
Spatial Luck

A fairly standard "isekai", but with somewhat unusual opportunities to become stronger... how else, because now the hero is in the world of flying aliens who shoot red lasers from their eyes and existing gods with huge capabilities. How else to forget about the space cops... in general, it will be hard without strength in such a world. So it 's time to rely upon luck in Gacha and... is this a Spatial Chat? So needs to chat more. AU! That is, consider that these are parallel worlds to the original! What to expect: OP hero (not like God killer OP from 1 chapter but still strong), Fantasy, Harem, Incest, Multiverse Chat, Gacha Worlds: DC Comics. RWBY, Owari no Seraph, Shokugeki no Souma, DxD, HP. For now the cover of the book is not mine and does not belong to me! So if anything, write and I'll clean it up. My Pat_reon where more chapters: pat_reon.com/user?u=73007903 (delete "_" between Pat and reon)

LarchOut · Book&Literature
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51 Chs

Chapter 28 - Healing

"General." I nodded to the man as soon as I entered the office. Winter was already here with her cold gaze. It's not that she dislikes me, I think it's her usual look.

"You can just call me James." the man exhaled heavily and shifted his gaze from the screen to me. "You've done us a great favor, Anthony. Winter told me about your conversations with her... are you really able to grow limbs?"

"Yes, I just don't use it very often." I nodded. " Ask, I see that you still have questions."

"You have a very diverse company and two of your group have quite technological suits. I strongly doubt that there would still be at least a grain of information about you, judging by what I have already seen…"

"Let's just say Ozpin isn't the only one with secrets." I waved my hand vaguely.

The general's gaze hardened, but there was nothing he could do. More precisely, he could, but then the relationship between us would definitely deteriorate and I probably wouldn't help him anymore.

"Have you told Winter about Maidens yet?" The general nodded. - "Do you know about Relics?" another cautious nod. "And the fact that the director likes to reincarnate after the death of the body?" another more cautious nod and a look from Winter that showed... that it was hard for her to believe all this. "How much did he tell you about Salem?"

"Hmm, not enough. That she is old, like him, and that they are enemies and he has been opposing her for almost as long as he can remember."

"So he didn't say that she was his ex-wife"? I asked and... yes, the general clearly did not expect this.

" ...when he comes back, we will have a serious conversation with him if this is true. I've spoken to the Vale council, and they're grateful that we helped repel the Grimm attack, but because my ships were hacked and used against me, they won't mind if we fly back. Anthony, I have one more request for you. I ask you to help the seriously injured and those who have lost limbs... if it's not difficult for you. What do you need for this, Dust?"

"No, as I said, magic doesn't need that. But about the Dust... I wouldn't mind a kilogram of every kind you have."

"Ozpin said that there is no more magic left in the world... however, first you need to see with your own eyes." a man got up from the table and escorted me to the infirmary. Here lay the wounded soldiers and Atlas service personnel who had been severely wounded during the attack and fall of the kings.

"This is Lars Kruers, who served Atlas faithfully for ten years. When the ship fell, he landed unsuccessfully and his legs pinned down the Paladin's spare parts. Had to be amputated." the general said, stopping by his bed.

There was no one else here except Winter, James, me, and the patient himself, yet the general is not a fool and has already made sure that he was moved to a separate place.

"Yeah, it's good that he stayed alive." I did not delay and got down to business.

I could treat wounds anyway, it's quite easy with the help of manipulation of matter, that is, with the help of the same Alchemy. But now, just in case, I created a magic seal and placed my hands directly on the patient's body, for maximum possible accuracy.

The seal shone with a golden-green hue and right before eyes you could see how the amputated limbs lit up a little, as did the aura itself in this place, and the legs literally began to grow.

It didn't look too aesthetically pleasing, but it was still growing a limb, so you shouldn't have expected anything else. A couple of minutes was enough for ordinary legs to grow instead of two leg stumps.

"Amazing..." James said, looking first at his feet, then at the devices monitoring the patient's health. The man was VERY surprised, just like Winter. It's one thing to hear that I might be able to, and another to see substantial proof.

"Can you restore any body parts?" he asked the question again, looking at me with some hope.

"Yes, I can even create a body from scratch. I just didn't need it yet." I shook my head. "I also promised to help your sister's friend." I looked at Winter, who had been silent before.

"Weiss told me about it... thank you. I'll go tell her that you can do it." She nodded to the general and left the room.

"General, can I ask you a question?" I looked at him as soon as the girl left the room.

- "Shoot." he nodded, and as far as I could see, he was ready to answer, if not any, then almost any of my questions, purely out of great gratitude and perhaps even recognition.

"What is your relationship with Jacques Schnee?"

"He is the chief director of the Schnee Dust Company and from time to time I have... the honor to have conversations with him on various topics including earnings. Arrogant, petty, greedy, selfish, but can stop in time, at least it was before." he gave his summary of this man. "But remains an important person in the kingdom because of connections and capital."

"Hmm, I see." I nodded.

For the next hour, I restored limbs to the injured soldiers and Atlas employees and even grew one or another limb to several hunters.

Somewhere in the process, Winter also joined in, who did not interfere and just followed us, and I could feel her gaze on my back well. When I finished, I couldn't help but offer the general to undergo a similar procedure, since I felt that part of his body was robotic. Of course, after what he saw, he did not refuse.

"No, it's better to do it in your office, there's more space there. Your injuries are much more extensive."

"Uh, yeah." he nodded too sharply, it is clear that he is excited ... after all, apart from his arm and part of his torso, he did not yet have an important male organ.

"Winter, you'd better not come in if you don't want to embarrass the general," I said at the entrance to his office.

"Got it." she didn't even kick somehow, just glanced at James and he nodded, that was enough.

Already in the office, I created a magic seal under the man and began the process. With the help of alchemy, I split all the metal parts in his body and used the released energy to regenerate damage.

Somewhere he was obviously very unlucky, since all these injuries are very extensive, and even a hunter with an open aura would not have lived with such injuries for a long time. Of course, I understand that I am acting very ... kindly, yet in my world, I did not seek to help everyone and everyone, but here it is primarily beneficial to me. Cortana has already learned that the general holds two out of five votes in the Atlas council, so... such an ally will be very useful.

"My arm..." James stared at his right limb, which had previously been replaced by a high-tech prosthesis as if mesmerized. "My…"

"I understand, I understand... I think I'll go out." I hurried out of the office of a naked man who began to look at his... 'device' with admiration, yes.

"Was everything successful?" Winter asked a question as soon as I got out.

"Yeah, but I advise you not to come in yet. There the general rejoices that his manhood has returned to him." I said bluntly. "By the way, Winter, what is your relationship with the General?" I decided to ask anyway.

"I understand what you're driving at and no, there are no romantic feelings between us." the platinum blonde answered without changing the timbre of her voice.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No. I'm not up to it." she turned around a hundred and eighty degrees and went... somewhere. And I liked that she just tried to avoid this conversation.

While the general was very happy that he was back to normal again, in the sense that his junior general was back on duty, I headed to Hermione's room.

"Am I interrupting you?" after knocking, I entered the room where all four girls were sitting. Moreover, Hermione and Erina were in their usual clothes, and the nanorobots of the suit spread out so that they could not be seen.

"No." the fairy girl shook her brown hair. Moreover, she was holding a magic wand in her hands, and in front of her hovered the magic seal of the house of Gremory, in which sat ... a piglet.

"Are you showing your transfiguration skills?" I immediately understood what she was doing here.

"Yeah, I can't figure out how it works. The energy of the object disintegrates and is simply transformed into this... maybe Sona would understand something." the scarlet-haired woman bit her lips.

"This is now a magical puppet controlled by Hermione. The magical energy will return the item to its original form after some time." I said after a little more careful analysis. "Hermie, how far have you come with spells?" I asked the question, confused by the girl.

Now I was standing very close to her, and she heard such an appeal directly from me, and not through Chat, perhaps she was not used to this.

"Um, well... ahem. I know the whole first, second, and third year perfectly." she began to speak with her nose slightly up. "After the Chat appeared, I started to run a little ahead, so there are also spells of the fourth year, or rather some of them."

"You know the Imperio spell, right? Didn't the fake Moody show you?" after my question, the girl opened her eyes a little wider.

"It's a dark spell! Of course, I didn't study..." noticing my raised eyebrow and Rias' laugh, she realized that she was saying this to the wrong audience.

"I'm just interested in feeling this spell on myself, theoretically, it shouldn't take me under control," I said. "So can you apply it to me?" I asked her.

"What?! No! What a stupid idea! How did she even come to your mind?!" she waved her hands expressively and her look expressed: 'Are you all right with your head?'.

"Hermy... only you here, well, apart from me, can use such a spell. And I need to know how the magic of submission will work on me." I asked her, grabbing her hand, and gently running my hand over it, which caused the girl to blush.

"Well, if you don't want to, then fine." I abruptly released her as if nothing had happened. I'm already pretty sure that it won't work on me, it's not a big loss. "Let me activate auras for you two. Erina, how are you?"

"I don't mind." she graciously allowed me to do it, but when I came close to her, she took a step back. "Wh-what?"

"I need to touch you," I told her and still put my hands on her shoulders, which made her shudder and stand up in place.

I immediately began to pour my aura into her and literally a minute later her aura of a golden hue lit up around her.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good... very good. Is this how you usually feel?" she asked, watching this golden light.

"Aura is the embodiment of the soul, so to speak, the power of your soul and its reflection in reality. So your soul is very beautiful, just like yourself, however, I did not expect anything else." I said especially without a second thought.

"Hermie, are you ready?" I went up to her and put my hands on her shoulders, and the girl timidly nodded.

I poured my aura into her a little longer than into Erina, as a result, the girl's aura had a bluish tinge. In general, it was already getting late at night, so I did not stay long with the girls, since Hermi and Erina herself, even despite the activated aura, wanted to sleep after everything they had experienced. But before going to bed, I decided to still scroll through the Gacha, because I still have my glasses.

Gacha Points: 73

I can easily scroll it ten times with an increased opportunity to get some good items. Last time I stopped after getting the Albedo because I thought it was better not to bully my luck, but now I'm in a different world and a more or less good mood, so I'm ready to try. Without thinking twice, I immediately spun it ten times…

Light bulb (E)

Azari Form (D)

Skeleton of a Fish (E)

Compass (E)

Diamond (D)

Unicorn's Eye (C)

Luck Boost Card (A)

Spider with OZ injection (C)

Lip-rolling machine (C)

Toothpaste (E)

"Yeah, I don't even know if I was lucky or not," I said, looking at the lip-rolling machine.

However, the Luck Boost Card is very good, it increases your luck by ten minutes, which is generally not bad, and I'll use it on the next Gachi scroll. The spider is also interesting, only for me it is more than useless with my physique, but it is suitable for studying in its world.

In the morning I was called to a conversation with the general, who continued to be in a good mood. He said that he would stay here for another day and their fleet would go back to Atlas, and we would return to our world tomorrow.

He also did not skimp on the Dust and has already prepared it for me, but for now, I asked him to leave it, I will pick it up later. Until that happened, I decided to fulfill the promise I made to the snow princess.

But even after all that happened, I was not deceived, because James is still a general, so we will have another conversation with him about Salem, I am more than sure of that. Even though I helped him, I helped him a lot, he won't blindly believe me right away.

"Are you sure you want to come with us?" I asked my group, and they expressed a desire to go with me to Patch Island, where Weiss' friend is staying now.

"Yes, it's boring here." Shinoa nodded her head, and Rias repeated after her that supposedly yes, there is nothing to do here, but I can read on the way.

"I was embarrassed to ask for access to the kitchen here ..." Erina hesitated with the answer.

"I see, and Hermie, as I understand it, is just with everyone?" I looked at the girl, and she tried not to look me in the eye.

...said no!" we heard Weiss shout and soon she appeared at bullhead with a somewhat angry expression on her face. "Ahem, sorry, it's family," she said calmly.

"Nothing, I can understand. I also had a very bad relative." I said understandingly.

"Yes?" the platinum blonde looked at me.

"Yeah, my brother was a real jerk, and I said it mildly. He's the number one asshole and if I somehow interfered with his business, he could get rid of me." I said the pure truth because it was so. Hermione quietly covered her mouth with her palm.

"And... and how did you handle it?" The heiress of Schnee asked with obvious interest.

"Well, I have a sister who helped me a lot. Then my brother died and his assets passed to her and me." I shrugged my shoulders. "Come on in, we need to help your friend." I reminded her of that. I don't even know if I'm helping her because I'm so kind, or because they're the main characters of this world…