
Spider-Man : Brave and Bold

A Spider-man fanfiction with some crossovers . I will introduce a few villains from different places. There will be both MCU and comic elements from both Marvel and DC.

Breaking_Bad · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 18 : City Under Attack (III)

Gwen was getting worried.

Harry wasn't picking up her calls. He hadn't shown his his face ever since that incident with Spider-Man.

She was saddened when she thought about what had happened when Harry got back home few hours after Spider-Man barged into his home and assaulted him and then took him away somewhere.


Three days ago.

Harry Osborn returned home late in the night only to see three police officers at his home talking to his 'Girlfriend' Gwen Stacy.

"Mr. Osborn!" One officer saw him and exclaimed. "We received a call from your friend here that you were attacked by Spider-Man. What happened and how are you here? Can you please give us some answers."

" Yes! I WAS attacked by that masked maniac. And You guys were doing nothing but sucking each other's dick. He is a criminal and you can't catch him. NOW GET THE FUCK out of My House and find that Bastard." Harry shouted at the officers immediately with a twisted expression.

The Polices officers didn't bother either and walked away.

Gwen was very silent. She was happy to see that Harry didn't look to be harmed. But she still asked ,"Harry are you okay?"

The young Osborn gave her a disgusted look. "I don't need you to take care of myself. And i said to GET OUT. That means you too." Harry said as if turned around and started walking towards his room.

"No Harry, wait I want to help..." Gwen immediately got up from her seat and walked up close to Harry when suddenly the Man turned back and pushed her back harshly.

"Get away Bitch. I don't need help from a slut like you. Go back to that bastard Parker." Harry shouted at her and went in his room and locked the door.

Gwen was too shocked to say anything. And decided to get away too.


At Present....

Gwen looked at her phone. She had not contacted Harry in three days. After what happened she couldn't bring herself to carry this forced relationship anymore.

There was nothing in there relationship. It was all just for show. She had tried to help Harry in his tough times after his father died. She even gave up on Peter. When Norman Osborn died, Harry was all alone. Gwen didn't want to hurt him more and decided to stay with him. Only as a friend. There was nothing intimate.

But that wasn't what happened. She had wanted to help him but Harry never accepted that help. He always had some kind of problems. About how much problem he had because of her. Even if she did nothing. About how she needed to behave more like his girlfriend just because she wasn't ready for more intimate relationship. About how she wasn't trying to work on their relation even when he himself was spending half his time cursing Spider-Man.

For the last 4 months. She had never told this to anyone. Keeping it all bottled up inside her. She hoped things would get better once Harry got over his trauma But after what happened three day ago. She couldn't continue like this anymore. She had tried her best. But she wasn't going to be disrespected like this.

But today. After she saw the news about the return of The Goblin. She got worried again. No matter what, Harry is still her old friend.

Spider-Man and The Green goblin. These two names were Harry's switch. Whenever he hears these names he would loose his cool. Especially The Goblin. Who was proven to be his father, Norman Osborn himself when he died. Harry never accepted the idea of his father being a villain. She knew he must be feeling multitude of emotions right now and she couldn't help but worry.

Gwen tried to call him but Harry didn't answer. She was still deciding whether to go to his house and check up on him or not when the Telephone in the living room started ringing. She decided to answer it.



"Yes, I'm his daughter. Gwen Stacy."

After that the news she heard made her forget all about the worries she had.




Spdier-Man landed on a building near to the place where explosions were happening.

After Stacy's death he brought his body back down to the police officers. He wanted to stay there but he remembered that his work wasn't over. Stacy had also told him that before he died. He must go where he is needed.

Peter didn't know what to feel right now. George Stacy a very righteous man died. That too because of his battles. He thought about he would be able face Gwen again. How hurt she must be going through.

Then he looked towards the street below where shocker and Clash were wrecking havoc.

Spider-Man's eyes squinted in anger. 'It's because of them.' Peter was really angery right now. So many people were suffering because of these villains. 'They always hurt others. No more. This time I'll give them a test of their own medicine.'

With these thoughts Spider-Man jumped down, straight at Shocker who was busy destroying looting a bank.

Spider-Man landed right next to him grabbed the villain's left hand in a harsh grip and lifted the villain of the ground and slammed his body on the ground so hard that shocker's body bounced back up in the air.

Shocker didn't even knew what hit him. One moment he was about to destroy the locked gate of a bank and the next moment his world turned upside down and then he was hit with a force that he almost blacked out.

But the next second, shocker felt another hit to his stomach that sent him flying.

Peter kicked the Shocker away and was sent flying into a car. He then turned to look in the direction of the other villain. Clash. The young villain who was about the same age as Peter himself. He used gloves that produced sound waves as his weapon. The young man had wanted to become popular like Spider-Man but had zero Morals.

Clash sent an attack at Spider-Man that the hero dodged. He continued to send more and more sound waves directed at Spider-Man that destroyed the surrounding area.

Spider-Man knew he needed to take care of Clash as soon as possible. Clash was one of his stronger opponents. He was smart and his powers were strong too. He could fly using the sound wave device below his legs,This made him hard to deal with. And his sound waves were even able to mess with his Spider-Sense too to a certain level.

Spdier-Man dodged another one of his enemy's attack and ran inside a building. He ran very fast and jumped out to the building from the other side. Then he ran around the building and caught Clash off-guard with his back turned towards him.

Spider-Man sent a web strand to the ground at one Broken Truck's tyre that had come out and was lying there and pulled it up. And then like a whip, He slammed the big tyre into Clash.


This heavy hit sent the flying villain into the ground. And Spider-Man jumped on top of him. Then the hero grabbed both of his Gauntlet device and ripped them off his hands. After that he punched the villain in the face, breaking apart his white helmet and revealing the young face of Clayton Cole. Peter Parker's friend in his first year of high-school.

Spider-Man was very angery, from Stacy's death and towards the whole situation. He would have continued to punch the villain beneath him, To punish him for his crimes.

But seeing a face of someone he used to call friend brought Peter out of his muddled thoughts. He stopped his raised hand and continued to look at Clayton. Though his thoughts were somewhere else.

Peter remembered what his uncle Ben had taught him. And what Captain Stacy said right before his death. 'To never forget who I am.'

Spider-Man wasn't supposed to pass judgement. He was supposed to protect innocent people. Peter gritted his teeth and brought his hand back down.

"What's the matter bitch? Come on, just end this. show us what you truly are. Like you did with Goblin and others you killed." Clayton sneered. He always believed the Spider-Man was just another pretender. And was only after fame. That's why he was recording this fight. To show the world that the Web-Head was just another maniac.

And Spider-man did end it. He punched the barking dog hard enough to knock him unconscious once. After the the hero got up and webbed both the villain's up.

"SHIELD has sent a team to Manhattan. They are currently engaged in a battle with Sandman, Flint Marco in Soho. He has become too big. You should go there." The SHIELD agent's voice came again from the ear piece.

"Alright. Send a team to my current location to capture Shocker and Clash." Spider-Man sighed and sent a web strand to swing away and soon he was out of the scene.




Flint Marco, The Sandman. He didn't really care about this take over of New York plan of Hob-Goblin. He found it stupid but it didn't really matter to him cause this way he had a chance to settle debts with Spider-man. His enemy who had destroyed his life. Beaten him.

Sent him to jail. A worst of all, destroyed his image with his daughter. Now she didn't want to see him. And Flint put all the blame on Spider-man.

Right now he was constantly being attacked by some soldiers in black suit ,with high tech guns from all directions. Flint was in his Gaint Sand form. And the bullets didn't hurt but only continued to disturb him.

He raised his Gaint hand, that made of complete sand, up an swung it down on one Soldier that was closest to him. If the attack connected the solider would probably become a meat paste. He had almost caught the soldier when suddenly a blur figure rushed in and took the soldier away.

Flint turned to look at the new entry only to find Spider-Man.

"Finally you showed yourself spider. I was afraid I had kill every New Yorker one by one to find you." Flint snarled.

"Stand down Flint. I don't want to send your broken body to your daughter as a present." There were no quips. Spider-Man felt like he really might just kill someone today. All his senses were on hyperactive mode. The stress was getting to him. And Flint threating to kill people only served to provoke Spider-Man more.

Sandman attacked the hero and soldiers again, sending whip made of sand at them. The all dodged and took cover.

The SHIELD soldiers started to retreat back to give Spider-Man open space to to fight the villain. All the while they continued to fire at the gaint sand monster to distract him.

Sandman turned his one hand into a gaint ball with spikes and started to swing it around in hopes to injure Spider-Man who was continuously running and jumping so as to not get caught by the villain.

Spidey ducked under the ball, one of the spike on the ball passed just centimetres away from his face. He Jumped into the air and charged up a venom blast and punched the ball and destroyed. But just then his left leg was caught by a rope made of sand and Flint Marco flung the hero into a building wall. The. he slammed Spidey into the ground.

After that he conjured up a big hammer, made of sand ofcourse, and brought it down on the hero with great force.

Thankfully for Spider-Man, his Senses wanted him and he immediately sent a venom blast punch to meet the hammer half way, before it descended on him, and destroyed the construct.

After that Spider-Man jumped up and sent a blast again at the head of the monster and it exploded. Ofcourse it didn't affect the villain much cause he was made of Sand grains. He simply created another head out of his body.

Spider-Man continued to fight the villain. Most of the time dodging the attacks and throwing in some punches and blasts from time to time. Sandman was one of the hardest villains to catch. Since he could turn his body into sand grains. That allowed him to move like a fluid. And he could also null any physical attacks thrown at him. They needed a special cage to capture him.

He dodged a few sand spikes thrown at him and tried to think of a plan to somehow beat his enemy. Then it clicked. A certain idea. One time when he had met sandman for the time he ha used this way to defeat the villain in front of him then. Spdier-Man decided that method could work.

He dodged the attacks and jumped out of the villain's sight. Hiding away form him He climbed up a tall building and reached the top. There we found the object he needed for his plan.

The 10 ton water tank.

He used his super strength to lift the tank of the ground. And then he took it to the edge of the building. Right below him Sandman was roaring and asking Spider-Man to come out of hiding.

He Lifted the Tank high in the air and then threw it down right on top of the gaint Sand monster.

The Tank connected and exploded... or broke apart. Bathing Flint with Tons of water. The Gaint Sand Monster roared at the sudden attack as his big body started dissolvibg and turning into mud.

Spider-Man didn't waste time and picked up another Water tank and threw it down too. This time at the part which hadn't been bathed in water. The same thing happened and Sandman's gaint form slowly decreased in size and slowly turned into mud.

Eventually Flint's human body was finally revealed.He was stumbling, trying to get a hold of his human body. Spidey wasted no time to jumped down and delivered a heavy punch on the criminal's face knocking him unconscious.

The SHIELD agent came back and just as they were about to capture Flint and out him in a special cage made just for the villains like him. A pumpkin bomb fell right behind them and exploded. It sent the Agents flying away. All of them suffered some injuries.

Spider-Man snapped his head in the direction where the pumpkin bomb fell down from and he came face to face with the perpetrator of all this Chaos.

The Hob-Goblin has finally shown himself.




Away from the all the fights and explosions happening in the city. A certain young man was sitting on a chair in a very dark room silently.

Harry Osborn.

His face had a twisted expression as he continued to hear the distant sounds of explosions happening outside his home.

"Spider-Man..... Hob-Goblin." Harry silently muttered two names.

"It's all because of them." The young Osborn stood up and clicked a button on the table and the whole room lit up. He was currently in Norman's study room. Harry came face to face with his father, Norman's potrait. "Isn't it father."

"It's because guys like them. They attacked you, humiliated you, mocked you. Just like they did to me. That's why you had to become the Green Goblin. Isn't it father?" Harry gnashed his teeths. "Because they left you no choice."

Harry took a deep breath and ploped back down on the chair. "Now I finally know what I need to do. Don't worry Dad. I'll fulfil the dream you failed to achieve. I'll kill that Spider. AND that Pretender. I'll kill all that dare to stand in front of the Osborns."

After that He jumpe of the chair and went to the bookshelf that was in the study room. He fiddled around with some books and soon a click sound came and the Bookshelf parted in half to reveal a hidden door.

Harry immediately rushed in. He went straight towards a device that held a few syringes containing a certain Green liquid. A total of ten syringes.

The Globulin Serum.

The one that gave his Dad strength to fight guys like Spider-Man.

"I won't let any of them leave before they pay their debts....... With their lives." After that Harry picked up a syringe and injected himself with the Globulin Serum.

A seering pain erupted in his hand where he injected the serum. But Harry could also feel something else. Something new and different about his body. "I can feel the power..... But it's not enough. Dad was weak to try holding onto his human facade. To kill Spider-man... I need more power." With that Harry picked up other nine syringes too injected himself with them all one by one.

Soon Harry Osborn was lying on the ground screaming from the amount of pain he was feeling. His whole body was going through a monsterous change. Especially his skin, which was bulging and turning green.

And then, At once Harry stopped screaming and the room fell into silence.


[A/N :- Sure took my time to complete this chapter. Headaches can be pain in the ass. Couldn't even stare at the screen for ten minutes without getting a headache.

And since I'm not keen on wearing glasses. No matter how sexy a may look. I'm going to take my time. writing chapters.

Next up. Harry Osborn. Well I've never liked the Osborn family. Even in cannon It's like every time at least one of the member is suffering through some kind of mental problems. That eventually becomes a bomb that always falls on Peter Parker.

Next chapter is the last of this Goblin arc. I'll try to complete it fast.