
Soldier Boy: Marvel

follow Daniel in his jorney on the MCU world while he becomes the best "hero". ***I DON'T OWN ANY CHARACTERS OR NOTHING JUST OC***

Forseti_0 · TV
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Ch. 13 Preparations.


I fly home. Entering my room through the window, I take off my clothes and quickly enter the shower to get ready for the day. Almost immediately after starting the shower.

*knock* *knock*

"Daniel are you ready for school?" Lorraine opens the door of my room. She looks at my clothes on the floor and the open window.

I am still taking a bath but I reply. "Just finishing up in here, I overslept!"

"Ok, take your time, breakfast is ready. And clean your room before you leave it's a mess."

She leaves after that. 'Almost didn't make it.'

I finish my shower fast and get ready, when I come down the stairs and see my mom eating. "Took you long enough, a couple more minutes and I would be worried you drowned in there."

I sit down and start to eat. "Good morning to you too mom. Today after school I made some plans with my friends so I may come in late."

"Where are you guys going?"

"The lake. Why?"

"Just curious, remember to be safe."

"I will, now I have to go or I'll be late for school."

I get up kiss Lorraine goodbye and enter the garage, take my bike and make my way to the woods.

Today I'll skip school and train a little my new power, and I have the perfect training in mind. I pedal to the Sabine lake, and here I'll start my training.

I'll train my flight in the water, flying under water is more difficult than in the sky, the water density is bigger than air.

'I could try to add lead weights in the future.'

However, this training is not just for my new power. You see I remember that one of Soldier Boy biggest weakness was a nerve agent that put him to sleep. I need a way to overcome that, and since I do not know how to purchase a Russian nerve agent, the simplest way is to hold my breath. In addition, this way I can fly in space in the future like a viltrumite.

'My lungs should adapt to let me hold my breath for a longer time.'

I take off my clothes take a deep breath and dive in the lake, flying to the bottom of the lake, I can feel the pressure and it doesn't take long until I have to resurface. Flying is not easy underwater but the real problem is holding my breath.

"Shit, this is going to take a while."



'Daniel is graduating next month, after that he is coming to New York to begin his training. I get why he wants to be prepared and it is wonderful that he is going to help me, but there is something strange happing ever since this war in Vietnam started. The military has been making some strange moves lately, scientists have been sighted leaving and entering a military base that is supposed to hold military supplies. It's most definitely a black site, something is happening and I don't like where it's going.'

*Knock* *Knock*

"Yes?" My secretary opens the door.

"Sorry chief, Mr. Stark is here and he wants to see you."

"Let him in."

The door opens and Howard come in, he is not alone his personal butler and friend Jarvis is accompanying him, I can see that both are tense.

"Jarvis, what a pleasure to see you again, how's the wife?"

"It always a pleasure to see you too chief Carter, the wife is well I'll send her your greetings."

"What about me, am I not a welcome sight? You will hurt my feelings Peggy."

"It's good to see you too Howard, what a lovely surprise." I smile and give him a hug.

"Sir I believe that is time we leave. Or we will miss our reservation." Jarvis informs us.

"Right you are Jarvis, now Mrs. Carter I book us a lovely restaurant for dinner and I will not take anything less than a yes for my invitation."

"Then lead the way."

We left my office and get on a limo in the garage. Jarvis is our driver.

"Discreet has ever Stark." An old man says inside the limo.

"Well you know what they say, the best disguise is no disguise." Howard replies to the man.

"Enough you two, we don't have a lot of time, I called you here because I have something I need your help." I say, I can let those two start or we will lose a lot of time.

"Well them, Ms. Carter care to explain why all this secrecy, I had to lie to my man and hide in this limo with Stark for company." Say's the older man

"I'm sorry general, but before we start, Howard is the car secure."

"Don't worry Peggy, I check it myself before coming here, the only way someone know what we say, is if they are here."

I fell more at ease, for all of Howard's talk and manners he is a genius, and if he didn't find anything then we are secure.

"Then I would like to start by saying that, what I am about to tell you two cannot leave this car, if any of you don't want to help me or get involved this is the time to leave."

The car falls into silence. I can see Howard is hesitates but he shakes his head.

"Peggy I may be many things, but I am not a coward. I won't leave you alone if you need me, we are family."

The old man just scoffs. "I am offended that you need to ask me Miss Carter, I don't run from fights. We have been trough war together, if you need me, I won't leave a soldier alone on the battlefield." Says General Chester Philips, co-founder of shield.

I cannot help but smile, I was afraid to involve them because of the danger that this represents, but I was foolish.

"Well them gentleman, what I'm about to say is… I do not know where to start. General do you remember my request months ago about especial-ops for SHIELD?"

Philips nods. "Yes, I did find strange, what you propose could better be describe has a black-ops, no files for the soldiers, new identifies and all previous records sealed."

"That is right, I want all of that because I am protecting someone, and he will be part of those especial-ops. I will use all of our resources to hide him in plain sight."

Howard stops me from continuing. "Wait so you want to protect him, why don't you put him somewhere safe, a soldier's life isn't the safest. Specialist a especial-ops"

"I tried to tell him that, but he either goes with SHIELD or he will try the military."

It is frustrating, I wanted to keep him safe in Texas, but he wants to follow his father's foots steps and be a soldier. He reminds me so much of Steve, a good man who wants to make a difference, help people.

This time is Philips who is confuse. "So why go this far? If he wants to serve the military I can't see the problem."

"The problem is, he isn't normal, if the military finds out about him they will make him a lab rat."

"What makes you say that?" Howard asks.

The answer to that is simple. I am sorry Lorraine, but I trust them.

"He is Steve's son."



I have been training for the last four hours, and I can hold my breath for thirteen minutes while flying underwater now, it may not look like much but try to hold your breath while swimming for thirteen minutes. After that, I left the lake and looked at my status.

[NAME: Daniel Mayer

RACE: Human

Age: 16 Years

Character synchronization:

- Nathan Petrelli (74%)


- Spriggan Earth Mother

-John Smith

-Jane Smith

-Walter white




- Flight


"Not bad, I'm starting to get used to the new power, now let's use the old ones."

I start to train my nuclear power, I train every day in controlling it, and now that my seventeen-year birthday is coming, I can feel myself getting stronger every day. I want to make this power completely mine.

I start to shot a nuclear blast through my fist, it takes a second to move the energy from my chest to my arm. This is another limitation of my power, the nuclear energy needs time to build up in my chest. Nevertheless, the more time I have, the more powerful I can make the blast.

Needless to say, I never tried to power for more than a couple of seconds, is hard to hide a nuke. Enough of training, it's time I meet with my summons, I need to put my plans in motion.

I never left, things happened that prevented me from writing. but i wont go until i finish my work here. i love you guys.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Forseti_0creators' thoughts