
Soldier Boy: Marvel

follow Daniel in his jorney on the MCU world while he becomes the best "hero". ***I DON'T OWN ANY CHARACTERS OR NOTHING JUST OC***

Forseti_0 · TV
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18 Chs


CH. 14 Plans


I wait until it's dark and fly to Dallas, I chose Dallas because my aunt lives here, and I want to have a place I can grow a company without competition. Besides I live my entire life here in Texas, I like the place.

When I arrive at John's house I knock on the door, they should be ready for our meeting. I do not have to wait long before Jane opens the door for me.

"Hello Mrs. Smith, may I come in?"

"Of course, we were waiting for you."

I make my way to the living room, where Walt and John are. Walt is sitting on the couch, he is clean and with new clothes.

"At least you don't look like a beggar Walt. I hope you all had the chance to get used to your new circumstances I suppose." I address everyone in the room.

John is the first to speak. He is the easier going of the three. "Well it was a surprise I not going to lie, 1962 isn't exactly that great of a year."

"Well that is the beauty of the situation, we can change that." I look John in the eyes, and smile from ear to ear.

"You see we have the opportunity to change this world, together we can achieve so much."

Jane looks at me intrigued. "And what is the plan then?"

"The plan is simple, for now the three of you will start a company together. Walter's knowledge of chemist is vast and ahead of this time. After enough time passes we will start to expand our business to other areas, but let not get ahead of ourselves."

I was beginning my speech about the power of friendship when Walter decides to say his peace.

"And how would that work? We do not have the recourses and from what you told us, this is not our world. In addition, in this plan what is the part of these two? Why do I need then in the company?"

I was a little surprise at first, he just interrupt me. John and Jane are silent, probably not sure what to do. John tries to talk to Walt.

"Listen we are in this together, if we put everything we have in a company we can do this."

"Besides the business part isn't that difficult, I can handle that while you and John handle the rest." Jane speaks in support of her husband.

However, Walt does not want to listen. "Look I know how to manage a company just fine, if that is all you-"

"Enough." I said with a tone that left no room for arguing. Everybody was quiet and waited for me to speak.

'I need to stop this kind of mindset that he has. That was why Walter died, he did not work well with others and thought of himself has the center of everything.' I cannot afford his greed and pride to risk my plans.

I change my focus to Walter. He flinches but keeps eye contact, at least he isn't a coward.

"I have plans Walter. Plans for this world, and you are a part of them, you all are, but don't think for one second that only you know best. All this is possible because I brought you here. I have given you a second chance, an opportunity, if you think that you don't owe me anything, think again."

The room falls into silence, Walter tries to think of something to say, but I do not give him time to think.

"Did you forgot were you were before I brought you here?"

Walter closes his mouth and looks down; I can see my guess was right. He was dying before I summoned him.

I take a breath. This is to be expected, Walter is a simple man, and I just need to show him his place.

"Walter, I know that in your life you felt that people didn't appreciate you, which is why you did so many bad choices. I am here to tell you, I value you, but you need to know your strengths, you are an amazing chemist, but a terrible businessperson. Your insubordination to Gus made you a liability for him, he saw that your greed was going to kill him."

I let him think about that for a moment, and then I approach Walter, when I am in his personal space I start to talk again.

"You destroyed the only think that kept you save, because of greed. You killed the man and tried to pick up the business that he spent more than 20 years building. However, the worst part is, you could have been a Successful man many times in your life, but your greed and pride were your undoing."

When I look Walter in the eyes, I can see that I got my message to him. This was a good thing, now he can start to see the mistakes he made for what they were.

Sensing the tension in the room, Jane decides to speak.

"Ok boys, why don't we calm down. We still need to talk about our future here, right Boss?" Jane addresses me, wanting to pick things were we left off.

"You're right Mrs. Smith, now that we sorted out this, let's get back to our plans."

After that, the talks about the company went great, and Walter actually gave good ideas. He is starting to be better, but I still need to keep an eye on him. The company co-founded by the three of then, with each owning equal shares.

"Now, the money needed to start this company is the only real problem." John says.

"Well that is a simple answer, you three have assents in this world, John is a war veteran, and you have a pretty good pension, if you mortgage both your houses or sell the cars you can make a good starting capital." I say.

"Why don't I cook some meth to make the money?" Walter asks.

"No, we need a clean business. If the money comes from drugs trafficking it will compromise the company. Besides, Blue-Sky will come in the future, when it no one will linked to Walter White, the co-founder of Gray Matter Technologies."



The general was sitting alone in his office, he was looking out the window into the sky. He like the view of the sunset from his office, much off his time now was spend like this, alone with his thoughts.

Today Carter told him that Steve has a son, a young man who want to follow his father footsteps and become a soldier. Philips will forever remember when Erskine showed up with that skinny kid from Brooklyn, he thought he was a waste of space, and he told so to Erskine.

When Erskine died, Steve who was the first and only soldier became a political mascot to sell war bonds. Philips was disappointed, he had given up hope on project rebirth and Steve was a bad joke to him.

'You proved me wrong kid.' That was the only time he was glad to be so wrong, Captain Rogers proved his courage and spirit when he went behind enemy line and rescued more than four-hundred soldiers from enemy camps. One of the few things he regrets is the way he treated Rogers.

'Now I can help you.'



"Well then, I believe this is everything, I'll come back next month." After saying my goodbyes, I fly off to the woods near the Smiths house. I land on the biggest tree I can find and wait.

I do not have to wait long, from the tree's bark my spriggan emerged, she still looks the same, but her purple glow is stronger now. She hugs me from behind, and transmits feelings of affection.

"I missed you too." With time we started to care about each other more, she has been with me for years, and it pains me to have to be away from her, but I can't bring her to New York.

"You know I don't want to leave, but I need you here. I'll come back has soon has I can. While I'm away watch over the others, if they need help protect them."

She nods her head and strengthens the hug, looks like I'll have to spoil her a little, but I have time and it's surprising how nice it is to hug her.

who dosn't love nature ;-)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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