
Chapter 50: The Trial of Lelouch vi Britannia

(A/N: This may most definitely be the last chapter of Soul Chess for the time being as I have not planned out in detail what I am going to do next. I hope you thoroughly enjoy this chapter and can wait for what could be weeks for the next chapter. Don't worry though, once I get the ball rolling it will continue to roll for a while. Anyway enjoy the chapter).

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

3rd Person pov

The 'trial' for Lelouch reconvened the next morning. All 10 remaining captains stood at assembly. Yamamoto was the first to speak.

"Well, what have you all found?" Yamamoto asked his fellow captains.

Mayuri was the first to speak. "I found the most interesting thing I believe." He said, stepping forward.

"Then speak." Yamamoto encouraged.

Mayuri held up a hand as he began to speak, using that crisp, clear, intrigued tone he was always so fond of. "Over one hundred and twenty six years ago there was no such individual as Lelouch vi Britannia in the Britannian Empire. However, two thirds of a year ago, an individual with that name was born." The captains became shocked by this. The idea that Lelouch didn't exist so long ago, but only existed now was ridiculous. The very notion was absurd.

"But…what does this mean?" Ukitake inquired with a shocked look on his face. He couldn't even begin to fathom or imagine how this was possible

"Explain this, Kurotsuchi-taicho." Yamamoto thundered. The head captain was growing tired of this game of discovery and intrigue.

"It would appear that our fellow captain is…misplaced in time for lack of a more sophisticated wording." Mayuri stated plainly.

"Is that even possible?" Stefan questioned, confused.

"It's quite rare, but it happens from time to time. However, this is the first time such an occurrence has been so vast or so significant." Mayuri responded.

"In accordance with your statements captain," Unohana spoke up, "I have also noticed that Lelouch has not aged a single day since his arrival."

"It's possible that he will once his time of death arrives. The temporal displacement keeps his body the exact same way it was until he arrives at his destination. He will begin to show signs once he reaches that fixed point. He won't rapidly age of course. It's not like he will all of a sudden wake up one morning and be forty years older to relapse the time he would've aged over the last century and a quarter. No, no, he will be quite normal. I'd like to study him…" the geass in Mayuri kicked in and his tone changed to something of a bit more monotone, "but of course I've given up such barbaric experiments."

"Captain are you feeling all right?" Tosen asked him.

"What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean? I feel fine." Kurotsuchi replied.

"It's just when you talked about your experiments your tone changed rather suddenly." Tosen stated.

"Do you think it's possible that whatever technique Lelouch used on Aizen and the Menos is affecting Kurotsuchi-taicho as well?" Shunsui asked.

"How dare you even suggest such a thing? If I was being affected by such a thing, don't you think I would've already figured out the mechanics and basics of it and also how to correct such a technique?" Mayuri snapped.

"Enough!" Yamamoto boomed. Everyone became quiet. "It seems that the only way we are going to get to the heart of this matter is to speak with Lelouch directly. Captain Lusca, have Lelouch brought here immediately."

"Yes sir." Stefan answered and left to go and get Lelouch at the prison.

Lelouch and Susanna were still cuddled on the floor when the door to Lelouch's cell block opened. The pair sprang to their feet when they heard the door.

"L-Lusca-taicho." Susanna fanned out her hakama. "Th-this isn't what it looks like we…"

Lusca ignored her, keeping his professionalism, but knew that he'd mention this to the head captain upon his return. "Whatever was going on here is none of my business, but Lelouch we need you at the barracks."

Susanna stood in front of Lelouch and spread her arms wide in front of him. "If he's going, I'm going too." She declared defiantly.

Lelouch pushed her arm down. "Susanna, it's okay." He told her with a calm smile.

"But Lelouch-dono…" Susanna looked at him.

"Don't worry," he smiled at her, "things are going to be all right."

Susanna gave him one last hug before the two were separated. She clung to him tightly. Last night had made her realize that she more than liked him. She loved Lelouch. She didn't want to lose him. He meant everything to her. After being separated, Kendra escorted Susanna back to her division. Upon reaching her office, Susanna prayed to whatever Soul Reapers prayed to that Lelouch would be set free and released into her arms.

Back at the 1st Division Lelouch was escorted and set down in the center of the room. He forced down onto one knee and held there by Stefan.

"Lelouch-taicho, you have been brought before us because in order for us to understand what drove you to become as you are we would like to hear your history of when you were alive. If, of course, you can remember that far back." Yamamoto told the former Britannian prince.

Lelouch looked at the head captain with a dark stare. "I remember all of it very clearly. It is a nightmare that will never leave my mind. It is a long story however."

"We are all listening." Yamamoto responded. "Talk."

Lelouch began to tell the tale from the beginning. It started with his mother and continued with Nunally. He spoke of his time with Suzaku and followed up with Britannia's war on Japan. He mentioned his several years of hiding and moved onto that fateful day when he met CC and obtained Geass. He had to mention Geass. There was no way around it. The crucial elements of the story were centered around Geass. Lelouch could've lied his way out of this if he wanted to. He could craft a perfect story in his head on the spot, but he wanted to go on and he felt that the truth, no matter how incriminating it was, would be the key to his salvation. He talked about becoming Zero. He reveled in telling about the Black Knights and his rebellion against the nation. He always went back to how it was all for his sister. He mentioned losing his memory because of his father. He talked about how he got it back and turned his replacement brother into a loyal subordinate. He mentioned Euphie, Shirley, Cornelia, Schneizel, Todou, Kallen, and all the other key players and finally came to the elements of Zero Requiem. He outlined the ploy in full detail and said that he died for the world. He then began to talk about his visions.

"Apparently, before I came here, I was a hollow. I grew to the power of a Vasdo Lordes and I attacked Japan. I was stopped by myself as a captain. The next thing I knew, I found myself in Rukongai, dressed as Matsumoto Rangiku saw me that day. I became a Soul Reaper with every intention of atoning for my sins, not using Geass and being a faithful soldier. I still have the Geass. It is just as much a part of me as Zero is. I was not going to use it. However," Lelouch took a pause and his stare became bitter, "that changed when Akari-taicho died. Something inside me snapped and I regressed into old habits. Aizen only made things worse. I became Zero to fight on his level and I worked within the system to gather allies." Lelouch's expression turned solemn. "But unlike last time…I began to feel and enjoy my time here. I finally had people who respected me for who I was. I had actual friends and then fifteen years ago I became a captain. Yes," Lelouch confessed, "I became Zero to change the Soul Society, but unlike Aizen I do not believe the Soul Society's order must be overthrown. You yourself admitted Head Captain that Zero was right in certain respects, not with your words, but with your actions. I have what I need now, I am a captain. I have a voice. I only want to make the Soul Society the paradise that we tell the souls we bring here it is." Lelouch stated and then bowed his head, staring at the floor. "That is all, sir." He said.

"I see." Yamamoto said, trying to take everything Lelouch said in. He looked at Stefan. "Please you're your vice-captain escort the prisoner back to his cell so that we may continue the discussion of what to do with him Lusca-taicho."

"Yes sir." Stefan said and brought Lelouch outside the captain's hall where Kendra was. The slim vice-captain escorted Lelouch out of the hall and when the door closed and Yamamoto was sure things would be confidential the discussion started again.

"So what do you think Yama-jii?" Shunsui asked.

Yamamoto was silent for a few minutes. He took in everything Lelouch had to tell him: his history, his beliefs, his desires, and everything else. Yamamoto had to weigh Lelouch's triumph as the hero who defeated Aizen against the vigilante Zero. Also the fact of what Lelouch, his live self, would do also was a concern to the Head Captain. These were things that the Lelouch before him had already done. Yamamoto had to act in such a manner that would benefit the Gotei without fully taking advantage of the fact that the Central Forty Six was not around to pass judgment upon Lelouch. If they were all still alive, Lelouch would be executed as a liability faster than the Head Captain could say "Turn all creation to ash, Ryujin Jakka." He had to act professionally.

He began his speech. "I believe that Lelouch has reasons for his actions. That said, if we charge the weight of his crimes against the results of his actions and against his history then I believe him to be releasable. Unfotunately, such things have made Lelouch show himself to be wildly unpredictable as an individual. He could one day plot to kill us all."

It was Unohana that spoke up. "After hearing Lelouch's story, I believe differently Head Captain. It is true that Lelouch has shown that potential, and he can be rather cruel, but he even admitted himself that he does have feelings for those who have befriended him."

Stefan snorted. "Yes, so much so that I found him and third seat Shapikni Susanna in a rather suggestive position when I went to fetch him."

"You mean they—"

"Uh huh." Stefan nodded to Ukitake's inquiry. "Of course we have to take some of the things he says with a grain of salt." Stefan rubbed the back of his neck. "Even with that said though, that story of his was way too finely prepared and too emotionally involved to be made up on the spot."

"Well we did give him a week to sit there and do nothing." Shunsui tipped his hat.

"Don't even go there, Kyoraku." Tosen shot back.

"Does it matter what he's done or how he acts? For fifteen years Lelouch has shown the capabilities of being a captain, as have I, otherwise I'd probably be ganged up on being labeled as a homicidal maniac." Kenpachi laughed. "So Lelouch has some dark elements to him, big freaking deal. He's not a frontline fighter by any means. Heck his bones are creakier than some of my new recruits, but he stood up to Aizen and flat out managed to beat him. That takes guts. We need guts in the Gotei." Many were surprised to hear Kenpachi spouting philosophy or taking the time to have such a well thought out opinion on the subject. Normally Kenpachi stood at most captain's meetings either silently, sleeping on his feet, or asking if they could skip to the next point because he was starting to get bored.

"When I spoke with him," Byakuya spoke up, "Lelouch told me that he was like a diamond, that depending on the side we look at him from depends on how he responds. Lelouch shows kindness when kindness is returned. Akari Mari and Homura Yuna were two individuals Lelouch bonded closely with and Aizen helped conspire to take them away. Aizen found the knob in the back of Lelouch's mind and just kept tightening it until something broke. As all of you know, Lelouch was my Kido teacher and I am rather surprised that he would turn out like this. And unlike Aizen his Zanpakuto does not allow him to easily put up a façade. In my opinion, Lelouch is a great benefit to have as an ally, but a nightmare to have as an enemy. With Aizen now gone that might just make him the greatest mind in all of the Soul Society." The very notion that Byakuya put Lelouch's intellect and ability above his own was a shock to the other captains. Byakuya never spoke very highly of anyone very often except for Hisana and both Ukitake and Shunsui could attest that Byakuya had long since grown out of his hero worship of Lelouch from when he was a young boy.

Yamamoto spoke up again. "Indeed. Lelouch has had a great impact on us all. He has committed terrible crimes. He paid for most of them with his life once already. He is not afraid of death. Perhaps with some persuasion and ultimatums we can allow him to remain a captain." Many of the captains were enthralled to hear this. "However," Yamamoto continued, "There is still another matter in question. This other power of Lelouch's, this 'Geass' as it is called. It is a potent weapon that could be used for all the wrong reasons. Given probable cause Lelouch could command the entire Seireitei to his whims."

"But the chances of that happening are…"

"Slim at best." Stefan finished Sajin's statement.

"He used his Geass to force Aizen to kill himself and every instance he has probably used it as well has always been for the greater good. The geass is just as much a part of Lelouch-taicho's tactics as Kyoka Suigetsu was for Aizen." Byakuya added.

"But what about Kurotsuchi-taicho. It's entirely possible that Lelouch used his Geass on him as well." Tosen stated.

"That concerns me as well." Yamamoto added. "However, we were told that Lelouch's Geass only can work on any given individual once. We can have that tested later, but we must assume he was telling the truth for now."

"However, considering Kurotsuchi-taicho is in fact alive, I do not believe Lelouch instructed him to do anything punishment worthy. As Tosen-taicho has noticed it seems the command may have been to never carry out unethical experiments." Unohana stated.

"How rude! My experiments were the pinnacle of science. How dare he reconstruct my mind in such a fashion!" Mayuri said with growing ire.

Yamamoto sighed. In this case, I'm not even going to consider a punishment for this one. Even I found some of Kurotsuchi-taicho's experiments a bit barbaric up until he stopped producing unethical ones.

"Nevertheless," Tosen continued, "if he truly desired to take over the Seireitei he would've done so already. Those of us in the phantoms joined him as Zero because we believed Lelouch was doing the right thing. We broke laws because we believed we were helping the Soul Society."

"And that you did," Shunsui tipped his hat, "We've got living conditions in the Rukongai improved by over thirty percent ever since you guys showed up."

"Shall we leave the matter to a vote then?" Unohana asked. "We either condemn Lelouch to the Maggot's Nest because of his Geass or we take a chance on him in hopes that he act favorably in the Gotei and agrees to come to terms with us."

"That certainly sounds like the best course of action." Ukitake agreed.

"Then let us vote." Yamamoto thundered.

After the votes were tallied, Yamamoto called for Lelouch to be escorted back to the captain's hall. He was brought before Yamamoto with Kendra strong-arming him. She put him down on his knee as his captain had and the Head Captain spoke to Lelouch.

"Lelouch, we voted on what to do with you. The decision was unanimous." There was a pause.

Lelouch began to think. So whatever decision they've made they've all decided on it together have they? Good, that's the way it should be. Lelouch was prepared to accept his punishment.

"We have decided that as long as you adhere to Gotei law from now on, let at least one of us in on whatever plans you are drafting that require your Geass, restrict its use, and reveal the names of your companions, you will be reinstated as the Captain of the Tenth Division, effective immediately."

Lelouch was stunned. He expected some sort of retribution for his actions: Jail time, torture, loss of limb, discharge, exile, death, something. He wasn't expecting a full and frank acquittal of his actions. Still, something needed to be addressed. "For what reason do you want to know who was in the phantoms?" he wanted to know.

"We are willing to let you go on the grounds that we find out who else was involved. We decided that we will not prosecute any of your allies. You are a competent and beneficial captain to the Gotei 13. However, for security reasons, we must know. If one of them does happen to do something we would like to know in advance." Yamamoto stated.

"If I do that, will you do something for me?" Lelouch requested.

"You are in a very bad position to be making requests, but there is no harm in asking." Yamamoto stated.

"I wish to formally put an end to the struggle between Zero and the Gotei 13. Since the phantoms disbandment the Gotei had done a considerable job at lawfully picking up where we left off. I want to make Zero's intentions clear one last time. Aizen was the only reason we existed after a certain point, now that he is gone the phantoms can rest." Lelouch stated.

Yamamoto thought about this. He had been trying for years to put an end to such a struggle. Now this was his opportunity and he was not about to waste it. However, he was very uncertain to what Lelouch would attempt to do to "put an end to the struggle". Even so, this was an opportunity he could not afford to pass up.

"Very well, if you give us the names of those who helped you, I will honor your request." Yamamoto responded.

Lelouch took a deep breath. "You already know about Kurosaki Isshin. I will speak the names of the others: Libra Naomi." Neither Stefan nor Kendra were all that shocked by this revelation. "Kira Izuru, Kotetsu Isane." Unohana as well was not all surprised. She knew how impulsive Isane could be, not to mention Isane, after her initial interaction with Lelouch, was very forward with her requests to oversee his hospitalizations. "Hinamori Momo, Kuchiki Hisana." Byakuya was stunned by this one.

He spoke. "Lelouch, before you continue…which one was Hisana?" Byakuya recalled how he had fought two of the phantoms. If by some cruel trick of fate one of them was Hisana he didn't know what he would do.

"Hisana was the green phantom." Lelouch responded.

Horror ran down Byakuya's spine. He kept his composure about him, but he knew he would have to apologize to Hisana. Whether he knew it was her or not, he had almost killed her.

Lelouch continued. There was a two second pause in between every name he spoke. "Shapikni Susanna, Abarai Renji, Keshiba Ryou, Tosen Kaname, Hisagi Shuhei, Matsumoto Rangiku, Hitsugaya Toshiro, Shiba Kukaku, Aloman Shisato, Kurotsuchi Nemu."

Mayuri grinded his teeth at hearing Nemu being mentioned. The fact that she chose Lelouch over him in terms of authority bothered him. And now knowing about the Geass, he had the utmost feeling that his lack of ability to inflict pain on Nemu was also a cause.

"Shiba Kaien, Kuchiki Rukia, Shihoin Yoruichi and Soifon." Lelouch finished and then said, "That's everyone."

"Were there that many phantoms?" Sajin questioned, unsure if he had counted properly.

"Kukaku, Kaien and Nemu were never on the battlefield. They stayed in the Seireitei to keep us protected from the law and being caught. Kukaku was mostly the source of my funding."

"The gaming club." Byakuya stated, realizing what Lelouch was implying.

"Exactly." Lelouch responded.

"Lelouch, which phantom was Rukia?" Byakuya asked right after that.

"The white phantom." Lelouch responded.

Again Byakuya's heart sank. Now he really needed to apologize.

"Just how is it you managed to get so many people in your corner?" Stefan asked.

"Most of it was charisma, but the rest of it stems from the fact that many of them simply believed in my cause." Lelouch answered. "Each one was loyal to me. I did not coerce them or tell them that they had to follow me. Each one believed in me and each one followed me to help me."

"Such is the measure of true friends." Unohana stated.

"You didn't have to force them. If they said no you would've used your Geass to prevent them from remembering the incident." Shunsui stated. Lelouch nodded. "How very clever. You know perhaps we could use this power of yours to improve our memory replacement technology."

"While I hardly think this is the time for jokes, I agree with Unohana-taicho and Shunsui-taicho about friendship and cleverness. Although you had Zero stand on the boundary of the law, the fact that you catered such favor across the Gotei is astonishing in and of itself." Yamamoto stated. Lelouch didn't know whether that was a compliment or not so he remained silent. "Hmph, though Aizen may have committed many atrocities, but eliminating the Central Forty Six, if but temporarily, nearly cost us a very valuable asset to the Gotei 13." Yamamoto knew that if the Central Forty Six had been the ones to oversee Lelouch's punishment and trial they would've cast him out or had him killed. "Lelouch…" Yamamoto paused, unsure what to call Lelouch now.

"Please continue to call me Lamperouge Lelouch." Lelouch requested. "Lelouch vi Britannia died when Zero ran a sword through his chest."

Once again a small, barely noticeable smile could be seen on Yamamoto's face. "Then, Lamperouge-taicho, I hereby reinstate you as the Captain of the Tenth Division!"

"I am honored Head Captain, thank you." Lelouch stated. Kendra, now that Lelouch was reinstated, released her hold on him. Lelouch walked up towards the Head Captain who tapped his cane, deactivating a kido that was sealing, and keeping invisible, Lelouch's Zanpakuto and haori. Lelouch retrieved both and stood in his proper place amongst the rest of the captains. "Now that I have my position back, I'd like to make formal request. The Gotei still has two open captain positions. Therefore I would like to nominate my third seat, Hitsugaya Toshiro and recommend Kuchiki Hisana as taking over those positions."

"I second Lamperouge-taicho's recommendation as putting my vice-captain up for a captain's position." Byakuya said almost immediately after.

"As do I." Tosen added.

"I as well." Ukitake put in.

"I will also recommend Kuchiki Hisana for a captain's position." Unohana put forth.

"And I." Stefan stated.

"I approve these recommendations." Sajin put in.

"I also approve." Shunsui added.

"And I shall approve it as well. Thereby, Kuchiki Hisana will be instated as a captain. Can any of her recommending captains verify Bankai mastery or must a demonstration be necessary?" Yamamoto asked.

"I bore witness to Hisana's Bankai in battle. A demonstration will not be required." Byakuya put forth.

"Then, as for Hitsugaya Toshiro, I require one more captain to sit in with Lamperouge-taicho and myself so that he will take the Captain's exam." Yamamoto stated.

"I would gladly sit in on that exam." Ukitake requested.

"I'll do it, if Jushiro winds up getting sick that day." Shunsui stated.

"Then it is settled." Yamamoto stated. "Are there any more matters that need to be addressed?" The room was silent. "Very well then, dismissed."

One Week Later

The citizens of Rukongai watched as members of the twelfth division rolled out special machines, similar to the ones that had been rolled out when Zero made his initial appearance. These same projectors were also brought to every sector of the Seireitei. At this same time Lelouch, clad in his Zero outfit, his original Zero outfit, stood alongside Yamamoto on top of Sokyoku Hill.

"Thank you for this Head Captain, I appreciate it." Lelouch said as his cape flapped in the breeze.

"There is no need to thank me young one. You should be thanking Aizen. You'd be dead if he didn't kill the Central Forty Six nor would this be happening."

Lelouch began to laugh. Wherever Aizen was now he was probably pretty pissed…either that or he had no memory of the events.

Lelouch's watch flashed and he knew he had to get in position.

All across the Soul Society the screens were turned on and immediately an image of Zero and Yamamoto appeared on the screen. Such an image, especially a friendly one, was rather bizarre for all to see, since Zero made it a point that he would never surrender to the law. However, if one looked more closely, Lelouch was standing closer to the projector than Yamamoto.

He walked forward towards the edge of the cliff and began to give his speech. "Hear me o citizens of the Soul Society, all of you: nobles, Rukongai civilians, the Gotei, the academy, merchants, everyone. Twenty years ago I, Zero, retreated into the shadows when my greatest plan backfired and the Soul Reapers picked up where I left off. Let me be clear that this was my goal from the very beginning. My revolution was to bring peace to the Soul Society, to turn it into the paradise you less fortunate are told when you were given a Konso. Most often forget that nobility often has another definition. My mission is complete. The phantoms of the Soul Society have defeated the greatest evil the Soul Society will ever see, now we shall work together and clean up the rest of the mess. We have not surrendered. We have not compromised. We have united. Together we shall protect the weak from the strong. Together we shall purge the great evils that come along. Together we will fight for those who do not have the strength to do so. Long live the Soul Society, Long live Head Captain Yamamoto Shigekuni Genryusai. Long live the Legacy of Zero!" Lelouch could hear the cheering that was coming about from this from just the Seireitei itself. He could only imagine how things were turning out in Rukongai. "As proof to show that we are one, I have asked Yamamoto-soutaicho himself to accompany me here to my declaration." Yamamoto stepped forward. Lelouch held out his hand. Yamamoto and Zero firmly shook hands. The crowd went crazy. I win. This…this is what it's supposed to feel like to be accepted, to feel as if I have won. This is how things should've gone one hundred and twenty seven years ago at the Black Rebellion.

In the month that followed important transfers and promotions were made. Hisana became the Captain of the 3rd Division, a glorifying sight to behold indeed. Hitsugaya Toshiro became the youngest looking captain ever to hold the position and was instated as the 5th Division captain. To take Hisana's place, Renji was promoted to Vice-captaincy as his skill set was greater than that of Susanna's. Taking Hisana's former position brought him one step closer towards his goal: surpassing her and Kaien. With Hitsugaya becoming captain, the 10th Division had an open spot for a 3rd seat. Shisato was gladly accepted back to her original division and finally obtained the rank she desired. With the 4th seat position open in the 6th division, Keshiba Ryou was promoted there. Finally, with Ikkanzaka Jirobo the consistency of a charbroiled steak and Ryou transferring, Sajin was forced to appoint new members to his division. The 7th Division however, was currently unable to find sufficient workers to restaff their division. Lelouch asked Kukaku if she would, but she declined. Instead Lelouch just promoted her up the rankings to 6th seat for her assistance in his plans to kill Aizen.

Yes everything seemed like it would be just fine.

But it was not.

Besides just the somewhat unforgotten conflict approaching with Talbumosuke, in Karakura Town the moon was high in the sky. A blonde man with buck teeth and wearing a golf cap, a white shirt, black pants and a striped tie, stood on a telephone poll, just as Rukia had done when she first arrived in the humble suburb. The man was Hirako Shinji, former captain of the 5th Division.

"Well, well, what a charming little city." He noted. With that he leapt off the telephone poll into the night.

To be continued...

(The blade of fate fell again, but the fate itself had been changed. The reflection of the moon had disappeared, but the master of time had taken its place. The masked soldiers would seek out the son of the black phantom and enter onto the black king's board. Time would take vengeance with the sands of gray and the champions of the dead would find that they were not so prepared to race against the clock. Once again I have written another poem with a distinct meaning. The arrancar arc starts next and Talbumosuke is the Big Bad. How will things fare with a new villain calling the shots? You'll just have to wait for the next chapter of Soul Chess!)

EXTRA NOTE: I find it interesting that the 50th chapter anniversary of Soul Chess would end a major story plot for the series XD