

"For starters, we kick everyone out. Second, we clean this place up. Third, we check yours and everyone else's phones as well as your office phone to make sure they're still working and no weird messages, images or texts were sent out." Hitsugaya said and then noticed the drunken Shisato over by the floor lamp. "And four, let's get a pregnancy test while we're at it."

The Next Day

Ichigo's nakama had finally recovered. Tonight they'd leave for home. Right now the teen was in eleventh division and had challenged Ikkaku to a fight. However, before the fight could begin, Kenpachi opened the door.

"Yo." Kenpachi announced as he walked into the room.

"Ah, good morning sir." The eleventh division members said bowing in front of their captain.

Kenpachi then noticed Ichigo. "Huh? What're you doing Ichigo?"

"Ichi! How are you?" Yachiru inquired, popping over Kenpachi's back.

"Oh? Me?" Ichigo asked and held up his bokken. "I was just getting some practice in. Been out of shape for five days without any exercise so—"

There was a slash faster than the wind and the sword Ichigo was holding was cut in half. "I see, that's good news, because it means you and I," Kenpachi held up his sword, "Can fight again!" Kenpachi swung down with such force that it destroyed all the windows in building. He then noticed that he had accidentally smashed Ikkaku into a crater. "Huh? Crap I missed."

"Kenny!" Yachiru waved him over. "He's getting away!" she pointed to Ichigo who was running at top speed shouting how he's never going to fight Kenpachi again. Kenpachi went and chased after him.

Outside Shisato, Yumichika and Kukaku were sharing a spot of tea. "My, my," Yumichika said after Kenpachi rushed by, "Such a commotion. And it's not even noon yet."

Shisato blew the steam away from her tea. She had a cool pack strapped to her head. "I know. They need to keep it down, my hangover isn't going to get better with people shouting and leaking reiatsu everywhere."

"I can't believe you made out with the floor lamp in Rangiku's office. That is comedy gold Shisato." Kukaku snickered.

"Wha? Who told you?" Shisato though Hitsugaya and Matsumoto had destroyed all evidence of the night's events. She clutched her head "Aaaaah." She moaned, the sound of her own voice having aggravated her hangover.

"Whose care do you think you were dumped in to last night?" Kukaku laughed. "I had to watch over you last night. Couldn't have your squad mates taking advantage of ya now could I? Though, I wouldn't be surprised if Kira and Hisagi already did that."

Shisato spit out her tea. "Just how fucked up was I?"

"You were stark naked in Rangiku's office, making love to her floor lamp and you had Kan scattered all around you. Sounds like you four had quite the night." Kukaku said.

"How uncouth Shisato," Yumichika stated, "You're lucky that you're in this division, such behavior is unbecoming of a fourth seat."

"Zip it Yumichika." Shisato snapped as she brought her tea back to her lips. As the three drank their tea, Ikkaku staggered about and collapsed in front of them. Shisato poured a fresh cup and handed it to him. "Want some?" Ikkaku merely groaned.

That evening Ichigo, Orihime, Tatsuki, Soifon, Yoruichi and Uryu were set up to go. Ichigo was given his Substitute Soul Reaper badge and they were all sent home.

The Next Day

The captains were all at assembly. The time had come to decide the fate of Captain Lamperouge Lelouch. He was a well-respected captain and comrade, but that did not excuse his actions as Zero. All of the captains were recovered and all were in assembly, even Tosen. Tosen stated that he had been acting as a double agent towards Aizen for the longest time on Lelouch's behalf and that he had been warped into Aizen and Lelouch's little chess match just like everyone else. Several of the captains, specifically Unohana, Byakuya, Ukitake and Shunsui, were heavy hearted in having to pass judgment on a person they were rather fond of as a friend and comrade.

Yamamoto began by declaring that negotiations had failed and that Lelouch had decided to take full responsibility for his actions. He stated that Lelouch firmly believed that this was his burden to carry. He would not allow the others to be dragged into this. It was his sin and his alone.

With the discussion about Lelouch had already underway the time to discuss finer details was upon the thirteen captains.

"Captain Unohana," Yamamoto began, "was Lamperouge Lelouch part of your list of suspects when you told the ninth division that you were putting together a psychological profile of Zero?"

"Actually, Lamperouge Lelouch escaped my notice Head Captain." Unohana answered.

"Hmm, how so?" the old man wanted to know.

"The formation of Zero is clocked farther back than several of those here realize." Unohana stated.

"Ah yes that's right, I had almost forgotten." Ukitake stated. "Zero's initial appearance was when he broke Urahara Kisuke out of the Central Forty Six."

Only Unohana, Shunsui, Yamamoto and Ukitake had been captains at that point in time. Everyone else would understandably be confused as this was information not shared amongst the rest of the Gotei or the captains that had come after the fact. Until Zero's grandstanding appearance thirty five years ago, he had been scrutinized as even existing by decree of Central Forty Six.

"Exactly," Unohana continued, "At that point in time the only trauma Lamperouge Lelouch had suffered was the death of Captain Akari Mari, and you," she looked at Yamamoto, "reassured him that Hoshima Treva would be met with punishment. Such an experience would've been traumatic, but the closest person, and ultimately the most affected person, of that experience was…"

"Homura Yuna." Yamamoto answered.

"Precisely." Unohana finished. "Therefore I am unsure as to what other forces drove Captain Lamperouge to such extremes. He was only in Rukongai for two days. Matsumoto Rangiku backs up such a story."

"Perhaps because Lamperouge Lelouch is not his true identity." Tosen stated.

"Explain Tosen-taicho." Yamamoto ordered. "Where did you come by such knowledge?"

"I served with Lelouch as a phantom." Tosen stated outright. He was not ashamed of the fact. It made logical sense in the blind captain's mind, more so than stating that Lelouch had told Tosen and no one else. Many captains were rather intrigued by this revelation of Tosen's.

"I see…we shall deal with this matter once we have decided wht to do with Lelouch. What can you tell us?" Yamamoto asked.

"Whenever all of us in the phantoms transformed into our alter identities we would say our full names. However, Lelouch always used a different name entirely: Lelouch vi Britannia." Tosen stated.

Stefan, Unohana, Shunsui, Byakuya and Ukitake were shocked by this. Shunsui tipped his hat down and glanced towards the floor. "Britannia hmm? Now that's quite a shock."

"Indeed." Yamamoto stated, understanding the severity of the statement. "You are certain of this Tosen-taicho?"

"We all heard him use it for fifteen years. Inquiries were met with: I cannot explain it in a way you would understand. None of us really cared much. Our leader's identity did not matter. For better or for worse, Lelouch was Zero to us." Tosen explained.

"Still if he's a Britannian of the royal family then that would make him a noble." Ukitake piped up. "The deceased members of the family that come here have had their own house for centuries. Why would Lelouch spawn out in Rukongai rather than in the house?"

The captains were completely confused. Not only was the person they knew existing under a false identity, but now an even bigger problem presented itself. Many wondered how they could possibly pass judgment on a man that they didn't even full know.

"It seems we are at an impasse." Yamamoto declared. "We cannot pass judgment on this man until we know more about him. All captains and lieutenants are to investigate into this matter more closely and we will reconvene tomorrow morning. Meeting adjourned!"

6th Division Incarceration Unit

Lelouch sat in his cell biding his time. He had spent most of the last week simply counting things and playing "I Spy" against himself. He had also slept a lot and reflected on the last century and a quarter. As he lay there in silence the door opened and he received yet another visitor. This time it was Momo.

She ran towards the cell all pent up. "Don't worry sensei!" She told him. Momo was hysterical. "We're going to bust you out of here. I have the whole division rallied. We'll free you. So don't worry we'll…"

Lelouch reached out through the bars and pat Momo on the head.

"Sen…sei?" Momo's mania and hysteria dropped.

Lelouch looked at Momo with a smile. "Momo, it's okay. Don't worry. Everything is going to be all right."

"How can you say that? You're in prison." Momo perked up. "Oh I get it! This is just a test. You want me to give up, but you know I won't. That's how it is right?" There was no response and Momo became saddened. "Right?"

Lelouch simply shook his head side to side with the same content look on his face as if to say, "Not this time".

Momo's heart sank. "Why? Why did you do this? Were you planning this from the start? I trust you sensei. You made me a better person. I might not be standing here if you hadn't hardened my personality and strengthened my resolve. Aizen-taicho would've killed me, literally. You were right. You always have been right." Lelouch didn't answer and looked away from the fifth division vice-captain. Momo began to cry, holding her hands up by her face as her eyes quivered with sorrow. "I don't understand." She spoke in between sobs. "Was this how you envisioned your big scheme to end? That you would take down Aizen and then be punished for everything else. I thought you said you were the master of the game."

"Momo." Lelouch spoke calmly, looking back at her with a content look. "It's okay…really."

"You don't know that." Momo said as genuine tears began falling from her face.

"I will be fine because I have you and the other supporting me. Even if the decision is that I should be executed," He pointed to Momo's heart, "I'll always be here." He pointed to her forehead. "And here too."

Momo clamped the bars. "But what about everything you've built up? What about all we've done? Your legacy can't just end sensei!" Momo said to him.

"If my legacy is to end…then until I obtain an heir to my name, consider yourself my deputy." Lelouch declared calmly.

"M-me?" Momo blushed. "N-no…I…I couldn't." She shook her head violently. "Th-that's such a huge responsibility and…"

"And you can do it." Lelouch told her with a plesant smile. "I watched you grow under my guidance for so many years. You would do just fine, if it came to that."

"Sen…sei." Momo leaned her head closer to the bars. She closed her eyes and pressed her soft lips against Lelouch's. Lelouch cupped Momo's chin and deepened it. It wasn't the first kiss for either of them individually, but it was the first kiss the pair had shared with each other. Momo broke away and smiled. "You won't die. I just have this feeling that…everything is going to be okay."

Lelouch looked at Momo with a compassionate gaze. "Then I will put my faith in that feeling." There was a pause. "You should probably run along now. Without a captain to run your division…"

"Ah! You're right!" Momo realized. "I'll see you later sensei! I know I will!" Momo left the room and dashed away. Lelouch sat back down on his cot and continued to reflect and think on his past.

A couple hours went by when Byakuya decided to drop by for a visit. He found Lelouch sitting on his cot, knees bent, with his arms around his knees, staring at the wall. When he sensed Byakuya's presence glanced backwards in the noble captain's general direction. "Come to interrogate me?" he asked.

"I leave that to those whom investigation is a science." Byakuya answered. "I'm here to talk."

"Well, I'm listening." Lelouch responded with his back still to Byakuya.

"Lelouch," Byakuya began, "Before I became self-sufficient I looked up to you. You were everything I aspired to be like, but it seems that was merely a front was it not?" Byakuya's gaze started to become a scowl.

Lelouch picked his head up, stood up and walked to go stare out the window. "There is no truth to me." He said. "I am like a diamond. Depending on the side you look at me from you see a different me. Zero, Captain Lamperouge, Lelouch vi Britannia, they are all names, but I am one person and I respond to others how I see fit." Lelouch knew they would have to know his true name at some point. They would not pass judgment upon him until they knew. "A front? A true side? There are two sides to every person: light and dark. In the light I am Lamperouge Lelouch: a friend, comrade and Soul Reaper. In the dark I am the mastermind Zero: a man with glorious ambitions, fantastical desires that employs cruel tactics all for the sake of combating those that those in the light cannot see in the dark."

"I see." Byakuya said and paused. After a moment he said. "Your philosophy is rather unique."

"Being and individualist is what has kept me sane all these years." There was another pause.

Byakuya broke the silence. "Judgment is being suspended on the other phantoms until the Head Captain decides what to do with you."

Lelouch glanced back in Byakuya's direction. "I see."

"We reconvene tomorrow." Byakuya added.

Lelouch faced back towards the window. "Very well."

A few more hours passed night had fallen by the time Lelouch was visited by another individual. It was Susanna this time. She found him sitting on his cot, leaned against the wall with one leg on the ground and one leg on the cot, knee bent, with his elbow over the knee.

"You shouldn't be in here." She told Lelouch.

"That's not for you to decide." He glanced at her.

"But you shouldn't!" Susanna clung to the bars. She was just as pent up as Momo was. "You've done nothing wrong. You stopped Aizen. Everything you did was for the greater good. You're a hero. Why doesn't the Head Captain see that?"

Lelouch stood up, walked forward, and stood in the center of the cell and faced towards Susanna. "I still broke laws for us to accomplish our goals. That fact is undeniable."

"We broke laws too." Susanna said taking a step away from the bars and putting a hand on her chest. "Why won't you acknowledge us?" She had heard the news circulating that Lelouch had chosen to carry the burden himself. She didn't like that, not one bit.

"To protect you." Lelouch told Susanna. "The phantoms and the members of it must survive."

"No!" Susanna shook her head furiously. "I won't accept that!" She smacked her palm against her chest. "If you're guilty then I am guilty too!" Susanna went inside the cell door, shut it behind her, and wrapped her arms around the man she adored, clutching tightly to him. "You are not alone. So stop trying to do everything on your own. Tenth Division has already lost three captains." Her voiced began to become high pitched as tears trickled down her face. "Don't be the fourth. Please don't be the fourth!" Susanna cried out and buried her head into Lelouch's chest. She put her hands on his shoulders and sobbed into the tall teen's chest.

"Susanna." Lelouch said her name solemnly.

Susanna stood on her tiptoes and kissed Lelouch briefly. She stood firmly on her feet and said with a forlorn face, "You told me that I could devote myself to you." Her expression became like that of a little girl who had just watched her dog get hit by a truck. "Or did that end when Zero ended?" she asked.

Lelouch's eyes widened a bit and then softened. It was then that Lelouch understood how much Susanna cared. She was like Kallen when the Black Knights turned against him. Kallen didn't care what Lelouch did as Zero. He could do no wrong where she was concerned…well at least until Zero Requiem. Susanna was different though. She didn't care what Lelouch did. She just wanted to be with him. Momo devoted herself to Lelouch because of all he had taught her and what she had become as a result. Nemu devoted herself to Lelouch because of all he had done for her. She would merely turn a blind eye to the truth. Just as she hadn't questioned Mayuri's authority, Lelouch knew she would never go against him simply because of who he was. Susanna wasn't like that though. Right or wrong Lelouch was the person she liked. She didn't care how he acted. Lelouch knew he could go out and slaughter every citizen in Rukongai and Susanna would be right there joining in the slaughter and later believe she had done the right thing in helping him. She would do anything he told her to. Not because she felt she had to, simply because she wanted to.

Lelouch bit down on his lip in realization and shut his eyes. Being separated from Eien Tamashi for a week had left him to his own devices completely. He only realized now how alone he had been and how fortunate he was to have someone like Susanna as a friend, or perhaps something more. A single tear dropped from Lelouch's right eye and wrapped his arms tightly around Susanna, wondering how he could've been so blind for so long, unable see just how much she cared. "No." he told her with his usual calm tone. He opened his eyes. "You can still devote yourself to me."

"I will stay here with you tonight." She told him. "I am forever loyal to you Lelouch-dono." She told him. She drew away from him slightly and looked at him with her alluring red eyes. "It will always be like that."

Lelouch uttered thre words that he had only uttered once before in his life, the third word being different this time. He cupped Susanna's chin and stroked it. He looked at her with eyes of desire, longing…self-pity. "Comfort me, Susanna." He said like he might cry if she turned him down. His lips drew near to her face.

"You know I will." She responded.

The lips of the two Soul Reapers met. Their lips melded as both individuals gripped the hair of the other. Lelouch drove his tongue into Susanna's mouth as wet sloppy noises could be heard as Susanna moaned into the kiss. Both individuals broke away. Leolouch held Susanna to him softly. He bent his knees and lowered both of them to the ground. Lelouch and Susanna lay down on the ground and they cuddled one another. Lelouch lay on top of Susanna, bearing down on her and looking at her soft silver hair, sprawled out on the hard wood floor, and her bright red eyes, which never looked so pure or so inviting or kind.

Susanna smiled up at him. "I wish we could be like this forever."

"Then we'll just have to savor tonight." Lelouch said and kissed Susanna again, very passionately as he had done moments before. Susanna reached up and pushed open Lelouch's robe. Lelouch began to do the same to her. The two rolled over so that they were lying on their sides with their bodies tied into each other. Their hands were clasped together and they were kissing each other so sweetly. Lelouch wrapped his arms back around Susanna and trailed his hands slowly down her back, giving her goose bumps. Lelouch untied Susanna's sash and her robe completely opened. Her breasts were much smaller than Nemu's. Susanna was only about a B-cup. Nemu was at least a C-cup. Susanna was wearing a black and red bra.

Susanna covered her body with her arms and blushed so heavily that her cheeks were a deeper shade of red than her eyes. "Please don't stare." She looked to the side. "It's embarrassing."

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about." Lelouch told her softly. This only made Susanna blush harder. Not wanting to rush things on her end Lelouch simply removed his robe, exposing his chest. Lelouch had toned up well over the years. When he first arrived in the Soul Society he looked like a twig. Now he was as well toned, if not a little more so, than Suzaku.

Susanna saw what Lelouch had done out of the corner of her eye and turned her head to look at Lelouch. She reached up and felt his well-toned chest. It's almost exactly like how I imagined. She thought to herself.

"Like what you see?" Lelouch asked her.

Susanna merely nodded as her hand continued to travel over Lelouch in wonder. Lelouch caressed her arm that was still over her chest.

"If you're unsure about this, I don't mind just lying next to you."

Susanna closed her eyes, smiled and let her arm drop at her side. It warmed her heart to know Lelouch cared to such an extent. "No." she said with a big smile. "It's okay." She unhooked her bra and exposed the top of her body to Lelouch. "Take me, Lelouch-dono."

Lelouch smiled and buried his head into the crock of Susanna's neck, trailing kisses down her body. Susanna gasped and moaned as he did this. He lifted his head up when he got to her chest and began sucking on the nips of her breasts. Susanna bucked her hips and squeaked. She was really feeling it.

Lelouch lifted his lips from Susanna's bosom and rotated her breasts a few times until Susanna's nipples hardened. He then trailed two fingers down her body. He circled them around her navel and then pulled down her hakama, revealing Susanna's black panties. He pushed his finger against them, rubbing the fabric gently. Susanna instantly reacted with a high pitched gasp. Lelouch was thankful that he had been given a private cell block.

"Le-Lelouch-dono…" Susanna said with effort.

Lelouch felt Susanna's panties dampen. "Wet already?" He asked.

"I just want you so bad. I've waited for so long for this moment. Stop teasing me and just take me." Susanna requested with quivering eyes.

Lelouch nodded and removed her panties and the rest of his clothes. He lay back on top of Susanna and hovered over her, rubbing his manhood over her entrance. He looked at Susanna again. She gave a consenting nod. He entered into her. She gave a pained yelp. Lelouch could feel how tight it was inside her. Susanna raked her nails along the hardwood floor. Lelouch noticed that there were tears in her eyes once he was buried all the way inside her. He looked down to where he had entered her and saw the blood slowly dribbling out of her passage. "Susanna…you're a…" Lelouch did a double take from Susanna's face to her pussy, unsure what to make of this. Nemu had been hollow raped by the first time he did her and as for Rangiku, Lelouch clearly couldn't imagine being a virgin, not the way she acted. The fact that Susanna was a virgin…he didn't know how to respond to that.

"It's okay." Susanna smiled up at Lelouch. "I told you before. I've waited so long for this moment. I've been saving myself for you for so long, Lelouch-dono."

"Susanna." Lelouch leaned forward and kissed her lips. He made love to the silverette Soul Reaper. Whether he returned her feelings right now or not, one thing was for certain. Right now, at this very moment, he needed her now more than ever. He needed her because of the companionship and undying loyalty she showed to him. Susanna gripped at Lelouch's shoulder as he moved in and out of her. The sounds that exuded from her mouth were like merry music. "You have such a beautiful voice." Lelouch told Susanna.

"Le-Lelouch…dono." Susanna grunted as she was thrust into again and again, her average sized boobs bouncing with every thrust. As things escalated, Lelouch and Susanna rolled over and Susanna got on top. Susanna worked her hips as she rode Lelouch. She arched them back and forth, letting her tits bounce as she moaned all the while. Lelouch placed his hands firmly on her ass as the silver haired third seat pushed up and down the length of his member. Lelouch slid his arms up Susanna's body and wrapped them around her waist before increasing his speed. "Lelouch-dono…you're going to make me cum." Susanna squealed.

"Then cum, Susanna." He told her. He thrust deep hard and fast. He knew he wouldn't last much longer. "Susanna…I'm…reaching my limit too."

"Do it…cum for me. Cum inside me!" Susanna pleaded.



Both parties came together. Their fluids mingled and Lelouch shot his seed into Susanna. He withdrew from her and the two snuggled down onto the floor, once they redressed, and agonizingly waited for dawn to come. Before he fell asleep, one thought went through Lelouch's mind:

I am not alone

(A/N: Jeez this chapter was incredibly mood whiplashy. I apologize for that. Anyway, I have good news for you all. My school is now closed through Wednesday due to the flooding so I have time to work on Soul Chess. Unfortunately I have only one chapter properly planned out before I need to buckle down and do research, to which I would rather work on other fanfiction than do that. Anyway that's all I got to say. See you next time).