
Soldier Boy: Marvel

follow Daniel in his jorney on the MCU world while he becomes the best "hero". ***I DON'T OWN ANY CHARACTERS OR NOTHING JUST OC***

Forseti_0 · TV
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18 Chs

First allies.

Ch. 12 First allies.


After my flight around Texas, I go to Dallas, its time I summon my first human.

"I hope this goes well."

I look at my summons and the first one I will chose are the more useful right now.

[Summon John Smith and Jane Smith.]

These two are the best assassins in their agencies and they can hide in plain sight.

[Entities summoned are of a conscious species that inhabits your world -Homo sapiens- would you like to add background for summons.]

[YES] [NO]

Now that is a surprise, I select yes and two screens pop-up in front of me, one for each. Their information are basic, date of birth, where they grew up, what do they do for a living, all of that a person normally has. I tried to edit and I could just change little details place of residence, with is Dallas, and their jobs, John is a war veteran, honorable discharge and all. When I tried to change their age, it did not allow me, bummer.

When I finish editing their background I select summon, and they appear. I unconsciously change my stance, I smile and welcome them with open arms.

"Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Smith, it's a pleasure to meet you."

They appear to be a little surprised by my appearance but I can see they are nervous, they have guns in hand. "You don't need to be afraid, you are in no danger here."

John and Jane look at each other, and finally some talks to me, John holsters his gun and tries to give a friendly smile. "Sorry for the guns out, were just surprised. We didn't know what to expect when we took your offer." He says respectfully, he looks nervous of me.

I try not to show any surprise on my face. 'Offer, what is he talking about? What did the system offer them?'

"Well I am a man of my word, but enough of that now, we have another person to join us." I get some time to think about what John just said. 'I am going to pretend I know what he is talking about for now.'

"This man will be your mission, you both need to protect and support this him, but I also want you two to watch him."

"So that is it, you just want us to help and watch someone?" Jane asks, a little skeptical.

'Why do you have to make my job difficult Jane?' I look her in the eye, and my posture and facial expression turn imposing.

"This is your first mission, now I need to bring the one you're supposed to protect. We will continue after he arrives."

I turn around and I open my arms dramatically while mentally selecting my other summon of the day.

[Walter White]

[Entity summoned is a conscious species that inhabits your world -Homo sapiens- would you like to add background for summon.]

[YES] [NO]

I select yes, and again I put him in Dallas, he will be more useful for me if I can get him close to my home.

When Walter appears, he looks like a homeless person, hair and beard messy, baggie clothes. 'This is him when he died in season five, looks like he is cancer free at least.'

"Hello Mr. White is a pleasure to have you join us. Now that everyone is here, we can begin first introductions."

I don't have a lot of time left, I need to get home or mom will start to worry, let's rap this up.

I start with Walter White, I don't trust him at all, in the show he is a narcissistic ass, that and his inferiority complex make him an impatient man with a temper problem.

"This is Walter White, he is a Caltech graduated and is a brilliant chemist, hell he even won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. However, he is not just any chemist. Walt uses his chemistry knowledge to cook remarkably pure and potent methamphetamine, if I remember correctly ninety-nine percent pure."

Walt is nervous. I can see he is uncomfortable but knows he should keep his mouth shut. John and Jane are watching Walt and I like hawks. They all are afraid of me, I do not know why that is but it's a good start, I just need to turn that fear into respect.

"Now we have John and Jane Smith, they are a married couple, and assassins for enemy agencies, cute right."

I let them great each other. "Them there is me. My name is Daniel Mayer and I brought all of you here because I need your abilities, all I want from you is that, do your job and live your life. Just know this I am in charge so when I tell you to do something I want it done."

They all take a minute to think of what I told everyone, Walt is the first to speak.

"So you brought me here to be your meth cook?"

"No Walt, I brought you because you are a chemist, a brilliant one. I want you to start a company, better than Gray Matter Technologies. This is 1962 so all your knowledge is more advanced than now."

This little information get everyone by surprise, they are in the past in a new world now. Adapt or die.

"This world is dangerous, so this is why you will have security. Mr. Smith will be head of security on your company. So they will keep you safe."

I tried to keep a good vibe in the place, but they are a little nervous when I said about the danger.

"What kind of danger are you talking about?" John asks. I need to tell them, is better to be prepared than not.

"We have everything you can imagine, assassins, ninjas and super soldiers, but the last one you won't meet, probably." The last part I really hope they do not encounter, the winter soldier would kill these two.

John groans. He and Jane start to look a little regretful.

"Hey it's not like you're helpless, just be careful and shoot first. Anyway, here is your home address, everything you will need is in there. And remember, teamwork makes the dream work and adaptation is the key. Now I need to go home, tomorrow night I'll come to talk and set our plans in motion."

At that took flight and left, if my mom wakes up and I am not there I am going to be in trouble. I am sure they will be ok.


Meanwhile after Daniel just left. Walt, John and Jane where all with their mouth open looking at the sky.

"Did he just fly off?" Walt asked, not sure how to process all of this, he was supposed to be dead, now he is in the past, and in a new world. Summoned by an 18 year old, who just took off flying.

"Yes he did, now let's get out of here. He said he would come tonight so we have the day to see what this place is, at least we got a house and supplies there." Jane said, taking command and making plans is her forte.

John follows right behind her. "Yes ma'am, hey doc let's go, we need to get you clean, you look like a beggar."



We are in our couple's therapy, our final one. After this, we are laying low for a while, our agencies back of, but we are still a stain in their record, they will hunt us forever.

"Sometimes I just want to kill her, but I…" John says with his cocky smile while looking me in the eyes. ""Couldn't pull the trigger."" We say together. Even if they do I don't regret it, we will figure something out.

Our therapist not getting the reality that we almost killed each other just smiles. "That's a good sign, sometimes we have to batl--" he did not finish.

When we turn to look at our therapist, he was gone we are alone in the room. We both get up and pull our guns, this is not right, he just disappeared, there is nowhere to hide. We check the door, and it's lock, John tries to kick it down but it won't bug or even creak.

"A trap?" John asks me, but I am as lost as he is. I look at the window but it's all black outside, like a void.

Then we hear a voice behind us. "John and Jane Smith." It appears to be a voice of a young man, we search for the man but we cannot see him anywhere.

"What is happening Jane, did you hear that too?" John sound a little afraid and so am I. I can tell this was not a speaker or radio, some in the room talked to us.

The voice spoke Cleary again, a little louder this time, as if it was approaching us. "John and Jane Smith you have been given an opportunity, if you wish I can give you a second chance, a new life in a new world together."

"And if we say no?" I asked. I do not like how we are stuck here in a room with a voice from beyond.

"Them I will leave you, and never come back. You will be send back to where you were has you were."

John and I relax a little at that. "Well them we appreciate the offer b-" I stop John before he can finish speaking. He looks confused at me but I have one more question for the voice.

"And if we say yes? This isn't for free right, what do you want from us?"

"If you agree, the two of you will serve me."

"Well that didn't sound ominous at all, Jane can we say no to this guy and go home?"

"What home john? You know we are targets, we will be hunted forever, the agency will not let us live, and this is a chance for a future. We will not need to run, look over our shoulders for the rest of our live. A fresh start in a place we nobody knows us."

"Jane I know you're afraid but we don't know where this will lead us, we could be walking in an even bigger mess."

"We could have run, I could have killed you and you could have killed me, but we didn't we chose to be together when everyone wanted us dead, we chose to fight when we thought one of us could die, now we have a chance, no matter how small, to live without fear of dying because we were careless."

"He said serve, this isn't 'no strings attached' he wants us to work for him Jane."

"This isn't different than working for the agency. At least we will be together."

John looks hesitant, but in the end, he gives up, and nod his head in agreement.

"Ok, we're doing this then." He smiles and takes my hand. "Together."

"Together." I kiss him.



I am dying in a pool of blood, inside a methamphetamine lab. I knew I could die, I was prepared, but I can't help it, I'm afraid, I don't know what happens next.

"Walter White."

I hear a voice, a young one, maybe 18 year old, but what surprises me is that I'm ok.

No blood or gunshot I am one hundred percent healthy. "What is going on?" I look around me and I am alone, maybe am hallucinating? Before I can think, I hear the voice again.

"Walter White you have been given an opportunity, if you wish I can give you a second chance, a new life in a new world."

When he spoke again his voice was clear, he was real. "Am I dead?" I asked the voice, I don't know if he is… what death?

"No Walter, you're not dead yet, I keep you from dying. I offer you a second chance in a new world; all you have to do is serve me."

"This sounds like a deal with the devil, what do you want from me?"

"This you will know if you chose to serve, now answer me."

Walter goes silent, he is hesitates for a second, but in the end he has no choice. Either he serves this thing or he dies in a meth lab.

sorry for the delay. But don't worry, this novel will only stop at ch. 400.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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