
Chapter 9: Suspiciously Bloody Business

Chapter 9: Suspiciously Bloody Business

Toshiro sealed the roll of parchment with melted teal wax, the said seal incrusted with his initials, tying the essay neatly with a final black ribbon as the captain sensed Korihana enter the empty dorm, through the window, several packages in her talons. Greeting her with a small hum, the captain relieved the owl of her burdens, huffing with slight arrogance as she ate her reward set out for her, consistent of several scraps of meat and bread.

Placing his letters from Momo Hinamori, his adoptive sister, aside, the captain tore open one from Ukitake, written on parchment that the ice captain that had sent back, enchanted to be unreadable to all but the sender and the intended receiver. If intercepted, the said parchment would instantly combust.

Scanning the letter, Toshiro merely sighed with slight relief.

There was no orders to heed other than the one he had received previously as the older white-haired captain, Kyoraku, and Unohana had apparently been ordered to see to pursue the history of his rumored title of being the 'heavenly guardian' with Byakuya Kuchiki, the Sixth Division Captain, doing the same in his family's private library. He, in the other hand, was to remain in Hogwarts and observe.

Burning the read parchment with the single lit candle in the room at the moment, the captain allowed the ashes to dance out the window before gathering several finished assignments into his bag that appeared too small for his things. Not bothering to put on his cloak, the captain merely walked out of the dormitory and common room, with his scarf over his neck and bag slung over his shoulder.

The halls bustled with first and second years as a majority of the older years had taken to the nearby town, the captain paying no heed to the pointed looks and stares from the children, the rumors of his encounter with the boggart although died down, were rather still insistent.

After dropping off the assignments for nearly all of his classes with several shocked professors in the tow, the captain had decided to withhold his essay in preparation for grindylows, seeing how the werewolf professor was not in his office.

The full moon is nearing, Master. Hyorinmaru resonated in Toshiro's mind as the captain walked toward the dungeons, the last of his papers being a several paged report upon the previously brewed Drowsiness Draught, the choosing of the beginner potion meant to torment Longbottom ever since the wildfire of the boggart incident had outspread the campus just as Toshiro's had. Perhaps, Lupin grows weaker and does not want to place his students in harm's way due to the his ailment's nature.

That would be wise, elder. Sephiroth reasoned as he agreed. Werewolves are unpredictable and reckless once transformed, unable to recognize from ally or foe, attacking or running, dependent upon the degree of lost control.

Yet, after their ordeals, they would recall all of their experiences, good and bad of it until they once again revert to their prior forms. Toshiro finished mentally, as he had come to Snape's classroom, knocking to await the invitation to enter from the professor within.

"Enter." Was the curt invitation as the captain obliged, finding the Potions Master doing what he presumably did best. With a black cauldron upon his table, the professor appeared to be grinding indigo flowers after carefully removing it's leaves and stem, intent upon the mere fleur.

"Mr. Hitsugaya." Snape addressed his student with a raised whisper, the door closing behind the captain who merely opened his half-lidded teal orbs a fraction, the Potions Master's tone not pleasant nor condescending. "What do I owe for this pleasure of your company?"

"I have come to give you my assignment early, Professor." Toshiro replied with equal indifference as he held out a trio of scrolls for the professor who took them with a risen eyebrow.

"You may go, Mr. Hitsugaya. As you can see, I am preoccupied with duties as you, Captain Hitsugaya, in the other hand, seem to have a large amount of time in your hands." Snape dismissed the captain, placing the scrolls upon his desk, the captain being in his position as a student obliged, after addressing the Potions Master.

"On the contrary, Professor." Toshiro replied, just as biting. "I have no intent of taking on the imagery of an atypical Gryffindor, playing with lackadaisical tendencies and second chances. It is merely I had so many prior duties that the mandatory duties of the West are so minimal in comparison to my own, I am able to complete my current duties with minimal effort. Even with your duty of providing Professor Lupin with his ailment with the Wolfsbane Potion, I doubt that your duties currently exceed my own."

With a lithe turn, the captain exited the office.

Sensing that Lupin was within his office with Potter, the captain decided to drop off the last of his assignments, seeing as he would might as well. Walking past the quiet halls of classes in session, the captain found himself at slightly ajar doors of the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, well aware of the brooding reiatsu of a certain Potions Master several steps away.

"Finished, Professor?" Toshiro whispered seemingly to no one.

"Of course." Snape sneered, as he neared the captain from around the corner of the hall, his black ragged robes billowing eerily as the captain merely rose an eyebrow at the dark blue wisps from the goblet in the professor's hands. "Not all of us have the disposition of lackadaisical and second-chanced Gryffindors."

Sharing an invisible smirk with the Potions Master, Toshiro gestured for the Potions Master to enter first, both replacing their split-second long looks of amusement for masks of annoyance and bored indifference. Entering the empty classroom, the white-haired transfer and Potions professor found the owner of the very classroom as of late and a certain green-eyed boy who was 'destined for great things.' Three guesses who, not that it was needed.

The scent of a calming and — to the captain's distaste — sweet milk tea filled the almost deserted room, the pleasant conversation in the room interrupted by the two's intrusion. A tired smile spread across the werewolf professor's expression as the opposite took on Potter's, his frown displaying his obvious displeasure, whether it was the captain's presence or the Potions Master beside him, the captain did not really care.

"Ah, Severus and Mr. Hitsugaya." Lupin greeted, pleasantly enough as the captain merely nodded as the addressed professor replied with a morbid greeting, the werewolf professor seemed to address his cohort. "I presume that you have finished it?"

"Of course. Seeing as it will be the one thing that would curb your ailment." Snape replied with a slight sneer, tinged with annoyance.

"Yes." Lupin replied sagely as he sighed with slight saddened eyes, as the Potions Master handed over the goblet, with a certain student's suspicious green eyes on him. "It would be more doable than previous episodes due to this."

"Perhaps, perhaps not, Professor Lupin." Toshiro cut in, his voice emotionless as usual, pulling out his last roll of parchment for the day to deliver. "But it is merely that we must do what we must to prepare for the inevitable, whether under suitable conditions or not."

"As sadly as that it is, Hitsugaya, it is true." The werewolf professor smiled cryptically as he placed the finished summary of boggarts on his desk, neither of the professors or the captain missing Potter's failed subtle effort of hiding his suspicion or confusion of the topic of subject for that matter.

And this is their salvation. Toshiro thought almost in hopeless disappointment. I would sooner leave my division under Matsumoto's care than to let that idiot that these wizards' intel as their savior to save anything.

I agree with you notion, Master; however, didn't you leave the division under Matsumoto's care? Hyorinmaru teased as a scowl smeared the captain's expression, colored with slight annoyance.

Not voluntarily. Toshiro growled back as Hyorinmaru and Sephiroth chuckled lightly, amused at their master's thoughts.

"Then, I will take my leave." The captain exited as the Potions Master followed, neither displaying their notice of Potter's suspicious green orbs glaring on their backs.

The captain had forgotten what today was. And now he was sorely and annoyingly reminded.

Glaring darkly at the opened package of a variety of sweets, the captain audibly cursed in Japanese his lieutenant, for it was undoubtably her, who informed the older white-haired captain of a certain night of the year when children, as a tradition, went around to gather candy and sweets throughout the night.

Halloween. The captain groaned mentally as he closed his teal orbs in annoyance and obvious fatigue as the memories came back.

The first time that the captain had heard of Halloween, it was coincidentally enough, his first year of his captaincy. The fact that many shinigami had not known his appearance and youthful age, did not seem to ease the fact that many thought his lieutenant had put together a very convincing 'costume' of a shinigami captain. To say that Seireitei had experienced one of it's coldest nights in it's history on the eve of the 31st of the October was an understatement.

Sealing his seal on an innocently-appearing, particularly red envelope, the captain held out the rewrapped package and said envelope along with another white one. With a swift flap of her snow white wings, the mod-soul owl took her new burdens and flew out into the descending night.

Eat something and retire for the night, Master. Hyorinmaru suggested to sooth his master's darkening mood.

Yes, perhaps the night will take a turn for the better at dinner, Master. Sephiroth voiced with intent to risen his master's spirits.

Deciding to heed the spirits in his Inner World, the captain made no move to close the ajar windows by his bed, instead Toshiro draped over his cloak over his slim frame, his scarf and said cloak billowing behind him as he made his way past the oddly deserted common room toward the dining hall.

Only for the captain's nostrils to be attacked by a sickeningly sweet scent. Teal orbs followed through the ajar doors to find children enjoying the annual Halloween feast, much to the captain's disgust. From eager tongues lapping rich chocolate sundaes to the candy-filled smiles that echoed in each table, the captain miffed away at the sight.

Or not. Sephiroth and Hyorinmaru added in the end as Toshiro merely silenced both of them with a dark grumble as he turned away from the temporary candy land of the dining hall.

Only to sense an unfamiliar reiatsu as he neared the Gryffindor Tower, by the Fat Lady's portrait.

So, Black has finally shown himself. Toshiro mused as he Transfigured his bracelet into Hyorinmaru gigai, tying the blade on his back, reserving to use his zanpakuto as the captain pulled out his bone-white wand. Then, it would be impolite for me to not do so in turn.

The triumph roars of the two dragons echoed in unison as the captain seemed to disappear in a burst of speed.

"Harry? 'arry! Ya listenin'? Harry!" Ron all but bellowed to his best friend as he watched his best friend snap into attention, following the black-haired boy's gaze to the deserted doors of the dining hall. "What in blazes you lookin' at?"

"What?" Harry replied rather stupidly as Ron and Hermione shot him concerned looks, Neville already sporting on of his own as he sat adjacent to the said boy, the other two across from them.

"You were dazing, 'arry. You alright?" Ron asked concerned as he clutched a half-eaten candy apple, nuts and caramel on his face.

With a heavy sigh, the green-eyed boy wiped his chocolate covered fingers as he turned to his friends with a serious look, green orbs shining with determination and certainty. Recounting from when the three were last together, the green-eyed boy began.

"You know how Hitsugaya had decided to stay back at Hogwarts rather than go to Hogsmeade with, you guys?" Harry asked, receiving two nods in question as Neville quirked his head in interest.

"At first, I thought he was trying, you know, to try something." Harry said sheepishly at first as Ron seemed to agree with his best friend completely with him, Hermione defiant at her friend's conclusion.

"But I think he's after Lupin with Snape." Harry said darkly as even Ron looked at him with slight doubt, as the green-eyed boy continued, of his encounter of Lupin, of the interruption in the said professor's office in the form of Snape and Hitsugaya, the strange goblet and the evasive conversation that the three shared.

"They must be trying to poison Lupin so that Snape can get the Defence Against the Dark Arts position." Ron concluded with his blue-green orbs wide as Harry nodded grimly, Hermione cutting in as Neville wore a worried expression on his face.

"Do not be ridiculous." She snapped as the other three could hear the lecture beginning in her voice. "Professor Lupin said that he had an illness that Hitsugaya and Professor Snape had knew and therefore, brewed it for him. Although, I don't understand why Hitsugaya would know about it."

The foursome turned to the table of professors, from a seemingly unhappy Lupin who tried to mask his expression with a smile only for it to appear frail to a miffed Snape who eyed the sweets surrounding him darkly.

Something was up and with the fact that Hitsugaya and several prominent professor had to do with it, a certain green-eyed and unkempt black-haired boy was going to find out.

Later, after a grim conversation and many sweets, the trio with Neville in the tow, bounded up the interchanging stairs to their dormitory, Ronald's voice of Hogsmeade echoing.

"Honeyduke's Sweetshop is brilliant, but nothing beats Zonko's Joke Shop." Ron surmised as they climbed the stairs, the marble stairway moving. "But we never got to go to the Shrieking Shack."

Turning to his best friend with obliviousness of the latter's mood, the red-head continued, only to be cut off. "You heard it's the most…"

"…haunted building in Britain, I know." Harry ended glumly as they all turned to the entrance of their dormitory, which was oddly enough, was swarming with people.

"What's going on?" The spectacled green-eyed boy asked.

"Probably Neville's forgotten the password, again." Ron supplied with a shrug, only to have his theory be debunked with Neville's indignant "hey" from behind.

"Oh, you're there." Ron all but smiled as a voice that tried to distinguish order but failed to, echoed to the trio's attention, the voice oddly familiar.

"Let me through, please. Excuse me! I'm Head Boy!" Percy Weasley's nasal voice cried out, his pleas obviously ignored as he wormed his way through, eyes meeting the Fat Lady's portrait. "Get back, all of you. No one is to enter this dormitory until it's been searched."

Confusion colored the entrance of the Gryffindor Tower as a red-headed second year neared the just as confused trio, a frantic look on the girl's blue eyes as she looked at her older brother and two friends.

"The Fat Lady! She's gone!" Ginny Weasley cried out as whispers and shock replaced the confusion of the surrounding students, as they turned to the portrait to find Ginny's words true. The golden frame was untouched as one cannot say the same for the painting. Several diagonal slashes shredded the painting as it even seemed to scratch wood in the back of the portrait as the canvas appeared to irreparable, the only entrance and exit of the Gryffindor dormitory sealed.

"Serves her right. She was a terrible singer." Ron commented as Harry allowed himself a small snort as Hermione and Ginny seemed to not share the same sentiments.

"That's not funny, Ron." Hermione chided him as he merely shrugged.

Nearby portraits and paintings seemed to be as chaotic as the children were with their whisperings and sympathetic glances, not wanting the same to befall them as they pointed and added to the chaos of the sight of the shredded painting.

"Make way! The Headmaster's here. Come on, move! Move, I say!" Percy's and Filch's voices echoed as the students made heed of their words, seeing Professor Dumbledore climb the steps of the stairway behind them, other students of the other houses standing aside as they watched the chaos in curiosity.

Soon enough, the Headmaster was before the very shredded painting, his twinkling eyes colored with worry as he instructed for Filch to round up the ghosts to search for the Fat Lady, only to find that Mr. Filch had found her.

Sighting of the lady, the children quickly rushed to the portrait that currently contained her, a scenic landscape of several boars resting in a yellow grass pasture, the lady herself in hiding behind the largest beast.

"Dear lady, who did this to you?" Dumbledore breathed as he looked at her with sympathetically kind eyes.

Whimpering, the lady complied, her voice in near tears. "Eyes like the devil, he's got, and a soul as dark as his name. It's him, Headmaster. The one they all talk about."

"He's here, somewhere in the castle!" The lady cried as she lowered her terrified voice into a whisper. "Sirius Black!"

Immediately, the whispers of the children grew to panicked tones and terror filled conclusions, as the realization of a serial killer in the halls of Hogwarts had sunken in. In the midst of this, the Headmaster turned to Filch, executing orders immediately. "Secure the castle, Mr. Filch."

"The rest of you…" Dumbledore addressed the children, his kind voice now stern and commanding. "…to the Great Hall."

Heeding the Headmaster's words, the children ran down the stairs, emptying the area like bees, leaving only the Headmaster, doing the same as word outspread the castle of the presence of Black. Only to freeze in his steps as he noticed something on the ruined painting of the Fat Lady. Fresh droplets of blood.

A grown pulled the Headmaster from the sight as he turned to the point of origin of the noise, it being the lower right corner of the floor, several feet away from where the portrait hung. Kneeling to the hidden captain's eye level, the Headmaster was joined with a confused Snape, both widening their eyes as they registered the sight before them.

Undoing the kido barrier that subdued him to be protected and invisible, the captain sighed in relief. Blood dripped from long gashes on the captain's right arm as Toshiro's pale face shined with a thin sheen of sweat, his lips colorless from the loss of blood. Clutched in his injured right, was an unsheathed Hyorinmaru, dripping with crimson as the captain turned his unfocused teal orbs to the Headmaster and Potions Master, the former having lowered his voice to a whisper.

"Mr. Hitsugaya. How did this happen to you?"

The teal orbs of the captain hardened for a split second, then gleamed with a rare sign of fear as the captain whispered the name of the intruder within the castle walls, his normally commanding voice, shaky and filled with fear.

"S-Sirius Black."

And with a roll of his teal orbs into his skull, the bloody captain fell unceremoniously into the Headmaster's arms.

None noticing the thin smirk on the captain's lips.


The Tenth Division Lieutenant rolled unceremoniously on the couch of the newly reconstructed office, several piles of paperwork on her and her absent captain's desk. The strawberry blonde and curvaceous woman pouted as her thoughts traveled to her captain.

Mou, I wonder how is Taicho doing at his school… Rangiku mused to herself. I hope he makes some friends…

Ha, knowing him, he would rather be doing away with hollows than to try to make friends. Haineko laughed, her voice drawled. Hyorinmaru always tells me how he just wants your taicho to play more.

Everyone wants him to do that. Rangiku shot back lazily as a flap of wings brought the strawberry blonde out of her thoughts.

Perched on her captain's chair, the white owl sniffed at the piles of unfinished paperwork disapprovingly, her ebony eyes glaring at her owner's lieutenant almost exasperatedly. It was at that moment that the other officers of the Thirteen Court Squads had entered, having been invited to the Tenth Division for a sake party, curtsy of the strawberry blonde. Turning away from the glaring bird, Matsumoto waved her fellow colleagues over.

"Hisagi, Renji, Kira, Rukia, Hinamori!" The strawberry blonde cried in welcome, sitting up to invite them all over to have some sake.

Seating herself by the strawberry blonde, the brunette of the Fifth Division spotted the snow white owl as Rukia paused in the middle of her pounding of Renji and Matsumoto in urging Hisagi and Kira in drinking more.

"Rangiku-san, did Shiro-chan send anything for me?" Hinamori asked the strawberry blonde as the addressed lieutenant shrugged and stood to relieve the owl of her burdens, the ebony glare as if saying "finally."

"I got one from Taicho!" Matsumoto cried happily as she held out a red envelope after handing a single letter addressed to the brunette and the package of finished paperwork.

"I wonder it says…" Rangiku asked aloud happily as she broke the seal and slipped out the letter.

Then with the amplified voice of the Tenth Division Captain, the red letter yelled out almost deafeningly through Seireitei.


In his room, the said captain held out a special treat for his mod-soul pet, several dried berries, fondly brushing his frosty fingers through her snow white feathers as he read the letter of how Rangiku under the impression of how he was 'watching' her through the use of his new practiced magic from the West, was finally doing her paperwork, curtsy of Hinamori's letter and his Howler which seemed to work better than he had thought.

Cooing in what may have been amusement, Korihana peaked lightly at her master's hand, ebony orbs expectant. A small smirk played at the captain's lips as he placed the rest of the berries in front of her, cleaning his stained fingers with a rag.

Maybe the Western magic may more useful than he thought.