you and Aunt May."

MJ continued to look at him when a taxi pulled up next to them.

"That's good then." She walked up to the car and opened the door to backseat and turned around to look at Peter once more, "I'll see you this Sunday at May's place. Make sure to prepare my Cake."

"Yeah Alright." Peter have her a thumbs up before the taxi drove away.




Peter finally got back to his apartment and changed into a more comfortable cloths. He switched on the TV and the first thing to appear was a news channel. The ancor was talking in a loud voice. 'He could almost Rival Jonah in a few years if he keeps up like this.'

Peter took a water bottle and went to sit at the sofa. Then he finally took a proper look at what News was currently on the TV.

#"About an hour ago A super human terror attack occured in Germany. The terrorists attacked an event going on in a museum and killed many people. One of them being the World known tycoon, Adelbert Müller."

#"One of the terrorist was a superhuman who alone took the entire plaza outside the Museum hostage. His identity is yet to be made public. He caused many damage and killed many people including two police officers before being taken down."

#"Another surprising news is that the unknown supervillain was taken down by the very popular Superhero, Iron Man. Along with another who was very the same clothes as Captain America, The true American hero of the World War. Some people believe that the Old veteran Super Soldier has returned. While some think the man is cosplaying as the dead Hero. But the government is still silent about it."

Peter looked at the images of Anthony Stark who was in his Iron Man armour and Another man who was in a suit that was very similar to the suit Captain America used to wear. And another image of a man wearing a weird golden Helmet? what else can you call it?

At that moment his phone rang again And a name showed up and Peter felt like he might know what to expect from this call.

Agent Salesman/Eye patch.

He picked it up.

"I'm Pretty sure you must already know what all has happened on the other side of the ocean by now." Nick Fury's voice came through as soon as the call connected.

"Uh, yeah. So who's the new Captain America?"

"The original one. Took him out of the ice for this. And You are needed too." Fury was speaking a bit fast. Seems like he really was in a problem.

"This time The danger is bigger. An extraterrestrial being has invaded earth. They have a Very powerful weapon in possession one that has the potential to destroy the entire world. The Being also has the power of mind control people and has taken away some of my best Agents." Fury gave Peter the general idea of what was going on.

"Well shit." That was all Peter could say.

"I'm reactivating the Avengers Initiative. And I already have a few people to form the team. I want you to join the team too. This is bad situation. Not just for SHIELD. But for the whole world." Nick Fury finally finished speaking.

Peter was silent for a few seconds before he pinched the bridge of his nose again. And then spoke in an exaggerated way ,"Ahhh. God Damnit. Fine I'll come. But only as Spider-Man. Not Peter Parker. You know that right? Now then, how should I reach you?"

"Ok. Pack your bag Spider-Man. I'll send in an agent early morning."

And the the Call disconnected.


Third arc—The Avengers & a few more things.