
Chapter 49: Shapikni Susanna, Loyalist of Lelouch 1/2

(A/N: I apologize for the incredibly fast updates, but these are the chapters that I had worked out way in advance after I came back from Bermuda. So once I get those done there will be a decrease in production)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

3rd Person pov

It was decided that Ichigo and his friends would all stay in the Soul Society for an entire week, to make sure that their injuries were seen to, before being let go back home. Since there were also captains in recovery, Yamamoto wanted to make sure that all captains could be in assembly so that proper judgment could be passed on Lelouch.

As Ichigo lay in a bed in fourth division, he thought about everything that had happened over the last couple of days. His dad was a Soul Reaper and Lelouch's secret as Zero had been exposed to the rest of the Soul Society. Not only that, but Lelouch killed the man who started this whole charade, Aizen, only for Aizen's Apprentice, Talbumosuke, to suddenly take charge. All of this made Ichigo's head spin to the point where he just didn't want to think about it. All he knew was that Lelouch was in trouble and he had to help him.

The sun had set and it was the middle of the night. The day's events slowly faded from Ichigo's mind as he rose from his bed. Orihime had done a great job at healing his injuries; it was like they never happened. Still, he walked down the hall slowly so as not to disturb his nakama. Each one had been cut down by Talbumosuke in a single slash; several for his sensei. Ichigo headed out into the garden only to find Yoruichi waiting for him.

"And just where do you think you're going?" Yoruichi asked him.

"I don't care what the old man said. I'm going to help Lelouch." Ichigo said to her. Yoruichi walked right up to Ichigo and flicked him in the forehead. Ichigo recoiled in pain. "Agh! What the hell? What's the big idea?" he griped.

"Ichigo, I understand you're upset and angry about this, but this is not a battle you can fight. The Soul Society sees you in a good light right now, don't go screwing it up." Yoruichi stated.

"I don't care about that. I can't just lie in bed while a friend of mine is in trouble." Ichigo said.

"Ichigo, Lelouch knew what he was doing when he set out on all of this. Ever since you met him in Rukongai this has been his plan. He knew his actions would catch up with him eventually and this is how he chooses to expose it." Yoruichi said.


"No buts." Yoruichi told Ichigo and held up a finger. "The Soul Society will take everything into account and I mean everything. Saving the Soul Society from a mad man does not automatically free oneself from the 'sins' they have committed. Of course, Lelouch's actions aren't the only reason he is being locked up."

"What do you mean?" Ichigo asked.

"Remember exactly how Lelouch defeated Aizen?" Yoruichi asked.

Ichigo recalled the events.

"Aizen! Kill yourself!"

"Hey yeah, how did he get Aizen to go through with that and then he got those menos to release those other two guys." Ichigo remembered.

"You're asking the wrong person." Yoruichi said. "I am sure the Soul Society will try to get the answer out of Lelouch. However, such a power is dangerous as Lelouch could just as easily be coerced or willingly use it on any Soul Reaper he chose. That is something that cannot be overlooked."

Ichigo looked down at the ground. "I just feel so helpless. I have to be able to help him. I want to do something!" Ichigo glanced down at his tensed left palm. "It's thanks to Lelouch, mostly, that I was able to save Rukia. It's thanks to his plans that the man who created Grand Fisher is dead.

"Tomorrow, when visiting hours open, if you like, I will take you to see Lelouch. If you want to talk to him, or thank him, you can do so there. Perhaps you can even ask him about why he did all of this." Yoruichi stated.

Ichigo took a deep breath. "Okay. I'll go see him tomorrow."

"Good now go back and get some rest." Yoruichi said. She put a firm palm against his back. "Come on, it's late." She escorted Ichigo about halfway down the hall and then walked into another hospital room. In the bed, Soifon was lying down with her wounds wrapped up and bandaged. Talbumosuke really did a number on her, but Yoruichi knew she would recover. Soifon was dead asleep as she lay on her back with her head tilted to the side, her right arm over her stomach and her left arm hanging over the side of the bed. Yoruichi smiled and walked over to her partner. She stroked the side of Soifon's head. "Hang tight Bee." She said to her. "I know you'll recover." She kissed Soifon on the cheek and then set up a chair against the wall and lay against it, eventually falling asleep herself.

The Next Morning

When visiting hours opened Yoruichi made good on her word and escorted Ichigo to the prison where he could talk with Lelouch. Soifon was in recovery still and therefore required to stay in bed.

They reached the cell block where Lelouch was being held. He had been put in a cell block that currently was not being used to hold any other prisoners.

The guard said that only one person at a time was allowed to visit a prisoner if one was not a captain. Yoruichi said she'd wait outside while Ichigo spoke with Lelouch. She'd see him in a bit.

Ichigo walked into the cell block and up to Lelouch's cell door. The exiled Britannian prince was sitting on his cot with his knee bent, his arm resting on his knee and his head down. He didn't seem to be all that concerned or depressed about being locked up, but he didn't seem to be enjoying it either.

"Hey." Ichigo said to get Lelouch's attention.

"I figured you'd come. I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me." Lelouch said calmly.

"Why did you do this? Why did you just surrender? What happened to trying even if the odds are stacked against you?" Ichigo asked.

"Because I planned for this. I would defeat Aizen, exactly in the way you witnessed it, and I would find myself here where you now see me." Lelouch said.

"Tell me why." Ichigo glared.

"Because it was the only way to defeat that man. Sometimes we must sacrifice ourselves so that others may have peace." Lelouch grinned manically. "I am too filled with sin to be allowed to enjoy the peace I have helped wrought. Fate is in your hands now Ichigo."

Ichigo stomped his foot. "That's bullshit Lelouch!" he shouted. Lelouch lazily looked in Ichigo's direction. "If you're filled with sin then I am also a sinner."

"No you are not." Lelouch said with a glare. "Don't confuse yourself with me or my allies. You were simply a pawn in my plot. I become the demon that will be burned at the stake and you become the hero that everyone will toss their hopes and dreams upon."

"So that's all I am to you? A pawn? I thought we were friends." Ichigo growled.

"If you were really a comrade of mine you wouldn't be yelling at me like this. You would do what I tell you and allow the Soul Society to handle this." Lelouch said.

"I can't." Ichigo said tensely.

Lelouch got up from the cot and walked towards Ichigo. "Ichigo, I want you to look at me." He removed a single contact. "Please allow the Soul Society to decide my fate for me. In this single instance resign me to whatever fate I am to be dealt."

"I told you I—" The geass took a hold of Ichigo's mind. "I…I understand…I'm sorry I can't help you Lelouch."

"You don't need to apologize." Lelouch said putting his contact back in. "Now get going, you're going home in a week."

Ichigo nodded and left. Yoruichi walked in after him. By the time she did Lelouch was back on the cot. "Are you sure about this, letting yourself be locked up like this?"

Lelouch looked up at the ceiling. "It's fitting for one such as I. I've always wondered what the inside of a prison cell looked like when I am the one who is guilty. I've caused so much torture and pain that it's fitting that I should find myself inside of one."

"You almost sound like you're enjoying this." Yoruichi said, slightly troubled.

"If that's what it sounded like then allow me to rephrase my statement." Lelouch looked at Yoruichi. "My soul is tainted by crimes I have committed for purposes that only those who benefit from the results will ever understand. I go down with my ship and allow my crew to escape on the life rafts."

"So you have no intention of letting us come down with you?" Yoruichi asked.

"Let the Onmitsukido do to me what they wish. I will never reveal your names, unless I am certain you will not be prosecuted. You all deserve to live guilt free, knowing that I bared your guilt for you." Lelouch stated.

"Lelouch…how long have you been like this…no perhaps a better question is…who are you really?" Yoruichi asked.

"What do you mean?" Lelouch asked.

"You had to follow your own rules. I followed it for fifteen years, but it's been eating away at me and so I ask: Who are you, Lelouch vi Britannia?" Yoruichi asked.

Lelouch turned away from Yoruichi. "You will know soon enough. In seventeen years, you will know."

Yoruichi was confused, but realized she wasn't going to get anything else out of Lelouch. She plucked a key off the wall so she could go inside the cell and talk to him. She went up to Lelouch and grabbed him by the shoulder and plucked him off the cot and then held him, as if he were a child that needed comforting, to her body. Lelouch was confused by this, but welcomed the kind gesture nonetheless. "I don't know what sins you have committed or will commit, but for me and for the other phantoms as well, I think, it doesn't matter. To us you are Lamperouge Lelouch and also Zero. You are our hero and our guide. More importantly, you are our friend, Lelouch." She told him. She stroked his hair. "Never forget that. Always know that you have friends who will come to your aide so long as you need it."

"If you're expecting me to cry, save your breath. I lost that ability long ago." Lelouch stated.

"So you say anyway." Yoruichi said and let Lelouch go. Her warmth still lingered. Yoruichi went outside the cell, closed and locked it. She put the key back on the hook. She smiled at Lelouch. "If the Soul Society does give you the ultimate punishment, no matter what anyone else says or does, know that I have always and will continue to believe in you."

Lelouch smiled at Yoruichi. "Thank you, Yoruichi."

The nubile woman walked out of the cell block and then went with Ichigo back to the fourth division.

The Next Day

Kukaku came to visit Lelouch. She had a few choice words for the teen, but when she got there all that came out of her mouth was: "Are you stupid?"

"If I was stupid would I have been able to kill Aizen?" Lelouch asked.

Kukaku rubbed her head and tried to think of the right words. When she found them she said. "Listen Lelouch I don't know what you were thinking setting yourself up like this to be the fall guy for everything we have done for you, but our victory means nothing if the man who made it possible is punished for it. Do you even think of how we feel about this? You've got Toshiro and Matsumoto confused as all hell. Shisato is energetically beating up on the junior officers. Momo keeps rallying the fifth division in protests that have to keep being broken up by the senior captains…mostly Unohana. Everyone that's on your side can't understand why you're being punished for our collective work. It's amazing Ichigo can stay passive through it all."

"I tranquilized Ichigo yesterday. I can be very persuasive, as you've seen." Lelouch said.

Kukaku rubbed the back of her head. "Yeah, persuasive enough that you got Aizen to commit suicide. Damn, I did not see that coming at all."

"No one did and the gravity of the situation I believe is what has me in here more so than my being Zero." Lelouch stated. "After all, I was able to command menos to follow my commands as well."

"Yeah, that was a surprise to." Kukaku folded her arms. She sighed. "I don't understand Lelouch. We could have you out of here in seconds and hide you out with Urahara. Why are you choosing to let judgment be rained down upon you?"

"Because there is much about me no one yet knows. It will be known soon enough and there's no time like the present. The world must know the real Lamperouge Lelouch. Zero, the reasons for it, my history, to properly judge me the Soul Society will have to know all of these things." Lelouch stated.

Kukaku sighed. "So you're just going to sit there until you're released or condemned?" Kukaku asked.

"I am." Lelouch said.

Kukaku took a deep breath. "Fine, I hope you know what you're doing as much as you knew what you were doing when you took out Aizen." She began to leave and stopped at the door. "Because I have to say, when you did that," she turned and winked at Lelouch

with a thumb's up, "that was pretty awesome." Kukaku then left.

The next day

Tosen Kaname was showing the grave of Kozou Mariko to Komamura Sajin and Hisagi Shuhei.

"This is her resting place, rather where I built it." Tosen stated. "I have no idea where she was cut down so I simply built a shrine up upon this hill in her honor."

"Why is the grave nameless?" Shuhei asked.

"What are written names to one who cannot see?" Tosen asked. "It is enough to her spirit rests here and that it has been avenged."

"Aizen would've forced you to take revenge upon the Soul Society when it was he who was to blame for your misfortune in the first place." Sajin stated.

"Yes…I am ashamed that I was manipulated into committing such acts as one hundred years ago. I suppose I shall receive punishment for that and everything else that occurred." Tosen stated.

"Why don't you hold off on that until after Lelouch has been settled with?" Shuhei requested earnestly. "The Gotei is now down three captains, we don't need to be down a fourth when there's a chance the third could come back first."

"I suppose you are right about that." Tosen said.

"Kaname, I am glad Lamperouge Lelouch was able to open your eyes. For that, I will not condemn him should the matter be left to a vote. Although he may have broken the law, his actions saved both you and the Soul Society."

"Our hero Zero, right taicho?" Shuhei asked.

"Yes, I suppose so." Tosen stated.

At this same time, Lelouch received yet another visitor to his cell: Rangiku Matsumoto

"Lelouch, why won't you look at me?" Rangiku asked.

"I don't want you to see me like this." He said to her.

"Then why are you in here?" she asked. "Ichigo said he'd bust you out. Any of us would bust you out in a second and tell Head Captain Yamamoto where to go. Why do you insist on sitting in there?"

"I will not run from my misdeeds." Lelouch stated.

"If you're not running by being in there then we are running by staying silent." Rangiku told him.

"You have not been exposed and also I coerced you. I coerced each and every one of you into joining me. I'll tell you the same thing I told Kukaku, I will not allow my ship to sink with my crew aboard, even if I must go down with it." Lelouch said.

Rangiku's brow furrowed. She grabbed the key opened the cell door, ran towards Lelouch and slapped him across the face. "Baka!"

Lelouch was surprised that Rangiku had slapped him, especially the power of the slap as well. Even Hisana hadn't slapped him this hard. Lelouch, hand on his cheek, now looked at Rangiku. She looked like she had been worrying herself sick over him. She didn't look like she had gotten much sleep and her eyes were slightly red, indicating she had been crying at some point.

"Is the only person you care about yourself?" Rangiku asked loudly, angry.

"Of course not." Lelouch averted looking at her again. "I'm in her alone so that you can all be happy."

"And that's my point." Rangiku started to sniff. "Do you think that makes us happy? Do you think it makes us happy to know that you're shouldering everything by yourself? If you're killed, incarcerated or locked up, how does that make us happy?"

"Are you talking about everyone or just yourself?" Lelouch asked and sent a side glance in Rangiku's direction. Rangiku was silent. She brought her hand up by her chin, fist clenched slightly and tried to speak, but just bit down on her lip. More or less, she was talking about herself. She didn't know if everyone was as broken up about Lelouch's situation as she was. She had to let him know. She needed him to stop ignoring her. Even now he was just looking away from her. She knew he didn't deny her body. She'd seen him taking peeks from behind newspapers and around corners. So then why wouldn't he pay attention to her? Rangiku dropped to her knees, grabbed Lelouch's cheeks and turned his head to look at her before planting a kiss right to his lips. She closed her eyes and put every ounce of effort she could to make the kiss as passionate as possible.

Lelouch didn't know what this was about. Surely Rangiku was only trying to use her womanly wiles to get him to concede to her point, but as she continued to hold onto him, putting her arm around him and seeing her eyes closed and as he felt her moist tongue glide across his lips he didn't care. He was above seduction, so if this was Rangiku's attempt at showing affection, he was happy to oblige. He opened his mouth and deepened the kiss. He and Rangiku made-out right there in the jail cell. Lelouch drew away first, feeling a little lightheaded. His and Rangiku's mouth hung open for a few brief seconds.

"Is this how you really feel?" Lelouch asked. "Or is this just your desperation in a moment of weakness?"

"This is how…I really feel. I've always liked you Lelouch, but…I don't know when I started to really like you." Rangiku told him.

"Rangiku I—"

The door to the cell block suddenly opened revealing Byakuya and Hisana.

"Oh, jeez, how many people are going to take advantage of this key thing? You're lucky Stefan believes you're going to sit there quietly." Hisana stated.

"Hisana." Rangiku moved away from Lelouch and got to her feet to professionally address HIsana and her captain. "Kuchiki-taichosama. What are you doing here?"

"Lelouch's presence is required in the Head Captain's office by the order of Head Captain Yamamoto himself." Byakuya stated.

"I'll escort you out Rangiku, Lelouch is to be brought before the Head Captain by himself." Hisana stated.

"I…understand." Rangiku said and was escorted away as Lelouch was escorted to the Head Captain's office. He was pushed onto his knees and held in place by Byakuya. The Head Captain sat at his desk, staring at the teen before him. Lelouch should no signs of hostility, defiance or arrogance. The only things his eyes reflected were sorrow, despair, loneliness, guilt, and perhaps some shame.

"Lamperouge Lelouch," Yamamoto spoke to him, "I have brought you here because I wish to propose a deal."

"Talk then." Lelouch stated.

"If you give us the names of those who cooperated in the phantoms I will lighten whatever sentence is to come and it will be shared equally amongst all of your companions. The most you could serve, at that point, would be a month for your transgressions coupled with your victory over former Captain of Squad Five Aizen Sosuke and your willful cooperation." Yamamoto stated.

Now Lelouch's eyes grew defiant. "No deal." He said. "I will take the full punishment of my entire team. I will show the same resolve Kurosaki Isshin showed. I will not give you the names of my comrades."

"And how do you benefit from taking their punishment?" Yamamoto asked.

"They can live free without worry knowing that I burdened their sins for them." Lelouch replied. "Whatever judgment you will lay upon me, I will accept it as many times over as necessary for each member of my team."

Yamamoto grunted. "How absurd." He muttered. "Escort him away. I have nothing more to say to him. Your trial will begin in a few days. I hope you realize that."

The only thing Lelouch said in response was, "I am aware." He was then brought back to his cell.

The Next Day

Kaien had paid a trip to the Byakuya's office that morning. He had 'urgent business to attend to' he had told Ukitake.

He entered Byakuya's office standing tall and asked if Hisana was around and if he could speak with them both at the same time. Byakuya called for Renji who was asked to bring Hisana to his office. After Renji was dismissed, and Byakuya's office door was closed, Kaien dropped to his knees in front of Hisana and spoke a single sentence neither of them expected to hear.

There was silence, complete silence, after Kaien spoke it. Hisana took a step back. Byakuya wanted to make sure he wasn't hearing things. "What did you just say?" Byakuya asked in completely surprise.

"I said…I'd like permission to marry Rukia." Kaien repeated.

Byakuya and Hisana looked at each other and then back at Kaien. They looked at each other again and then back at Kaien again. Byakuya coughed. "I will," he cleared his throat, "have to talk this over with the elder council, as I'm sure you'll have to do with yours. Such a joining would be interesting as you and Rukia are from two of the great noble families."

"I know this seems sudden, but it's really not. Not for me anyway." Kaien said still on the floor. "I've known Rukia for years. I've mentored her ever since Lelouch transferred out of my division. I…I really want to be there for her for as long as I can, as often as I can." Kaien lifted his head up to look at the Lord and Lady leaders of the Kuchiki clan. "And that's why I'm asking if I can marry her."

"Like Byakuya-sama said, we'll have to have a chat about this." Hisana stated.

Kaien got up. "I understand." He walked out of the room where upon he saw Renji collapsed upon the floor, clutching his chest. "What happened Renji? Too many calories?" Kaien asked.

"Screw off." Renji snapped, clutching his chest.

"Ah fine," Kaien shrugged, "Whatever." Kaien then walked away completely oblivious to the reason behind Renji's panic attack.

The Next Day

There was commotion at the prison that day, not because someone was making a jailbreak on Lelouch, but because Kira Izuru was finally being released for the attempted use of Zanpakuto against a comrade while on 1st Division grounds. Hisana was the one who let him out, authorized to do so by Stefan and Yamamoto.

Izuru asked what happened, as he had no idea of the course of events that had occurred while he was sitting in jail.

"Walk with me." Hisana said to him. "I'll tell you all about it."

When she finished explaining things to him, Izuru knew one person he had to visit right away. He went to 10th division and knocked on Matsumoto's door. "Matsumoto-san."

She answered the door. "Oh. Kira."

"Matsumoto-san…I heard what happened from Hisana-fukutaicho and I…"

"Oh, no worries. I'm fine, really." Rangiku said putting up a brave front. If anyone had seen what occurred between her and Lelouch together they would know that she's anything BUT fine.

"Are you sure?" Izuru asked.

"Well," Rangiku thought to herself with her finger on her chin, "With my captain behind bars that makes me the highest authority in the squad. Wanna come inside and have a drink?" she asked.

"I…sure I guess." Izuru said.

He and Rangiku got completely plastered and about halfway through their drinking session, Shuhei joined them. It wasn't long before Shisato wound up joining in the fun as well. By nightfall, Matsumoto's office had become the sight of a private party.

Hitsugaya Toshiro was having a hard time concentrating on his work. He was about to come walk in and tell everyone to knock it off when a hushed silence fell over the room. Hitsugaya let out a deep breath and continued to work. When he finished the silence was still around. Hitsugaya went to go next door and see what had happened to cause things to get so quiet. When he got there though, he walked in on one disturbing scene. Izuru and Shuhei were in only their loincloths. Shisato, she was so drunk that she was stark naked in Rangiku's office, save for her sandals, passed out on her back cuddling with floor lamp. Kan was scattered all around her body. Rangiku, ironically enough, was the only one still wearing clothes and she was face down on the ground.

"No, no more sake." Izuru moaned.

Shuhei twitched on the ground before passing out.

Suddenly Rangiku popped up from the ground, gasping. "That was close I almost died."

"What? What happened?" Hitsugaya asked, alarmed.

"I can't breathe if I lie face down because of my boobs. Don't you know what that feels like?"

"I don't." Hitsugaya said with a glazed look.

Rangiku put her hands on her bust. "Well you should have more sympathy." She pouted. "It's not easy being a girl and being beautiful."

Hitsugaya merely growled. "Whatever, we need to clean all this up. If taicho finds out about this…no if any of the captains find out about this we're in deep water."

"What do we do then?" Matsumoto asked, panicking.