
Spider-Man : Brave and Bold

A Spider-man fanfiction with some crossovers . I will introduce a few villains from different places. There will be both MCU and comic elements from both Marvel and DC.

Breaking_Bad · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 17 : City Under Attack (II)

It had been a few hours since Peter arrived at SHIELD's secret lab. Currently he was giving some final touches to his all new and cool suit which he had worked hard to make. With some very useful help from Hanz ofcourse.

His brand new Spider-man suit was really looking awesome. It was made up of Nylon in the inside and on outside it had layer of Nomex/Kevlar mix Aramid fabric. Which in all aspects, was a really big upgrade from his previous Spandex and Nylon suit. The Aramid fabric provided him a much better defense as it had bulletproof, fire retardant and some level of Electricity resistance properties. While at the same time it also provided the same flexibility like spandex and did not hinder his super fast movements.

He had also given an upgrade to his Web shooters. With SHIELD's technology he had finally been able to add tazer Webs, very much like Widow's bites. He had also added Kevlar carbon fibre to his original Web formula that greatly increased The Tensile strength of his webs. His Webs now also had a more pointed tips when fired .

[A/N :- Kinda like silk's webs. They are pointy too and can peirce like soft pins.]

This meant that now his web bullets could actually hurt instead of just being a distraction. There was also the new Splitter webs too that could throw out webs like a gaint net and then harden so that it becomes very hard to cut them.

He also added a new feature to his mask. He had included adjustable lenses . Now they could squint and widen and could zoom in and out, this would help in spying. And the lenses could also block extra stimuli and help him focus more.

The colour scheme of his suit had also changed a lot. Now instead of The Red and Blue it was Red and Black. The front and back of his torso , his mask and shin and his shoulders were red in colour while the Side of his torso, his arms and legs were in black. The spider symbol on his chest was smaller too.

There was also a slim black utility belt embedded in his suit and was only visible from a close distance. They could hold up 6 spare cartridges of his web fluid. There was communication device in the belt and a pocket to keep his Web-bombs. At the front there was also a hidden miniature camera. So that he could record things when needed.

[A/N :- Just imagine Far from home final suit. Exactly like that. The utility belt is very slim and won't look out of place from the suit. ]

Peter was very satisfied with his work. He had all these ideas already planned out for a long time but couldn't make them because of the lack of funds. Though the total price of this suit was more than double the amount that he has earned after working for Bugle for two years. But since Shield didn't bother with him using them. Why should he bother?

As he finally completed making all the Web fluid cartridges he suddenly felt a little tremor from the ceiling. The lab was in the Basement of the Gym. There was definitely something going on up there.

Although the tremors were almost non existent his Spider-Sense still picked them up. At that moment his phone buzzed and he could see Fury was calling him. Peter answered the call. "What's going on ?"

"The Hob-Goblin has attacked the entire city at once. He and his band of villains are roaming all around in Manhattan. His Lackeys have also attacked the Brooklyn and Bronx and closed off all the entrance to Manhattan. Te bridges are blocked and there's gunmen at docks." Fury stated in a grave tone.

"SHIELD will take care the goons roaming around. But the Super villains. They are all searching for you. As soon as you go out they will flock towards you. Will you be able to fight them all? Can you do that?" Nick Fury asked the young hero.

Peter remained silent for a few seconds. "It's not wether i can do it or not. I'll have to do it. They are all waiting for me after all. I'll not let them destroy my Home."

Fury nodded and said ,"My agents will aid you in your fight. Connect your com device to ours. And suit up. Rihno is near you."

Peter ended the call and looked at his newly made suit.




Norah Winters, a young Reporter for The Day news channel, was currently reporting the things that were happening in Hell's kitchen along with her cameraman Phil Ulrich.

"We are showing you the live footage of the events happening in the streets of Manhattan. As you can see at the other end of the road there's a huge crowd of masked Rioters that are attacking and destroying everything in the area." She said in the mic and the camera turned towards the Rioters that were bawling and shouting some distance away at the intersection.

"They all are wearing the Goblin masks and.....LOOK. THE SPIDER-SIGNAL has been lit in the sky." Norah suddenly said in a excited voice as she looked at the sky and pointed the spider signal. That was shining brightly in the dark night. The Camera turned to capture the footage of Spider-Signal too. At the same time Emergency Sirens started blaring all around the City too.

"It means that the Spider-Man is here. Will the city's hero be able to save us from this nightmare. I hope so. I, Norah Winters, reporter of The Day channel. Along with camera man Phil Ulrich, will continue to share....."

"Mam. You need to get of the streets. It's Dangerous. Go inside the buildings and remain there until the situation is safe. This is an emergency." Norah was interrupted as a police car came to a stop next to them and a police officer got out.


Suddenly from the end of the road a building on side broke apart. And a super villain came out of it. The Rihno. Rihno turned to look in the direction of the police car and smiled.

He suddenly fell down on all four limbs and the metal armour on his body adjusted a bit. He banged his hands on the grounds and then started running towards the reporter and police car at a speed that shouldn't be possible for thing of such gaint size , especially with that heavy armour.

Norah's and the others eyes widened in absolute horror as they watched the gaint monster close the distance between them. They all tried to run away. The police officers got out their cars too and ran. Norah, stumbled a bit and fell down. Her heart chilled as she saw the Rihno running straight at her. She was so scared that she even forgot to try to get up and run.

As The Rihno closed the distance more and more , the time seemed to slow down to a crawl.

Suddenly a shining object fell from the air, right on top of The Rihno's back.


The ground shook from the impact. And a loud sound, like a blast was heard.

The force of impact was so great that Rihno immediately fell to the ground with a loud boom. The ground cracked and from his continued momentum The Rihno skidded on forward for some distance, breaking the concrete road apart and making a long crater.

The Rihno's unmoving body continued to skid some distance and slowly came to a stop right in front of the Scared senseless female reporter.

The object or the person that fell on top of Rihno like a missile Stood up to his full height and looked down at the reporter who was also looking at him with a silly expression.

"Hey. You alright ma'am?" Spider-Man said in his cheery tone as he jumped down from Rihno's body in front of the reporter and helped her get back on her feet.

"I.... Thank....Thanks. Spider-Man" Norah mumbled in a low inaudible voice.

"Everyone else alright?" Spidey turned to look at everyone else and the Rihno groaned. "Except you rihno."

The police officers and the two news reporter remained silent and continued to look at him. He had a completely new look. Very different from original. But same personality. And with how he defeated the gaint monster called Rihno they didn't know what to say.

"Look I would love to talk more but I need to go now." He said as he pointed at the Spider-Signal in the sky. "If you all are fine then please get out of here and find a safe shelter. Now let me go take care of that mob. See ya all." Spider-Man said as jumped on top of a pool and swung towards the Jack O'Lanterns gang that was at the intersection.

Spdier-Man clicked the com device in his ear and said, "The Rihno is down. I've sent you the location send in your team to take care of him. And sorry to him for me. I think I broke his back."

The shield agent that was assigned to assist Spider-man rolled his eyes. "You need to get to the police headquarters. A whole army of these rats has gathered there stopping the police from going out and help the city."

"Alright. I'll once I've taken care of these Rioters here." Spider-Man siad as he jumped down in front of the large mob of Jack O'Lanterns gang.


"Shoot him down."

Some men took out their guns and tried to shoot at the masked hero. But they were all webbed up before they could shoot a single bullet. Then Spider-Man started webbing up all the men at the front. Then he stopped and twidled with his web shooter. He then aimed his web shooters at the ground and shot splitter webs that came out like a net and attached to the ground.

Then he jumped very high and over the heads of the Mob as they continued to shoot bullets at him. His suit saved him from some bullets he didn't dodge. The Net like web continued to grow bigger and covered over the heads of the entire mob. Spider-Man landed on the other side of the crowd and looked at his craft as his web net had caught all the Rioters in one swoop. He then twisted his wrist a little to active something in his Web-shooters and then....


The Rioters caught beneath the web net suffered an electric shock from Spdier-Man's web-shooters new taser ability.

"You sir, Mr. Spider-man, are a genius." Spider-Man appreciated himself on his quick manoeuvre. He had immobilised over 50 people in a minute.

Spidey turned to look the officer that were still standing near Rihno. "HEYYY!! OVER HERE. Call more people and take care of these guys."


After that Spider-Man looked back at the still shining Spider-signal. And started to swing towards there again.




Spider-Man finally landed near the NYPD HQ. From what he could see there were goons from various underworld gangs. The Jack O'Lanterns, Storm Wyns. And then among them was an unexpected face for Spidey. Dr. Otto Octavius. Peter had thought the man died during their last fight that they had in the underwater lab. Seems like that's not the case.

"Spider-Man. The Rioters have surrounded the the police HQ from all sides. The main problem seem to be the sniper position around the top of the buildings. They are keeping the Polices from leaving the building. You should first take out the snipers before going down to fight the Rioters. " The shield agent who was assisting Spider-man said.

Spdier-Man nodded and then used his mask lenses zoom in features. To check for the snipers in the area. There were a total of seven snipers. Spider-Man leaped into action. And he was able to subdue them very fast.

After that he jumped down in the middle of the gaint mob crowd that was surrounding the main gate of The Police HQ and threw Web-bombs in all directions. The bombs detonated and lot's of rioters were caught in the webs.

The Police officers inside saw the new turn of events. They were really excited once they saw that Spider-Man was there to assist them. A minute later they received the information that the snipers had been taken down and Captain Stacy decided to join the fight outside with all the force in the HQ at the moment.

Spider-Man took down some of the Goons before the police officers joined the fight. Spider-Man decide to go and confront the Approaching Dr. Octopus.

Finally Spider-Man confronted Dr. Octopus again. Otto sent two of his metals limbs to attack and grab the hero while Spider-man dodged the attacks.

"I thought you died Otto. Was gonna feed some octopus on your death date."

"Me? Dead? That just means that you don't know the true greatness of mine."Otto snorted as he sent another limb

"Nah. I think that just means you can take much more ass whooping than I initially thought." Spider-man punched away the limb away.

Octavius continued to attack and Spider-Man dodged each one of his attacks. After Spidey ducked under another attack from one limb his Spider-Sense warned him to jumped to the side immediately. He followed his senses. and soon the spot he was standing on was drilled with bullets. Spider-Man's lenses widened a but giving very good idea of how he was feeling to anyone who saw.

Octavius raised all four of his metal limbs and the claws opened showing in-built guns. They started firing at Spider-Man who tried to dodge them and run away . But the limbs kept chasing after him.

Spider-Man was able to dodge outrun most of the bullets. But he had trouble dodging them as there was a huge crowd of goons surrounding them . Even though they were criminals Peter didn't want to get them killed.

He jumped to a high wall and started crawl to the top of the building.

As soon as Spider-Man climbed to the top of the building. Otto stopped the firing and chased after him. He used the metal limbs to climb the wall.

Once he reached the top though, Otto could not find the Web-Head anywhere.


Suddenly a sound was heard from behind and a web attached to back of Octavius body. After that Spidey twisted his wrist a little and the webs sent a heavy electric shock to Dr. Octopus.

"Aaaaghhh" The villain screamed and writhed in pain. Spider-Man took advantage of his enemy's state and closed in the distance and gave Octavius a hard punch in the face.

Otto tried to bring up his limbs to attack the hero but Peter dodged the attacks and grabbed Doc Ock's colar and punched the old guy again.

After that he slammed the side of his forearm into the side of the helmet that Octavius was wearing cracking it. This attack almost sent the fat mad scientist in a dreamland adventure. But Octavius was stubborn he knew he needed to get out here and find other super villains to aid him.

Octavius blasted another round of bullets on Spider-Man who dodged and then used venom Blast to punch away the metal arms that were trying to ensnare him.

Dr. Octopus took out a bomb from his back with a metal limb and pressed a button on top. It had a 5 seconds timer. He prepared to throw it at Spider-Man when suddenly another web suddenly attached to his chest and he received another electric shock.

The metal limb holding the bomb fell to the ground and the bomb it's metal claw detonated at the same time....


Half of the roof top got blasted away in the heavy explosion. Octavius and Spider-Man were thrown away too.


Down on the ground.

Captain Stacy and his finally captured all the Rioters that had circled the Police HQ. He walked towards the building. The one Spider-Man and Dr. octopus were fight at the top. Then Stacy suddenly saw a huge explosion happen at the top and a chunk of wall broke from the top and fall down.

His eyes widened even more when he saw that the large heavy bricks were going to fall on top of one of his young officers.

Stacy ran towards him and shouted "WATCH OUT!!!!"

He tried desperately to reach the officer and made a dive towards him. Stacy was able to push that young officer out of the way but alas —


The big chunk feel on top of George Stacy instead followed by more debris from the broken roof. Buring George Stacy underneath


Spider-Man shook his head and messaged his temple. The explosion was a bit too powerful. Although it didn't hurt him much but the impact from all the bricks and other things collided with him.

Spidey turned his head to see that Doc Ock was trying to make his escape with his final two remaining limbs from the original six.

"Oh No.You don't get to run away this time."

Spider-Man jumped at the villain and grabbed one of his only two remaining metal limb and pulled it with all his strength and turned his body around so that the limb was over his shoulder and then slammed Otto's entire body to the ground with a *BAM.

He then took out 2 web bombs and threw them at Octavius and 2 more bombs to cover his metal limbs. He then lifted Otto Up and went back down to the ground.


When he reached the ground he saw many police officers running to one place. So he went to take a look. When he reached their he saw a pile of debris. And from the debris was a hand poking out. Spider-Man eyes widened. 'Someone is beneath all that debris that just fell down.

He immediately made his way next to it and picked up all the heavy walls that the other officers were trying to lift up.

Then Peter was shocked to see who actually was under the debris until a second ago. George Stacy.

"Captain Stacy!! Stay with me . Alright . just try to breath." The hero kneeled right next to the Police Captain whose face was covered by blood oozing from the injury on his head.

By some miracle , Captain Stacy made some incoherent sounds. Spider-Man eyes widened and immediately he lifted up The Captain's body in his arms and jumped up to a building and started to climb to the top. So that he could swing away from their to the nearest hospital. Some Police officers shouted from th ground but Peter didn't turned to look at them.

"Pe...r...Pe...Ter " George Stacy somehow said a name and the hero was shocked again.

He reached the top and laid down the officer's body to let The man speak.

"....Peter....." George Stacy said again. 'Did he know?'

"Peter....is that u?..." Stacy's voice was very weak.

Peter took off his mask in hopes to calm the serverely injured man. "Yes. yes, it's me sir."

"Heh.....Knew it" Stacy smiled weakly.

"Come one Sir. Let's get you to a hospital." Peter said again. But right then....


A blast occured some distance away from them. It was far away but visible due to lack. of many skyscraper around. So they both saw it. It was a big explosion.

"I'm done for Son. You ...need to go where you *cough...are needed." Stacy said again.

" No. I'm not leaving you alone here." Peter said again. Tears were falling from his eyes.

"Just remember Peter.....You are.....a hero. Remember what you stand for. *Cough." Stacy said and tightened his grip on Peter's hand, but Peter didn't register it as he could see Stacy's condition was getting worse. He went to pick him up again but...

"There's little time....For me." Stacy said in a ghastly voice.

"Just promise me.... Protect my family." He asked the masked hero a promise in his final moments.

"Yes. yes I will protect them sir. Now let's go." Peter put his arms under the neck and knees of the man and was going to lift him up.

"... I love them all.... So very much." George Stacy said his final words. And then his grip on Peter's hand loosened and fell. And the Police Captain closed his eyes.

" Noooo. Why must this happen to me?" Peter silently cried for the death of a great man who very much reminded him of his Uncle Ben.


All the while more explosions happened in the distance.


I'm a bit under the Weather so there maybe some problem with schedule. I'll have to edit this chap later.

Also , RIP George Stacy.