
Chapter 8: Juggling Negotiations

Chapter 8: Juggling Negotiations

Fortunately, it was before dinner and the last class of the day.

However, that was no indication of stopping the rumors. By the following hour, the halls of Hogwarts were bustling with chatter of the white-haired transfer and the imaginations of young children, from the theory of being abused when the transfer was young to being abducted in his youth and was living with his kidnappers.

Dinner was no better, as Harry and Ron seated themselves next to Hermione, all three quiet as the topic of Toshiro bustled around them.

"He makes ours look like nothing, ya know?" Ron began as he placed a piece of chicken in his mouth, chewing the meat slowly for once as his friends turned to him with questioning expressions.

"Hitsugaya, I mean." Ron laughed, his mouth slightly full as he elaborated. "His fear of losing all those people, when I'm afraid of spiders. And 'Mione's of McGonagall telling her she failed; even Harry's dementor was silly compared to his."

"I know." Harry acknowledged as Hermione nodded, playing with her salad absent-mindedly. "Just what do they do in the East to have a kid like Hitsugaya want to kill himself because of his failure? Isn't that what school is for? For you to make mistakes and learn from them?"

"It's not like that." A voice said as the three turned to see Neville join them, the nervous-looking boy with a worried expression on his face as he seated himself next to Hermione, across from Ron and Harry. "Hitsugaya told me how his school and society to Hogwarts were like comparing Hell and Heaven for similarities. Maybe Hitsugaya's school is not as forgiving?"

"That would explain why he is so secretive and cold." Hermione mused. "Maybe in the East, children are taught to be respectful and contain their emotions like Hitsugaya is like?"

"You are correct in the former, Granger, but the latter is one that I personally uphold is all." A familiarly cold and icy voice snapped as the attention of the students within the dining room turned to the ice captain who stood at the end of the Gryffindor table, nearest to the doors.

Taking in the white-haired transfer with concerned eyes, the professors and Headmaster took notice of the sword strapped to the captain's back. The said blade was large, and almost as tall as the captain himself, it's hilt an icy blue with a star-pointed guard, held by a metal chain that met with a shined bronze clip.

"Hitsugaya!" Harry said loudly, as he stood towering next to the captain who met his gaze unfazed, a white eyebrow risen. "Are you alright?"

Lidding his eyes, the captain audibly sighed as the students and professors watched with terse breaths. "I am fine. The boggart simply caught me off guard. I was not aware that it would manifest itself into that."

"What's with the sword, Hitsugaya?" Ron blurted out, the chatter of the dining hall slowly growing as the attention on the white-haired captain was prominent yet not as much so, with side-glances and long-distant stares, not that the captain paid any heed to them. It was easily dealt with as the captain had gone through this routinely and for as long as he could remember.

"I'm going to kill someone with it." The captain deadpanned, as the students within earshot looked at the captain with widened eyes, along with the Headmaster and following professors nearing the captain.

Master, that was not funny. Hyorinmaru said as Toshiro merely shrugged internally.

They had it coming. What else was I going to do with a sword, which you are not just, slice cucumbers did they think? It's like asking Matsumoto what she is going to do with sake. The ice captain grumbled, Hyorinmaru chuckling softly.

True, Master. Sephiroth smiled softly, his tone light. It is synonymous of asking a wizard is what to do with a potion or a wand for the matter.

"I must say that I cannot tell whether you are being sarcastic or serious, Hitsugaya." Hermione sighed lightly as she finally made her conclusion obvious to the oblivious children. "He's being sarcastic to joke with us."

With a light chuckle that surprised all, they all turned to the captain who wore a dark smirk that sent involuntary chills down their spines as the girl squeaked out an embarrassed "What?"

"What is hilarious, Granger, is that you think I am joking." The captain said darkly as the captain's expression returned to his blank one as he turned, addressing the Headmaster and the professors. "I presume that you wish to see me in your office, Headmaster? Along with the accompaniment of the professors, of course?"

With an acknowledging yet sympathetic smile, the Headmaster merely nodded as the icy transfer apparated away, the soft pop as silent as ever. Following in suit with the captain, the Headmaster merely smiled encouragingly to the Trio and set off into his office, the professors in tow.

Then came in Seamus Finnigan, his high-pitched voice bellowing of the latest of the wizarding world's current loose killer spotted near Hogsmeade. Harry ran a tired hand through his unruly black hair as he sighed aloud, wishing that why couldn't he have a normal year at Hogwarts.

The captain stood in front of the seated Headmaster and surrounding professors once again, his teal eyes blank and colored with a hint of fear, anxiety, and mistrust as the ice captain tried to keep up his cover, still slightly peeved to be doing such a thing.

Holding his tongue, the ice captain held no authority as a student, therefore awaited until he was addressed, as Toshiro could practically hear the thoughts being filed in order to interrogate as much information as they could from him. A pitiful effort, really. Toshiro had had more powerful, evil, and sadistic beings who had tried to do the same and fail, having tasted the Hyorinmaru's icy blade.

"We were informed of how your first-hand experience with a boggart was, Mr. Hitsugaya." Dumbledore began carefully, his words obviously well-chosen. "Professor Lupin believed that it was something to be concerned over."

Lidding his eyes halfway, Toshiro merely waved a hand, his voice with ending with a tone of finality. "I appreciate Professor Lupin's concern, Headmaster. However, there is no need for you to concern yourselves over this incident. I have recovered my composure, and therefore, fine."

"Perhaps, Mr. Hitsugaya." Dumbledore sighed, seeing as how the transfer refused to budge. "Then may I inquire as to what your thoughts are of the school? It is nice to hear what an outsider would regard of our school."

Teal eyes narrowed on the warmly delivered yet trap inquiry as the captain answered, not bothering to hold back his bluntness. "It is everything which I had perceived of it."

As if understanding the captain's non-answer, the Headmaster nodded, as the professors exchanged glances while stealing some between the aloof captain and the still smiling Dumbledore.

"Now then, to the issue of your weapon, Mr. Hitsugaya." The headmaster addressed as the eyes in the room turned to the blade on the captain's back, save for Toshiro's who knew that this topic would arrive sooner or later. "Hogwarts does not allow weaponry of any kind to be wielded by our students, Mr. Hitsugaya, other than wands which are magic-wielding weaponry."

"This is my katana," Toshiro began as he internally soothed his zanpakuto, miffed that his master would call him something as simple as a mere samurai blade. "In my society, only those who qualify as worthy of spiritual power are allowed along with being able, to wield. Through these blades configured by a special metal and materials, which will obey only its master and that sole master alone, we are able to wield our strongest abilities of magic."

Hook, line, and sinker. Toshiro thought in unison with Hyorinmaru as Sephiroth had no choice but to agree.

They are too gullible. Sephiroth sighed as the questions in the professors' eyes were nearly glowing at the brink of blurting.

"And why were we not informed of this on an earlier occasion, Hitsugaya?" Snape interrogated immediately as the Potions Master narrowed his eyes at the white-haired transfer.

"I was only authorized to tell what my grandfather deems to be appropriate, Professor. Along with my own decision to add. As I believe, the thought of wandless magic and my own capabilities were already overwhelming enough at our last meeting together." Toshiro reasoned, his eyebrow risen in challenge.

Sniffing at the words, Snape made no counter as Flitwick took over.

"We understand, Mr. Hitsugaya. We made no offense to you nor your society and customs. We were merely being cautious. Will you answer our questions if they are suitable to be so?"

"I intend to, Professor." Toshiro replied, emotionlessly as he narrowed his eyes in an afterthought. "However, I believe you all owe myself several answers as well."

Stiffening at the captain's words, the professors exchanged nervous and anxiety filled glances as Dumbledore replied, his voice guarded yet still warm. "As professors, it is our job to answer your questions, Mr. Hitsugaya. Ask away. But for every question you ask, we shall ask."

With a hard stare, the white-haired captain obliged as he agreed with the terms. "Who is Peter Pettigrew?"

The following morning, Toshiro was seated on the roof the Gryffindor tower, his silky snow tresses dancing in the chilly winds as his teal scarf joined in the fray, the said captain dressed in only his white shirt and black pants, with his black soles dangling dangerously over the edge of the roof, his cloak and tie discarded. The ever-growing chill in the breeze soothed the captain as his soul phone informed the captain of the hour. There were several hours until class began, leaving the captain plenty of time to complete his research of the wizards, which so far, reserved no threat. Yet by the urgent call he had received from Soul Society, that remained to be seen if the Head Captain had good reason to conduct such dire measures.

Concealing himself in a simple kido barrier, Toshiro shunpoed off the tower into the dewy woodlands, just outside of the perimeter of Hogwarts, the dementors having receded as dawn broke. Entering a lone cave, the captain extended the barrier as he entered deeper into the cave's caverns, stopping with a large screen at the end of the said cave as he merely nodded to a black cat who smirked at him as she too followed the captain, but lingered in the shadows as the screen began to spring to life.

The screen was large and was powered through thick and robust lines, varying from reddish-purple to a dull azul in color as the black screen of the visual communication flickered, static with a mixture of a high and brooding voice sounding from the invisible speakers, as the screen revealed a researcher from the Twelfth Division without a doubt, seeing the white lab coat over the shinigami's robes.

Flinching at the sight of the white-haired captain, the brown shoulder-length haired shinigami stuttered a greeting, the top knot at the front of his head bobbing as the researcher bowed continuously. "I-I apologize f-for the delay-y! This is the communication server for the Bureau of Technological Development."

Waving off the stutter with a passive blink, the captain merely said in an almost bored tone, "Captain of the Tenth Division, Hitsugaya Toushirou."

"Acknowledged, sir." Rin Tsubokura replied, with relief hinted in his voice. "I'll transfer you now, sir."

Only giving a nod in reply, the captain kept his stoic expression as the screen flickered to static before displaying a feed that Toshiro had more often seen himself participating in than a viewer. Alined in two lines with each of their lieutenants kneeling at the feet with the exception of the Head Captain's, the captains stared back through an equally large screen that projected their youngest colleague, his teal eyes just as cold as they remembered.

"Hitsugaya-taicho." The Head Captain began as he slammed his cane on the wooden floorboards for attention. "I trust that you have secured the area, so that this meeting is not eavesdropped into?"

"Yes, sir." Hitsugaya replied simply, as he flicked out his wand, well aware of the observing eyes of his fellow captains and his own lieutenant along with the other twelve. "I have placed several charms and complicated jinxes to notify if we are being eavesdropped or mistakenly found."

Nodding in content of the ice captain's precautions, the Head Captain continued, as expressions hardened. "Now that all high ranking members of the Thirteen Court Squads are present, we shall commence our meeting."

"There is only one sole reason as to why we have taken a risk and have communicated this way to you, Hitsugaya-taicho." The Head Captain began, as his red eyes opened a crack, a rarity within itself. "We have discovered that Aizen may have had a hand in the wizarding world."

Toshiro hid his mild surprise with a slight widening of his eyes, only to narrow them once more, silently questioning as his fellow captains did the same; only Ukitake, Kyoraku, and Unohana being the exceptions.

"Deemed irrelevant of the time with the arrancars, Ukitake-taicho, as you all remember, had searched through Aizen Sousuke's belongings and the research conducted in the Central 46 chambers, discovering Aizen's plot to retrieve the Oken. However…" The Head Captain paused, his eyes now fully opened to see his tensioned captains and lieutenants, with a seemingly calm Hitsugaya.

"…it seems that Aizen was interested in 'the heavenly guardian.'"

All eyes flickered to the ice captain projected in the screen as the said captain merely deepened his frown, as he answered with suppressed anger in his icy teal eyes. "There were circumstances that, even though the professors of Hogwarts had not informed me, were rather strange."

Reporting the incident with the wand shop, Toshiro paused as questions were voiced.

"This being in your wand, Hitsugaya-taicho, he can co-inside in your Inner World?" The Head Captain all but interrogated as the addressed captain nodded, obliging to the silent command as he flicked out the said wand and retreated into his Inner World.

Master. Two voices breathed in unison, power resonating in their words.

With a small storm of blizzard-like winds and sleet, the high ranking officers of the Gotei 13 blinked in surprise at the sight of the ice captain, or rather the fact that two beings stood by his side. Materialized by their master's side, Hyorinmaru stood with an unsheathed blade, it's chain and crescent blade wrapped over the zanpakuto's lavender kimono; with guarded gazes turned to Sephiroth, who too held his own bone-white flat-blade in defense, icy blue eyes glaring behind white bangs tinted with a hint of an icy hue.

"His name is Sephiroth." Toshiro explained simply, his voice void. "He has sworn loyalty to myself and Hyorinmaru, myself as his master and Hyorinmaru as his elder."

Nodding in acknowledgment of the ice captain's words, the Head Captain addressed the dragon himself. "Are all creatures within these wands sentient, Sephiroth, last of the Fleurs?"

"No, sir." The white-haired youth replied, his voice much like his master's only as slightly less deeper than Hyorinmaru. "They are only partly sentient, having perished in peace. I, being a superiorly intellectual being than a majority of my kind in the West, am able to coexist within my Master's Inner World. Therefore, only a wand constructed of a being of my own intellect and kind would be able to have the same sentience as I."

"The probability of that being?" A petit woman with piercing grey eyes and short black bangs over her forehead, looping into two braids which each ended with a golden ring, questioned suspiciously. She wore a sleeveless haori like Toshiro, in traditional shinigami garments, differing only in her yellow obi and traditional Chinese black shoes; herself being Soifon, Captain of the 2nd Division and the Commander of the Onmitsukido.

"None." The ice dragon supplied evenly, unfazed by the mistrust in the woman's eyes. "As my Master has explained, I am the last of my kind, and my wand was crafted several millennium ago. Therefore, the only wand of any sentiment of this time and age."

A nod in understanding of the ice dragon's words, the Head Captain once again addressed another topic at hand, his red eyes cracking open a slit. "And these Dementors, Hitsugaya-taicho, they are the source of which caused the souls to have perished into states that are devoid of happiness?"

"Yes, sir." Toshiro reported, as he narrowed his gaze as his lieutenant and fellow captains narrowed their own, knowing something was amiss as the Head Captain did the very opposite, his eyes opening a sliver wider. "They, however, were the fortunate ones."

Toshiro recounted his readings with slight anger as he could see the same fury in the lieutenants knelt at the captains' feet, with each of their superiors' facial expressions pulled to a subsequent frown, anger well hidden like the ice captain's. "Whether these souls are within the Dementors, I do not know as it is merely speculation. However, the Ministry of Magic regulates and wields control over these beings."

"These wizards actually employ these hollow-like beings?!" Kyoraku questioned aloud as a majority of the viewers watched the white-haired captain nod in response with slightly widened gazes.

"Prison guards for their most notorious criminals." Toshiro supplied as he added another as an afterthought. "With one being on the loose."

Following the order to elaborate, Toshiro proceeded to explain his new information from the previous night, of this Sirius Black, Harry Potter, Peter Pettigrew's murder, and the dark wizard of Voldemort.

"They are dependent upon this boy to their salvation?" Ukitake questioned aloud, his tone all but indignant. "A thirteen-year-old child?"

The blond captain of the Third Division scoffed. "Thinking that this Voldy moron is dead and won't come back will only get all of them killed. How idiotic."

"The shrimp is just bait for that Voldy freak." Kenpachi grinned as he laughed at the ludicrousness of the idea.

"Even this single-eyed idiot knows that the very thought of placing faith that child is an absurd thought." Mayuri chuckled through his white and gold teeth as he sneered an afterthought. "Although I have been saying the same for the past century now."

Toshiro darkened his glare through the screen as Hyorinmaru and Sephiroth followed in suit, as the Head Captain addressed the masked Twelfth Division captain before he could. "Enough, Kurotsuchi-taicho. Hitsugaya-taicho is a captain as the requirements have met; we are not as foolish enough as to place the entire faith of our world on the shoulders of a thirteen-year-old child."

"And of your zanpakuto, Hitsugaya?" Ukitake asked, his kind face directed to the smaller white-haired captain.

"I have Transfigured Hyorinmaru's gigai, courtesy of Urahara, into a bracelet." The ice captain elaborated briefly, as he held up the said bracelet over his small wrist. The band was a simple dull gold, with eight spikes much like the blade's hilt during Bankai, ice interwoven over the gold as it simmered in the dark cavern as the Head Captain slammed his cane on the wood floorboards once again for attention and silence.

"Hitsugaya-taicho, you are to inquire into these Dementors and if it is possible to free the theorized entrapped souls." The Head Captain began, as he closed his eyes in finality, his words intent with deeper meaning which all the captains other than Kenpachi seemed to catch onto. "As to this Sirius Black and Voldemort, they are not our main concern; however, to merely caution against."

"And the boy?" Toshiro inquired with a subtle annoyance, knowing the answer already all too well.

"The same to him."

Sighing lightly, the ice captain allowed Hyorinmaru and Sephiroth to dissipate into his Inner World as he pulled out a folded piece of parchment. Confusion colored the high ranking members of Soul Society as a light tinge of pink dusted the ice captain's cheeks, not going unnoticed as he explained.

"I need to have this signed by my 'guardian' to be allowed to go off Hogwarts' grounds to a nearby town of Hogsmeade, a privilege given only to third-years and older, seeing as I need to keep an eye out on the boy." Toshiro muttered out, his blush growing slightly with every which word as amused smiles broke out on every shinigami's lips not matter how subtle and large, the smallest being the Head Captain's and the largest being Ukitake, as Mayuri merely scowled as laughter began to echo much to the ice captain's embarrassment.

Curse these wizards and their permission slips.

Toshiro stood aside, perched under one of the many greying arches of the outer halls, as he watched along with his cohorts — supposedly — as Mr. Filch, a pasty appearing man dressed in an ancient black suit and tie, as the apparent caretaker of Hogwarts; collected the previously mentioned permission slips, standing a step behind Professor McGonagall, who addressed the students.

"Remember, these visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly upon the school, such a privilege shall not be extended again." McGonagall warned as the students paid their Head of House minimal attention, as their eyes followed a certain ebony-haired boy clutching an unsigned permission slip.

Let the drama begin. Hyorinmaru commented curtly as Toshiro snorted in response, Sephiroth merely chuckling as the three spirits watched the Chosen One plead with Professor McGonagall.

"No permission form signed, no visiting the village." The Animagus professor said sternly to the silently pleading Harry, with a tone of finality in her words. "That's the rule, Potter."

No wanting to hear anymore of it, the Transfiguration professor proceeded to lead the students out of the grounds, with Filch in the tow as he addressed the gathered students. "Those with permission, follow me. Those without, stay put."

However, determination flared in Potter's eyes as the students began to heed to Filch's words, other than Granger and Weasley who watched their friend beg solemnly, as the captain remained unmoved, his teal eyes blank and expression icily bored. Stopping the professor's strides, Potter began to reason with desperation, Filch proceeding without hesitation.

"Professor! I thought if you signed it, then I could…" The boy began, only to be cut off by a stern shake of the head and the professor's words.

"I cannot, Potter. Only a parent or a guardian can sign. Therefore, seeing since I am neither, it would be inappropriate." McGonagall said with a hard glare, silencing Potter to silence as the fire dimmed in his eyes, finally realizing how futile his efforts would be.

Sympathetic eyes of the professor met the green ones of the boy as he turned, the professor sighing lightly as she spoke. "I'm sorry, Potter. But that is my final word."

With a turn, the professor then brought up the rear of the receding students, only to be stopped once again by the icy transfer, who Potter and Weasley watched with suspicious eyes, Granger out of curiosity.

"Mr. Hitsugaya?" The professor asked, her eyes slightly weary. "Do you have a concern or question to ask of me?"

"Yes, Professor McGonagall." Toshiro began as he lidded his teal orbs half-way. "Those with permission, may we execute the choice of going to Hogsmeade or to reside in the corridors of Hogwarts for the day?"

McGonagall blinked in response to the question before she answered with slight tension. "Yes, you may if that is what you so wish."

Nodding his thanks, the captain merely walked away, past a dumbfounded Harry and Ron as the captain apparated away, his teal eyes dark as he fingered his golden Time-Turner ominously.