
Soldier Boy: Marvel

follow Daniel in his jorney on the MCU world while he becomes the best "hero". ***I DON'T OWN ANY CHARACTERS OR NOTHING JUST OC***

Forseti_0 · TV
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Bright future

Ch. 15 Bright future


Today is my graduation ceremony, I am finally leaving high school to start my life in this new world.

'Second time is the charm, the first time I barely graduated. Now look at me.'

I was on the stage with the teachers and the school faculty. I had twenty years of knowledge before starting, so it was easier to re-learn all of it.

"And now I present to you Daniel Mayer our brightest student and speaker for the class of 1962." The principle announced me.

I get up from my seat with everyone cheering me on, I have to say, it's good to be loved. I wave to everyone and start my speech.

"Hello class of 1962, we did it!" I yelled to the mic. The students cheered, happy to graduate from high school and begin a new chapter in their lives.

"Nevertheless, this is only the first of what I hope to be many steps in our journey, because that is life, a journey of a thousand of miles. I'd like to say a few words to maybe help you in it.

Every journey begins with a single step. If in your journey you get lost, do not stop walking. If in your journey the darkness comes, do not worry for the sun will come. If in your journey you are enjoying the sun, remember the night always comes. If in your journey, you fall, get up and walk again. The journey is hard, and you will get lost sometimes, but remember it is only over when we stop."

I stop to take a breath; it is a bit overwhelming to talk about the future, when your past still haunts you.

"Life will not stop for you. There will be times you just want the world to stop for a minute. I am here to tell you it will not stop, it never does.

If you had a bad day, the world will continue to spin, if you had a good day the sun still goes down. I here to tell you, live your lives the best you can. Because the journey of life is hard, only you can chose the path to where you are going. And when you get there I wish that you look back and think 'I had a good life', I want everyone to remember the good times, and the bad ones too, because who we are, can be seen in all those moments, in the life we lived and in what we left behind."

There was a moment of silence after my words. "Class of 1962 our walk begins now, and I want all of you to remember, your journey stops only when you stop. So let's walk until we get to our destination."



'Daniel knows how to make a speech I will give him that.'

The place was still silent after he finish, I figured he could use some help so I start to applaud.


It does not take long until everyone starts clapping their hands, and cheering.

Daniel was able to spot me in the crow because of that and mouthed a 'thank you'. I just smiled at him and winked.

"I take it you liked the speech?" I hear a woman speak behind me.

"Your son is really something. I bet he got that from you."

I turn around and give Lorraine a hug, after so many years together we grew close. I am looking forward to working with her.

"I didn't know if you would make it, but I'm glad you came." Lorraine tight the hug before letting me go, she has a bright smile. "Come on I'm sure Daniel wants to see you too."

She drags me to see him backstage, he is wearing his graduation clothes. Even with all those, I can see his broad shoulders and strong arms. He is a head taller than I am now.

"Honey that was a great speech." Lorraine practically jumps on Daniel to hug and congratulate him. Not that he seems to mind, he hug her back and lifted her off the floor.

"Thanks mom." Daniel tells her and after some time he lets her go. He finally notices me and gives a smile.

"Thanks for the save Peggy, I am glad you came."

"Did you think I would miss this?" I asked with a coy smile and gave him a hug, he held me in his arms and it felt good, better than I expected. He really grew up to a fine young man.



'Tonight in the night, I'll be 17, when the clock hit midnight I'll have all of Soldier Boy powers.'

I didn't sleep, I was anxious about my powers maturation, I don't want to go meltdown or some shit. I was sitting in my bed meditating and felling my nuclear power. The closer the clock got to midnight the faster my power was growing, in the last hour my power grew what took me years of training.

When it reach midnight my heart started to beat fasters than ever, and my chest started to glow, I had to take contain it fast. My nuclear power was almost getting out of control.

'SHIT, if this goes on I'll end up blasting the block! I have to do something.'

That's when it hit me, if I cannot contain why not control, I started to focus on my heart, with every beat I tried to circulate the energy.

Soon it was not only my chest that was glowing, my heart glowed and so did my blood, and with every heartbeat, you could see my blood in my veins spreading to every muscle in my body.

I am glowing like a Christmas tree, from head to toe, I do not know how long it took, but when I felt the power stop growing and settle, I stopped circulating the nuclear energy. I felt invigorated, I do not know how to describe by it is almost like a power high.

"Holy fucking shit, this is…"

I looked down I just realized I was levitating, good thing too or I would have burned my bed, my flight power feels better now, more natural.

[New synchronization available]

'Now that is a nice surprise. Status.'

[NAME: Daniel Mayer

RACE: Human

Age: 17 Years

Character synchronization:

-Nathan Petrelli (100%) - Empty


- Spriggan Earth Mother

-John Smith

-Jane Smith

-Walter white




- Flight


Now I can have a new character to synchronize, and I have just the one.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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