
Chapter 6: First Day of School

Chapter 6: First Day of School

Toshiro stood aside from his fellow house cohorts as they were ushered toward their tall and rather hairy Professor, his smile hidden under his long beard. There was a silent tension in the air as the Slytherins were ushered as well to join their rival house, a particular blonde only aggravating the atmosphere.

"Potter." The white-blond spat disgustedly as he faced Harry who glared darkly. "Is it true that you fainted in the train?"

"Shove off, Malfoy." Ron spat back as Hagrid addressed the class, silencing the smirking blonde. The blonde held an air of arrogance, his grey eyes cold but still youthful, his complexion pale with pointed handsome looks.

"Wait until my father hears about Dumbledore allowing this oaf teaching classes." The blonde, which Toshiro assumed was Malfoy, sneered as his housemates laughed in agreement.

"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry snapped, his green eyes glaring as he stepped toward the blonde who whistled in mockery, smirking arrogantly as a crowd began to gather, having handed his satchel to the boy on his left as he made way towards Harry.

Suddenly, a frightened look pierced Malfoy's face as he cried out, "Dementor, Dementor!"

A flash of fear covered Harry's face as he turned along with everyone else other than the captain who had seated himself on a gnarled tree, only to realize it was a trick, Malfoy and his housemates roaring with laughter. Harry looked about ready to bash in Malfoy's sneering face when Hagrid interfered, clearing his throat for attention.

"Alright, open your books to Page 49! I have a real treat for you lot today!" The half-giant hollered, as the students looked at him with confusion.

Don't I already have enough idiots to deal with on a daily basis? The captain growled internally as the two ice dragons rumbled heartily, grinning at their master's annoyance. Honestly, Matsumoto, Hinamori, Kira, and Hisagi are already a handful not to mention Madarame, Ayasegawa, and Abarai to the list of idiot lieutenants I look over. Why do I have to take all of the stupid and annoying missions?

Ignoring the laughing dragons in his head, Toshiro opened the monster textbook to many's surprise. Several monster books were bound with belts while some looked as though they were bound with almost anything the students could use to seal the books. One even had several yards of twine tied over it.

"Hitsugaya, how did you open the book?" Harry asked, eying the opened book in the captain's hands warily.

"I merely commanded it to commence it's struggling. It is the monster book of monsters, so naturally, it behaves much like any animal would. Therefore, only ceding to authority or a higher predator." Toshiro replied cooly, turning away.

"Or you stroke it's spine, then it's as sweet as a singing bird." Hagrid added, as he took one of the books and stroked it's spine. With a small shiver, the book opened widely, struggling ceased.

"Oh, of course, stroking it's spine, how could we have missed it?" The blonde Slytherin shot sarcastically, his voice dripping with contempt. Two large and rather stupid looking boys snickered behind their blonde leader as he stroked his belted monster book. Muscle lackeys without a doubt.

Screaming and yells were heard as the captain turned to see Neville sprayed on the ground, his robes nibbled and hair unkempt as he was attacked by his monster book, as his cohorts snickered at his torment.

I cannot believe I was once one of these idiots, or on the verge of becoming one. Toshiro snapped internally as he picked up the growling book, ready to attack its master once again.

What a positive way of looking at your early death, Master. Perhaps it was a good thing that you perished early in your youth.

Hush. Toshiro silenced his zanpakuto, Sephiroth laughing silently as the monster book in the captain's hands froze, the saved Neville looking up at him with awe, the captain merely raising an eyebrow over his stoic mask.

"Be more confident and believe yourself, Longbottom." Toshiro said, only loud enough for the two of them to hear. "Or else, people will step all over you like a doormat. You are not stupid nor thick-headed as those buffoons who laughed at you, so, I suggest you get up."

Not daring to cross the emphasis place on those words, Neville quickly composed himself, brushed away the dust over his robes and caught the belted once again monster book as the captain walked away, his steps so silent it would put Peeves in pure jealousy.

"Wait!" Neville called out, as he caught up with the captain, who had seated himself away from everyone else at the gnarled roots of a large oak, the monster book opened. "I just wanted to so thank you, Hitsugaya. For helping me back there."

"Your welcome." The captain drawled out, not looking up from the book.

"How are you liking Hogwarts so far?" Neville asked as the captain looked up with an irritated glance.

"I believe we are in class, Longbottom, despite being outside the classroom. Thwart your attention to Professor Hagrid, and not my experience in Hogwarts." Toshiro scolded Neville lightly, his tone commanding yet comforting as the boy nodded as they both turned to the half-giant, still waving for stragglers to come closer.

"Tada!" The half giant presented, his arms outstretched toward a creature that made all of the students freeze in a mixture of confusion, awe, and fear. Even Toshiro's eyes widened slightly at the sight of the creature. "Meet Buckbeak. Ain't he beautiful?"

Buckbeak was a creature that appeared to be a half horse and eagle, the eagle part being it's front legs, wings, and head with the horse being it's hind quarters. Buckbeak's beak was curved and black, it's orange eyes glistening with pride and honor as it watched the fearful students, it's fearsome talons digging in the dirt. Buckbeak's feathers ruffled slightly as it neared the students, still rather transfixed as the captain had regained his blank look a split second after it broke.

"Now, the first thing you gotta know about hippogriffs is, they're proud. Easily offended, they are. Don't never insult one, cause it might be the last thing you do. You wait for the hippogriff to make the first move. Then you walk towards them, bow, and wait. If he bows back, you get to touch him. If he doesn't…" Hagrid explained, trailing off in the end as he pondered how to put it lightly. "…Well, lets just hope it doesn't get to that."

So, in other words, show respect or be ripped to shreds. Toshiro thought as he could see the fear spreading within the students. Not as mindless as a creature a majority of these magical beings are.

I agree, although I cannot say the same for a certain ice dragon. Hyorinmaru teased.

Surely, elder, you are not referring to me? Sephiroth cried indignantly, his voice in mock hurt. Oh, you hurt me so!

Be silent, both of you. Toshiro snapped irritated as the two dragons obliged though playfully. And to think both of you are a extension of myself in a way.

His external expression blank, Toshiro watched as Harry was chosen to pet Buckbeak, his indignant glance to his friends and housemates, having singled him out. With Hagrid's guidance, the boy managed to approach the hippogriff and even pet the creature, having earned it's loyalty and applause from the class other than Toshiro and sneering Slytherins.

As if seeing Harry having had a comfortable sense with Buckbeak, the half-giant professor lifted the boy, despite his protests, and off into the sky the hippogriff went with a screaming Harry in the tow. Pulling out a roll of parchment, the captain began to construct his report when a soft voice sounded beside him.

"Hitsugaya, if you do not mind me repeating, how are you liking Hogwarts?" Neville asked, his tone cautious and soft.

Sighing, Toshiro paused his action. "If you really must be informed of my impression of this magical facility, Longbottom, it is fascinating yet disappointing. It is significantly different from my society, lenient and filled with second chances. In the aspect of the West's practices, it is different and interesting. But the spells and jinxes are only either practical or deadly. Which I find, to sum up in a word, vacuous."

"How are things in your society?" Neville asked, slightly offended by Toshiro's account of Hogwarts. "You said that they were significantly different?"

"It is none of your business." Toshiro shot coldly, irritation growing in his voice. "My society in comparison to yours, Longbottom, is like comparing Hell and 'Heaven' in your terms. It is, therefore, none of your business."

Noting the finality and the hint of irritation at the white-haired boy's voice, Neville quieted as he watched with his cohorts Harry land with Buckbeak, a large smile and unkempt hair spread over his face as he neared his friends, applauding his safe return. Scoffing at Potter and his friends, Malfoy neared Buckbeak dangerously, not following the instructions given by Hagrid, Toshiro narrowing his eyes at the blonde.

"Yeah, you aren't dangerous at all, you big ugly brute!" The blonde sneered, as the captain watched, his face expressionless as Malfoy's face contorted into one of fear as Buckbeak was startled.

With a deadly claw, the hippogriff made a swipe for the backing Slytherin, who rose an arm to defend himself, moving too late. However, before the claw connected, a cloud of dust erupted from the scene, obscuring all from seeing what was going on with the hippogriff and Malfoy, Hagrid and Harry finally breaking from their frozen states, diving right into the cloud.

Running forth to join their professor and cohort, the class followed, Neville taking up the rear, not noticing how the captain had disappeared.

Allowing the dust to clear, the students found a disheveled but unharmed Draco sprawled on the ground, spouting curses of some 'bloody chicken.' Turning to the assumed 'bloody chicken,' the class blinked surprisingly to find the creature seated and calm, rather than agitated or angered, seated by a familiar white-haired transfer, who turned with a raised eyebrow at the class.

"Malfoy is unharmed, as Buckbeak has not touched a shred of his being." Toshiro began, his voice stern and hinted with slight irritation as he regarded to Hagrid, who turned to him with expressive surprise. "However, I suggest you take him to the nurse, Professor Hagrid. We do not want to be neglecting the complaints of a student, no matter how trivial."

Snapping out of his trance at the captain's cold words, Hagrid regained his composure. "Ri-Right." Turning to the whimpering blonde, the half-giant picked up the Slytherin and walked toward the castle, dismissing the class as he strode toward the castle.

With a swift turn, the captain gave a glance to Buckbeak who, to the class' surprise, bowed to the transfer nodding in acknowledgement of the creature, turning away toward the castle, when Harry's voice sounded.

"Hitsugaya! How did you stop, Buckbeak from attacking Malfoy? When did you get there? How did you get there so fast?" The class watched with silence, as if it were a crime to break it, gazes transfixed on the back of the white-haired transfer.

With a chilled and icy voice that seemed to travel up all of their spines, Toshiro turned slightly, enough for the class to glimpse his cold and stoic teal orbs.

"My reasons, methods, actions, and past are none of your concern, Potter. If you wish to inquire, I will be unable to ensure your safety and your wellbeing."

And with a lazy turn of his head, the captain continued his way to the castle, his footsteps graceful and so soft that even the tread of the grass was unheard in the whistling late summer breeze.

Seating himself at the corner table of the room by the window, the captain surveyed the room as other students entered, all oblivious to his hand pocketing the golden Time-Turner, carrying their cauldrons and textbooks. The class was shared by Slytherin, and seeing the exchange of silent death glares, this was not going to go well.

But the captain merely shook the thought away. They were children, after all.

The classroom was similar to a dungeon, the towering cabinets of differing ingredients hovering over the rectangular work tables for the students, chains dangling menacingly as a murky cold atmosphere added for effect. The cool air calming his being, Toshiro turned to find Hermione appear next to him, slipping her own Time-Turner under her cloak before anyone saw other than the captain.

"Oi! When did you two get here?" Ron bellowed from behind them, his blue-green eyes wide with surprise as Harry mimicked his friend as Ron turned to him. "Did you see them come in?"

Shaking his head in response, Harry turned to Toshiro who merely looked at him with a bored gaze, his bangs obscuring one of his teal eyes slightly; Hermione already have buried herself in a textbook.

Unable to hold back the involuntary shiver from meeting gazes with Toshiro, Harry could not help being on guard when regarding the white-haired transfer. He appeared to be at most a first-year and yet he held an authoritative air that demanded respect and intimidation in despite his youthfulness. And adding to the incident in the morning with Buckbeak, the creature had bowed to Hitsugaya first, and the transfer had responded with a mere nod and glance; and yet he was regarded more respectfully than Hagrid.

Shaking away the uneasy feeling, Harry exited his thoughts to find everyone staring at him. Blinking at the attention, a voice that Harry knew all too well sounded, it's tone as degrading as ever.

"It seems that you have other affairs that are more important than my instructions, Potter. And seeing as you have Weasley to assist you, it appears that the two of you are made for each other as the failures you both are." Snape sneered as he neared their desk, their glares glowing as the Slytherins snickered. "Five points each from Gryffindor."

Protesting looks colored the two boys' faces but a warning glance from Hermione shut up them promptly as Toshiro merely watched with no change in his gaze, turning his attention to his brewing Shrinking Potion that Snape had assigned them to brew. Adding the sliced caterpillar with a swift plop, the potion simmered in the cauldron, glowing a brilliant green.

Cleaning up the knife and stray daisy root debris, Toshiro blatantly ignored all, until Snape's irritated voice removed him from his thoughts.

"Longbottom, you fool. Did the instructions not state only to add four rat spleens into the cauldron? Professor Sprout has informed me of your vast knowledge of Herbology, yet you are unable to do a simple task of brewing a simple Shrinking Potion? Useless." The poor boy shivered under the berating, his eyes wide with fear and shame, as Toshiro felt a tinge of sympathy for the boy. But not enough for him to interfere.

With a prompt turn, the Potions Master had chosen his next victim. Potter and Weasley.

"Potter, I expected as much from you." Snape scoffed coldly, his piercing ebony eyes regarding the two boys with obvious distaste. "Unable to properly dice your daisy roots and even stir your potion as directed in your textbook. Pitiful, Potter, seeing as your father was unable to do any better, we should not expect as much from his spawn."

"And you, Weasley, I do not recall that the recipe for the Shrinking Potion was to melt your cauldron beyond recognition. I will be sure to note your failures for today's exceedingly 'difficult' task." Snape finished, walking from their table with a wave of his robes, glares from the insulted boys in his wake.

Huffing at the insults given to the students, Toshiro found himself under the scrutiny of the Potions Master, who glanced at his perfectly brewed Shrinking Potion and merely walked off, as he sent a sneer Hermione's way, who looked at the professor with glum agitation, turning to the captain who had begun to do his paperwork.

Huffing with indignant air, Hermione, too pulled out her Arithmancy homework, as Toshiro merely allowed himself a smirk as he had the assignment done and sealed by the time Professor Septima Vector had dismissed her class, delighted that for once she had a competent student other than Hermione who were able to make sense of her assignments.

Setting down his quill, the captain sighed as the sound of arguing from a certain blonde Slytherin and a spectacled Gryffindor exchanged death threats, the former having his arm in a sling, having claimed his arm was 'severely injured.'

Scoffing internally at these wizards for the umpteenth time, the captain merely wished he was back in Soul Society.

Placing down his textbooks and writing utensils upon the table, the dining hall cleared to be used for students use as they wished, Harry threw himself on the table, face weary with Ron following in suit with his best friend.

"This is getting too hard, mate." Ron whispered as Hermione looked up from her essay for Ancient Runes to flip a page from the text. "I swear, Snape and McGonagall are out to get us if they give us more homework tomorrow. And we don't even know if Professor Lupin is going to do the same."

"Considering you only do work and attend class for less than ten hours, Weasley, I would say you hardly do much of, if at all, any work." A cold voice drawled as the trio snapped their heads to the white-haired transfer, who did not look up from an essay of his own, only his was near completion.

"Oh?" Ron said in a mock knowing tone. "And I suppose you do more work then, Hitsugaya? You white-haired midget."

Eyes narrowing at the insult, the captain spoke, his voice condescending and soft as the red-head stiffened, only the four of them able to hear. "That is none of your business, Weasley. However, I would strongly suggest you refrain that tongue of yours along with that childish anger, if you snap and flick your tongue recklessly, you may find that very tongue ripped from your very lips, Weasley. Along with the very fact that you have completely taken a presumption that I am as narrow and shallow as you are and so far, you have not made my opinion of Western wizards any better, but certainly less. You have no right to throw such presumptions upon my origins nor my appearance, if that was so, I would have disregarded that your existence."

And with a swift movement, the captain returned to his essay, leaving a stupefied Ron and an angered Harry and a puzzled Hermione who tried to compose a retort to defend Ron, only to come up empty.

That was a little harsh, Master. Hyorinmaru echoed into Toshiro's thoughts as Sephiroth too voiced his concerns.

Yes, elder speaks truly, Master. What you had said was cold even for one such as you. The boy meant no harm, Toshiro, seeing how he probably did not even truly mean his words. Perhaps it was merely exhaustion speaking.

Perhaps I was a tad too harsh. Toshiro mused as he recalled his own words. Ouch. Okay, I may have bruised his self-esteem may be a tad.

Try a floor, Master. Hyorinmaru suggested playfully as Toshiro growled internally. Besides, you are posing as a child, who are which they are, you cannot expect them to treat you as they would a professor or an adult; they view you as a child, so a child they have and will treat you.

I am not a child. The captain growled out as he rolled up the finished essay, tying the large roll of parchment with a teal ribbon. I am old enough to be Dumbledore's father not to mention these children.

But appearance and shinigami-wise… Sephiroth trailed off, the acknowledgement he received being a low growl as a nervous voice pulled the captain out of his thoughts.


With slow glance, the captain opened his right eye a crack, the teal orb colored with slight annoyance. "What is it, Weasley?"

Fidgeting in obvious discomfort, Ron regarded the captain with a mixture of frustration, annoyance, and guilt; the majority being the latter. Judging from the stern expression from Hermione, she had probably argued in his defense, however, begrudgingly, guilt tripping both boys seeing how Harry held a shameful expression himself.

"'Mione, said that you probably stressed from coming here by yourself. And that we should not bloody judge what you and your methods are until we fully understand them… whatever that means… look, mate, trying to say that I'm s-"

"I have heard enough." Toshiro snapped, as he opened his eyes, his glare expressionless with slight annoyance. "I know what you meant, Weasley. Therefore, I do not require an apology nor an explanation. Perhaps, Granger's words are correct, as I may be feeling cross, being away from home."

Allowing a light smile to alleviate the tension, the captain received just as relieved smiles —although they were comparably larger and prominent— as Harry spoke up.

"How much work do you have to do at your society, Hitsugaya? You said that you did more work than the work given here at Hogwarts?" Harry asked, setting down his quill.

Before the captain could answer, owls of varying shades of brown flew over head as they tossed their packages and letters to their respective owners, as the captain rose an eyebrow in question.

"It's mail time." Ron simply as if it had explained everything, but it was sufficient enough for the captain as he merely nodded in response. A flash of white darted past the students as the white owl set her numerous packages on the table softly, perching on her master's outstretched arm.

Blinking her greeting, Korihana cooed softly as Toshiro gave her shreds of jerky he had saved for her, before turning to the packages she had sent him, his expression contorting to an annoyed one.

"MATSUMOTO!" The ice captain spat in Japanese as he opened the second largest package revealing a large stack of unfinished paperwork. "You even have Lieutenant Ise and Kyoraku to help you!"

Harry looked at the captain in confusion as Hermione and Ron mirrored his expression, none understanding Toshiro's irritation; when the said transfer turned to Harry, his expression blank with a hint of suppressed annoyance. "This is the work that I have to do hourly at my society, Potter."

"Wait! You have to do all that by yourself hourly?!" Ron cried aloud, catching the attention of others, who's eyes widened at the sight of the stack in front of the transfer, who merely nodded as he opened the largest package.

Now, the students surrounding the four looked at the transfer in great envy as the said transfer merely looked at the contents of his package with a sigh of exasperation. Sometimes, the other white-haired captain was too much. And this was one of those times, seeing the assortment of sweets in front of him.

Wrapping the sent paperwork in a bundle and stuffing the four letters, the ice captain gathered his things and stood, walking off without even glancing at the package of sweets.

"If you would be so kind as to assist me with disposing of these sweets; Weasley, Potter, and Granger; I for one have no care for sugary foods. I will be turning in for the day."

"It is merely four, Hitsugaya." Hermione insisted as she grimaced at Ron's greedy eyes glowering over the cooing chocolates. "You will not be joining us for dinner?"

With a soft pop, the captain disappeared, his answer to the question obvious in his wake, ending the captain's first day of school.