
Chapter 4: Sorting Things Through

Chapter 4: Sorting Things Through

Several hours ago on Hogwarts Express…

A whitish figure darted from the back of the train into the night sky as the figure settled upon the train, his snow white hair noticeable in the growing twilight of the night, if you were dead that is. Having placing a kido barrier over himself, Toshiro flipped open the white and silver soul phone, having just finished sending his report of several paragraphs, sure that the Head Captain would have questions for him to answer to directly, despite having sent Korihana for his new orders.

"Captain Hitsugaya?" The commanding voice of the Head Captain sounded as Toshiro replied swiftly. "I presume the mission is progressing well."

"Yes, sir. I have boarded the train on route to the school, I presume that Urahara has taken the textbooks for Kyoraku and Ukitake to read over and add to our information on these wizards?" Considering the captain had little to do, Toshiro visited Diagon Alley once again, purchasing all of the textbooks from the fourth to seventh year, having finished the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and half of the sixth respectively.

"Yes, they were most informative. However, seeing as we are incapable of magic as you are not, they are of little importance. You are to continue to act as a student and interfere into their affairs as little as possible, Captain Hitsugaya. We have just refreshed our ranks, we do not need to include ourselves into another war."

"Yes, sir."

"Ukitake-taicho also has requested you play along with Headmaster Dumbledore's questions, seeing as the professor is aware of your position as a high rank equal to Ukitake-taicho."

"Is it under the system and cover that Urahara had sent me?"

"Yes. You are to under no circumstances other than no choice, to reveal your true identity, Captain Hitsugaya."

"Yes, sir."

And with a sharp click of the phone, the conversation was done. Even though the Head Captain held all of his captains in high esteem, respect, and care, as they were the military; they were still his subordinates, therefore, emotions and things like feelings were irrelevant for the most part as they placed their lives in risk on a daily basis.

Replacing the phone in his pocket, Toshiro sighed as the wind billowed his white snowy hair, the cold centering over the boy as he materialized his zanpakuto into his hands, the long katana and the star-shaped hilt fitting rather oddly in the child captain's hands, as he sat, his position one of utter ease despite the roaring winds from the speeding train under him.


In his Inner World, the child captain merely nodded as his dragon zanpakuto disappeared from the icy wasteland for a moment, only to reappear with another accompanying him. As Hyorinmaru took a protective stance over his master, the captain took in the sentient being within his wand, whether it was to be a weapon or a mere asset to a disguise, the captain had yet to gauge.

The dragon was young, and relatively smaller than that of his kind, seeing as he was no bigger than Hyorinmaru in his materialized shikai. His hide was a bony white, angularly sharp scales covered his neck and claws, from his head down his spine to the tip of his tail, spikes protruded with the glint of icicles, his icy blue eyes glowing with an arctic frost as he too eyed the captain. With a piercing roar, rows of menacing fangs gleamed as his wings extended, a transparent white and bat-like in characteristic.

Are you, Toshiro Hitsugaya, my chosen master? The youngling addressed the captain as Toshiro narrowed his teal orbs.

I am. Seeing as you have chosen me to wield your external self. Toshiro spoke as the youngling bowed his stance, acknowledging the captain.

It seems that I have chosen well, having awaited all these years for the correct master.

Tell me, how is it that you have sentient consciousness and the other wands are merely a halving of yours? Toshiro asked, his voice not kind yet not condescending as the white dragon folded his wings and nestled in the snow, his icy blue moon orbs saddened with grief and pain.

I am Sephiroth, an abandoned and the last of my kind, the Fleurs. I was born as one of the most powerful hatchlings, however, was outcasted due to my power and white hide unlike my brother's and family's black ones. It was not until I had barely matured that I had known of this, only to discover that my family was slaughtered by dragon hunters, along with my kind having deemed us too dangerous.

How dare those humans… Hyorinmaru roared angrily as Toshiro calmed his zanpakuto, his own anger and fury reflected in his teal eyes along with a glimmer of sympathy for the youngling.

These events have already taken place, Hyorinmaru. There is little we can do to do but accept that it had passed and move on. The captain said as he allowed the snow of the Inner world to blanket the three of them, eyes encouraging the younger dragon to continue.

My elder brother had survived, at the expense to his right wing. But still he was still strong enough to kill me. The young dragon seemed to whisper as he found himself before the ice captain who merely watched with his sympathy and pity in his teal eyes, his zanpakuto doing to same as the youngling continued. I had requested a wand maker to forge a wand before my death, to use my heartstrings and Thestral hair, seeing as my brother had blamed our family's death on me as I had later learned that he had hurdled himself into the cliffs shortly after my own death.

And I presume that you are sentient due to the amount of heartstrings inforged in the yew? His new master had drawn, the dragon nodded. And these Thestral hair?

They are beings of Death, invisible to all but those who have seen death, accepted it, and have internalized it as a part of their own past. Clever, ominous, and known as a bad omen, they were among the few creatures that were kind to me, having the highest level of loyalty to me as I was to them. However, that is besides the point.

A raised eyebrow was all he had gotten from his master, eyes narrowed once again.

Thestral tail hair is an unstable and powerful substance. Only a wizard of great power and one that had seen death is able to wield it to it's fullest potential. However, the nature of a Thestral is to be ambiguous of it's master, just as Death is ambiguous to it's victims, however, that is where I come in.

I see. Hyorinmaru spoke up after a while, the serpentine dragon having curled at his master's feet, his head under his small hands. Through you and your heartstrings, you counteract this nature with the nature of dragons, absolute loyalty.

Yes, however, Toshiro must prove to me just as you have, elder, that he is worthy as it is in the nature of a dragon when he submits to a master. The youngling spoke as he addressed the elder dragon.

I will not interfere. Hyorinmaru declared as he was well aware of the youngling's pride, it was all the young one had left. However, only if my Master would concur.

Very well, Sephiroth. Toshiro accepted as he opened his teal eyes in the conscious world, deemed that he had disappeared for long enough. We shall address your tests for me at another time. Sephiroth, you may reside with Hyorinmaru within the caverns of my Inner World, as Hyorinmaru regards you as no threat.

My thanks. The white dragon growled rather pleasantly, as the two dragons watched their master and to-be-master disappear with a snowy wind, leaving behind only soft footfalls as evidence of his presence.

After declining the offered chocolate from the werewolf professor, Toshiro changed into his robes, the emblem of his robes yet to appear, wrapping his teal scarf around his neck. The other three followed in suit as they watched the train come to a stop, this time, at the correct destination.

Toshiro watched as first years en routed a different way with a rather large man, in his hands a lantern and an umbrella, as he hollered for first-years to follow him towards the lake. The man was toweringly tall and large, a long mane of shaggy black hair consisting of his beard and head, obscuring a majority of his face. However, a warming and kind fire burnt in the man's dark chocolate orbs, making this man remind the captain of Jidanbo, the gatekeeper of the West Gate of Seireitei.

Rain pelted the children as the older years boarded carriages towards the distant castle of Hogwarts, the captain following in suit as the trio beckoned him aboard. It was impressive, the captain had to admit, as the castle loomed over a lake, spiring towers, extensively large grounds, a large field with stands and poled rings, flowery and vegetable filled patches of greenery littered the grounds as the students neared the castle.

Soon enough, all the students were climbing the stairs into the dining hall, when a familiar grey tabby caught the captain's attention. As if motioning with her tail, the Animagus form of the stern professor turned, making her way through the corridors. With an eventuality of turns and twists, the white-haired captain had found himself in Dumbledore's private office, having entered through the golden eagle and the password that Professor McGonagall had supplied, "Sherbet lemon."


There was seated the Headmaster himself, and standing behind him to his right, was Flitwick (perched on a large stack of books) and Snape, with who Hermione had described to a tee, Professor Sprout, the Head of Hufflepuff House and the Herbology Professor, followed by McGonagall who joined the four, as the captain narrowed his eyes warily but adding a twinge of fear for good measure to keep his ruse.

"Headmaster, Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, and from my own understanding, Professor Pomona Sprout, Head of Hufflepuff House and Head of Herbology." Toshiro greeted as he bowed to the five, his eyes steely. "What do I owe for this occasion, if I may?"

"As perceptive as ever, Mr. Hitsugaya." Dumbledore smiled warmly. "Yes, this is indeed who you say she is."

"Toshiro Hitsugaya, Professor." Toshiro nodded with a glance to the slightly startled woman but smiled heartily all the same. In the means of the silence, Professor Lupin had arrived, casting a rather concerned look at Toshiro, taking a stand by Snape and Flitwick.

"And this is, Professor Remus J. Lupin, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Dumbledore smiled as Toshiro narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, we were acquainted upon arrival, Headmaster. Seeing as Professor Lupin is a werewolf." Flinching at the reveal of his secret, the said professor looked at the boy with surprise, Professor Sprout and Flitwick doing the same only towards the professor.

"As sharp as ever, Mr. Hitsugaya. Yes, Professor Lupin is indeed as you say a werewolf, but I ask you to keep this a secret as the prospect of a professor as a werewolf disheartens some." Dumbledore asked, his smile still warm yet mysterious. Responding with a swift nod, Toshiro had half a mind to ask the man to spit it out already, but held his tongue.

"As the students are being sorted into the dining hall, we would like to inquire in a topic discussed between your father and myself, Mr. Hitsugaya."

"Oh?" Toshiro drawled, playing ignorance.

"Yes, he had said that you would inform me upon my questioning seeing as how we were both unaware of each other's significance until your grandfather had contacted us." The Headmaster held a curious, mischievous, and slightly guarded glint in his eyes, glowing with anticipation and glee at the prospect of a student on par with his conversations.

A short silence enveloped as Toshiro sighed silently, his teal eyes regarding the slightly defensive Heads of Houses, surrounding their relaxed Headmaster.

"Very well. I shall inform you of the society of which is my own. However, not a word out of this office, Professor Dumbledore. And if you should force my hand, the results would not be kind." Toshiro warned, his teal eyes boring over the six professors, the Headmaster unflinching as he heartily agreed with the professors surrounding him watched with apprehensive eyes upon the child before them.

With a swift turn, the white-haired captain flicked out his wand from his boot, the professors and Headmaster flinching at the sight of the wand.

"Colloportus. Fianto Duri. Impervius." The captain chanted, as he executed the spells with masterful skill, ending his spells with the Imperturbable and Intruder Charm, respectively before turning to the slightly impressed professors as he replaced his wand.

Toshiro began as he held out his right hand, summoning the smallest bit of healing kido in the palm, the soft glowing green light astonishing the professors. "This is the magic in which we exercise in the East. We call this Kido, and from it, we have three subcategories."

"And these three?" Dumbledore asked, having recovered the first, fascination glowing behind his half-moon glasses.

"Hado, Bakudo, and Healing Kido; which you all see before you. Only those who possess magic in their bloodline or are spiritually aware, are able to harness this magic and use it for defensive, healing, and offensive purposes." Toshiro explained as he ceased the glow, eyes steeling for inevitable questions.

"Are there incantations for this Kido?" Professor McGonagall questioned her eyes curious behind square spectacles.

"Yes, Professor. Ninety-nine for Bakudo and Kido, with fifty for Healing. However, they are of much longer length of your own spells, Professor. Ours consist of two or if not, several sentences, chanted in a certain manner."

"If not executed properly? The consequences would be?" Snape inquired, his eyes domineering.

"Death, in the worst case scenario." Hitsugaya supplied bluntly, his face betraying no emotion other than acceptance of this fact. "Failing in completion or mispronouncing may backfire the spell, thus the cause of explosions and in certain cases, death, as it is not an uncommon occurrence in my society."

"Surely, they have safety regulations and a protection for this?" Professor Sprout urged, her concern for the white-haired child obvious and overbearing in the captain's opinion as Flitwick voiced his own concerns, only more specifically.

"Mr. Hitsugaya, you are not speaking of personal experience of this, are you?" The short professor inquired as the six professors met gazes with the captain's teal ones, giving them all the answers they needed.

"The society in which I originate from is a militaristic one, professors. If one is unable to survive, then they are simply unfit to continue. Such is the policy of my society." Toshiro said, in a matter of fact tone, cold and emotionless as he continued despite the concern and pitying eyes of the professors, even Snape's glinting a sliver.

"Our system is one run by thirteen individuals, one above the other twelve, my grandfather and superior, the Head Captain. And below him, are the mentioned twelve are captains who command a regiment of men and women who are capable of kido." Toshiro said, as he regarded the professors with a cold and expressionless glare. "The Head Captain is my grandfather, who I address by his title."

"You say that your society is run by these thirteen captains?" Dumbledore asked, his demeanor still gentle and friendly.

"Yes, they are the pillars of stability in our society as they command over a regiment of about two hundred men. Within these men and women, there are Seats from Third to Tenth, the former being the highest other than a captain or a vice captain, the latter being the lowest other than unseated men." Toshiro elaborated, that much having been approved to allow the wizards to be informed.

"And if I were to recall correctly, your father has informed me of being a captain himself." Dumbledore drawled as if he were speaking of the weather as the professors regarded him pointed looks. "And of the Thirteenth Division, if my memory serves."

"Correct, just as my grandfather is of the First Division." Toshiro replied, not missing the peaked curiosity in the professors' eyes at his own ranking.

"And of your own ranking, Hitsugaya?" Snape asked finally, his voice soft yet lined with slight respect. "You have hinted at your society being militaristic and relentless to the weak, so we must expect it to be one of high ranking. A Tenth Seat, perhaps?"

"Incorrect, Professor. I am regarded as Captain Hitsugaya Toshiro of the Tenth Division or in your terms, Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya." The said person allowed himself a light smirk as the professors took on stupefied expressions with Dumbledore's with slight surprise.

"Then you are of equal rank towards your father, Mr. Hitsugaya?" McGonagall asked, her voice tinged with doubt.

"Yes, in the society in which I originate, age and size are of trivial matters. Capabilities and prowess in battle are the only things in which we are concerned over in the aspects of our people." Toshiro supplied as he blatantly ignored the professors before him, the world of Soul Society was harsh, and there was no point in washing over it.

"How extraordinary." Dumbledore breathed as the other professors nodded rather dumbly, their surprise still unfazed. "These incantations, as I see it, Mr. Hitsugaya, are they only limited to the Japanese language?"

"Yes, as yours is limited to Latin and German roots, Headmaster." Toshiro nodded as he watched the Headmaster stand, and walked to the front of his desk, a hand outstretched to the captain.

"Are you aware of the Four Houses of Hogwarts, Mr. Hitsugaya?"

A swift nod toward the Headmaster was the captain's response as the said wizard revealed a ragged and stepped on, multiple times at that, hat. "This is the Sorting Hat, which will speak to you, deciding which House you shall be placed in."

"I see. Will I have a choice in the manner?" The captain asked as he was gestured to take a seat, Flitwick having conjured one.

"I am afraid that is for you decide, Mr. Hitsugaya." Dumbledore smiled mysteriously as he placed the hat upon the captain's head.

Feeling rather foolish with a pointed hat on his head for more than a minute, the captain reached up to yank the filthy thing off when a scraggy and hoarse voice spoke, the captain awakening in his Inner World.

Above the captain with Sephiroth and Hyorinmaru by his side was the Sorting Hat, his voice echoing in the harsh and howling winds of the snowstorm.

"A soul reaper, eh? I must say in my years of Sorting children, I have yet to meet one like you, boy."

"How dare you trespass here! This is no place for you to be idling in!" Hyorinmaru snarled as he made for a lunge at the Hat, but paused at Toshiro's raised hand.

"I will allow you to see into my mind, Hat. However, speak of my origins or of who I really am, I will not hesitate to silence you." The captain threatened, his teal eyes glowing with promise.

"Do not mock me, boy. I reveal none of my conversations to no one, not even the Headmaster. Your secrets and your presence shall be hidden with me."

Nodding in their mutual agreement, Toshiro lowered his hand as he opened his eyes in the conscious world to find the professors looking rather worriedly at him, only to be interrupted by the hat who had seemingly finished and pondered over his decision.

"You are daring, have nerve, and brave, even to the point of recklessness; Godric Gryffindor would be proud to have you in his house. However, you are also a prodigy, one of the youngest ones at that, one that Rowena would be fighting to have you into hers. Yet, you possess the cunning and tactician of a serpent, adding to the fact that you are a pureblood, Salazar Slytherin would indeed welcome you as well. But loyalty bounds you, to your subordinates and family, to which Helga would undoubtedly allow you in her own house. Oh, how hard it is to place you, Hitsugaya. How very difficult indeed."

"Do you have a preference for a particular house, boy?"

"No, I am indifferent as to what house I am place in." Toshiro replied mentally as the Hat nodded begrudgingly.

"Very well, then. It shall be…"

"I'm afraid that our conversation must be placed in a temporary close, Mr. Hitsugaya. "As we must introduce you to Hogwarts." As Dumbledore made a motion for the boy to accompany him in Apparition, having put away the hat, Toshiro held up a hand, confusing the professors.

"I am more than capable of apparating myself, Headmaster." Toshiro smirked, as the boy apparated followed by the yells of the professors, only to find themselves before the noisy dining hall, the doors before them, the captain perfectly fine and whole, unlike other young wizards of his age in appearance if they attempted the same.

"Extraordinary." McGonagall breathed as she turned to the captain, her eyes glowing with fascination along with the other professors. "Never before have I seen a student learned apparition in such a rapid rate. Have you conducted this before, Mr. Hitsugaya?"

"If you should know, Professor McGonagall, this is my first time in practice. I had purchased the textbooks for my years following having finished the texts given to me." The captain merely stated as if he had done some bedtime reading out of boredom, which in context was what the captain did. "Although I am still in the middle of Confronting the Faceless."

"But that is a sixth-year spell book, Mr. Hitsugaya!" Professor Sprout cried, astonished by the boy's intellect.

"My daily homework was nothing in comparison." Toshiro merely shrugged, as Dumbledore cleared his throat, his eyes conveying a message that all of the professors and the captain replied with the same sentiments, as Toshiro did not miss Professor McGonagall walking out to the entrance of the school. Later.

With a burst of the doors, the six of them entered.

Silence enveloped the dining hall as all of the students took in the arrival of their Headmaster and the Heads of their respective houses with the exception of Gryffindor, an unfamiliar professor, and most odd of all, an unnamed and most unusual student by their side, who regarded the lot of them with a rather relaxed stance, his expression rather bored and eyes cold and steely with high guard.

But the students' could not be more wrong.

Despite his outward mask, the ice captain was tense, his teal eyes taking in all and everything, from noting the four long tables signifying the respective houses to the rather realistic night sky above them, making the captain wonder if he could manipulate the magically induced ceiling with his powers.

Seating themselves at their table, the Headmaster regarded the older students with the professors by his side, Toshiro having told to stay by the doors of the entrance. "My apologies, students for our tardiness in arrival. But all shall be explained when the first-years have arrived."

As if that assured all of the confusion, the students resumed their noisy interactions, Toshiro frowning slightly as the doors burst open once again, revealing Professor McGonagall followed by a small crowd of first years, who as the captain grudgingly admitted, were about the same height as him.

"When I call your name, you will come up and I will place the Sorting Hat on your head to sort you into your respective houses, where you will join them at their table." Professor McGonagall instructed the first years, as she glanced the captain's way before turning to the unrolled parchment in her hands, until soon enough, the captain watched as the last first year stepped up and the hat placed upon their head. After a short silence other than the conversation of the said hat, the Sorting Hat shouted with a hearty yell: RAVENCLAW!

Silence overcame the room as the applause for the first-year faded, all eyes turning to the last student to be sorted, who had his teal eyes half-lidded lazily, as if he would rather be anywhere but here. The dining hall was rather stifling.

Standing from his seat at the head of the table and walking down to his pedestal, Dumbledore smiled down at all of the students, their attention turned to him.

"I would like to welcome all of you to new year at Hogwarts. And to you first-years, as Headmaster, I too, you all welcome." The Headmaster began as he waved a hand to his left. "First, I would like to welcome all of you to the newest addition to our staff, Professor R. J. Lupin, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, professor." The said werewolf professor standing and bowing slightly at the polite applause.

"To add, our Care of Magical Creatures has requested and granted to retire to spend the rest of his life with his remaining limbs." Dumbledore continued, the sentence causing several first-years to widen their eyes in surprise. "I am delighted to announce that our very own Rubeus Hagrid shall take his place."

Cheers mainly from the Gryffindor table roared over the polite applause from the other tables as several students stood to cheer for the large man, who tipped the table slightly as he stood in midst of the applause. Wincing at the thought of the man being the teacher of the subject, the captain resigned himself as he reasoned it was better than having Kenpachi or Urahara. The thought of that was just downright terrifying.

"And lastly, I would like you all to welcome Hogwarts's very first transfer student in history, Mr. Toshiro Hitsugaya, who has come from Japan to learn our ways of magic and culture." Dumbledore gestured as he beckoned the captain forth, who ignored the whispers of his hair and eye color, stopping by the Headmaster's side. "Mr. Hitsugaya was sorted in Gryffindor, having been sorted in private within my office earlier, which explains our tardiness and so I bid you all to welcome him with open and kind arms."

Then with a wave of his arms, the tables filled with enormous piles of foods, from a tall platter of chicken wings to bowls of chocolate pudding which the children nearly dove for. Having taken his seat, on the edge of the table, rather away from his fellow Gryffindors, the captain held back a disgusted snarl.

As the captain eyed the surrounding food rather warily, he blinked as he found the plates in front of him were Japanese, from soba to grilled eel, a wooden set of chopsticks for him with a simple bowl of white rice. Catching the eye of the Headmaster, the captain nodded a thanks as he merely sipped a mug of green tea, noted by Harry, Ron, and Hermione; as the three of them seated themselves in front of the new transfer, who merely rose an eyebrow, blatantly ignoring Ron's barbecue sauce covered hands.

"You could have just told us that you were a transfer, Hitsugaya." Harry said as he bit into a slice of garlic bread. "That would have explained why Snape and Flitwick were escorting you when I saw you at the Leaking Cauldron."

"It was none of your business, Potter. And to add, you were going to find out in either case." The captain shrugged nonchalantly.

"Why wdith you justth tells usth?" Ron slurred with food in his mouth as the captain turned to him, his eyes cold and filled with annoyance as he replied with an icy glare. "I thought I had informed you already, Weasley. It is none of your bloody or revolting business."

Just as the red-head was going to retort, he began to choke as Harry patted the back of his best friend, as the hall silenced, the attention turning to the Headmaster, who stood once again at the pedestal. With a wave of his hands, the feast dissipated, the captain raising an eyebrow at the action. So Hogwarts was effective, to an extent.

"Before we dismiss you all to your dormitories, I would like to say that Hogwarts is to play host, by the request of the Ministry, to the dementors of Azkaban, until further notice of such a time as Sirius Black is captured. They will be stationed at every entrance. And while I have been assured that their presence will not disrupt our day to day activities, a word of caution to you all." Dumbledore announced his voice, dark and serious as the students listened with a tense stance. Toshiro narrowed his eyes at the mention of the dementors, noting to ask Professor Lupin of the topic seeing as the man was able to repel these hollow-like beings, as Dumbledore continued. "Dementors are vicious creatures. They'll not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way. Therefore, I must warn each and everyone of you to give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of the dementor to be forgiving."

Toshiro glanced to the spectacled boy across from him, his green eyes filled with an obvious fear of the subject on dementors, as his two best friends eyed their friend warily as they all turned back to the Headmaster's words.

"But you know," Dumbledore added, his voice tinged with flickers of hope. "…happiness can be found even in the darkest of times…if one only remembers to turn on the light."

Only if one has the ability to do so, Dumbledore. Toshiro thought cryptically, as he stood to follow his House to their dormitories, giving the trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione a glance before dismissing them. Then will they be able to defend themselves. You are pursuing a futile future if you are simply placing faith on this little boy, Dumbledore.

Considering how he is housing something in his soul.