
Chapter 5: Research with a Side of Breakfast

Chapter 5: Research with a Side of Breakfast

Toshiro sighed for what seemed to be any number above a thousand over the course the day as he followed Hermione behind Professor McGonagall, who had come to fetch the two of them shortly after they had entered the common room. After having to endure the voice of rather fat Greek-robed woman attempt -and fail, he would like to add- to shatter her glass with her 'melodious' voice, only to submit to breaking it with a swing to the marble behind her, the captain had had his fill of this wizarding world and the creatures in it. Then the painting had the audacity to brag about her 'achievement'.

A glare from the fatigued and sleep-deprived captain and the painting quickly shut herself up with a gulp and allowed them entrance. Noting that the moving paintings seemed to be implanted with a faint reiatsu, the captain concluded that the paint used to have constructed the paintings must have been edged with magic, as he entered the common room.

Covered with tapestries of gold and red, the large room consisted of cozy couches, warm armchairs, rich brown and beautifully carved tables, and finishing with a warm and roaring fire that seemed to brighten the room. Toshiro absolutely hated it.

It was too goddamn warm and too stuffy for his liking as the two dragons rumbled their agreement. But his hatred for the room was short-lived as Hermione approached the captain with an excited glint in her eyes, informing him of McGonagall's request to see the both of them as if it were the best thing that happened to her.

Holding back another sigh, the captain turned after Hermione who seated herself in one of the seats of the Headmistress's office, the captain following in suit as they both turned to face the stern professor.

"As both of you are aware, you have applied to take extra courses of Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Muggle Studies, along with the accompany of your regular courses of Transfiguration, Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, and Defence Against the Dark Arts." McGonagall explained as Hermione turned to the captain with wide eyes, happiness in her eyes.

"Hitsugaya, you are as well? I thought that I would be take all these classes by myself!"

"You never asked nor was it ever your business, Granger." Toshiro said with a shrug as he silenced the girl's open mouth of an incoming bombardment of questions with a small glare, which McGonagall rose an eyebrow at with curiosity before continuing.

"Having taking such a number of classes, Professor Dumbledore has vouched for the two of you that the both of you were responsible enough to be entrusted with the appropriate items for the both of you take these classes. I trust that you will not betray the Headmaster's words." McGonagall said as she eyed both of them with a small glare which Hermione nodded vigorously in response as Toshiro merely nodded, unfazed by the glare.

"Very well." The Transfiguration professor conceded as she turned from her desk and with a wave of her wand, floated two golden necklaces, one landing in front of Hermione and the other, Toshiro, who eyed his with scrutiny. The necklace was consisted of three small chains that unraveled was consisted of a single chain, and at the end of it was a small hourglass held in place with a thin gold ring.

"A time-turner." Toshiro muttered softly but loud enough for the two other occupants of the room to hear, as Hermione widened her eyes in realization and Professor McGonagall nod her head in acknowledgment, no longer surprised by the captain's perceptive eyes and intellect before she spoke.

"Yes, Mr. Hitsugaya. Since the usage of the Hour-Reversal Charm is too unstable for us to allow you to perform on a daily basis, the Ministry has decided to allow you the usage of these time-turners; however, these are only to be used for your classes and them only, or these shall be revoked and therefore, as will your classes. You are to discuss this none but each other if needed; but otherwise, will not be tolerated. Do you understand, Miss Granger and Mr. Hitsugaya?"

"Yes, professor." The both of them said, Toshiro's being later than Hermione's instantaneous one, as the captain had seen to close his eyes in the midst of the professor's words having hearing such commands more than often in the past hundred years.

Politics was written all over this. Just like the Ministry had a hand on everything magical, the Central 46 to had a hand in all of the affairs of Gotei 13 when those seated bastards had never taken a single foot into battle.

"To use this item, you must wrap the necklace over yourselves and turn the hourglass as many times as you are to go back in time, the limit being up to five hours. Then spin the hourglass, allowing you to see as past events pass by you, but do not touch or say anything in the midst of this happening. Once the hourglass comes to a stop, you are in the time you have desired to travel to. However, once there, you must not allow anyone to see you especially yourselves. Countless students have caused the Ministry to have to fix the mishaps over the years and with all that is going on, I believe we do not need anymore trouble." McGonagall explained as she gave each of them a look, which they responded in suit as she dismissed them to the dorms, time turners wound around each of their necks.

It was then Hermione could no longer hold her curiosity no longer as she began her questions, irritating the captain as he complied, having made the girl wait long enough as they walked to the Gryffindor towers.

Having entering his designated dormitory, Toshiro found his cohorts each in their pajamas, eating jelly beans that seemed to make them act oddly, each designating as a differing object or animal. Childish antics and candy. Two of things the ice captain hated. Great.

Perhaps you should join them, Master. You must play along with them, remember? The ice zanpakuto teased, his voice colored with amusement and toying.

No. I'm suppose to pose as one of them. It never said I was suppose to get along with them, less upon the thought of playing with them. I don't play, Hyorinmaru, such antics are for children such as them, which I am not.

You appear as a child though, Toshiro.

Your point? Toshiro huffed as he internally glared at the dragons, who rumbled playfully at the captain's childish retort. My appearance may be one of a child's but mentally and physically as a soul reaper in comparison to a human, I am old enough to be these children's great-grandfather.

That may be so, master, but the fact remains, you, in terms of shinigami and rank, are young therefore, at least try to act your age, in terms of your physical appearance. And you're suppose to have fun.

I can think of far more productive things to do with my time than to eat jelly beans that make me act like a complete and utter simpleton.

I forgot, Master.

Forgotten what, Hyorinmaru?

You have absolutely no idea how to have fun.

Toshiro huffed under his breath as he made for his bed, which had his trunk and Korihana's cage and the mod-owl herself who was doing what her master was wanting to do. Sleeping, not listening to the two laughing dragons which were accompanying his Inner World.

Slipping off his school robes and scarf, the captain pulled thin light blue pajamas, the silk expensive and embroidered with his division number in kanji on the back as the captain pulled out a small silk bag, pulling out his wand at the same time. Ignoring the looks from his dorm cohorts who had curled into their respective beds, Toshiro merely waved his wand, and followed his motion, the drapes concealed the teal-eyed boy as he summoned Counting the Faceless, having wanting to look up upon the dementors from his trunk.

The thought of the cloaked creature set a grim line over the captain's lips as he found his pursued topic, unfold before him as he began to read.

A Dementor is a non-being and Dark creature, considered one of the foulest to inhabit the world. Dementors feed upon a human's happiness and cause depression and despair to those near. They can consume a person's soul through an act called a Dementor's Kiss, which is executed when a Dementor pulls back it's hood and clamp it's jaws around the victim's mouth, consuming their soul. This is considered to be punishment worse than death, as the victims are left in a vegetative state; empty shell that are still alive but 'gone.' It is speculated that the soul is trapped in the Dementor upon consumption.

By this point, Toshiro could barely keep himself from roaring in anger. How long has these creatures been running amuck and swallowing souls in Great Britain? Did these wizards have any idea what chaos they could cause Soul Society if they were to allow these creatures to exist?

Calm yourself, Master. Such actions are yet to be needed, as we do not yet know if these wizards are controlling these creatures.

They must have some level of control over them. The captain noted as he allowed his anger to subside slightly. Dumbledore did mention that the Ministry had ordered them to guard the entrances of the school.

Yes, Master. But they do not seem to be loyal enough as to protect the one they are to protect and to do away with the ones they were ordered to do away with, only loyal to the ones which allow them to feed in the greatest extent.

How fickle. Toshiro spat, as the two dragons growled in agreement as the captain resumed the passage.

Dementors suck all the light and happiness from the air as they draw long, rattling breaths, causing darkness to enclose in around their victim, making them feel incredibly cold. They are able to glide without a sound, and are sentient enough to taste and sense fear, drawn by the positive memories of the victim they intend to feed off of, forcing victims to relive their worst memories as they feed. Merely being in the presence of a Dementor for too long often drive their victims insane, as many prisoners are in Azkaban, see Pg. 682 for more information on the wizard prison.

I swear these wizards are becoming more of a nuisance rather than a threat to anyone as far as I see it. Toshiro snapped mentally, as Hyorinmaru rumbled in agreement as Sephiroth merely observed.

Yes, Master. However, they are proving to be driven by emotions rather than reason and logic. After all, they do not ride by the laws of Soul Society and are as strict as we.

Perhaps not, however, placing their faith upon a thirteen year old boy to save them from a dark wizard who was deemed as all powerful is not an excuse.

You are a child as well, Master. By shinigami terms.

I have lived for a near century, having seen more bloodshed and mangled things that would make even the bravest of these wizards cringe in fear. And to add, I have been trained and mastered what I am expected to do. A school boy trying to save the world? That's an express ticket to get yourself and others killed in a heartbeat.

They are frightened, Master. They would be willing to do anything to believe that the threat of Voldemort is dead. Seeing as none know where he is.

That is still not an excuse. Besides, I have a feeling that Voldemort is not as they believe he is.

Do you inquire that he is a bigger threat, Master?

No, not as of late. However, dark wizards are not to underestimated, Hyorinmaru, no matter how stupidly prideful and arrogant they may seem to be. There is a reason as to why these wizards have turned to a mere child for their salvation.

Indeed, what in the world could this wizard have done to have made them be so feared to even say his very name?

How cowardly of them. The captain scoffed as he continued to read.

The only known defense against dementors is the use of the Patronus Charm, an immensely complicated and difficult spell that evokes a partially tangible energy force known as a Patronus, or spirit guardian. But be warned, reader, a vast majority of witches and wizards are unable to produce any form of these Patronus, such a conjecture is considered a mark of superior magical ability. To be successfully be cast, one must muster the sole happiest memory they can and began to draw circles, all the while saying the incantation.

The following page continued with an instruction upon the conjecture of the Patronus, often taking up the form of an animal and differed upon the wizard or witch.

Having deemed that such was enough for the night, the captain felt a worried feeling overcome him, only to be drawn away by Hyorinmaru who hummed in his master's mind.

Rest, Toshiro. I shall awaken you when it is the dead of night to report.

Thank you, Hyorinmaru. The captain thought back as he felt himself slip into his Inner World, Hyorinmaru hovering over protectively over his master as Sephiroth rested by his side, eyes filled with admiration for his newly accepted master, as he slumbered.

Do you see it now, youngling? Hyorinmaru rumbled as he morphed into his humanoid form, his protective hold over the boy almost overly so as the western dragon too morphed into a humanoid form as he nodded in response.

Sephiroth had silvery white hair, tinged with an icy blue as his eyes were so as well, his face conveying the same as his elder and master, emotionless and rigidity of icy nature as long bangs fell over his fringe. He appeared no older than sixteen or seventeen, hair tied to a high ponytail as he was dressed in black under silvery but lightweight armor. By the now young man's side was a thin but deadly blade, it's hilt embellished with spikes and glistening pearls what seemed to be gleaming a tinge of blue, the blade itself was bone white, it's tip tinted with a menacing and eerie ebony.

That is the darkness that dwells within my Master. Hyorinmaru continued, seating himself by the captain. He is cold and emotionless, however, it is a mere mask. A mask he had worn for so long that if broken, he too will shatter. He is his element, young one; fragile yet cold, soft yet the most powerful, merciless yet kind.

For one so young, he is a living contradiction. Sephiroth smiled softly, as he gazed over the slumbering captain. Toshiro appeared younger in his sleep, his frown lax and furrowed brows no more, in their stead, was a peaceful and serene child's expression, filled with ignorance and obliviousness.

But it is his duty and his position. Hyorinmaru said, his voice bittersweet. My Master is one of the ones responsible his world, to lead a battalion of several hundred men effectively, and earning their respect and admiration all the while. And with his appearance and intellect, it was hard-earned. He has never been what he is, Sephiroth. A child.

However, it is that which makes him strong, elder. Sephiroth echoed as the soft snowflakes danced over his hair, forming a delicate crown as Hyorinmaru merely nodded as they both of them allowed their master to his rest, allowing only dreams of peace color his subconscious vision.

The ice captain stood in the outskirts of the grounds of his new temporary home, his gigai instructed to sleep and no more as he made contact to Soul Society. Starting with his lieutenant.

Sending a wary glance to castle crawling with the hollow-like dementors, Toshiro made a mental note to be at least several hundred miles from the school when doing his reports. The last thing he needed was a bunch of those vile creatures going after their wrong target for a quick meal and needing to explain to the Ministry how their dementors had 'magically disappeared.'

Almost snorting at the thought, the ice captain hesitantly flipped open his Soul Phone, and reached to brush his lithe fingers on the buttons, when the said phone began to ring, its call insistent. Startled, the captain placed the phone upon his ear, instantly regretting the action.

"TAICHO!" The speaker cried into the ice captain's ear, the said boy grimacing as he responded with just as much vigor.

"MATSUMOTO! What is it now?"

"Taicho! How can you do that to me! No one will give me sake now! Taicho's so mean and cold! I had to get sake from Hisagi and Kira! It's all Taicho's fault!" His lieutenant whined as Toshiro felt his veins begin to bulge.

"Ho," Toshiro breathed in mock calm, as he wore an irritated smirk. "So that's how you've been sneaking in sake in the office even when I threatened the bartenders."

There was a nervous silence from the lieutenant as she began to string a log list of denials and excuses of being needing sake to function properly and to fulfill her duties.

"Speaking about your duties," Toshiro interrupted his lieutenant. "Did you do your paperwork?"

"Heh, heh. Taicho, about the paperwork…" The strawberry blonde woman giggled nervously as he could see her surrounded by the said paperwork, all undone. "I'm-allergic-to-paperwork-so-I-put-up-a-candle-and-it-fell-and-kinda-burned-most-of-the-papers. But I got it under control! Bye, taicho!"


And with nervous giggle, the lieutenant hung up as her captain did the same, an irritated scowl spread over his face, muttering about how much paperwork he would have to do when he got back and how he was going to murder his lieutenant when he got back.

Slipping the phone into the hidden pocket in his haori, Toshiro eyed the school of magic with suspicion as he allowed the cool fall breeze envelop him.

Sirius Black. Dementors. And that Voldemort to add. All to be given the world salvation through the efforts of an orphan boy who had not even aged past his childhood yet.

Sirius Black, known to be the most notorious of Voldemort's followers and so happened to be Potter's godfather, adding that he is one who had caused the murder of the Potter family. But something was strange. Dumbledore seemed rather grim and saddened at the mention of the criminal on the loose, as if something terrible had befell the criminal and unjustly so.

Do you believe him to be innocent then, Master? Sephiroth questioned, the ice captain and the white dragon having exchanged vows of loyalty to one another as dragons, upon the captain's waking.

It is merely he does not appear to be one who would so such actions, Sephiroth. Toshiro said as he recalled upon seeing the wanted poster. It displayed a struggling man with long scraggly ebony locks over a handsome yet unshaven face, his eyes colored with madness. I have seen men with murderous intent, sadistic pleasure, and bloody psychotic; and this man is none of them.

Could they have the wrong person then? Hyorinmaru joined in. I would not put it past these wizards, Master, to convict the incorrect person.

Shall we confront him? Sephiroth said, as Toshiro shook his head.

No, we need more information upon this Sirius Black to confront him.

Then of the dementors, Master? Hyorinmaru inquired as the captain glared darkly at the black beings floating over the castle grounds.

They are our main concern. I doubt that Head Captain will take the facts and information I have sent to Soul Society lightly in my report. They are too close to hollows for comfort. Toshiro said harshly, his voice laced with a hint of anger. These dementors have existed and yet we had no idea. Just how many souls had gone this Dementor's Kiss and have suffered like this?

Calm yourself, Master. We are to continue our observations as well. Hyorinmaru soothed his master as Sephiroth growled in agreement. And we cannot accomplish this if we are to destroy our cover.

Nodding his agreement, Toshiro allowed his anger to subside, yet simmering under the surface.

And of the Dark Lord? Sephiroth questioned, his voice colored with interest. This wizard was after my time, and seeing how frightened the wizards are of this being must powerful.

Toshiro almost snorted as Hyorinmaru agreed with his master in a growl. This Voldemort is only another supercilious bastard who believes that all are below him. I doubt his followers even much to him, along with the lines of those who follow him out of fear. And believes after defeating the wizards, he would have the world to his bidding. Ridiculous.

But? Sephiroth inquired, sensing an addition to this conclusion. Is there something that troubles you, Toshiro?

Toshiro merely narrowed his eyes as he stood from the grounds as the sun began to rise, signifying the morning. We shall continue this for another time. The ice captain dismissed the matter as the two dragons conceded, well aware that if they pressed it would reveal nothing.

With flash of shunpo, the white-haired captain disappeared.

After removing and replacing the imperturbable charm upon his drapes, the ice captain enter his gigai, dressing himself in the newly transformed uniform, finishing his appearance with his teal scarf, no even bothering with the cloak despite the incoming chill of fall. Waving away the charm with a silent mutter, the drapes receded silently as the snoring of his fellow cohorts echoed in the enlarged dorm.

Making sure that his things were locked away and secure, the captain made his way into the dining hall, exiting the stuffy common room, his movements silent and as lithe as a cat, his footsteps soft and would have put the most graceful ballerina to shame.

Having able to navigate his way through a mental map from his readings from Hogwarts, A History; Toshiro met with an empty dining hall with the exception of Dumbledore, who drank a goblet of what Toshiro could not identify. Smiling at the entrance of the captain, Dumbledore spoke, his eyes twinkling with surprise.

"Why, you are up early, Mr. Hitsugaya. Is it difficult for you to adjust to the time frame, perhaps?" The Headmaster asked, taking a sip of the golden drink, that Toshiro had an inkling, was sweet.

"I am trained and was entitled to awaken early, Headmaster." Toshiro merely stated as he nodded to the man as he seated himself in the corner seat of the Gryffindor table, filled with breakfast foods, warm and toasting. Reaching to spread a small bit of butter upon a slice of toast, the captain ignored the concerned and saddened look from the professor as McGonagall entered with Snape in the stow, both as stern and prim as ever.

Curtly nodding to each professor, the captain promptly chewed his buttered toast, ignoring the sideway glances from the professors' table until the silence was broken by the eventual entrance of several students, the morning having aged.

"Mr. Hitsugaya, in the east, may I ask what teachers there are in your society?" Dumbledore asked pleasantly enough as Toshiro narrowed his gaze for a fraction of second.

"I must ask you to retain your calls of curiosity, Headmaster. However, I will answer with this." Toshiro warned, cold teal meeting twinkling brown. "My society is a secretive one. We do not allow strangers, foreigners, or even those outside our ranks within our society. It will be advantageous to you to remain ignorant."

And with that, the conversation had ended with a few shooting ominous glances.

It was not long until Toshiro was met with a perky Hermione and sleepy Harry and Ron in the tow.

"Good morning, Hitsugaya!" Hermione greeted happily, holding several textbooks in hand, as the two boys mumbled the same. Nodding in response, Toshiro merely reached for the tea pot, pouring himself a cup of Earl Grey. The tea was citrus and its aroma was unfamiliar, but it was better than the other vile teas that were almost as sweet as honey. Almost cringing at the thought of sweets, Toshiro frowned at the scent of maple syrup, as he turned to find the trio devouring pancakes.

Potter and Granger at least had the decency of mannerisms upon the table, but for Weasley, the captain could not say the same. Syrup covered the said red head's hands and forehead, mouth open for all to see the cave's contents mashed away into a sickeningly sweet pulp as the golden brown syrup dripped from the said cakes.

Turning away from the disgusting sight, the captain found a fidgeting boy seated in front of him, seated by Harry and Ron respectively as Hermione sat on his left. Ignoring Hermione's scoldings at Ron's table manners, Toshiro studied the boy before him. He was scrawny, and wore a pitiful and nervous expression, one that Toshiro knew well.

It was a naive and innocent look, one that he himself once wore a long time ago. It was a look that invited others to step upon, and allowed them to do so with feeble and even little defense. The boy had a round face and a medium build, however, his pitiful expression only made him look vulnerable. And easily pushed over. Soul Society would have wiped that expression right off the boy's face. The captain had seen it too many times to count, only it was to morph into a hardened expression or a fear-filled corpse's expression on his new subordinates.

"H-Hi. M-My name's-s Ne-Neville." The boy stuttered out, as he chewed a slice of jammed toast in his mouth. "Ne-Neville Long-bottom."

"Hitsugaya. Toshiro Hitsugaya. A pleasure to meet you, Longbottom." Toshiro replied curtly, his voice cold but colored with a hint of remorse. "Is there something wrong?"

Flinching at the captain's tone, the boy nervously spoke, only to be interrupted. "I was c-curious, Toshiro—"

"It's Hitsugaya to you, Longbottom." Toshiro unconsciously snapped, having to do so often with a certain orange substitute soul reaper.

"S-Sorry." Neville immediately said as he cowered at the captain's snap.

Waving it away, Toshiro turned away from the boy to meet with McGonagall approaching him.

"Ah, Mr. Hitsugaya and Mr. Longbottom. Here are your class schedules." She said, handing them slips of paper. "And if you would be so kind as to relay the others to Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Miss Granger as well."

Nodding, Toshiro glanced over his own, handing the rest for Neville to pass to the others, Hermione stealing a glance at the captain's schedule, confirming that it was exactly like her own, the time frames of classes overlapping.

"Oi, 'Mione! Yours and Hitsugaya's schedules are all messed up! How can you both take Defence Against the Dark Arts and Arithmancy at the same time?" Ron asked confusedly, having swallowed before he spoke, saving the captain and Hermione from a spray of pulped food particles.

"I will say it once more, Weasley. That does not concern you." Toshiro said flatly as Hermione waved the subject away.

"Thats not important." She began. "What do you think of Professor Lupin?"

"He seems friendly enough, seeing how he protected us from the Dementor." Harry replied, setting down his goblet. "But I'm just hoping that he would be better than the last two."

"Not likely, mate. You know what everyone says about the job. It's cursed." Ron piped in, before taking another bite into the cakes.

"Just like Professor Quarrel and Professor Lockhart." Neville added, his voice nervous and soft.

"Cursed?" Toshiro echoed as he directed the question to Harry, seeing how Hermione would only give him details in which he had no use for and Ron would cover him with pancake debris before making it halfway.

"It's the job we mean that was cursed." Harry explained as Toshiro rose an eyebrow to continue, although he was already briefed the stories of the previous two years of adventures that the three of them managed to entangle themselves into, as the oblivious "chosen one" explained.

"Hmn." Toshiro merely hummed in response. "It seems like the three of you like to stick your nose into other peoples' business, don't you?"

Blushing at the captain's words, the three of them hastily ushered their new charge to their first class, being Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmancy for Hermione and himself. Judging from the four others' faces, they were looking forward to Professor Hagrid's class.

Cringing at the thought of creatures, the captain begrudgingly followed, beginning his first day at Hogwarts.