
Chapter 7: Ghosts and Boggarts

Chapter 7: Ghosts and Boggarts

Teal orbs glowed in the night as the lone transfer student wandered the silent castle, most of its occupants asleep as the said person almost floated over his inspection of the castle. Toshiro sighed lightly in the darkness as he made his way down the hall that had just made itself apparent, the captain still in his gigai.

In accordance to orders, Kurotsuchi had discovered that wizards would be able to see shinigami if exposed to enough reiatsu, eventually allowing them to see them. By the mad scientist's estimates, only third-years and above would be able to see them. Due to the discoveries of such, all of the captains with the exception of himself, had deemed it safer to have the ice captain to remain in his gigai unless the situation called for otherwise.

After sending Urahara a request to create a gigai for Hyorinmaru via Korihana, Toshiro, dressed in a black hakama, had decided to confide to the resident souls of Hogwarts whom had yet to make an appearance since the school year had begun, being only a night ago.

I need to find these ghosts before I am exposed. Toshiro thought to himself as he shunpoed to hall to hall, not a soul other than himself in sight.

It is plausible that they are afraid of you, Master. Hyorinmaru advised. They are souls that have yet to move on, having chosen to remain in the World of the Living. Perhaps they fear that a greater power other than a grunt shinigami has come to collect them under the guise of a child.

Also they have yet to understand as to why you are here, Master. Should we await this one out? Sephiroth added, his deep yet youthful voice expressionless.

No. The ice serpentine and Master said in unison. If we delay with the spirits of the wizards, they may become uncomfortable and resort to informing teachers or the Headmaster.

Or worse, the very students themselves. Sephiroth agreed as he received two answers of approval. How will we find these spirits?

They will find us. Toshiro merely answered as a sliver of a ghostly white sailed over the captain who watched the spirit warily.

Like the stereotypical ghost implied, the lady was transparent and floated over her steps toward him, her ballroom dress ending in silver wisps nearing him with caution and fear in her grey eyes. She was beautiful, and appeared to be no older than her mid-thirties, her pale lips tinged with a slight pink and her once-brown hair done fancily, ending at her waist.

"You are one of the death gods, the servants who guide the dead into the afterlife, are you not, child?" She asked, her voice soft and gentle as the captain's mood darkened at the last title. "As to proper etiquette, I am Helena Ravenclaw, or the Grey Lady, the Ghost of Ravenclaw."

"I am not a child." Toshiro snapped instinctively as the lady before him flinched. "And yes, I am. My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya, Captain of the Tenth Division of the Thirteen Court Squads of Soul Society."

Before allowing the lady to continue, Toshiro lifted a hand to silence her as he continued. "I am aware of your agreement as witches and wizards to remain within these castle walls. As to why I am here, I would prefer not to repeat myself. So, the rest of you who are within these walls, reveal yourself and so that we may speak."

Judging from the widened eyes from the lady, they had not known that soul reapers would be able to sense others with reiatsu. One by one, the spirits appeared, ones bloody, ones friendly, ones indifferent, but all held a cautious air as they knew what the captain was.

"Is there a place in which we are able to speak in private and without interruption, whether it be students or teachers?" Toshiro inquired, his gaze upon the lady who had revealed herself first.

"There is the Room of Requirement." The Grey Lady said, as she took the lead, all of the other ghosts close behind her as the captain lingered behind, purposely to ensure that none of the ghosts had second thoughts. Eventually, the ghosts and the captain had come to a grey wall with a simple tapestry hanging innocently over it. Raising an eyebrow in question, the captain turned to the Grey Lady.

"This room only appears if the said person is in dire need of something, and therefore, whatever it maybe the room will shift. This need, you must think solely upon it, and walk past the wall thrice and it shall appear before you."

Raising an eyebrow at the oddity of the request, Toshiro merely relented as he did as said, and slowly, a large door appeared before the captain, who lifted the tapestry for entrance.

The room was large and spacious, with Gothic windows shining moonlight into the room, at the very end, a crackling fire of blue flames and a single armchair in front of it, with several warm couches of a variety of colors, from the royal red to an emerald green. As if the seats were marked for each ghost, the ghost drifted over to the couches and seated themselves the captain doing the same with the armchair which he had expected was for him.

"I am here to observe the known beings of wizardry and witchcraft, and to learn myself of the capabilities of such; and my superior, the Head Captain of which I am sure you are all aware and familiar with, has decided to send myself." Toshiro began, as he smirked internally at the paling of the ghosts at the mention of the Head Captain, if the ghosts become any paler.

"I see." The Grey Lady said from a purple couch, her voice soft and airy as she surveyed the captain. "Seeing how your appearance is convincing to attend Hogwarts, you were chosen to enter here and along the way as you complete your mission are also able to learn."

Nodding in reply but conveying nothing else in no other form, Toshiro turned as the attention shifted to a rather bloodied ghost, who was judging from the hushed whispers, the Bloody Baron.

"Then Captain Hitsugaya, inform us this, do you have any intention of harming any of the students?" The male ghost interrogated, his tone demanding and slightly arrogant. The said ghost was dressed in dress robes covered with blood, judging from it originated from his own and another, and the fact that the ghost carried chains, was too close to a grounded soul for Toshiro's taste.

"It is dependent upon them." Toshiro replied evasively, his eyes narrowed.

"How so?" A ghost asked with poorly veiled hostility, as all of the ghosts seemed grow a bit tense, even with the slightest being the Grey Lady's twitch of her elegant fingers.

"If the situation deems for any harm towards myself, I will retaliate if necessary. But I will not lift a finger if it pertains to the injury of the other students, they are not my concern." Toshiro said, without a trace of sympathy or warmth. "I am only here to observe, and therefore, observe I will and only that."

How cold. The Grey Lady thought as she looked at Toshiro with pity. He is a mere child yet they have already drilled it within Soul Society that orders are not to be disobeyed.

After a terse silence, the said Lady spoke. "Very well, Captain Hitsugaya." Smiling as she said them. "As long as you do not harm any of the students, you shall have us and our protection as well. You are, after all, a student here as well."

Allowing himself a small smirk, Toshiro nodded in acknowledgement of the Lady's words, calming the tension of the room. Taking this as their cue to leave, each ghost relayed their sentiments to the captain who merely nodded at each, until it was only he and the Lady were left.

"You are quite odd, Captain Hitsugaya." The Lady voiced as she stood to address him who rose an eyebrow in question, to which she shook her head. "I am not pertaining to your reputation, age, appearance, or icy bestows. But to yourself."

A confused expression flashed over the captain's face for a brief moment before regaining its stoic mask, eyes questioning with a silent ferocity.

"You are cold, merciless when ordered, yet you are willing to bend for the sake of those you love and cherish. You are warmer and softer than you appear, Captain Hitsugaya."

"You are no different, Lady Ravenclaw." Toshiro addressed, his tone blasé. "You appear to wish to be alone and isolated yet from your flamboyant dresses and stature, you value class and status as much as any other woman of your time. You are quiet yet observing, like an eagle awaiting upon its perch as to when to strike."

The Grey Lady blinked at the boy's accuracy of reading her. It was yet to be a full hour, and yet the boy had read her flaws and strengths so quickly and similarly to what her mother once voiced to her.

"It seems as if there is more to you than meets the eye, Captain Hitsugaya." She voiced quietly, her eyes turning to the captain, only to meet an empty blue armchair.

"Seeing as how you have had yet to see much of anything or even remotely aware of my people, yes, there is." Toshiro voiced from the exit, his voice phlegmatic as he left the Ravenclaw ghost with more questions than answers.

After a rather boorish hour of Divination and Ancient Runes, other than the revelation that the Potter boy was 'destined' to die in accordance to reading tea leaves — the captain did not know what was worse, the fact that the students needed an omen to confirm that or the 'shocking' revelation that Potter was to die—, Toshiro entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom after a majority of his house mates, his cloak and scarf billowing behind him as he hid his golden Time-Turner under the teal scarf.

The class was shared within the same period with cohorts despite the segregation of houses, although the captain did not understand the point of separating the children upon the basis of chivalry, cunning, intellect, or loyalty. Such a concept would have died quickly in Soul Society, for if not for the varying talents of each division, the ice captain along with his class would have not as made it as what they were currently.

Shaking away his thoughts, the ice captain stood aside from a majority of the class, not a part of them but not too much to be considered isolated. Instead of desks and textbooks, Professor Lupin had instructed them to stand before a reflective closet, shaking every once in a while, much to the majority of the students' anxiety.

"Intriguing, isn't it?" The werewolf professor asked rhetorically, as the center group of students flinched visibly at the slight shake of the closet. Namely, Weasley.

"Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?" The professor continued, an answer given immediately.

"That's a boggart, that is."

"Very good, Mr. Thomas." Lupin acknowledged with nod. "Now, can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows." Hermione answered, making her presence known to Ron, who recoiled in surprise. "When did she get here?!"

Ignoring the red-head, Hermione continued. "Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a person fears the most. That's what makes them so…"

"…So terrifying, yes, yes, yes…" Lupin finished as he walked to the front to face the class. "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now. Without wands, please. After me. Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" The class, well, those who chose to answer at least, the captain not being one of them; answered.

A being that configures into what an individual fears the most. Toshiro mused as he tried the incantation mentally, without the usage of his wand. Perhaps we can use these beings for Soul Society in Onmisukido for interrogation.

And you say I'm the one who people run away from. Hyorinmaru grumbled playfully as Toshiro rose an eyebrow internally.

However, Master. Hyorinmaru continued, his tone no longer playful. I advise caution. This being configures into what you fear the most.

Nodding in agreement, Toshiro assured his zanpakuto and wand guardian that caution would be exercised as he turned once again to the lesson at hand, his blank features unchanging.

"Very good." Lupin encouraged as he tried to instill confidence in the hesitant class. "A little louder and be clear. Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" The class echoed, following the instructions given.

"This class is ridiculous." A voice spat out in the captain as he blinked to the corner of his eye to find the person to be none other than Draco Malfoy, with his lackey nodding in dumb agreement. Shrugging off the comment, as others were entitled to what they wished to think, the captain thwarted his attention from the blonde and back to the class.

The professor who addressed the class promptly, as the captain merely exchanged glances with Malfoy, neither speaking a word. "So much for the easy part. You see, the incarnation alone is not enough. You see, what really finishes off a boggart is laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing."

"Let me explain." Lupin began as he chose his example. "Neville, would you join me please?"

Too easy. Toshiro thought, as the spirits in his Inner World rumbled their agreement. He is going to be killed if he does not learn to defend himself.

"Come on. Don't be shy. Come on." The professor encouraged, as a nervous and slightly shaking Neville walked to the front.

It's like ushering a canine. Toshiro sighed as he watched the debacle.

More like comforting a frightened gerbil. Hyorinmaru supplied.

I thought he looked more like a cornered rat. Sephiroth added, as Toshiro silenced the two, turning back to Neville.

"Hello, Neville." Lupin greeted silently, his smile friendly. "What frightens you most of all?'

"Pr-Professor Snape." The boy mumbled incoherently in his mouth as the ice captain repelled an urge to scoff.


"Professor Snape." Neville replied clearer as all of the students broke into smiles whether amused ones or sneering.

"Professor Snape." Lupin laughed lightly to himself, as if reminiscing an old memory. "Yes, frightens all."

"And I believe you live with your grandmother?" Lupin questioned.

"Yes. But I don't want it to turn into her either." Neville replied, igniting some laughs from behind.

"No…" Lupin trailed off. "…it won't. I want you to picture her clothes."

Ignoring the confused look on his student's face, Lupin continued clearly and firmly. "Only her clothes, very clearly, in your mind."

"She carries a red handbag…" The boy began, as if trying to recall as Lupin shook his head.

"We don't need to hear." Lupin stopped the boy. "As long as you see it, we'll see it. Now, when I open that wardrobe, here's what I want you to do."

Nearing the clearly frightened Neville, the professor whispered softly into the boy's ear, unheard by all but Neville and the captain, who blinked in surprise at the professor's instructions.

"Can you do that?" Lupin asked to the stupefied Neville who nodded dumbly, both pulling out their respective wands in ready. "One, two, three…"

With a sharp clink, the knob on the closet turned, opening the said closet to reveal a brooding and sneering Snape, his hair greasily curtained over his face, eyes beady and intimidating as Neville began to shake, Lupin silently encouraging behind him.

"Think. Neville, think." The professor encouraged as a fire of determination grew in the boy's eyes, his wand at the ready.


And with a change of clothing, the Potions Master had changed into wearing a tight green skirt, a old-fashioned mink coat, a ruffled top, and to accessorize; a red handbag with a eagle topped hat to finish; much to the amusement of the class as laughter ensued.

"Wonderful, Neville, wonderful!" Lupin chuckled along with the class as he instructed the class to line up, to have their go at the boggart. With much shoving and pushing, the captain waited as the children lined up excited as he stood aside in the back, taking the voices in his Inner World to account. So then, it began.

One after another, student after student took on the boggart each one calling forth laughter to all the students, then came Ron's turn who had added roller skates to his greatest fear, a large spider, amusement and laughter ensuing behind him as Lupin shouted praises. As the boggart rolled haphazardly, it was then that things began to spiral downward, landing in front of Toshiro.

A pop was heard as the boggart shifted, the class' smiling faces shifting toward the boggart, curious as to what the transfer's fear was, only to have their faces contort into horror as several students began to scream.

Snow covered the Toshiro's feet as the captain stood in front of the changed boggart, transfixed at the dark red that covered a majority of the white snow. Bodies of Matsumoto, Ichigo, Renji, Rukia, Hinamori, Ukitake, Kyoraku, his men, nearly every shinigami the captain knew littered the snow, their blank and dead eyes wide open with shock, fear, and accusation. The Head Captain stood in front of the ice captain in the midst of the bloody scene, zanpakuto unsheathed and bloodied as he spoke in English for all to understand, as the students and professor alike were too transfixed to move.

"Captain Hitsugaya Toshiro. This is your doing." The Head Captain said sagely. "As a child, you have failed your mission as a captain and thus have caused such calamity. Because of your incompetence and ignorance, you have failed. With their lives as the price. They have perished and have been killed because of you."

The ice captain shook his head slowly, his expression frozen, fear laced in his voice as he whispered. "No."

"I should have known better not to entrust a child with such a responsibility. You are not worthy of life." The elderly shinigami continued. "Live on in repentance for your for your ignorance and incompetence, Hitsugaya. Why should you escape into death when you have shortened the lives of others?"

To Lupin's horror, the professor saw how the transfer had actually believed the elderly man's words, the acceptance and fear of himself gleaming brightly in those teal orbs.

"You are not worthy of life nor death. However, upon the faulty of your failure, death is your option." Yamamoto continued as he held out his zanpakuto to the captain's chest, Toshiro making no move to stop him, only bowing his head in acceptance, the captain's zanpakuto and guardian's voices falling to deaf ears. "And therefore death shall it be. End it, Captain Hitsugaya."

Yamamoto-soutaicho was right. Why should he live? They died because of his failure. Death was too much of a luxury, for his mistakes; but it must be done. As repentance for what he has done. Toshiro thought as he felt the blade begin to tear his clothing, but only stared blankly at bodies of Matsumoto and Hinamori. All his fault. All because he failed.

Toshiro! It's not real! It is only a boggart! An illusion! Hyorinmaru cried within the captain's Inner World without avail, Sephiroth doing the same as his own efforts were just as fruitless.

"No!" Harry and Neville cried as they broke out of their frozen stupor, the former pushing the captain out of the way and the latter pulling him bodily away from the boggart, as it shifted to a dementor, its now menacing black shrouds hovering over the Chosen One. Breaking out of his own frozen state, Lupin quickly strode in front of Harry, the boggart shifting once again into a white full orb shrouded by dark clouds.

"Riddikulus!" The professor snapped with a wave of his wand as the boggart became a white balloon as to the werewolf's spell, the closet opening, closing, and finally, locking with a loud click.

Silence fell over the students as they turned to the white-haired transfer, who had seated himself on the floor with Neville and Harry, both mirroring the looks of pity, confusion, shock, and horror; the transfer in question merely stared in front of him blankly, his teal orbs eerily haunted.

Just what did this child go through to have a fear as horrifying as that? Lupin questioned silently to himself as he addressed the class. "Five points awarded to each student who faced the boggart and homework shall be to read the chapter on boggarts with a summary by the end of the week. Class dismissed, except for Mr. Hitsugaya."

With slight reluctance from the Golden Trio and Neville, the class shuffled out leaving a blank Toshiro, who had gathered enough of himself to seat himself in front of Lupin's desk, his eyes still vacant.

"Hitsugaya." Lupin said silently, as the captain looked up to meet the werewolf's gaze. "Do you wish to tell me something? I'm all ears as to what you tell me, as none of the words spoken will not leave this room other than the events of the class period. Which I can guarantee the entire school shall be informed of by the end of the day."

"Spreading like wildfire, before the event of dinner, I presume?" Toshiro replied dryly, his voice flat.

Cracking a small smile, the professor nodded. "Unfortunately."

"I apologize for the scene I have caused the class today, Professor Lupin." Toshiro began as he held up a hand to the professor's open mouth to protest, a bitter and cynical yet small smile crossing his lips. "Do not refute my apology, Professor. My fear is my own, as it is only a tad more vivid than my cohorts, but the fear of failure all the same. I was warned as to what and the abilities of a boggart yet, still I believed it."

"How foolish of me." The captain scolded himself lightly, almost wistfully as he bowed his head to the professor as the captain made for the exit, pausing at the door. "Excuse me, Professor."

"…Thank you."

There was a small crack and the captain was gone.